578 research outputs found
Desarrollo de una aplicación con acceso oral para dispositivos móviles Android
El objetivo principal de este trabajo PFC es el desarrollo de una aplicación “Asistente
Turístico avanzado que combina la Realidad Aumentada con sistemas de dialogo
multimodal en teléfonos inteligentes Android”. Una aplicación que usando la cámara
a modo de ventana proporciona un valor añadido del entorno que rodea al usuario,
mezclando realidad virtual con realidad. Esto es posible mediante el GPS y los
fotogramas recibidos con la cámara. La aplicación analiza los datos y es capaz de
mostrar los puntos de interés turísticos (PDIs) que rodean al usuario. El usuario puede
seleccionar un PDIs y realizar preguntas de forma oral y la aplicación las contesta por el
mismo canal. También podrá acceder a la acceder a la información existente en internet
del PDI.
La aplicación incluye las funcionalidades para la detección y representación de objetos
mediante cámara y geo-posicionamiento del usuario, además de las funcionalidades
necesarias de interacción oral para acceder/consultar información de los objetos. Estas
características proporcionan un valor añadido sobre el entorno del usuario.
El programa hace uso de las tecnologías de SW actuales, sistema operativo Android,
librería de Realidad Aumentada (Wikitude.com), reconocimiento y síntesis de voz
(SpeechToText y Speech Recognition), bases de datos (SQLite), lenguajes de
programación Java, HTML 5, JavaScript y SQL dotándola de flexibilidad, calidad y
El Trabajo Fin de Carrera se complementa con un análisis detallado de la Realidad
Aumentada en los sistemas móviles, centrándose especialmente en Android. Estos
estudios se han realizado con el objetivo de sacar el mejor rendimiento a la aplicación y
completar con facilidad y éxito el desarrollo de la aplicación.The main goal of the Final Project Career is the development of an application
“advanced turistic assistant that combines Augmented Reality with multimodal dialog
in Android Smartphones”. With the camera as an out-world window the applicatión
provides information about the user’s environment. This can be done with the GPS
device and camera frames. The application analizes this data and shows the turistic
points of interest (POIs) that surround the user. Users can select a POI, and get
information about the POI asking by voice, then the application replies also by voice.
Also the application opens a browser with the wikipedia of the POI and the most
relevant google results.
The application includes the functionality for the detection and representation of objects
using camera and geo-positioning of the user, furtheremore the oral interaction
capabilities necessary to access / view information objects. These features provide
added value for the user's environment.
The program make use of the latest software tecnologies like, Android Operative
System, Augmented Reality (Wikitude), Synthesis and voice recognition, data bases
(SQLite), and latest programming lenguages as Java, HTML 5, Java Script and SQL,
providing quality, flixibility, and eficiency.
The Project is complemented with a detailled analysis of the Augmented Reality on
mobile systems, especially focussing in Android. These studios has been performed in
order to get the best performance for the applicationIngeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestió
Supervised learning of natural-terrain traversability with synthetic 3D laser scans
Autonomous navigation of ground vehicles on natural environments requires looking for traversable terrain continuously. This paper develops traversability classifiers for the three-dimensional (3D) point clouds acquired by the mobile robot Andabata on non-slippery solid ground. To this end, different supervised learning techniques from the Python library Scikit-learn are employed. Training and validation are performed with synthetic 3D laser scans that were labelled point by point automatically with the robotic simulator Gazebo. Good prediction results are obtained for most of the developed classifiers, which have also been tested successfully on real 3D laser scans acquired by Andabata in motion.Andalusian project UMA18-FEDERJA-090 and Spanish project RTI2018-093421-B-I0
Sustainable Development and Efficiency Analysis of the Major Urban Water Utilities in Spain
In Spain, the water supply service is a municipal responsibility and in general is a sector without competitors. For this reason, an efficiency analysis attains greater significance. This study uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate the efficiency of different urban water utilities. An extensive data search, where several variables such as the capital expenditure, the cost of material, or the labor have been recorded, has allowed evaluating the relative efficiency of the most important Spanish water distribution networks in using their resources. Furthermore, their sustainable efficiency has also been evaluated by including a variable representing the percentage of water losses. Results reveal the weaknesses of inefficient utilities and help to detect potential aspects that these companies should improve. For instance, there is an evident incorrect management of the costs of material by many urban water utilities, which does not happen with the labor. Additionally, the most efficient water utilities regarding the sustainable efficiency help to discover target percentages of water losses for the inefficient ones.Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad - Junta de Andalucía - European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) PYC20- RE082 US
Automatic Generation of Labeled 3D Point Clouds of Natural Environments with Gazebo.
