1,142 research outputs found

    Formative research as a pedagogical strategy for the development of the competence of formulation, treatment and problem solving in sixth-year students at IE Rural Bosconia

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    El presente trabajo tiene como propósito desarrollar la competencia matemática de formulación, tratamiento y resolución de problemas en los estudiantes de sexto de la Institución Educativa Rural Bosconia, por medio de la investigación formativa como estrategia pedagógica. Para esto se planteó identificar el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia, implementar la investigación formativa como estrategia pedagógica y evaluar la efectividad de la estrategia pedagógica. El proceso de investigación se realizó por medio de la investigación acción, donde en forma cíclica, se planearon actividades, se pusieron en marcha, se realizaron observaciones y se reflexionó para realizar mejoras. Se utilizó el enfoque de resolución de problemas, en particular la técnica Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, para llevar la estrategia pedagógica al aula de clase. Como conclusión se evidenció que si los estudiantes cuentan con pre-conceptos del tema a tratar, buenas habilidades comunicativas y de lenguaje, al realizar un desarrollo continuo de la estrategia pedagógica, se mejora la competencia objeto de estudio en los estudiantes.1. Contextualización 6 1.1. Descripción del problema 6 1.2. Formulación del problema 9 1.3. Objetivo general 9 1.4. Objetivos específicos 9 1.5. Justificación 10 1.6. Contextualización de la institución 12 2. Marco referencial 17 2.1. Antecedentes internacionales 17 2.2. Antecedentes nacionales 18 2.3. Antecedentes Locales 20 2.4. Marco teórico 23 Competencia matemática. 23 Investigación formativa. 24 Aprendizaje basado en problemas. 26 Fracciones. 28 2.5. Marco legal 30 3. Diseño metodológico 32 3.1. Tipo de investigación 32 3.2. Proceso de la investigación 34 Etapa 1: Identificación de un problema importante. 34 Etapa 2: Análisis del problema. 35 Etapa 3: Formulación de hipótesis. 35 Etapa 4: Recolección de la información. 35 Etapa 5: Categorización de la información. 36 Etapa 6: Estructuración de las categorías. 36 Etapa 7: Diseño y ejecución de un plan de acción. 38 Etapa 8: Evaluación de la acción ejecutada. 39 3.3. Población y muestra 39 3.4. Instrumentos para la recolección de la información 40 Diario pedagógico. 40 Diagnóstico. 41 Análisis de contenido. 41 3.5. Validación de los instrumentos 41 3.6. Resultado y discusión 41 Diagnostico. 41 Diario pedagógico. 45 Análisis de contenido. 48 Triangulación de la información. 52 4. Propuesta Pedagógica 54 4.1. Presentación de la propuesta 54 4.2. Justificación 54 4.3. Objetivos 54 4.4. Logros 55 4.5. Metodología 55 4.6. Fundamento pedagógico 55 4.7. Diseño de actividades 55 Conclusiones 66 Recomendaciones 68 Referencias 69MaestríaThis work has like purpose develop the mathematical competence to formulate, treat and solve problems in the sixth grade students from Institución Educativa Rural Bosconia, through the formative research as pedagogical strategy. For this posed identify the level of development of the competence, implement the formative research like pedagogical strategy and evaluate the effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy. The process of research realized by means of the action research, where in shape cyclic, planned activities, set up, realized observations and I reason to realize improvements. The problem-solving approach, in particular the Problem-Based Learning technique, was used to bring pedagogical strategy into the classroom. In conclusion, if the students have preconceptions of the subject to be treated, good communicative and linguistic skills, when carrying out a continuous development of the pedagogical strategy, studied subject skill is improved in students

    Positivismo en México. Un estudio sobre la obra México: su evolución social / Positivism in Mexico. A Survey of the Work 'Mexico its social evolution'

