440 research outputs found
Exploring the role of large-scale immersive computing environments in collaboration between engineering and design students
In order to solve the engineering challenges of today, multidisciplinary collaboration is essential. Unfortunately there are many obstacles to communication between disciplines, such as incongruent vocabularies and mismatched knowledge bases, which can make collaboration difficult. The silos separating disciplines, created through focused educational curriculum, are also a large barrier. During their education, designers and engineers are encouraged to employ specific methods unique to their discipline to share ideas with their peers. In many cases, however, these methods do not translate between disciplines, making it challenging for two groups to exchange ideas and perspectives effectively. There are, however, some tools that have emerged to help bridge the gap between designers and engineers.
Currently, the most pervasive solution to these challenges is Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) software. This software is used by both engineers and designers, allowing both groups to design and evaluate models in a common medium. This makes it decidedly easier for these two groups to collaborate with each other. However, CAD has its own limitations. Navigating in a three-dimensional environment with two dimensional input devices is unnatural and imposes an additional physical and cognitive load on the user. Desktop screens also limit decision-making capabilities due to their small size and the potential to create distorted impressions of size and scale of models larger than the computer screen.
Large-Scale Immersive Computing Environments (LSICEs) improve upon the benefits of CAD software. They provide users with the ability to not only visualize their designs three dimensionally, but also allow for natural interactions with 3D models and the ability to view a design as the designer had intended, in true scale. This can improve the ability of users to collaborate in a number of different ways. The natural interaction interface allows students to focus on sharing ideas with their collaborators. Additionally, the common medium makes it much easier for the two groups to communicate with each other, eliminating one of the main obstacles to interdisciplinary collaboration in education.
This research seeks to gain a better understanding of how design and engineering design students use LSICEs to collaborate with peers, both within and outside of their discipline. Two studies were conducted. In the first study, two different classes of students used a LSICE as a tool during their design process. The first class was a design class that utilized the LSICE as a part of three design projects throughout the semester. The second class was a sophomore engineering design class. These students also used the LSICE as a part of their design process, however these students used the virtual environment over the course of a single semester-long design project. Students were given a short survey at the end of their experiences in the virtual environment. From this study, some interesting results emerged. Both groups of students indicated that the virtual environment was a benefit to their design process, regardless of background or time spent in the space. Statistical analysis of the students\u27 responses revealed no significant differences between the two groups of students.
The final study brought engineering and design students together to complete a design review task within the LSICE. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the role that LSICEs play in facilitating collaboration between engineers and designers. Upon conclusion of the design review, students were given a survey to gather information of their perceptions of the virtual environment in visualizing designs, communicating with their peers and interacting with designs. From this study it became quite clear that students find LSICEs to be effective in facilitating communication between disciplines. Additionally, the majority of students commented on the positive effect that the natural interaction interface had on their ability to evaluate the design.
Throughout each of these studies, common themes emerged between both groups. Student responses show many perceived benefits to LSICEs which have the potential to inspire student-driven interdisciplinary collaboration. Participants found that the environment improved their ability to communicate, whether it be with peers within their disciplines or when working in interdisciplinary groups. Students also found that interacting in the environment in a natural way improved their ability to make judgments about spatial relationships among components.