https://conferences.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/author-ethics/guidelines-and-policies/post-publication-policies/#preprintProgress in applying supervised learning for nat- ural scene classification is impeded by the lack of appropriate datasets for training. This paper describes the automatic generation of synthetic three-dimensional (3D) scans of natural environments with each point labelled individually with its element class. The developed software employs the robotic simulator Gazebo to obtain range and intensity measurements from a 3D laser rangefinder aboard a ground mobile robot. Precisely, the returned intensity values are used to annotate every 3D point within its corresponding class 100% error free. Several examples are provided to show the utility of the proposed approach
Apriorismo armónico en la música occidental. Designing music: una propuesta de inversión
Denominamos apriorismo armónico al hecho de prestar atención previa y minuciosa a los aspectos armónicos durante el acto de creación musical, supeditando e incluso postergando la actuación sobre otros factores, especialmente el temático, aunque también el textural e incluso el formal. Esta tesis doctoral, Apriorismo Armónico en la Música Occidental. Designing Music: una Propuesta de Inversión, indaga la manera relativamente subconsciente bajo la cual se ha manifestado el apriorismo armónico en la Música Occidental culta y sus derivaciones, condicionando la producción artística elaborada en su ámbito de actuación, y presenta una propuesta de inversión de tal apriorismo, desde el marco de la composición algorítmica, denominada Designing Music. La investigación en su conjunto discurre por cinco líneas principales, que abordan el estudio del apriorismo armónico desde perspectivas complementarias. La primera recoge una transformación experimental del primer movimiento de la Sonata para piano KV545 de W.A. Mozart que disgrega el plano formal-temático y el armónico, permitiendo contrastar la relevancia de cada uno. En la segunda, se analiza el proceso formativo de un compositor, tomando como referencia el modelo de España durante el siglo XX, para evaluar cómo la orientación apriorística puede llegar a vertebrar el propio trayecto académico. En la tercera, se rastrean los posibles orígenes del apriorismo, con el objeto de dilucidar si éste fuera consustancial al proceso creativo o si, por el contrario, supone en esencia una convención. Para ello, se examina la teoría musical de la antigüedad grecolatina y medieval, estableciendo un posible germen como convención derivada de los planteamientos éticos del Cristianismo..