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    En la segunda mitad del siglo XIX la filosofía positiva se consolidó como la corriente de pensamiento dominante en México, muchos pensadores la utilizaron como marco teórico para interpretar los acontecimientos pasados y proyectar elfuturo de la nación. Por su análisis, explicación e interpretación de la historia nacional México: su evolución social es la obra culminante del positivismo mexicano, pero para sorpresa nuestra ha sido poco estudiada por los especialistas, de ahí que sea necesario recuperarla. En este artículo nos damos a esa tarea y para ello nos enfocaremos en analizar el método de investigación que emplea la obra así como el papel que cumple la historia dentro de la misma. Con ello se busca contribuir a los estudios sobre el positivismo mexicano al abordar, en una obra crucial, algunos de sus aspectos metodológicos, históricos y filosóficos. In the second half of the nineteenth century the positive philosophy was consolidated as the dominant current of thought in Mexico, many thinkers used it as the theoretical framework to interpret past events and project the future of the nation. Because of its analysis, explanation and interpretation of the national Mexican history México: su evolución social is the culminating work of Mexican positivism. To our surprise, the work has been little studied by scholars hence it is necessary to recover it. In this article we want to do that task and for that we will focus on analyzing the research method used in the work as well as the role played by history within it. The aim then is to contribute to studies on Mexican positivism by approaching, in a crucial work, some of its methodological, historical and philosophical aspects

    A ringed pole-on outflow from DO Tauri revealed by ALMA

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    We present new ALMA Band 6 observations including the CO (2-1) line and 1.3 mmcontinuum emission from the surroundings of the young stellar object DO Tauri. TheALMA CO molecular data show three different series of rings at different radial ve-locities. These rings have radii around 220 au and 800 au. We make individual fits tothe rings and note that their centers are aligned with DO Tauri and its optical high-velocity jet. In addition, we notice that the velocity of these structures increases withthe separation from the young star. We discuss the data under the hypothesis that therings represent velocity cuts through three outflowing shells that are possibly drivenby a wide-angle wind, dragging the environment material along a direction close to theline of sight (i= 19◦). We estimate the dynamical ages, the mass, the momentum andthe energy of each individual outflow shell and those of the whole outflow. The resultsare in agreement with those found in outflows from Class II sources. We make a roughestimate for the size of the jet/wind launching region, which needs to be of.15 au.We report the physical characteristics of DO Tauri?s disk continuum emission (almostface-on and with a projected major axis in the north-south direction) and its velocitygradient orientation (north-south), indicative of disk rotation for a 1-2 Mcentral star.Finally we show an HST [SII] image of the optical jet and report a measurement of itsorientation in the plane of the sky.Fil: Fernandez Lopez, Manuel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Zapata Gonzalez, Luis Alberto. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Astronomia; MéxicoFil: Rodríguez, Luis F.. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Astronomia; MéxicoFil: Vazzano, María Mercedes. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Guzman, Andrés E.. National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan; JapónFil: López, Rosario. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Facultad de Física. Departamento Astronomía y Meteorología; Españ

    Safe and private pedestrian detection by a low-cost fiber-optic specklegram

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    Surveillance is becoming more and more important in the recent years. In many cities, cameras have been set to look after parks, streets, roads, facilities and so on, however this fact is rising concerns about privacy. In this work, an alternative surveillance method which gather at once security and privacy has been propose and tested. Based on fiber optic specklegram technology; a system consisting of a fiber optic, a coherent light source and a photodetector has been placed under a carpet for detecting people walking over it and its accuracy, regarding measuring the steps, have been measured. Results suggest that using low exposed geometries along the carpet and basic processing methods, it is possible to detect with more than 95% of accuracy the number of steps done by the person walking over the carpet.This work has been supported by the projects TEC2013-47264-C2-1-R and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R of the Spanish government and by a Parliament of Cantabria postdoc grant

    SOUL: Scala Oversampling and Undersampling Library for imbalance classification

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    This work has been supported by the research project TIN2017-89517-P, by the UGR research contract OTRI 3940 and by a research scholarship, given to the authors Nestor Rodriguez and David Lopez by the University of Granada, Spain.The improvements in technology and computation have promoted a global adoption of Data Science. It is devoted to extracting significant knowledge from high amounts of information by means of the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools. Among the different tasks within Data Science, classification is probably the most widespread overall. Focusing on the classification scenario, we often face some datasets in which the number of instances for one of the classes is much lower than that of the remaining ones. This issue is known as the imbalanced classification problem, and it is mainly related to the need for boosting the recognition of the minority class examples. In spite of a large number of solutions that were proposed in the specialized literature to address imbalanced classification, there is a lack of open-source software that compiles the most relevant ones in an easy-to-use and scalable way. In this paper, we present a novel software approach named as SOUL, which stands for Scala Oversampling and Undersampling Library for imbalanced classification. The main capabilities of this new library include a large number of different data preprocessing techniques, efficient execution of these approaches, and a graphical environment to contrast the output for the different preprocessing solutions.UGR research contract OTRI 3940University of Granada, SpainTIN2017-89517-