The results from this research are quite promising. Providing students with collaboration tools that support natural human interaction with CAD models of real size has the potential for greatly improving a student\u27s educational experience. Manipulating full size CAD models encourages students to visualize the size and shape of the final design before it is built. Seeing the designs in full scale allows everyone on the team to experience the design and provide their input into the design discussions. This research continues an effort in academia to leverage cutting edge technology to improve student learning by providing unique opportunities to interact with peers in design teams, promoting graduates who are well equipped to work effectively across disciplines to address the challenges of today
La seguridad como eje rector de la política israelí durante la era Netanyahu : implicancias para el conflicto palestino-israelí (2009- 2021)
La presente tesina tiene como finalidad analizar la primacía de la dimensión de seguridad en
la política del Estado de Israel y su incidencia sobre el desarrollo y la resolución del
conflicto palestino-israelí durante la administración de Benjamín Netanyahu, de 2009 a
2021. A partir de aquello, se dispone de tres objetivos específicos, que se encuentran
íntimamente relacionados entre sí: En primer lugar, se busca identificar los factores que
hacen a la primacía de la dimensión de la seguridad en la política de Israel entendiendo que
los mismos, influyeron tanto en la política de seguridad de Netanyahu como en el
desenvolvimiento del conflicto palestino-israelí. En segundo lugar, se pretende examinar el
desarrollo de la política de seguridad durante los doce años en los cuales Netanyahu se
desempeñó como primer ministro. Por último, y en base a lo anterior, se analizará la
incidencia de la primacía de la dimensión de seguridad sobre el conflicto palestino-israelí en
el periodo de estudio.Fil: Rosenberg, Nicole. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales; Argentina
Fra angstneurose til panikangst – fra psykoanalyse til emotionsregulering
I artiklen gennemgås historiske faser og ideologier i behandling af angsttilstande. Der tages udgangspunkt i oprettelsen af den første neuroseklinik i dansk psykiatri i 1961 og dermed den psykoanalytiske neuroselære. Herefter gennemgås centrale aspekter af indlæringsteoriens forståelse og behandling af angstneurosen, der aldrig slog igennem i Danmark. 1980’erne kaldes en intermediær fase, og dens revolutioner på angstområdet gennemgås med hovedvægt på navneskiftet fra angstneurose til panikangst og den øgede empiriske forskning. Faserne herefter er domineret af to kognitivt adfærdsterapeutiske retninger, der er stærkt nytænkende og principielt evidensbaserede. Disse leder frem til de nyeste faser, henholdsvis emotionsreguleringsforskningen og neurobiologisk funderet forståelse af angsttilstandene. Artiklen slutter i den Klinik for angstlidelser i dagens psykiatri, hvor forfatteren er leder, og udstikker nogle retningslinier for arbejdet her under forudsætning af ønsket om at bevare kliniker forsker-konceptet og levere evidensbaseret behandling
The legal regulation of infant abandonment in South Africa
Abstract: South Africa has seen a surge in infant abandonment over the last decade. News reports indicate that infants are abandoned in places such as open fields, dustbins and pit latrines, which often lead to their deaths. The current South African law criminalises the act of child abandonment but provides no safe alternative for women who are desperate and have no other recourse but to abandon. A number of countries provide a safe alternative to unsafe infant abandonment for mothers who find themselves without any other option. Germany, has three alternatives to unsafe infant abandonment. Firstly, baby safes were Germany’s starting point, a method not legally regulated but which was developed to save the lives of infants. Secondly, Germany attempted to legally regulate a safe method of infant relinquishment by implementing anonymous birth laws and lastly confidential birth laws were established to “perfect” safe infant relinquishment by dealing with the last challenge posed by these systems, which is assuring the child of a future right to knowledge of his or her origins. Further, all fifty states in the US have developed baby safe haven laws in an attempt to curb unsafe infant abandonment and to safeguard the lives of infants. The implementation of a safe method of infant relinquishment comes with its challenges, one such challenge is the rights of fathers. Although fathers’ rights cannot be guaranteed when an infant is anonymously relinquished by the mother, the putative father registry is an existing method employed in the US to provide some form of protection to unmarried fathers. When an infant is relinquished through one of the methods mentioned, except in the instance of confidential birth, identifying information of both mother and father are not provided and this poses a further challenge in guaranteeing the child’s right to knowledge of his or her origins. The infringement of the child’s right to knowledge of his or her origins is weighed against the child’s right to life as the ultimate aim of these safe methods of relinquishment is to preserve the life of the child. Finally, legislation is proposed for the implementation of baby safes or baby safe haven laws.LL.D
Systematisk selektivisme eller kritisk eklekticisme i angstbehandling
