512 research outputs found

    Experimental evaluation of a translating nozzle sidewall radial turbine

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    Studies have shown that reduced specific fuel consumption of rotorcraft engines can be achieved with a variable capacity engine. A key component in such an engine in a high-work, high-temperature variable geometry gas generator turbine. An optimization study indicated that a radial turbine with a translating nozzle sidewall could produce high efficiency over a wide range of engine flows but substantiating data were not available. An experimental program with Teledyne CAE, Toledo, Ohio was undertaken to evaluate the moving sidewall concept. A variety of translating nozzle sidewall turbine configurations were evaluated. The effects of nozzle leakage and coolant flows were also investigated. Testing was done in warm air (121 C). The results of the contractual program were summarized

    Lifestyle of female students and their health convictions and preferred values

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    Prezentowana publikacja dotyczy wybranych zagadnień związanych z kulturą fizyczną i zdrowotną współczesnego człowieka. Autorzy – specjaliści z zakresu pedagogiki, nauk medycznych i nauk o kulturze fizycznej – podejmują m.in. problematykę wartości kultury fizycznej w procesie kształcenia i wychowania, współczesnych czynników promocji zdrowia i edukacji zdrowotnej, zdrowotnych uwarunkowań aktywności ruchowej czy społecznych kontekstów idei olimpijskiej. Tematyka ta wpisuje się w ważny nurt rozważań, w którym poszukuje się nowych rozwiązań pedagogicznych, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do idei edukacji olimpijskiej i zdrowotnej.Introduction: Lifestyle is one of the most important factors related to the health of each individual which can be controlled and modified. Connection between health, the quality of life and productivity at work, understandable especially for the educated and young people, is not respected by them in the preventive practice. Recently media have been alarming about the increasing statistics of obesity among young people, their poor physical and mental condition as well as the increasing number of people with so-called social diseases. The decisive factor in human proceedings includes core values that not only imply a lifestyle and its quality but also influence the development and the form of a person’s way of life. Therefore, there is a question what kind of lifestyle students of the University of Gdańsk lead and what the relation between their lifestyle, health beliefs and their core values is. Purpose: The aim of the study is to clarify the connection between the lifestyle, health convictions and preferred values of female students at the University of Gdansk. Material and methods: Dean’s groups of full-time studies were selected to take part in the study including 1st year students attending obligatory fitness classes studying at different departments during the academic year 2006/2007. The results of 150 people were analized statistically. The students were between 19–24 and the average age was 20.3. A questionnaire was used for quantitative research. Conclusions: Only 43% of students in the examined group lead healthy lifestyle which may cause concern and may suggest a lack of knowledge in this field. The quality of meals and physical activity are the variables strongly differentiating female students in terms of their lifestyles. The results confirm earlier observations, showing that female students who lead a healthy lifestyle (PLUS group) appreciate following the desire for achieving and maintaining physical fitness as it is an expression of health that they highly appreciate as a value


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    Bahaya kebakaran adalah bahaya karena api yang tidak terkendali, mengancam keselamatan jiwa dan harta benda. Menurut US NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) selama tahun 2005 sampai dengan 2009, rata - rata 7040 kasus kebakaran per tahun oleh kebakaran furniture rumah tangga dengan kerugian material 442 juta dolar. Kebakaran di RW 016 menimpa RT 08, RT 04 dan RT 05. Kebakaran sebabkan api yang berasal dari kompor meledak, mengakibatkan 200 rumah terbakar dan 800 orang diungsikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi sistem tanggap darurat kebakaran kawasan padat penduduk berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah DKI Jakarta Nomor 8 tahun 2008 di kelurahan Kayu Putih Pulogadung Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif - kualitatif dengan pendekatan wawancara mendalam dengan teknik purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari 12 orang, 9 orang informan utama dan 3 orang informan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain sudah ada Balakar, hidran, pelatihan tanggap darurat, sarana jalan keluar, dan titik kumpul, tidak tersedia prosedur tanggap darurat, APAR, smart alarm, pompa portable, motor fire, tandon air dan rambu petunjuk jalan. Balakar ada akan tetapi belum memiliki struktur organisasi dan pembagian tugasnya. Prosedur tanggap tidak tersedia. Sudah memenuhi pelatihan tanggap darurat meskipun pelaksanaannya baru satu kali sejak Balakar dibentuk. Sarana proteksi aktif yang berupa alat pemadam api ringan (APAR), smart alarm, hidran, pompa portable, motor fire, tandon air belum sesuai. Sarana penyelamatan jiwa yang berupa rambu jalan keluar belum sesuai. Sarana penyelamatan jiwa yang berupa jalan keluar sudah sesuai akan tetapi tidak layak fungsi. Sarana penyelamatan jiwa yang berupa tempat berkumpul sementara saat terjadi kebakaran sudah sesuai, akan tetapi tidak ada rambu – rambu yang menunjukkan tempat berkumpul. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Tanggap Darurat, Permukiman Padat Pendudu

