189 research outputs found


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    Human health and environmental sustainability are interlinked through diet since food inges- tion is one of the main routes of exposure to several contaminants in humans. In this sense, the transformation of healthy diets from sustainable food systems is crucial to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations, namely goals 2 and 3, related to food security and ensuring healthy lives, respectively. The present thesis aimed at i) char- acterising the presence of chemical contaminants in essential food items of the Portuguese diet; ii) evaluating the geographical influence and the importance of diffuse sources on trace ele- ments levels in food; iii) assessing the potential risk of halogens, metals and metalloids to hu- mans through food, and iv) estimating the bioaccessibility of food contaminants and their po- tential toxicity in intestinal cells. The results revealed that regarding the consumption of rele- vant food groups in the Portuguese population, the seafood group presented the highest As, Br, Cd and Pb levels compared to other analysed food groups, with an increased relative risk for total As and a clear progression of Cd relative risk with increasing consumption frequency of seafood. The results also demonstrated that the trace elements in areas affected by wildfires identified a hazard, especially for As, and other trace elements such as Cd, Br, Cr and Sr. More- over, the bioaccessible fractions of As obtained after in vitro digestion of seafood were higher than the EC50 obtained for human intestine cells. This thesis contributed to increasing the knowledge about chemical contamination in food and their risk to the human population, as well as to the importance of using different approaches, including TDS methodology, risk as- sessment strategies, and in vitro assays, as essential tools for developing new monitoring meth- odologies in sustainable food systems and SDGs achievement.A saúde humana e a sustentabilidade ambiental estão interligadas através da dieta, sendo a ingestão uma das principais vias de exposição a contaminantes nos seres humanos. Neste sen- tido, a transformação de dietas saudáveis a partir de sistemas alimentares sustentáveis é cru- cial para alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável definidos pelas Nações Uni- das, nomeadamente os objetivos 2 e 3, relacionados com a segurança alimentar e a garantia de vidas saudáveis, respetivamente. A presente tese visa i) caracterizar a presença de contami- nantes químicos em alimentos essenciais da dieta portuguesa; ii) avaliar a influência geográ- fica e a importância de fontes difusas nos níveis de elementos vestigiais nos alimentos; iii) avaliar o potencial risco de halogéneos, metais e metalóides nos seres humanos através de alimentos, iv) estimar a bioacessibilidade de contaminantes alimentares e a sua potencial toxi- cidade em células intestinais. Os resultados revelaram que em relação ao consumo de grupos alimentares relevantes na população portuguesa, o grupo de produtos do mar apresentou os níveis mais elevados de As, Br, Cd e Pb comparativamente aos outros grupos analisados, um aumento do risco relativo de As total e uma progressão do risco relativo de Cd aumentando com a frequência de consumo de produtos do mar. Os resultados também demonstraram que os elementos vestigiais nas áreas afetadas pelos incêndios identificaram um risco, especial- mente para As, Cd, Br, Cr e Sr. Evidenciaram que as frações bioaccessíveis de As após digestão in vitro dos produtos do mar foram superiores ao EC50 obtido nas células intestinais humanas. Esta tese contribuiu para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a contaminação química nos alimen- tos e o seu risco para a população humana, bem como para a importância de utilizar diferentes abordagens, incluindo a metodologia TDS, estratégias de avaliação de risco, e ensaios in vitro, para o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias de monitorização em sistemas alimentares sustentáveis e o alcance de ODS

    The role of Ras superfamily GTPases and their regulators in cellular transformation and in the development of the cerebral neocortex

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    This habilitation thesis addresses the functions of different members of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases and their regulators. Particular attention is paid to the signaling functions of TC21, a Ras subfamily member, during cellular transformation and to the roles of a specific regulator of Rho family GTPases, NOMA-GAP/ARHGAP33, during the formation of the mammalian neocortex

    Understanding the Visual Communication of Science and Technology in Translation: Initial Results of an E-survey