Study of the influence of the operational parameters on the photoelectro-Fenton performance of an industrial wastewater treatment prototype using Orange II as a model pollutant
AbstractA two-stage photoelectro-Fenton reactor was built and employed to test its ability to remove colour using Orange II as a model dye compound. A set of four critical operational variables was defined for the reactor under study. In order to quantify their significance on colour removal, a 24 experimental factorial design was used. From the resultant data, and from a variable interaction analysis, a model of the reactor's performance as well as a characteristic set of experimental conditions was obtained. From this information, a triple interaction among current density, resin concentration and pH was statistically significant. Hydraulic retention time was not important. The best treatment among those studied was obtained at pH 3, current density 23.9 mA cm−2, and 3.7 g L−1 of resin concentration, with 96% decolorization. The best results with decolorization higher than 86% were obtained at acidic or slightly acidic pH, and higher levels of current density and resin concentration, or lower level of current density and resin concentration
La transparencia y comunicación de los sitios web de los ayuntamientos: estudio de caso de la provincia de Badajoz
Desde la entrada en vigor de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno, las instituciones han venido trabajando en la mejora de la información que ofrecen y de la comunicación de la misma. Para ello se han valido, fundamentalmente, de sus sitios webs oficiales. En este capítulo se incluyen los resultados del trabajo enmarcado en el proyecto nacional de investigación “Comunicación pública, transparencia, rendición de cuentas y participación en los gobiernos locales”, coordinado por Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez (UCLM). En concreto, se exponen los datos consecuencia de la segunda fase de análisis, desarrollada en 2016 en la provincia de Badajoz. Se amplió la muestra de estudio de las webs institucionales de los consistorios, pasando de los 7 municipios de más de 10.000 habitantes (en 2015) a los 13 con más de 7.000 habitantes, que fueron: Badajoz, Don Benito, Almendralejo, Villanueva de la Serena, Villafranca de los Barros, Mérida, Zafra, Olivenza, Montijo, Jerez de los Caballeros, Los Santos de Maimona, Azuaga y Guareña. La metodología empleada consiste en la utilización de una guía de análisis, ampliada respecto al estudio anterior de 41 a 52 indicadores, los cuales se valoran positiva o negativamente en función de su grado de cumplimiento. Los resultados del estudio se agrupan en dos ejes temáticos establecidos y cinco bloques, que son: a) Transparencia de la corporación. 1) Los representantes políticos municipales. 2) La gestión los recursos colectivos. 3) La gestión de los recursos económicos: presupuestos, salarios, contrataciones, subvenciones. b) Información para la participación. 4) La información que proporcionan sobre el municipio y la gestión de los recursos colectivos. 5) Las herramientas que se ofrecen para la participación ciudadana en el control democrático. Entre los resultados se puede destacar que 7 municipios (Badajoz, Don Benito, Almendralejo, Villanueva de la Serena, Villafranca de los Barros, Mérida y Azuaga) se sitúan en la franja del 50-74% de cumplimiento de los indicadores, 2 municipios (Jerez de los Caballeros y Los Santos de Maimona) están en el tramo del 25 al 49%, mientras que 4 cumplen menos del 25% de indicadores (Montijo, Zafra, Olivenza y Guareña). Los resultados completos del análisis se pueden consultar en la plataforma web del Mapa Infoparticipa (www.mapainfoparticipa.com). Entre las conclusiones, destacar que se observa una leve mejoría con respecto al 2015, por lo que se confirma el creciente interés de los ayuntamientos por mejorar la comunicación y transparencia con sus ciudadanos, así como que, la mejora en la transparencia y comunicación, además de estar relacionada con tener más o menos recursos económicos y humanos para tratar la información y gestionarla a través de las webs, es también sin duda una cuestión de voluntad del gobierno municipal, por lo que todos los ayuntamientos deberían considerar estas prácticas como una prioridad en sus políticas.Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance Spanish
law (Law 19/2013 on 9th December) made institutions work to improve the
communication of the information they offer, mainly through their official
This chapter includes the results of the work belonging to the national research
project "Public Communication, Transparency, Accountability and
Participation in Local Governments", coordinated by Juan Luis Manfredi
Sánchez (UCLM). Specifically, these results were developed in 2016 in the
province of Badajoz. The sample was expanded from the institutional websites
of the town councils of the 7 municipalities with more than 10,000
inhabitants (in 2015) to 13 with more than 7,000 inhabitants. These were:
Badajoz, Don Benito, Almendralejo, Villanueva de la Serena, Villafranca de
los Barros, Mérida, Zafra, Olivenza, Montijo, Jerez de los Caballeros, Los
Santos de Maimona, Azuaga and Guareña.
The methodology used is the application of a checklist amplified from 41 to
52 indicators, which are evaluated positively or negatively according to
their degree of compliance. The results of the study are grouped into two
established thematic groups and five blocks, which are:
a) Transparency of the corporation.