    Measurement of solvency capital requirement for the interest rate risk using the Standard Formula: a stochastic model to evaluate a participating life insurance contract

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    The interest rate risk is relevant in the creation of a life insurance company’s solvency capital requirement. In the article we address the problem of its measurement when the company has with-profit insurance contracts with a minimum guaranteed rate in its portfolio and uses the Standard Formula. A stochastic model and the Monte Carlo simulation is needed to calculate the technical provision. We propose a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model with an exogenous barrier extended with a deterministic function which allows to estimate negative rates and the perfect-fit of the term structure of interest rates, measured using the Smith-Wilson method. We also introduce an alternative method to define the upward and downward scenarios which is consistent with the regulatory framework

    Variable area radial turbine fabrication and test program

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    A variable area radial turbine with a moveable nozzle sidewall was experimentally evaluated. The turbine was designed for an advanced variable capacity gas turbine rotorcraft engine. The turbine has a mass flow rate of 2.27 kg/sec (5.0 lbs/sec), and a rotor inlet temperature of 1477K (2200 F). Testing was conducted at a reduced inlet temperature, but the aerodynamic parameters and Reynolds numbers were duplicated. Overall performance was obtained for a range of nozzle areas from 50% to 100% of the maximum area. The test program determined the effect on performance of: (1) Moving the hub or shroud sidewall; (2) Sidewall-vane clearance leakage; (3) Vaneless space geometry change; and (4) Nozzle cooling flows. Data were obtained for a range of pressure ratios and speeds and are presented in a number of performance maps

    Cooled variable nozzle radial turbine for rotor craft applications

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    An advanced, small 2.27 kb/sec (5 lbs/sec), high temperature, variable area radial turbine was studied for a rotor craft application. Variable capacity cycles including single-shaft and free-turbine engine configurations were analyzed to define an optimum engine design configuration. Parametric optimizations were made on cooled and uncooled rotor configurations. A detailed structural and heat transfer analysis was conducted to provide a 4000-hour life HP turbine with material properties of the 1988 time frame. A pivoted vane and a moveable sidewall geometry were analyzed. Cooling and variable geometry penalties were included in the cycle analysis. A variable geometry free-turbine engine configuration with a design 1477K (2200 F) inlet temperature and a compressor pressure ratio of 16:1 was selected. An uncooled HP radial turbine rotor with a moveable sidewall nozzle showed the highest performance potential for a time weighted duty cycle

    EditorialMillennium development goal 5: situation analysis

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    No Abstract. East AfricanMedical Journaly Vol. 83(1) 2006: 1-

    Turbine engine variable geometry device

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    A variable geometry device for use with the turbine nozzle of a turbine engine of the type having a support housing and a combustion chamber contained within the support housing. A pair of spaced walls in the support housing define an annular and radially extending nozzle passageway. The outer end of the nozzle passageway is open to the combustion chamber while the inner end of the nozzle passageway is open to one or more turbine stages. A plurality of circumferentially spaced nozzle vanes are mounted to one of the spaced walls and protrude across the nozzle passageway. An annular opening is formed around the opposite spaced wall and an annular ring is axially slidably mounted within the opening. A motor is operatively connected to this ring and, upon actuation, axially displaces the ring within the nozzle passageway. In addition, the ring includes a plurality of circumferentially spaced slots which register with the nozzle vanes so that the vane geometry remains the same despite axial displacement of the ring

    Variable geometry device for turbine compressor outlet

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    A variable geometry device is provided for use with the compressor outlet of a turbine engine. The turbine engine includes a support housing, a compressor contained within the support housing and having a compressed air outlet and in which a pair of spaced walls define an annular and radially extending diffuser passageway. The inner end of the diffuser passageway is open to the compressed outlet while the outer end of the diffuser passageway is open to the combustion chamber for the turbine engine. A plurality of circumferentially spaced diffuser vanes are mounted to one of the diffuser walls and protrude across the diffuser passageway. An annular recessed channel is formed around the opposite diffuser wall and an annular ring is mounted within the channel. A motor is operatively connected to this ring and, upon actuation, displaces the ring transversely across the diffuser passageway to variably restrict the diffuser passageway. In addition, the ring includes a plurality of slots which register with the diffuser vanes so that the vane geometry remains the same despite axial displacement of the ring