14 research outputs found


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    Human resources (HR) in the university environment consisting of lecturers andsupporting staff have a very strategic position, because it has a direct influenceon the learning process, graduate quality and competitive output patterns.The effectiveness of performance in the teaching and learning process and theimprovement of the academic atmosphere are strongly influenced by the qualitystandardization to be achieved as well as the quality assurance process that must be carried out by a university, one of them in the field of human resources(HR). The requirements that must be fulfilled so that the implementation of theHR quality assurance system in a university can be implemented properly is theavailability of an accurate database that can be used in every decision making.For this reason, it is necessary to develop an HR quality assurance informationsystem in a university environment. This HR quality assurance informationsystem can function to make it easier for universities to carry out qualityassurance, so that the quality assurance process can be carried out through stages that are strung together and supported by databases (database), management information systems, and integrated decision support systems . The stages carried out in designing this information system include needs analysis, process model design, software requirements analysis, and design

    Pembinaan dalam Pembuatan Boneka Kain Bagi Masyarakat Cibuntu Tengah Bandung

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    Poverty in a life society which is caused by the structure holds society as a whole to create progress and creates lack of unfulfilled need for a minimum standard of a living. It is in line with the society’s problem in Cibuntu region at the centre of Bandung that majority of people have not any steady jobs and unemployed, children dropping out of school with all the limitations as the craftsmen doll and becoming paid workers predominantly; they worked dependently upon the supplier/ wholesaler which is known as ‘maklun’. Beautiful and cute dolls are quite favored by people in various levels of this modern century. It is very contrast to the place where the craftsmen live, in slum environment and not feasible. It generally carried out in their homes (home industries) and almost (80 %) not comparable with the beautifulness of dolls that they made. The purpose of tutoring and training in creating dolls in this program are: motivating the importance of skill integration, coaching to create learning environment effectively, innovatively, and creatively. The Implementation: hiring trainees; socialization; training activities; motivation program; Monitoring and Supervision; Evaluation formative, Summative and following-up the results of training. Target development outcomes are: (1) Increasing knowledge and skills, applying skills in everyday life; increasing the motivation of local communities in producing of fabricated-dolls. With the level of their knowledge and skill, it is expected to improve the welfare of the craftsmen in the area and happened to a central area of craft dolls that are no longer seedy and could attract consumers and tourists so it would be an appealing commodity and asset especially the central area of doll craftsmen in Bandung

    Manajemen Supervisi Akademik Untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru MTsN

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    Supervisi adalah aktivitas dan kegiatan pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh seorang profesional untuk membantu guru dan tenaga pendidikan lainnya dalam memperbaiki bahan, metode dan evaluasi pengajaran dengan melakukan stimulasi, koordinasi dan bimbingan secara kontinyu agar guru menjadi lebih profesional dalam meningkatkan pencapaian tujuan sekolah. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mendampingi guru-guru MTsN 1 Kota Palangkaraya untuk menigkatkan kompeensi pedagogik. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah (1) Pelatihan dan Simulasi Supervisi akademik yang telah dilakukan telah membantu guru dan tenaga kependidikan mengembangkan kemampuan profesionalnya dalam memahami kehidupan kelas, mengembangkan keterampilan mengajarnya dan menggunakan kemampuannya melalui teknik-teknik tertentu. (2) Pelatihan dan Simulasi Supervisi akademik yang telah dilakukan telah membantu pemahaman bagaimana memonitor kegiatan proses belajar mengajar di madrasah dan (3) Pelatihan dan Simulasi Supervisi akademik yang telah dilakukan telah berhasil mendorong guru dan tenaga kependidikan menerapkan kemampuannya dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas sendiri, serta mendorong guru dan tenaga kependidikan lebih perhatian yang sungguh-sungguh terhadap tugas dan tanggung jawabnya


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang gambaran manajemen sekaligus faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengembangan keprofesian berkelanjutan (PKB) di MTs Al-Anwar Kotawaringin Barat. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, paparan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan PKB meliputi evaluasi untuk mengetahui kemampuan guru, implementasi PKB dengan menindaklanjuti hasil dari evaluasi kemudian diikutsertakan dalam program diklat, workshop, dan melanjutkan studi.Evaluasi PKB dengan menilai dari hasil pelatihan oleh kepala sekolah dan pengawas. Adapun 3 komponen / unsur PKB pengembangan diri dengan mengikuti diklat dan workshop, publikasi ilmiah, karya inovatif dengan pembuatan bahan ajar, silabus dan RPP. Adapun faktor pendukung dan penghambat yakni fasilatas sekolah yang kurang menunjang, faktor penghambat lain yakni guru tidak sadar kompetensi apa yang kurang dari dirinya, dan beberapa guru yang belum fasih dalam penggunaan informasi teknologi dan komputer


