Pembinaan dalam Pembuatan Boneka Kain Bagi Masyarakat Cibuntu Tengah Bandung


Poverty in a life society which is caused by the structure holds society as a whole to create progress and creates lack of unfulfilled need for a minimum standard of a living. It is in line with the society’s problem in Cibuntu region at the centre of Bandung that majority of people have not any steady jobs and unemployed, children dropping out of school with all the limitations as the craftsmen doll and becoming paid workers predominantly; they worked dependently upon the supplier/ wholesaler which is known as ‘maklun’. Beautiful and cute dolls are quite favored by people in various levels of this modern century. It is very contrast to the place where the craftsmen live, in slum environment and not feasible. It generally carried out in their homes (home industries) and almost (80 %) not comparable with the beautifulness of dolls that they made. The purpose of tutoring and training in creating dolls in this program are: motivating the importance of skill integration, coaching to create learning environment effectively, innovatively, and creatively. The Implementation: hiring trainees; socialization; training activities; motivation program; Monitoring and Supervision; Evaluation formative, Summative and following-up the results of training. Target development outcomes are: (1) Increasing knowledge and skills, applying skills in everyday life; increasing the motivation of local communities in producing of fabricated-dolls. With the level of their knowledge and skill, it is expected to improve the welfare of the craftsmen in the area and happened to a central area of craft dolls that are no longer seedy and could attract consumers and tourists so it would be an appealing commodity and asset especially the central area of doll craftsmen in Bandung

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