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    Visuals hold a prominent position in the communication of science and technology (S&T), helping scientists and engineers conceptualize ideas, understand the ideas of others, and present them publicly. But creating and understanding visuals depends on learned cultural experiences. Also, visuals are “constructed” objects shaped by processes of selection, idealized visions of representation, truth and objectivity, ethical values, power and gender, technology, among other factors. This constructedness questions the ability of S&T visuals to transcend language, disciplinary, professional, national, and other differences. We address this issue in the VISTAC – Science and Technology Visuals in Translation, or “VISTAC in Translation”, study and the Visualizing Science and Technology across Cultures (VISTAC) pilot study that led to it. The pilot study results showed that people visually portray S&T concepts differently for audiences from different cultures and nationalities. This brings up the question of what happens to visuals when S&T documentation is translated. The VISTAC in Translation study, a two-stage e-survey-based study, was developed to answer this question. Specifically, it seeks to understand how translators, translation companies, and publishers perceive the importance of translating visuals in S&T documentation, as well as the procedures they follow when preparing S&T documents for translation. This article describes the research methodology of the first-stage e-survey and the esurvey itself: the data collection method, e-survey questions, and dissemination strategies. It also presents and discusses a partial set of results, and succinctly relates these findings to the forthcoming second-stage e-survey.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The neurite outgrowth multiadaptor RhoGAP, NOMA-GAP, regulates neurite extension through SHP2 and Cdc42

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    Neuronal differentiation involves the formation and extension of neuronal processes. We have identified a novel regulator of neurite formation and extension, the neurite outgrowth multiadaptor, NOMA-GAP, which belongs to a new family of multiadaptor proteins with RhoGAP activity. We show that NOMA-GAP is essential for NGF-stimulated neuronal differentiation and for the regulation of the ERK5 MAP kinase and the Cdc42 signaling pathways downstream of NGF. NOMA-GAP binds directly to the NGF receptor, TrkA, and becomes tyrosine phosphorylated upon receptor activation, thus enabling recruitment and activation of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. Recruitment of SHP2 is required for the stimulation of neuronal process extension and for sustained activation of ERK5 downstream of NOMA-GAP. In addition, we show that NOMA-GAP promotes neurite outgrowth by tempering activation of the Cdc42/PAK signaling pathway in response to NGF. NOMA-GAP, through its dual function as a multiadaptor and RhoGAP protein, thus plays an essential role downstream of NGF in promoting neurite outgrowth and extension

    A dimensão gráfica e ilustrativa no género documentário

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaO presente trabalho de investigação pretende estudar, analisar e tentar compreender o processo criação de um conjunto de elementos gráficos, a utilizar numa peça audiovisual do género documentário. Os elementos gráficos são criados e integrados com base na mensagem que se pretende transmitir, de modo a facilitar a compreensão por parte do espectador. Neste estudo reflecte-se sobre as características conferidas à mensagem por meio de conteúdos audiovisuais, sobre o processo inerente à comunicação gráfica no contexto Audiovisual e na dinâmica estabelecida entre o design gráfico, conteúdos audiovisuais e comunicação. Recorrendo a uma análise documental extensa e aprofundada, assim como ao desenvolvimento de um trabalho prático traduzido num documentário, foi possível construir um quadro teórico amplamente utilizado no documentário que serviu de mesa de ensaio para a tradução da teoria em prática. ABSTRACT: This research aims to study, analyze and attempts to understand the process of creating a set of graphic elements to be integrated in an audiovisual piece of a documentary genre. The graphic elements are created focusing on the message and its communication in a comprehensible by the audience. The study concerns about the characteristics conferred to the message by means of audiovisual contents, the inherent process of graphic communication in audiovisual context and the dynamic relation between graphic design, audiovisual contents and communication. Using an extensive and profound document analysis, as well as the development of a practical work in the form of a documentary film made possible to build a theoretical table to be used in the documentary itself, unifying theory and practice

