2,276 research outputs found

    Innovación en la política turística española: análisis desde una perspectiva histórica

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    Comunicación presentada en el XVIII Congreso AECIT, Benidorm, 26-28 Noviembre 2014.El Estado es un agente favorecedor clave de la innovación que tiene lugar en el sistema turístico, tanto en el ejercicio de su función de diseñar e implantar política pública, como a partir del estímulo deliberado a la innovación. En esta investigación el análisis se centra en la innovación generada dentro de la política turística española que afecta a sus propias estructuras e instrumentos y se hace desde perspectiva histórica. El objetivo de este estudio es aplicar el concepto de la innovación, sobre el que se ha reflexionado fundamentalmente en un ámbito de mercado, al ámbito del diseño e implantación de políticas públicas que se rige por unos objetivos y reglas de funcionamiento distintas a la lógica del mercado. A partir de la observación rigurosa y sistemática de los instrumentos de la política turística del gobierno central se ha tratado de discriminar qué novedades reúnen las características necesarias para ser consideradas innovación por cuanto intensidad de cambio inducido, efectiva ejecución, impacto generado y ruptura respecto a lo previamente existente, requisitos considerados condición ineludible para su identificación como tal. El análisis demuestra que gobierno central en su ejercicio de diseño de políticas ha dado muestras de abundante creatividad y de un esfuerzo notable por introducir soluciones nuevas y cambios para dar respuesta a nuevos y antiguos problemas aunque no todos los intentos han desembocado en innovación. Se confirma, por tanto, que la innovación como resultado no es un fenómeno fácil ni frecuente. Ésta se ha identificado fundamentalmente en los instrumentos organizativos y programáticos de dicha política turística. Asimismo, los cambios institucionales radicales o las situaciones de crisis del sector han forzado a la búsqueda de estrategias más innovadoras y han constituido entornos más fértiles para la innovación.The estate is a key agent that influences innovation in the tourism system via its actions of public policy design and implementation and also its direct intervention to stimulate innovation. The analysis focuses on innovation in tourism policy that affects its own structures and instruments from a historical perspective in Spain. The aim of this study is to apply the concept of innovation, mainly thought from a market perspective, to the domain of public policies design and implementation which obeys rules and objectives different than the market. From a systematic and rigorous observation of central government tourism policy instruments an attempt to distinguish innovation has been made based on criteria such as intensity of induced change, effective implementation, impact and disruption from previous existent knowledge and action. The analysis shows that central government in its exercise of policy design has demonstrated a great deal of creativity and has made efforts to introduce new solutions and induce change to solve new and old problems. However, not all creative efforts have become innovation. It is thus confirmed that innovation is not frequent or an easy phenomenon. It has mainly been identified in the management and programmatic tourism policy instruments. Also radical institutional changes and crisis situations have stimulated the search for more innovative strategies and have constituted more fertile environments to innovation.La investigadora Isabel Rodríguez desarrolla su tesis doctoral en el marco del proyecto de investigación “Metodología, criterios y aplicaciones para la configuración de clusters en áreas turísticas consolidadas: innovación, complementariedad y competitividad territorial” (CSO2011-26396), financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Support policies for the renovations and restructuration of mature tourist destinations: a retrospective evaluation from case studies

