20 research outputs found


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    This paper is a concept paper aims to discuss the success of the involvement of the Mah Meri’s women in entrepreneurship. The problem of poverty is a major problem that faced by Aboriginal communities since for a long time ago. In addition, other issues which are barriers to achieving their development is the attitude of not openness to change. The role of women in the process of achieving the successful development of a society seen as a holistic solution. The women viewed as people who can contribute to the progress and development of society and the state. Experience from self-serve economy practiced by them, Aboriginal communities are seen as the best communities to bring that experience to a favorable change for them. Entrepreneurship is a strategy that is very close to the women of the Aboriginal communities because of their experience that they have. Hence, these entrepreneurship areas need to be developed in the women as well as helping men to carry out entrepreneurial activities. This process is supported by the provision of opportunities provided by the government in enhancing their capabilities. The opportunities provided such as courses and training have been used as a source of entrepreneurial education to them in the pursuit of entrepreneurial activity. In conclusion, this paper is important for researchers to provide exposure of the women in a group of Orang Asli community who have ability and openness to success. They take the opportunities that have been provided as a beneficial resource for them to getting profitable changes. It is hoped that this paper will serve as a benchmark for others women of the Indigenous Orang Asli communities to join with Mah Meri's women in achieving successful in entrepreneurship and at the same time can elevate the value of their gender in community

    Competencies Needed for Improving Teaching Among Lecturers of Polytechnics in North-Western Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to determine the competencies needed for improving teaching among lecturers of polytechnics in North-western Nigeria. A polytechnic was established in Nigeria to train individuals to learn a specific skill using competent lecturers for employment or self-reliance after graduation. These lecturers are very essential to the quality of students of electrical/ electronic technology in the polytechnics. However, technology dynamism has become a serious challenge for the lecturers to perform their teaching tasks. Hence the need for lecturers to continually improved on their competence and knowledge of the subject matter content they teach. The study is also to identify any difference of competency needed among the institutions. 122 electrical/electronic lecturers from nine universities were purposely selected as respondents for the study whose consisted of 55 lecturers from five state polytechnics and 67 lecturers from four federal polytechnics. The study adopted survey research design and used structured questionnaire as the main instrument for the data collection. The questionnaires were developed and distributed to respondents. Mean and improvement needed index analysis were used for data analysis to achieve the research objective whilst t-test was used to test the significance difference between the institutions. It was found that electrical/electronic lecturers in polytechnics need improvement of their competencies related to knowledge and skills in the subject matter. However, there was no significant difference of competency needed between the lecturers in state and federal polytechnics on the teaching subject matter. The implication of the finding is that the location of the lecturers did not significantly affect their opinion in the competencies. In conclusion, lecturers of electrical/electronic technology from the polytechnics has low competency in executing technical task assigned to them within the study area which required adequate investigation by determining the competencies of lecturers who happen to be the main implementers of the electrical/electronic programme. Therefore, it is recommended that the schools administrators should continually organized workshop and training for lecturers to build their capacity in order for the lecturers to always develop their competencies to effectively teach the contents of the subject assigned to them

    Kajian awal tahap kesukarelawan di kalangan rakyat Johor, Malaysia / Nik Rozilaini Wan Mohamed … [et al.]

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    Kajian ini merupakan peringkat konseptual dalam mengenalpasti tahap kesukarelawan di kalangan rakyat di negeri Johor Malaysia. Kajian soal selidik ini akan dikemukakan kepada pertubuhan sukarelawan di sekitar negeri Johor, Malaysia. Dalam kajian ini bakal mengkaji profil pertubuhan sukarela dalam aspek jenis pertubuhan, keahlian dan objektif pertubuhan, sejarah penubuhan, pengurusan pertubuhan, aktiviti, sumber dan kewangan pertubuhan sukarelawan. Seterusnya melihat kepada sumbangan pertubuhan sukarela dalam membentuk perhubungan kaum dan integrasi nasional. Kajian ini akan menghuraikan perkhidmatan yang diberikan untuk menilai setakat mana dan bagaimana pertubuhan bcrkcnaan berfungsi. Ianya diharap dapat memberi huraian perkhidmatan sebenar yang mereka berikan bagaimana ia dilaksanakan (mekanisme penyampaian) dan siapa yang mendapat faedah daripada perkhidmatan tersebut. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga menyentuh masalah yang dihadapi dalam menyampaikan perkhidmatan mereka. Penemuan kajian diharapkam membantu indeks perpaduan (perhubungan). Dengan melalui perhubungan kaum dan integrasi kelihatan bahawa nasional Negara boleh dicapai menerusi aktiviti, pengurusan dan saluran perkhidmatan pertubuhan sukarela. Di harap kajian ini membantu seperti Jabatan Kebajikan Pejabat Daerah Masyarakat (JPM), Jabatan Belia, dan Penghulu dan mencadangkan langkah yang perlu oleh diambil pihak yang berkenaan