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    The background of this study includes the still low role of management information systems in improving the quality of public services and education service policies, especially in Cileunyi District, Bandung Regency. The aim is to find out the inhibiting factors, support in improving the quality of public services, education policy services. Qualitative descriptive research method, aims to provide a general description, an explanation of the variables studied in accordance with the focus of research includes the effectiveness of the role of information systems in managing information, producing information, presenting information and inhibiting factors, supporting in improving the quality of public services, education policy services . Using purposive sampling technique, accidental sampling, data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, research documents. The results of the study concluded that management information systems are very instrumental in managing information, producing information, presenting information. Using computer systems and information technology devices can be managed, sent to those who need them quickly, accurately, facilitating the completion of work tasks. Supporters in improving the quality of services including information and communication technology. This finding has maximally improved service to the public, services in determining policies in Education

    Analisis Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Tinggi Kepamongprajaan Berdasarkan Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) & Strategi Maps (Studi R & D Di Instutut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN) Jatinangor Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    AbstrakSalah satu penyebab kegagalan organisasi pendidikan, sebagai institusi penyedia jasa layananpendidikan (service institution);juga rendahnya mutu pendidikan, disebabkan oleh sasaran danhasilnya bersifat tidak terukur, tidak nyata; juga ketidakmampuan lembaga pendidikan dalammemberdayakan dan mengefektifkan fungsi penyelenggaraan, produktivitas kinerja yangada pada masing-masing institusinya sehingga terdapat kesenjangan dengan standar nasionalpendidikan yang ditetapkan. Untuk meninjau sistem penyelenggaraan pendidikan; produktivitaskinerja; visi misi lembaga bermutu; dibutuhkan suatu stategi yang mampu mengomunikasianberbagai kepentingan memberikan penjaminan mutu/kualitas secara komprehensif danberimbang. Inti masalah (core of problem) khususnya pada pendidikan tinggi kepamongprajaanInstitut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN) dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis penyelenggaraanpendidikan kepamongprajaan dan evaluasi akuntabilitas kinerjanya saat ini bersifat statis.Tulisan ini disusun atas dasar Metode Balanced Scorecard (BSC) dan Strategi Maps (Kaplandan Northon). Penelitian ini mencoba menguraikan rancangan penyelenggaraan pendidikantinggi kepamongprajaan berdasarkan penyesuaian pendidikan; produktivitas kinerja; mutulayanan Jarlatsuh,visi, misi, dan strategi. Metode ini dapat digunakan sebagai sistem kinerjayang objektif; pengendalian secara cepat, tepat, komprehensif mengarahkan performanceorganisasi. BSC sebagai sebuah sistem manageman tersusun atas empat persfektif berbeda(fi nancial, customer, process business internal, learning and growth), ingin mewujudkanefektivitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan produktivitas kinerja yang terukur secara reliabel.Sasaran penelitiannya difokuskan untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam:(1) meningkatkan mutupendidikan; (2) meningkatkan mutu layanan kinerja; (3) merumuskan dan menerjemahkan visi,msi dan strategi lembaga pendidikan: (4) membuat rancangan sebab akibat/menentukan salahsatu draft manajemen pendidikan. Metode penelitian menggunakan Triangulasi Mixed Methoddesign model transformasi data menghasilkan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif, diinterpretasikanmenjadi kualitatif, masing-masing devendent Variable; indevendent Variable; aplikasi statistika;teknik regresi Analysis, path analysis, dengan bantuan program SPSSversi 14,01forWindows2007. Adapun temuan penelitian adalah ada perbedaan signifi kan antara empat perspektif BSCdalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di IPDN; juga ada pengaruh yang besar antara komponenpenyelenggaraan pendidikan (dalam Konsep BSC) terhadap produktivitas kinerja di IPDN.Hasilnya menunjukkan ada beberapa aspek yang Servis Error Rate (tidak memenuhi targetpencapaian tingkat kepuasan pelanggan) hal ini berarti belum seimbang, Agar memenuhikeseimbangan dan keselarasan dengan tujuan penelitian, maka dilakukan perumusan danmenerjemahkan visi, misi lembaga dan keseluruhan hasil yang telah diprogramkan ke dalamstrategi Maps yang selanjutnya diinterpretasikan ke dalam strategi BSC sehingga dapat dibuatrancangan sebab akibat dan matriks Omax yang merupakan startegi baru. Implikasinya masihsejalan dengan perspektif analisis BSC untuk IPDN dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan danmutu layanan kinerja, walaupun belum sepenuhnya sejalan dengan analisis standar pendidikanNasional. Rekomendasi bagi IPDN bahwa hasil penyusunan Balanced Scorecard berupa ukuranstrategic tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar restra atau alternatif model pengukuran Lakipatau sebagai draft manajemen pendidikan kompreheshif, koheren, terukur, dan berimbang,terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi kepamongprajaan agar berdaya guna, memilikimentaltas dan karakter praja yang terintegrasi secara hakiki dan kaffah. Hal ini sejalan denganlima nilai dasar yang menjadi acuan tindakan, pikiran, dan perilaku organisasi, yaitu:(a) nilaiteologis (ilahiyah); (b) nilai guna/teleologis; (c) nilai logis (scientifi c);(d) nilai etik;(e) nilaiestetika; (f) nilai fi siologis dan ethic “body of principle”, yang mengarahkan manusia (individudan organisasi) untuk melakukan sesuatu yang benar, sesuai dengan nilai norma dan menjadikansebagai driving force bagi perguruan tinggi dalam mewujudkan visi, misi, tujuan, dan strategipendidikan tinggi masing-masing (Sanusi A). Bagi peneliti, selanjutnya perlunya tinjauan BSCsecara menyeluruh di berbagai devisi bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci: pemerintahan, pendidikan, evaluasi, nilai, dan IPD