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    La necesidad de reformulación del modelo de desarrollo turístico asociado a la fórmula sol y playa en el litoral mediterráneo español ha estado presente en la política turística a lo largo de los últimos veinte años, lo que ha conducido a la puesta en marcha de diferentes estrategias y programas de actuación dirigidos a la mejora y renovación de los destinos turísticos maduros del litoral a desarrollar por parte del sector público y privado. Bajo este planteamiento, el análisis de las últimas y más emblemáticas iniciativas y proyectos emprendidos resulta de interés para la mejor ilustración de la compleja realidad en la que se desenvuelven los procesos de reestructuración y renovación de los destinos turísticos costeros. Por esta razón, el presente trabajo analiza y elabora una síntesis integradora de los cuatro proyectos piloto de reconversión de destinos maduros impulsados por la Administración turística con el propósito de reflexionar sobre su naturaleza, y nivel de ejecución de las propuestas contempladas, de forma que pueda realizarse una evaluación de la efectividad y alcance de esta política. Las experiencias piloto analizadas han demostrado tener efectos positivos en la renovación aunque lejos ha quedado el cumplimiento de los objetivos de mayor envergadura, poniéndose así de manifiesto el gap existente entre lo proyectado desde el ámbito de la política y lo efectivamente conseguido en su ejecución. Este trabajo trata de evaluar desde una visión crítica, objetiva y de conjunto el desempeño de dichos proyectos.The need for a reformulation of the touristic development model associated to the “sun and beach” formula in the Spanish Mediterranean coast have been present in the touristic policy over the last twenty years, which conducted to has led to the implementation of various strategies, programs and actions aimed at the improvement and renewal of the mature tourist destinations on the coast by the public and private sector. Along these lines, the analysis of the latest and most emblematic initiatives and projects undertaken is of interest for the best illustration of the complex reality in which processes of restructuring and renovation of coastal tourist destinations operate. For this reason, this paper discusses an analysis and inclusive synthesis for the four pilot restructuring projects promoted by the Tourism Administration in order to reflect on its nature, the execution level of its initial proposals and, at the same time, facilitate an easier understanding and assessment of the support policy for the mature destinations conversion. Analyzed pilot experiences have demonstrated positive effects in the renewal yet far from the fulfillment of large magnitude objectives, revealing the existing gap between what is projected from political arena and what is actually achieved in its implementation. This work tries to evaluate in a pioneer manner from a critical, objective and overall perspective, the performance of these projects.El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Metodología, criterios y aplicaciones para la configuración de clusters en áreas turísticas consolidadas: innovación, complementariedad y competitividad territorial” (CSO2011-26396), financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    The role of innovation in the Spanish Tourism policy

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    Participation in Tourism & innovation class taught by professor Allan Williams from the School of Hospitality and Tourism at Surrey University in England.The Spanish tourism policy has been analyzed distinguishing different historical stages and providing examples of innovations for each stage. From the 50s to the 80s tourism policy was a central government issue but the Spanish Constitution brought a radical change decentralizing competences towards the autonomous regions from that moment entitled to develop their own policies. In that new scenario the need for coordination was crucial and new structures were created to discussed issues between these two governmental scales. The decade from the 80s to the 90s was characterized by a perception of crisis of the tourism model of development and this lead to the design of more innovative policies. In this period appeared for the first time the concept of innovation as policy programme. In the last and more recent stage identified, innovation adopts a more predominant role and becomes a central issue to compete as part of a new economy strategy. Examples of innovative actions and projects are provided for each stage. For the first stage, the governmental entrepreneurial project of creating a hotel chain, Paradores, has been described. By the time it was an innovative instrument of policy oriented to develop a quality hotel offer and at the same time maintaining and giving value to historical buildings used as poles of tourism development and private investment attraction. For the second and third stages, the examples provided are focused on attempts to innovate in complex scenarios of mass tourism destinations: Calvià, a sun and beach destination from the Majorca island and Playa de Palma a pilot project destination selected to participated in an integral development project of renovation. These last projects ended up having scarce results in terms of effective innovation. Different conclusions might be observed: 1) periods of crisis have stimulated further innovation. External-internal changes are drivers of innovation; 2) in order to remain competitive, many creative and new strategies have been tested but only few could be considered innovations in the sense of effective and successful implementation; 3) there is always an implementation gap when innovative ideas are tried to be brought into practice

