1,324 research outputs found

    Why does Centralisation fail to internalise Policy Externalities?

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    We provide an explanation why centralisation of political decision makingresults in overspending in some policy domains, whereas too low spending persists in others.We study a model in which delegates from jurisdictions bargain over local public goods provision.If all of the costs of public goods are shared through a common budget, policy makersdelegate bargaining to ‘public good lovers’, resulting in overprovision of public goods. If asufficiently large part of the costs can not be shared, underprovision persists because policymakers delegate bargaining to ‘conservatives’. We derive financing rules that eliminate theincentives for strategic delegation

    Improving Approaches to Mapping Seagrass within the Great Barrier Reef: From Field to Spaceborne Earth Observation

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    Seagrass meadows are a key ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, providing one of the natural heritage attributes underpinning the reef’s outstanding universal value. We reviewed approaches employed to date to create maps of seagrass meadows in the optically complex waters of the Great Barrier Reef and explored enhanced mapping approaches with a focus on emerging technologies, and key considerations for future mapping. Our review showed that field-based mapping of seagrass has traditionally been the most common approach in the GBR-WHA, with few attempts to adopt remote sensing approaches and emerging technologies. Using a series of case studies to harness the power of machine-and deep-learning, we mapped seagrass cover with PlanetScope and UAV-captured imagery in a variety of settings. Using a machine-learn-ing pixel-based classification coupled with a bootstrapping process, we were able to significantly improve maps of seagrass, particularly in low cover, fragmented and complex habitats. We also used deep-learning models to derive enhanced maps from UAV imagery. Combined, these lessons and emerging technologies show that more accurate and efficient seagrass mapping approaches are possible, producing maps of higher confidence for users and enabling the upscaling of seagrass mapping into the future

    Probing the Interstellar Medium using HI absorption and emission towards the W3 HII region

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    HI spectra towards the W3 HII complex are presented and used to probe the Galactic structure and interstellar medium conditions between us and this region. The overall shape of the spectra is consistent with the predictions of the Two-Arm Spiral Shock model wherein the gas found in the -40 km/s to -50 km/s range has been accelerated by some 20 km/s from its rotation curve velocity. Spin temperatures of ~100 K are derived for the Local Arm gas, lower than found in a previous, similar study towards DR 7. For the interarm region, values on the order of 300 K are found, implying a negligible filling factor for the Cold Neutral Medium (<< 1%). Some of the absorbing gas at velocities near -40 km/s is confirmed to be associated with the HII regions.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    ISO spectroscopy of compact HII regions in the Galaxy. II Ionization and elemental abundances

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    Based on the ISO spectral catalogue of compact HII regions by Peeters et al. (2001), we present a first analysis of the hydrogen recombination and atomic fine-structure lines originated in the ionized gas. The sample consists of 34 HII regions located at galactocentric distances between Rgal = 0 and 15 kpc. The SWS HI recombination lines between 2 and 8 mum are used to estimate the extinction law at these wavelengths for 14 HII regions. An extinction in the K band between 0 and ∌\sim 3 mag. has been derived. The fine-structure lines of N, O, Ne, S and Ar are detected in most of the sources. Most of these elements are observed in two different ionization stages probing a range in ionization potential up to 41 eV. The ISO data, by itself or combined with radio data taken from the literature, is used to derive the elemental abundances relative to hydrogen. The present data thus allow us to describe for each source its elemental abundance, its state of ionization and to constrain the properties of the ionizing star(s).Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 22 pages, 20 figures, 9 table

    2030 trends and ambitions

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    Deriving Telescope Mueller Matrices Using Daytime Sky Polarization Observations

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    Telescopes often modify the input polarization of a source so that the measured circular or linear output state of the optical signal can be signficantly different from the input. This mixing, or polarization "cross-talk", is defined by the optical system Mueller matrix. We describe here an efficient method for recovering the input polarization state of the light and the full 4 x 4 Mueller matrix of the telescope with an accuracy of a few percent without external masks or telescope hardware modification. Observations of the bright, highly polarized daytime sky using the Haleakala 3.7m AEOS telescope and a coude spectropolarimeter demonstrate the technique.Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS

    3-He in the Milky Way Interstellar Medium: Ionization Structure

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    The cosmic abundance of the 3-He isotope has important implications for many fields of astrophysics. We are using the 8.665 GHz hyperfine transition of 3-He+ to determine the 3-He/H abundance in Milky Way HII regions and planetary nebulae. This is one in a series of papers in which we discuss issues involved in deriving accurate 3-He/H abundance ratios from the available measurements. Here we describe the ionization correction we use to convert the 3-He+/H+ abundance, y3+, to the 3-He/H abundance, y3. In principle the nebular ionization structure can significantly influence the y3 derived for individual sources. We find that in general there is insufficient information available to make a detailed ionization correction. Here we make a simple correction and assess its validity. The correction is based on radio recombination line measurements of H+ and 4-He+, together with simple core-halo source models. We use these models to establish criteria that allow us to identify sources that can be accurately corrected for ionization and those that cannot. We argue that this effect cannot be very large for most of the sources in our observational sample. For a wide range of models of nebular ionization structure we find that the ionization correction factor varies from 1 to 1.8. Although large corrections are possible, there would have to be a conspiracy between the density and ionization structure for us to underestimate the ionization correction by a substantial amount.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures To appear Astrophysical Journal, 20 August 2007, vol 665, no

    Prospects of detecting the polarimetric signature of the Earth-mass planet α Centauri B b with SPHERE/ZIMPOL

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    Context. Over the past five years, radial-velocity and transit techniques have revealed a new population of Earth-like planets with masses of a few Earth masses. Their very close orbit around their host star requires an exquisite inner working angle to be detected in direct imaging and sets a challenge for direct imagers that work in the visible range, such as SPHERE/ZIMPOL. Aims. Among all known exoplanets with less than 25 Earth masses we first predict the best candidate for direct imaging. Our primary objective is then to provide the best instrument setup and observing strategy for detecting such a peculiar object with ZIMPOL. As a second step, we aim at predicting its detectivity. Methods. Using exoplanet properties constrained by radial velocity measurements, polarimetric models and the diffraction propagation code CAOS, we estimate the detection sensitivity of ZIMPOL for such a planet in different observing modes of the instrument. We show how observing strategies can be optimized to yield the best detection performance on a specific target. Results. In our current knowledge of exoplanetary systems, α Centauri B b is the most promising target with less than 25 Earth masses for ZIMPOL. With a gaseous Rayleigh-scattering atmosphere and favorable inclinations, the planet could be detected in about four hours of observing time, using the four-quadrant phase-mask coronograph in the I band. However, if α Centauri B b should display unfavorable polarimetric and reflective properties similar to that of our Moon, it is around 50 times fainter than the best sensitivity of ZIMPOL. Conclusions. α Centauri B is a primary target for SPHERE. Dedicated deep observations specifically targeting the radial velocity-detected planet can lead to a detection if the polarimetric properties of the planet are favorable

    Aromatic Features in AGN: Star-Forming Infrared Luminosity Function of AGN Host Galaxies

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    We describe observations of aromatic features at 7.7 and 11.3 um in AGN of three types including PG, 2MASS and 3CR objects. The feature has been demonstrated to originate predominantly from star formation. Based on the aromatic-derived star forming luminosity, we find that the far-IR emission of AGN can be dominated by either star formation or nuclear emission; the average contribution from star formation is around 25% at 70 and 160 um. The star-forming infrared luminosity functions of the three types of AGN are flatter than that of field galaxies, implying nuclear activity and star formation tend to be enhanced together. The star-forming luminosity function is also a function of the strength of nuclear activity from normal galaxies to the bright quasars, with luminosity functions becoming flatter for more intense nuclear activity. Different types of AGN show different distributions in the level of star formation activity, with 2MASS> PG> 3CR star formation rates.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 24 pages, 13 figure

    Exploring dust around HD142527 down to 0.025" / 4au using SPHERE/ZIMPOL

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    We have observed the protoplanetary disk of the well-known young Herbig star HD 142527 using ZIMPOL Polarimetric Differential Imaging with the VBB (Very Broad Band, ~600-900nm) filter. We obtained two datasets in May 2015 and March 2016. Our data allow us to explore dust scattering around the star down to a radius of ~0.025" (~4au). The well-known outer disk is clearly detected, at higher resolution than before, and shows previously unknown sub-structures, including spirals going inwards into the cavity. Close to the star, dust scattering is detected at high signal-to-noise ratio, but it is unclear whether the signal represents the inner disk, which has been linked to the two prominent local minima in the scattering of the outer disk, interpreted as shadows. An interpretation of an inclined inner disk combined with a dust halo is compatible with both our and previous observations, but other arrangements of the dust cannot be ruled out. Dust scattering is also present within the large gap between ~30 and ~140au. The comparison of the two datasets suggests rapid evolution of the inner regions of the disk, potentially driven by the interaction with the close-in M-dwarf companion, around which no polarimetric signal is detected.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A