    caracterĂ­sticas clĂ­nicas e revisĂŁo da literatura

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    Introdução: A Hipomineralização incisivo-molar (HIM) é uma patologia de origem sistémica caracterizada pela redução da mineralização de um a quatro primeiros molares permanentes, podendo também afetar os incisivos permanentes. Objetivo: A presente revisão da literatura tem como objetivo sistematizar o conhecimento existente sobre HIM, assumindo como foco de discussão central, a caracterização do quadro clínico e o padrão de distribuição das lesões observadas nas crianças com HIM. Metodologia: Realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados MEDLINE, PubMed, B-on, ScienceDirect, Elsevier e Google Académico, com as palavras-chave “molar incisor hypomineralization”, ”prevalence”, “amelogenesis”, “ etiology”, “clinical features”, “diagnosis”, “differential diagnosis” e “treatment” conjugadas com os conectores boleanos “AND” e “OR”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos em inglês, espanhol e português, com data de publicação nos últimos 20 anos. Foram considerados relevantes 68 artigos. Na observação, foram observadas 18 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 14 anos de um total de 238 crianças rastreadas nas escolas. Como critérios de inclusão, foram incluídas crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 16 anos, que apresentavam pelo menos um dos primeiros molares permanentes com HIM. Nos critérios de exclusão, foram consideradas não elegíveis, crianças com opacidades 2mm, FPE, sensibilidade dentária, restaurações atípicas, carie dentária e extrações devido a HIM. Resultados: Das 18 crianças observadas 7.6% tinham HIM. Dos 216 dentes observados, 25.9% tinham HIM ligeira, 17.1 % tinham HIM severa, 43.1% tinham opacidades >2mm, 6.9% tinham FPE, 15.7% tinham sensibilidade dentária, 8.3% tinham restaurações atípicas, 7.9% tinham carie dentária e 0.9% foram extraídos devido a HIM. Conclusão: A HIM é um defeito qualitativo do esmalte de etiologia desconhecida. A sua prevalência diverge de acordo com os critérios de diagnóstico e metodologia utilizada, pelo que são necessários mais estudos.Introduction: Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a pathology of systemic origin characterized by the reduction of mineralization from one to four first permanent molars, which often also affects permanent incisors. Objective: This literature review aims to systematize the existing knowledge about HIM, taking as a central discussion the characterization of the clinical picture and the pattern of distribution of lesions observed in children with MIH. Methodology: A bibliographic search was carried out in the Medline, PubMed, B-on, ScienceDirect, Elsevier and Academic Google databases, with the keywords “molar incisor hypomineralization”, ”prevalence”, “amelogenesis”, “etiology”, “clinical features”, “diagnosis”, “differential diagnosis” and “treatment” combined with the “AND” and “OR” boolean connectors. The inclusion criteria were: articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese, published in the last 20 years. 68 articles were considered relevant. In observation, 18 children aged between 8 and 14 were observed out of a total of 238 children screened in schools. As inclusion criteria, children aged between 7 and 16 years, who had at least one of the first permanent molars with MIH, were included. The exclusion criteria, children with opacities 2mm, FPE, tooth sensitivity, atypical restorations, tooth decay and extractions due to MIH were recorded. Results: Of the 18 children observed, 7.6% had MIH. Of the 216 teeth observed, 25.9% had mild MIH, 17.1% had severe MIH, 43.1% had opacities >2mm, 6.9% had FPE, 15.7% had tooth sensitivity, 8.3% had atypical restorations, 7.9% had dental caries and 0.9% were extracted due to MIH. Conclusion: MIH is a qualitative enamel defect of unknown etiology. Its prevalence differs according to the diagnostic criteria and methodology used, so further studies are needed

    Contribution of sociodemographic, clinical, and psychological variables to quality of life in women with cervical cancer in the follow-up phase

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    This study evaluates the contribution of sociodemographic, clinical, and psychological variables to quality of life (QoL) of women with cervical cancer in the follow-up phase. This cross-sectional study, conducted at the Portuguese Oncology Institute of Lisbon, included 200 women with cervical cancer during follow-up. Patients were assessed on QoL (EORTC QLQ-C30), body image and specific symptoms (EORTC QLQ-CX24), psychological morbidity (HADS), social support (SSSS), emotional expression (CECS), and spirituality (SpREUK). Education and social support contributed positively to QoL, whereas body image and symptoms contributed negatively. Body image played a moderating role in the relationship between depression and QoL, but not between anxiety and QoL. Spirituality and emotional expression did not moderate the relationship between anxiety/depression and QoL. Health professionals should reference and monitor women with cervical cancer, providing support at the diagnosis and follow-up phase since physical and psychological symptoms, resulting from the disease, remain after the end of treatment and contribute negatively to their QoL. Interventions should focus on these particular outcomes to promote patients' QoL.(undefined