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    ABSTRACT Problems related to public services include uncertainty over time, costs and ways of providing services to the community making poor service quality. The role of the Camat in the region is very important in terms of public services. The research focus is the Rancasari Riung sub-district of Bandung which requires synergy, measurable steps, coordinated to follow up on programmed problems that have not been effective. It is necessary to improve the ability of the government to be competent in providing services to the community and accepted in the industry, it requires the development of public policy bureaucracy and performance technology capacity. This study aims to improve the performance of government officials, especially the role of the Camat, to influence bureaucratic policy in the perspective of public policy, improve the ability of public service apparatus performance, create quality government, be able to play a role in the disruption and industrial revolution 4.0. Qualitative descriptive research method. Research results The role of Camat in the sub-district that was used as the focus of research in several aspects studied had not all had very good categories, especially related to quality and quality public services. Keywords: critical policy analysis, bureaucratic development, industrial revolution 4.

    The Title Should Be Concise, Informative And Clear, Allowed To Include A Subtitle Academic Supervision Management Of School Principles To Improve Professional Competence Aliyah Madrasah Teacher In Bandung Regency (Case Study On Ma Ar-Rosyidiyah And Ma Al-

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    The general objective of this study is to identify and describe the academic supervision of the principal to improve the professional competence of Madrasah aliyah teachers in Bandung Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Collecting data using interviews, study documentation and observation. The results showed that the planning was prepared referring to the identification of problems faced by teachers based on the results of the previous year's supervision such as assessment, coaching, assisting teacher difficulties, and SWOT analysis, then poured into the Academic Supervision Plan (RKA) program according to the needs of the teacher; Organizing is regulated and allocated among stakeholders so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively, as well as the principal's work program plan through the RKA and RKM in the annual program. Academic supervision by the principal is carried out in three stages, namely: an initial survey before conducting academic supervision, class visits, reviews and solutions. Evaluation, including job descriptions and documentary evidence. Evaluation is carried out at the end of each semester. In improving the competence of teachers, principals also found several obstacles in the field, an effort to solve the inhibiting factors is to organize training based on the needs of the teachers. Guidance through teacher training to improve the competence of principal teachers also found several obstacles in the field, the solution effort was to organize training based on the needs of teachers


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    <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The general objective is to describe and analyze Link and Match Management at Center of Excellence (CoE) Vocational Schools in Increasing Graduate Competency at Vocational High Schools. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Theoretical basis, Management Theory from G. R Terry and Link and match theory from Putranto. The results of the planning research revealed that the Link and Match Management of Vocational High Schools Centers of Excellence in Competency Improvement of Vocational High School Graduates implemented by these two Vocational Schools made it more directional for teachers to carry out their planning in a directed, service-oriented manner unlike before, when students were going to do a comparative study they only Pay attention to the instructions from the filler material. The organization of these two Vocational Schools is in accordance with the curriculum for industrial needs. However, excellent service/character has not been optimally implemented at this Vocational High School, so that students carrying out the trip still follow conventional rules. Implementation, implementation of Link and Match Management in Vocational High Schools Centers of Excellence in Competency Improvement for Vocational High School Graduates after being assigned to these two Vocational Schools, the attitude of students shows their discipline to apply parts of the Center of Excellence series in Competency Improvement for Vocational High School Graduates in education that has been conveyed through the subjects given by the teacher excellent service, so that changes in students are significant. Evaluation in particular students only get a warning for disciplinary action. Deficiencies and negative events during activities in the field are discussed between fellow teachers or with managerial parties. In general, based on the results of the research, it can generally be concluded to describe and analyze the Link and Match Management of Vocational High Schools Centers of Excellence in Competency Improvement of Vocational High School Graduates in Subang Regency.</p&gt


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    <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This study aims to describe the typology and management of pesantren education for improving the youth development index in the West Bandung Regency. The method used in this research is a phenomenological study, in which researchers describe or give meaning systematically, factually, and accurately related to data from the phenomena that occur. This research found the following conclusions: (1) general: four pesantren in KBB with the typology and management model of Salafiyah Pesantren and Other Forms of Pesantren that play an active role in improving the five domains of KBB IPP through education, da'wah, and community empowerment in a good and balanced manner according to their respective specialties; (2) specifically:(a) The typology of four pesantrens is Pesantren Al Ijazie with Special Salafiyah typology, Pesantren Sukamanah with Mixed Salafiyah typology, Pesantren P3SB with Other Forms of Classical Book typology, and Pesantren Arafah with Other Forms of Non-classical Book typology; (b) The management of four pesantrens is in accordance with their distinctive typology; (c) The IPP of four pesantrens is good in accordance with their distinctiveness; and (d) The role of four pesantrens is active and sustainable in increasing IPP in KBB through education, da'wah, and community empowerment in accordance with their distinctiveness.</p&gt