2,955 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Student Perceived Self-Efficacy With the Implementation of a Problem-Based Learning Module

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    To facilitate the graduation of competent registered nurses, healthcare educators must create learning environments that foster content expertise, problem solving, collaboration, and refined learning skills. Although countless teaching strategies are in existence today, problem-based learning (PBL) has revealed noteworthy potential in healthcare education. In PBL, complex, reality-based problems are used as motivation for students to identify salient concepts, gather data, and ultimately work through posed problems. Considerable evidence supports the use of PBL as a method to promote learning, though examining knowledge alone cannot always assess actual behavioral performance. To ascertain the likelihood learned concepts would be utilized in practice, we can evaluate perceived self- efficacy. According to Bandura, self-efficacy is the degree to which an individual believes that a behavior can be successfully performed to produce a desired outcome. Information learned provides a foundation for performance to transpire, but in the absence of self-efficacy performance may not even be attempted. This study examined the relationship between PBL and perceived self-efficacy. Using a quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control group design, self-efficacy was measured using Schwarzer and Jerusalem\u27s General Self-Efficacy Scale. The study found that the perceived self-efficacy of undergraduate nursing students who participated in a PBL skills laboratory module were significantly higher than their counterparts who studied the same topic in a class not employing PBL

    Implementación precaria de políticas de acceso a la información pública : niveles de transparencia en las páginas web institucionales y en los portales de transparencia estándar (PTE) de las municipalidades provinciales del Perú en el 2018

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    Diversos estudios realizados por investigadores y organismos internacionales señalan la eficacia y eficiencia del gobierno central en el Perú en la implementación de leyes de acceso a la información pública (Global Right to Information Rate, 2018) y en el desarrollo sistemas de divulgación de información financiera y presupuestal para todos los niveles de gobierno (ONU, 2018). Sin embargo, casi no existen aproximaciones cuantitativas a los fenómenos de divulgación de información pública en el nivel subnacional. En el presente estudio, se plantea analizar la transparencia en las plataformas electrónicas como los efectos de acciones políticas y administrativas que se ven reflejados en dos componentes: i) la publicación oportuna de información en distintos rubros solicitados por ley (oportunidad) y ii) la inclusión de elementos para la fácil identificación de la misma. Para ello, se realiza el recojo de evidencia a través del análisis de contenido de las plataformas de reporte de información consagradas en la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública (27806). A partir de la información recolectada, se procede a realizar la construcción de indicadores para describir los niveles de transparencia en las municipalidades, y se utilizan modelos lineales para contrastar las hipótesis planteadas en torno a sus posibles condicionantes. Se determina que, pese a que la gran mayoría de municipalidades cuenta con portal web y buena parte de estas incluyen criterios mínimos de navegabilidad, casi todas son muy poco o nada oportunas en la publicación de información sobre personal, gastos comunes, servicios y visitas a funcionarios. Asimismo, se afirma que la implementación de las plataformas electrónicas de transparencia se encuentra condicionada por el compromiso organizacional, el performance económico, la disponibilidad de recursos básicos, el grado de fragmentación política, el tipo de organización política de la autoridad electa, y por el número de denuncias por delitos contra la administración pública.Tesi

    Advances in robotic lung transplantation: development and validation of a new surgical technique in animal models

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    Lung transplantation; Minimally invasive; Robotic surgeryTrasplantament de pulmó; Mínimament invasiu; Cirurgia robòticaTrasplante de pulmón; Mínimamente invasiva; Cirugía robóticaThe objective of this study was to describe a novel minimally invasive robotic video-assisted approach for lung transplantation, utilizing a minimally invasive technique with a subxiphoid incision, in an animal experimentation model. Two left robotic-assisted single lung transplants were performed in sheep using a robotic surgical system. A subxiphoid incision was made, and robotic ports were inserted into the thoracic cavity for dissection and anastomoses of the bronchus, artery, and pulmonary veins. The integrity of anastomoses was evaluated, and procedural details were recorded. Both animals survived the procedure, with a mean duration of 255 min and a mean console time of 201 min. Anastomoses were performed without complications, and the closed-chest approach with a subxiphoid incision proved successful in preventing gas leakage. The novel approach demonstrated improved exposure and workflow compared to existing techniques. The minimally invasive robotic video-assisted approach for lung transplantation utilizing a closed-chest technique with a subxiphoid incision appears safe and feasible in an animal experimentation model. Further studies in the clinical setting are warranted to establish its feasibility and safety in human lung transplantation. This approach has the potential to offer benefits over the traditional Clamshell incision in lung transplantation procedures


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    In the title compound, C21H26N2O3, the morpholine ring has a chair conformation and the dihedral angle between the two phenyl rings is 59.0 (3)°. The crystal packing is stabilized by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, generating a ribbon structure along the a axis. An intra­molecular N—H⋯O contact is also present