    Methyl 5a-acetoxy­methyl-3-isopropyl-8-methyl-1,2,3,3a,4,5,5a,6,7,10,10a,10b-dodeca­hydro-7,10-endo-epidioxy­cylohepta­[e]indene-3a-carboxyl­ate

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    The mol­ecule of the title compound, C23H34O6, is built up from three fused carbocycles, one five-membered, one six-membered and one seven-membered. The five-membered ring has an envelope conformation, whereas the six-membered ring has a perfect chair conformation and the seven-membered ring has a boat conformation. Intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds together with van der Waals inter­actions stabilize the mol­ecular conformation

    Machine learning for turning optical Fiber Specklegram Sensor into a spatially-resolved sensing system. Proof of concept

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    Fiber Specklegram Sensors (FSSs) are highly sensitive to external perturbations, however, trying to locate perturbation's position remains as a barely addressed study. In this work, a system able to classify perturbations according to the place they have been caused along a multimode optical fiber has been designed. As proof of concept, a multimode optical fiber has been perturbated in different points, recording the videos of the perturbations in the speckle pattern, processing these videos, training with them a machine learning algorithm, and classifying further perturbations based on the spatial locations they were generated. The results show classifications up to 99% when the system has to categorize among three different locations lowering to 71% when the locations rise to ten.This work was supported by the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Low-cost fiber specklegram sensor for noncontact continuous patient monitoring

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    Different low-cost approaches based on fiber specklegram sensors are employed to measure the physiological activity of patients lying in bed. This study is conducted over 20 volunteers to measure the movement and heart rate (HR) using two different sensor designs placed at two different bed locations. Three different processing methods are developed and tested in order to extract useful information from the measured data. The results suggest that a stretched fiber optic configuration under the head of the person lying in bed is the optimal configuration to detect HR and motion, nonetheless the other tested possibilities also exhibit remarkably good performances. On the other hand, the three proposed processing methods also achieve a good precision in the HR detection. The sensor implementation is simple, not requiring any special conditions, and it provides robust performance. This leads to the conclusion that fiber specklegram technology is a feasible method to be used in real situations for heartbeat and movement monitoring.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects TEC2013-47264-C2-1-R and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R

    Acute and mid-term outcomes of transvenous implant of a new left ventricular quadripolar lead versus bipolar leads for cardiac resynchronization therapy: Results from a single-center prospective database

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of the use of a quadripolar left ventricular (LV) lead for cardiac resynchronization therapy and to compare its acute and mid-term outcomes with those obtained with bipolar leads. Cardiac resynchronization exhibits a high incidence of problems involving the LV lead when conventional leads are used, and these problems may be minimized by using multipolar leads. Methods: We gathered clinical, implant, and follow-up data at 3 and 9 months from 21 consecutive patients in whom a quadripolar (Group Q) or bipolar (Group B) lead was used for a biventricular defibrillator implant. Results: The leads were successfully implanted in all of the patients. In Group B, more than one lead was used in 20% (p = 0.048) of cases. There were no clinical differences or differences in the implant parameters between the two groups except for the radiation dose, which was greater in group B (p = 0.035). The incidence of problems related to the LV lead during follow-up was higher in group B, but the difference was not significant (42.9% vs. 23.8%, p = 0.326). The use of more than one LV lead was the only variable that was significantly associated with lead-related problems during follow-up (p = 0.03; OR = 10.8; 95% CI 1.07–108.61). Conclusions: The quadripolar lead was associated with excellent implantation success rates and mid-term performance. The multi-programmability capabilities of quadripolar leads facilitated the achievement of implant goals and helped to reduce problems during the implant and follow-up. (Cardiol J 2012; 19, 5: 470-478

    Degree of Physical Activity in University Teachers Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The objective of this work was to analyze the degree of physical activity of university teachers before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, this in the context of social isolation. The present study adopts a quantitative and cross-sectional approach. The sample was determined randomly, made up of 129 university professors from the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, aged between 18 and 74 years. The results show that 50.39% of teachers before the pandemic maintained a high degree of physical activity, while during confinement they presented a lower degree of physical activity, decreasing to only 39.53%. The Covid-19 not only wreaked havoc on health, but also negative effects in the psychological, emotional and social sphere of people, as well as havoc in the practice of physical activity, modifying healthy lifestyles and leaving possible effects for the consequent physical health