1) The municipal political representatives.
2) Management of collective resources.
3) Management of economic resources.
b) Information for participation.
4) The information they provide about the municipality and the management
of collective resources.
5) The tools offered for citizens to participate in democratic decisions.
From the results, 7 municipalities (Badajoz, Don Benito, Almendralejo, Villanueva
de la Serena, Villafranca de los Barros, Mérida and Azuaga) are located
in the 50-74% compliance range of indicators, 2 municipalities (Jerez
de los Caballeros and Los Santos de Maimona) are in the range of 25 to 49%,
while 4 meet less than 25% of indicators (Montijo, Zafra, Olivenza and
Guareña). The complete results of the analysis can be consulted on the web
platform of the Infoparticipa Map (www.mapainfoparticipa.com).
From the conclusions, there is a slight improvement compared to the previous
study of 2015, which confirms the growing interest of municipalities
in improving communication and transparency with their citizens. It is
doubtless a question of the willingness of the municipal governments, even
when economic and human resources are scarce, so all municipalities
should consider these practices as a priority in their policies
Impact of different levels of handling on Solea senegalensis culture: effects on growth and molecular markers of stress
[EN] Aquaculture routine practices may cause stress induction on the fish and compromise their welfare affecting the production. This experiment aimed to evaluate the potential links between handling during culture with stress responses and growth on Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis). We worked with two fish cohorts in terms of initial body weight and culture stage: Trial 1 included specimens in the fattening stage (226 ± 4.96 g) and Trial 2 animals in the pre-fattening stage (27.20 ± 0.44 g). The tested culture protocol, which lasted 6 and 4 months for Trial 1 and 2, respectively, mainly reduced handling-derived stressors in the experimental tanks via lowering routine samplings to a minimum. This decrease of the handling-derived stress was reflected in both trials with lower concentration of circulating cortisol in blood plasma from the experimental fish when compared to controls. Moreover, the proposed protocol promoted higher growth in the fish cultured in the less disturbing protocol in Trial 2. Higher specific growth rates and mean body weight and length were reported. In order to further explore the potential beneficial effects of our protocol, we studied the musculoskeletal from Trial 2 gene expression of key genes regulating glucocorticoid signaling pathway and apoptosis: glucocorticoid receptors 1 and 2 (gr1, gr2), heat shock protein 90 AA (hsp90aa), and caspase 6 (casp6). In line with the cortisol reduced level in this trial, gr1, hsp90aa, and casp6 genes showed lower expression in the samples coming from the experimental group. The findings of this study provide valuable information to the aquaculture industry for the management of Solea senegalensis stress and welfare.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL
Real options of distributed DAS sensing applied to road transport engineering
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) techniques with Optical Fibers are able to provide a wide range of data for very long distances. The technique is used for monitoring purposes on the energy sector (i.e.: oil &gas pipes, electricity transport lines, etc..), where the resiliency of the infrastructure linear layout is low, and the associated loss-of-service costs are high. The significant cost barriers of the technology are changing due to the scientific advances and the economy of scale effects; however, the use within the road transport engineering is still not widespread and limited to specific applications. This work explores the cost-benefit analysis of using the DAS technique for transport engineering, including a sensitivity analysis on the foreseeable cost reductions and technical characteristics of the technology applied to planning, operation and maintenance purposes. The real options of installing new fiber optic layout vs using dark fiber networks is also analysed and compared to the use of standard ITS systems.We thank the support of PID2019-107270RB-C21 (funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) and
PDC2021-121172-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039 /501100011033 and European Union Next Generation
EU/PRTR. Our sincere gratitude Alayn Loayssa (Public University of Navarra), Victor Centeno (WSP) and to William
Fawcett, Ian Ellinghan, Martin Hughes, Lars Mikalsen and the CILECCTA project (FP7-NMP 229061) for the LCC
and Real Options methodology
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