    Effect of batch and fed-batch growth modes on biofilm formation by Listeria monocytogenes at different temperatures

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    The influence of Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) biofilm formation feeding conditions (batch and fed-batch) at different temperatures on biofilm biomass and activity was determined. Biofilm biomass and cellular metabolic activity were assessed by Crystal Violet (CV) staining and 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide inner salt (XTT) colorimetric method, respectively. Live/Dead staining was also performed in order to get microscopic visualization of the different biofilms. Results revealed that at refrigeration temperature (4°C) a higher amount of biofilm was produced when batch conditions were applied, while at higher temperatures the fed-batch feeding condition was the most effective on biofilm formation. Moreover, independently of the temperature used, biofilms formed under fed-batch conditions were metabolically more active than those formed in batch mode. In conclusion, this work shows that different growth modes significantly influence L. monocytogenes biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces as well as the metabolic activity of cells within biofilms.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPCDT/AGR/59358/2004, SFRH/ BD/28887/2006, SFRH/BPD/26803/200

    The neuronal scaffold protein Shank3 mediates signaling and biological function of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret in epithelial cells

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    Shank proteins, initially also described as ProSAP proteins, are scaffolding adaptors that have been previously shown to integrate neurotransmitter receptors into the cortical cytoskeleton at postsynaptic densities. We show here that Shank proteins are also crucial in receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. The PDZ domain–containing Shank3 protein was found to represent a novel interaction partner of the receptor tyrosine kinase Ret, which binds specifically to a PDZ-binding motif present in the Ret9 but not in the Ret51 isoform. Furthermore, we show that Ret9 but not Ret51 induces epithelial cells to form branched tubular structures in three-dimensional cultures in a Shank3-dependent manner. Ret9 but not Ret51 has been previously shown to be required for kidney development. Shank3 protein mediates sustained Erk–MAPK and PI3K signaling, which is crucial for tubule formation, through recruitment of the adaptor protein Grb2. These results demonstrate that the Shank3 adaptor protein can mediate cellular signaling, and provide a molecular mechanism for the biological divergence between the Ret9 and Ret51 isoform

    Evidence of olive mild mosaic virus transmission by Olpidium brassicae

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    Transmission of three strains of OMMV by an Olpidium sp. was evaluated and compared. The three strains were 1) an OMMV wild type (WT) recovered from olive trees, 2) an OMMV variant (L11) obtained after 15 serial passages of single local lesions induced in Chenopodium murale plants, and 3) a construct OMMV/OMMVL11 in which the coat protein (CP) gene replaced that of the wild type. A single-sporangial culture derived from Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) used as a bait plant grown in soil of an olive orchard, was identified as Olpidium brassicae based on the size and sequence of the generated amplicon in PCR specific tests. Each of the three virus strains was soil transmitted to cabbage roots in the absence of the fungus at similar rates of 30 to 40%. Separate plant inoculation by O. brassicae zoospores incubated with each viral strain resulted in enhanced transmission of OMMV, reaching 86% of infection whereas that of the other two strains remained practically unaffected at ca. 34%. Binding assays showed that the amount of virus bound to zoospores, estimated spectrophotometrically, was 7% in the case of OMMV, and practically nil in the case of the other two viral strains. Substitution of the coat protein (CP) gene of OMMV by that of the OMMV L11 strain, drastically reduced viral transmissibility in the presence of zoospores to the level of that observed in their absence. Our data shows that OMMV soil transmission is greatly enhanced by O. brassicae zoospores and that the viral CP plays a significant role in this process, most likely by facilitating virus binding and later entrance into the host plant roots
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