    Tourism innovation policy in Spain: the evaluation of a cluster experience

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    Presentation in the International Workshop of the Regional Studies Association, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona 10-13th February 2014The study of innovation in tourism from a policy perspective is still fragmented and largely ignored. The limited literature on tourism innovation policies offers empirically weak or vague evidence of its outcomes or effectiveness, aspect which is itself symptomatic of a more general lack of research on tourism policies. In an attempt to close this research gap, this study focuses on the implementation evaluation of a specific Programme of innovation policy applied to tourism: the Innovative Business Group (Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora, AEI for its initials in Spain). Based on the cluster approach, this Programme originally included in the Spanish R+D+I Plan 2008-2011 aims to promote innovation and competitiveness in the business sector, in general, and representing a major landmark, in tourism, after its incorporation as a specific action to be implemented and promoted via tourism policy (specifically the Tourism Plan Horizon 2020). The AEI Programme therefore became a bridge between tourism and innovation policies with the aim of promoting tourism innovation. The study attempts to evaluate policy outcomes from a qualitative perspective targeting the funding beneficiaries (phone interviews with a semi structure questionnaire to 28 clusters or AEIs managers) and also evaluating the nature of their activities and type of innovation resulting despite the difficulties involved in assessing the effects of clusters in innovation performance. The qualitative analysis reveals the existence of obstacles to the policy objectives and outcomes fulfilment which have influenced negatively the innovation process. On the contrary, facilitators, or factors with a positive influence, have also been identified because of their evident relation with barriers (one may turn into other) being the study of both necessary for a complete picture. The study confirms the difficulties to translate policy ideals like innovation into action, specifically in the tourism sector and through a cluster approach

    Exploring the research process through the innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs case study

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    Presentation for the I International Seminar of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Alicante, April 18th, 2016.This intervention aims to provide a general overview of the research process to second year tourism students from the Cardiff Metropolitan University to subsequently illustrate the stages of this process with an specific research case study. The case study selected aims to understand how innovation emerges, what process do innovative ideas follow to develop and enter into the market and be successfully adopted by users. Consequently the case study presented focused on those who are responsible of the innovation process, that is innovative entrepreneurs, to follow them into their innovation journey

    The innovation journey of new-to-tourism entrepreneurs

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    This study addresses the neglect of an overall analysis of the generative process of innovation in tourism studies. A conceptual framework draws together the fragmented literature on the innovation process which is visualized as a series of non-linear tasks from idea generation to diffusion. The conceptual framework is explored through a systematic analysis of the tourism innovation journey of 24 new-to-tourism entrepreneurs establishing start-ups in Spain. The analysis draws on the innovators’ narrations about their distinctive journeys to provide a more holistic picture of the innovation process. Drilling down into the sub-processes within each major task reveals the complexity of an innovation journey that is highly dynamic, uncertain, experimental and market-driven. A model of the innovation process is proposed based on the findings

    Peer review assessment of originality in tourism journals: critical perspective of key gatekeepers

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    Originality is an essential element of academic research and the peer review system plays a key gatekeeping role in its acceptance. However, there is no consensus as to the precise definition of the concept, its measurement nor the importance attached to it. Primary data from 26 interviews with editors or editorial board members of top ranking tourism journals inform a discussion of the nuanced understanding of the concept and of how different levels of originality (radical vs. incremental), among other peer review assessment criteria, influence tourism publication. Finally, the main challenges relating to recognising originality in the peer review process are identified leading to recommendations for improvements to how originality is assessed

    Tourism innovation policy: Implementation and outcomes

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    The paper opens the “black box” of tourism innovation policy implementation through an analysis of the Spanish Programme of Innovative Business Groups that foster innovation through hybrid top-down bottom-up collaboration embedded in clusters. The focus is on three main issues: process of policy implementation, types of innovation that emerged, and the outcomes and barriers. The findings show the contradictions of this hybrid model of implementation with mixed outcomes of successful collaborations and abandoned trajectories. The Programme has stimulated the ‘propensity’ to innovate resulting in different types of innovation but has revealed the existence of mutually-reinforcing barriers. Some suggestions for future improvements of tourism innovation policies are offered including the importance of polycentricity in effective policy formulation and implementation.The research paper has been supported by the Spanish National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011 (CSO2011-26396). The authors are grateful to the state owned company "Innovation Management and Tourism Technologies, SEGITTUR" for their generous support and data provision. Isabel Rodriguez thanks the University of Alicante who funded her visit to the University of Surrey, facilitating the author’s collaboration

    Customer resistance to tourism innovations: entrepreneurs’ understanding and management strategies