    Implication of FORCEnet on coalition forces

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    The coalition navies of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States (AUSCANNZUKUS) are in a period of transformation. They are stepping out of the Industrial Age of warfare and into the Informational Age of warfare. Network Centric Warfare (NCW) is the emerging theory to accomplish this undertaking. NCW describes "the combination of strategies, emerging tactics, techniques, and procedures, and organizations that a fully or even partially networked force can employ to create a decisive war fighting advantage." 1 This theory is turned into a concept through Network Centric Operations (NCO) and implemented through the FORCEnet operational construct and architectural framework. The coalition navies are moving in a direction to develop and leverage information more effectively and efficiently. This will lead to an informational advantage that can be used as a combat multiplier to shape and control the environment, so as to dissuade, deter, and decisively defeat any enemy. This analysis was comprised of defining three TTCP AG-6 provided vignettes into ARENA model that captured Coalition ESG configurations at various FORCEnet levels. The results of the analysis demonstrated that enhanced FORCEnet capabilities such as FORCEnet Levels 2 and 4 would satisfy the capability gap for a needed network-centric ESG force that can effectively counter insurgency operations in Maritime warfare. Furthermore, the participating allied navies in the Coalition ESG should pursue acquisition strategies to upgrade their ship platforms in accordance with our recommendation which indicates that FORCEnet Level 2 is the best value.http://archive.org/details/implicationoffor109456926N

    Evaluación del modelo educativo constructivista de orientación educativa e intervención psicopedagógica desde el enfoque socioformativo

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    El propósito de esta investigación es identificar y valorar el modelo de intervención que aplican equipos psicopedagógicos concretos en algunos centros de educación básica pública. Metodológicamente, se realizó un estudio descriptivo valorativo mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios con preguntas cerradas a los miembros de dichos equipos psicopedagógicos. Los resultados más importantes fueron que un alto porcentaje de profesionales aplica el denominado enfoque clínico, modelo criticado por toda la literatura científica a causa del bajo impacto que ha ejercido y de los malos resultados que ha obtenido. Por ello, se concluye proponiendo actualizar la normativa y la formación de estos docentes, a fin de encaminarles hacia una práctica psicopedagógica dirigida por el modelo educativo constructivista a través de un enfoque socioformativo por competencias.El propòsit d'aquesta investigació és identificar i valorar el model d'intervenció que apliquen uns equips psicopedagògics en alguns centres d'educació bàsica pública. Metodològicament, es va realitzar un estudi descriptiu valoratiu mitjançant l'aplicació de qüestionaris amb preguntes tancades als membres d'aquests equips psicopedagògics. Els resultats més importants van ser que un alt percentatge de professionals aplica el denominat enfocament clínic, model criticat per tota la literatura científica a causa del baix impacte que exerceix i dels mals resultats que obté. Per això es conclou proposant actualitzar la normativa i la formació d'aquests docents, a fi d'encaminar-los cap a una pràctica psicopedagògica dirigida pel model educatiu constructivista a través d'un enfocament socioformatiu per competències.This study aims to identify and assess a socioformative-based intervention model applied by psychopedagogical teams at public, basic education schools. An evaluative, descriptive study was carried out using a survey of closed-ended questions administered to a group of professionals who work in the field of inclusion. The results showed that a large percentage of professionals are applying the clinical approach; a model that has been criticized in the scientific literature due to its low impact, poor performance and scarce relevance in today's knowledge society. We conclude that the regulations concerning psychopedagogical practice and the training of these professionals should be revised and updated within the framework of the socioformative approach

    Mental health data available in representative surveys conducted in Latin America and the Caribbean countries: a scoping review

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    Background: Mental health data from Latin America and the Caribbean countries (LACC) national and international surveys are essential for public health surveillance. This review aimed to identify and describe available mental health survey data in LACC, providing access details for researchers. // Methods: Our study was a scoping review. The search for available mental health survey data was conducted in PubMed and through grey literature searches, and the search dates were between 26 August 2021 and 15 October 2021. Included survey data were/had (1) nationally representative, (2) the latest version available from 2012 onward, (3) collected in at least one LACC and (4) at least one mental health variable or related factor. We accepted all written languages, including Spanish and English. // Results: A total of 56 national and 13 international surveys were included, with data available on 95 mental health variables classified into 10 categories. Most national surveys were performed in upper-middle-income countries. Variables categorised as ‘Substance use’ and ‘Violence’ were the most frequent. Mexico and Colombia had the highest production in both the national and international surveys. The main target population was the adult population. However, there are several mental health topics and LACC yet unsurveyed. // Conclusion: We identified a total of 69 representative surveys from LACCs since 2012. We categorised the available data on mental health variables into 10 categories, and provided technical details to facilitate the future selection and use of these surveys

    Human Uterine Wall Tension Trajectories and the Onset of Parturition

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    Uterine wall tension is thought to be an important determinant of the onset of labor in pregnant women. We characterize human uterine wall tension using ultrasound from the second trimester of pregnancy until parturition and compare preterm, term and twin pregnancies. A total of 320 pregnant women were followed from first antenatal visit to delivery during the period 2000–2004 at the John Hunter Hospital, NSW, Australia. The uterine wall thickness, length, anterior-posterior diameter and transverse diameter were determined by serial ultrasounds. Subjects were divided into three groups: women with singleton pregnancies and spontaneous labor onset, either preterm or term and women with twin pregnancies. Intrauterine pressure results from the literature were combined with our data to form trajectories for uterine wall thickness, volume and tension for each woman using the prolate ellipsoid method and the groups were compared at 20, 25 and 30 weeks gestation. Uterine wall tension followed an exponential curve, with results increasing throughout pregnancy with the site of maximum tension on the anterior wall. For those delivering preterm, uterine wall thickness was increased compared with term. For twin pregnancies intrauterine volume was increased compared to singletons (), but wall thickness was not. There was no evidence for increased tension in those delivering preterm or those with twin gestations. These data are not consistent with a role for high uterine wall tension as a causal factor in preterm spontaneous labor in singleton or twin gestations. It seems likely that hormonal differences in multiple gestations are responsible for increased rates of preterm birth in this group rather than increased tension