It is suggested that systematic selectivism should found the basis of treatment of anxiety-disorder patients. From classical psychiatry, cognitive theory, learning theory together with psychoanalysis relevant techniques can be chosen and combined. Copingtechniques developed within learning and cognitive theories are presented and discussed as well as parts of psychoanalytic theory (the deficit-theory) and psychodynamically oriented supportive therapy (POST).Der argumenteres for systematisk selektivisme som grundlag for behandling af angsttilstande.Den klassiske psykiatri, kognitivteori og indlæringspsykologi samt psykoanalyse er de teorier, det hovedsageligt anbefales at vælge terapeutiske teknikker fra.En række coping-teknikker udviklet indenfor rammerne af indlæringspsykologien og kognitiv teori gennemgås, ligesom psykoanalytisk funderet terapi med udgangspunkt i deficit-teori og psykodynamisk orienteret støttende terapi (POST) omtales
Pheochromocytoma: A Frequent Indicator for MEN 2
Pheochromocytoma is a frequent indicator of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A); in the 35 French MEN 2A families in which a pheochromocytoma occurred first in some affected members, 30% of the patients had a pheochromocytoma as the first manifestation constituting 45% of all patients with pheochromocytomas. The finding of a pheochromocytoma is a strong indication for a search for medullary thyroid carcinoma and for initiating family screening
Determinants of sedentary behavior, motivation, barriers and strategies to reduce sitting time in older women: a qualitative investigation
Abstract: Sedentary behavior defined as time spent non-exercising seated or reclining posture has been identified has a health risk and associated with frailty and disablement for older adults. Older adults are the most sedentary segment of society. To date no study has investigated the determinants of sedentary behavior in older adults. This study reports a qualitative investigation of the determinants of sedentary behavior, strategies and motivator to reduce sitting time by structured interviews in a group of community dwelling older women (N = 11, age 65 and over). Older women expressed the view that their sedentary behavior is mostly determined by pain which acts both as an incentive to sit and a motivator to stand up, lack of energy in the afternoon, pressure from direct social circle to sit and rest, societal and environmental typecasting that older adult are meant to sit, lack of environmental facilities to allow activity pacing. This qualitative investigation highlighted some factors that older adults consider determinants of their sedentary behavior. Some are identical to those affecting physical activity (self-efficacy, functional limitations, ageist stereotyping) but some appear specific to sedentary behavior (locus of control, pain) and should be further investigated and considered during intervention design. Tailore
Tapping into Global Competencies Using Canvas “Outcomes”
Using Canvas Outcomes to Create Competency-Based Rubrics: Many instructors know how to use Canvas rubrics in their courses but did you know that you can link them directly to standards, learning objectives, UULOS, and other accreditation-required competencies across a college for more specific quantitative data? School of Public Health is accredited by CAHME, an accreditation body for Master\u27s of Healthcare (MHA) students. We have taken the competencies required by this accreditation body and reflected them into universal Canvas Outcomes to create competency-based rubrics. This collaborative change with academic and administrative faculty is being piloted in Fall 2019 in MHA Courses with some interesting preliminary outputs, data, and results. Hopefully in continuing these competency-based rubrics through semesters, we will be able to reflect growth for students and ultimately helping to reflect this for our accreditation bodies.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1094/thumbnail.jp
Treatment of Medically Refractory Cancer Pain with a Combination of Intrathecal Neuromodulation and Neurosurgical Ablation: Case Series and Literature Review
Objective Up to 90% of patients with advanced cancer experience intractable pain. For these patients, oral analgesics are the mainstay of therapy, often augmented with intrathecal drug delivery. Neurosurgical ablative procedures have become less commonly used, though their efficacy has been well‐established. Unfortunately, little is known about the safety of ablation in the context of previous neuromodulation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present the results from a case series in which patients were treated successfully with a combination of intrathecal neuromodulation and neurosurgical ablation. Design Retrospective case series and literature review. Setting Three institutions with active cancer pain management programs in the U nited S tates. Methods All patients who underwent both neuroablative and neuromodulatory procedures for cancer pain were surveyed using the visual analog scale prior to the first procedure, before and after a second procedure, and at long‐term follow‐up. Based on initial and subsequent presentation, patients underwent intrathecal morphine pump placement, cordotomy, or midline myelotomy. Results Five patients (2 male, 3 female) with medically intractable pain (initial VAS = 10) were included in the series. Four subjects were initially treated with intrathecal analgesic neuromodulation, and 1 with midline myelotomy. Each patient experienced recurrence of pain ( VAS ≥ 9) following the initial procedure, and was therefore treated with another modality (intrathecal, N = 1; midline myelotomy, N = 1; percutaneous radiofrequency cordotomy, N = 3), with significant long‐term benefit ( VAS 1–7). Conclusion In cancer patients with medically intractable pain, intrathecal neuromodulation and neurosurgical ablation together may allow for more effective control of cancer pain.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108610/1/pme12481.pd
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