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    Customer resistance is the greatest risk to innovation for the entrepreneur. The aim of this exploratory study is to provide insights into this underdeveloped area in the tourism innovation literature. A qualitative approach is adopted to understand the resistance experienced by 57 entrepreneurs when introducing their innovations into the market, the causes and the actions taken to minimise resistance. Findings indicate that most entrepreneurs often encounter resistance from sceptical customers, satisfied with their status quo and with no or low appetites for innovation. The analysis reveals two main sources of resistance: the association of the innovations with particular risks, and the customers' lack of understanding of the innovation value. Communication strategies are crucial to decrease the associated risks and for trust building. The paper provides a critical perspective on the challenges faced by innovators, challenges which are often overlooked given the near-iconic status of innovation in studies of economic development.This research has been supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme [grant agreement 700893]

    Los espacios naturales protegidos litorales de la Comunidad Valenciana: una oportunidad para la diversificación de los destinos turísticos consolidados de sol y playa

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    Comunicación presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Turismo Universidad y Empresa: Renovación de Destinos Turísticos Consolidados, Castellón, 6-8 mayo 2010.En las dos últimas décadas, la política turística ha tenido entre sus objetivos la diversificación y diferenciación de los destinos turísticos a la par que la calidad de la oferta como mejores estrategias para garantizar la competitividad del turismo español. Aunque durante estos años, España ha conseguido mantener su liderazgo como destino turístico gracias a su abultada oferta basada en el producto sol y playa, las actuaciones emprendidas hasta ahora parece que no han conseguido imprimir un verdadero cambio en la dinámica de la actividad turística, capaz de responder a los nuevos patrones por los que se rige la demanda y dar respuesta al reto de la sostenibilidad. Por ello, en el contexto actual de renovación de los destinos turísticos consolidados, se plantea insistir en la cualificación de la oferta a partir de una nueva puesta en valor de sus componentes territoriales y, en particular, se propone el análisis de recursos que por el momento no han merecido una atención adecuada en su configuración y diseño. Entre ellos, se incluye el conjunto de espacios naturales protegidos de la Comunidad Valenciana que en la actualidad resisten el avance de la urbanización y constituyen el negativo de nuestros destinos turísticos. De hecho, durante más de medio siglo, la construcción de edificaciones ligadas a la creación de nuevas plazas en alojamientos turísticos y a la promoción inmobiliaria dirigida al turismo residencial, ha ido en detrimento de nuestros espacios naturales y de una progresiva pérdida de valor ambiental y paisajístico del frente litoral. Esta comunicación presenta el diagnóstico y las conclusiones obtenidas acerca del papel que pueden desempeñar estos espacios naturales protegidos en la diversificación de la oferta turística, a partir del aprovechamiento de sus posibilidades de uso público.In the last two decades, the tourism policies in Spain have had as a priority objective the diversification and differentiation of the tourist destinations together with the improvement of the quality services and infrastructures as the best strategies to guarantee the competitiveness of the tourism activity. Despite the fact that Spain has managed to maintain its leadership as a sun and sand tourist destination, the strategies undertaken to the present time have not fully achieved a substantial change in the tourism dynamics to respond to the new demand trends and the challenge of sustainability. In this respect, in the context of apparent need of renovation, the mature tourist destinations should insist on a qualitative tourist supply through the enhancement of the territorial components and particularly of those protected areas in the Valencia Region which have still survived to the urban process that has characterised most tourist destinations. In fact, the urbanisation and the processes of creating new accommodation infrastructure and residential homes have seriously threaten the protected area’s natural environment and has mainly contributed to the environmental impact of the coastal areas. This paper aims to present the diagnosis and conclusions obtained about how the protected areas may serve to strengthen the mass tourism product by offering opportunities for diversification.La presente comunicación se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto de investigación Renovación de los destinos turísticos consolidados del litoral: nuevos instrumentos para la planificación y gestión (RENOVESTUR), del Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011, del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, en el que participan investigadores de las Universidades Jaime I de Castellón, Valencia y Alicante, y cuyo investigador principal es J. Fernando Vera Rebollo