    Implementation of Vocational College Lecturers Teaching Practice in Construction Technology Program

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    The research was conducted to identify practical teaching practices among lecturers of Construction Technology in Vocational College Malaysia. This research uses quantitative methods (questionnaires) and is supported by interview methods and observations for data collection and subsequently determines the answers to the identified research problems. There are three teaching practice components, namely pre-teaching practice, practice during teaching, and post-practice practice. The elements contained in the pre-teaching component of the lesson are the preparation of lesson plans, the provision of teaching aids and the preparation of lesson content. The current practice element of teaching is the teaching method and the element of post-practice practice is training and evaluation. The respondents involved were 46 Construction Technology lecturers at six Vocational College. The data obtained through pilot studies have been tested and demonstrated the reliability of Alpha Cronbach which is 0.819 high. An overview of the differences in pre-teaching practice, during teaching and post-lessons according to the experience and expertise category uses the T test with a significant level of 0.05. In overall, the findings show that all three components of pre-teaching practice, during teaching and post-teaching are at a high level. The findings also showed that there were no significant differences in pre-teaching practices, teaching and post-lectures based on the experience and expertise categories of lecturers.   &nbsp


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    Orang Asli isknown to have natural skills because they are able to survive by relying on the nature-based nature of the eco-economy where they live. The economic results they get are from forest produce, as well as marine produce. They are skilled in making handicrafts, making plaiting, processing, food hunting and so on. In the beginning they were merely changing items but the longer they were clever in trading activities among local communities and outside communities. This can be seen through the communities that managed to open their own businesses such as Orang Asli in Rengit. They have successfully made this entrepreneurial activity a major quest. These business activities originally from individual engagement have become a business in one community as the number of businesses in this community who sell the same products are growing. The purpose of this paper is to see how the capabilities of the Kuala Orang Orang Asli community in entrepreneurship from the aspects of economics, psychology and sociology

    Peranan sektor pelancongan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan golongan wanita Orang Asli

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    Masalah kemiskinan merupakan masalah utama yang membelenggu komuniti Orang Asli sejak dahulu lagi. Sektor pelancongan merupakan satu sektor yang dapat menyumbangkan pendapatan kepada golongan ini tanpa perlu mengeluarkan modal yang besar. Peranan golongan wanita di dalam proses pembangunan masyarakat dilihat sebagai satu jalan penyelesaian yang holistik di mana mereka dilihat mampu menyumbang kepada kemajuan dan pembangunan masyarakat dan negara. Melalui sektor pelancongan, wanita dalam kalangan orang asli mampu memasarkan produk, kemahiran dan kebolehan mereka melalui penghasilan kraftangan dan persembahan kebudayaan.. Kajian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan memberi tumpuan kepada wanita dari suku kaum Mah Meri di Kampung Sungai Bumbun, Pulau Carey, Selangor. Lokasi ini dipilih kerana pengembangan, penyediaan kemudahan dan pemusatan aktiviti pelancongan banyak dilaksanakan di sini. Responden yang dipilih telah terlibat secara aktif dalam penghasilan kraftangan dan aktiviti kebudayaan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan sektor pelancongan mampu membawa perubahan yang besar di mana golongan wanita suku kaum orang asli Mah Meri dapat meningkatkan pendapatan mereka berbanding sebelum menyertai sektor ini. Melalui kajian ini, diharapkan dapat memberi gambaran yang jelas berkaitan peranan sektor pelancongan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan golongan wanita Orang Asli

    Engineering Students' Generic Skills After Industrial Training: Employers' Perception

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    This study aims to examine the employers' perception on the generic skills of the MTU engineering students after their industrial training. The related generic skills in this study are problem-solving skills, leadership skills, communication skills, management skills, entrepreneurial skills, critical thinking skills, decision making skills, teamwork skills and   interpersonal skill. The sample of this study consists of 144 employers from EEE (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) field industries that has been chosen from whole Malaysia using random sampling. The design of the study uses quantitative survey approach specifically descriptive analysis where data analysis is done in the form of mean, frequencies and percentages. (The results show that employers' perceptions on the level for students' leadership skills is at a moderate low of 2.77.On the other hand, the students' communication skills is at a moderate low level of 2.83, management skills at a moderate high level of 3.34, interpersonal skills at a moderate high level of 3.37, problem-solving skills at a moderate high level of 3.70, critical thinking skills at a moderate high level of 3.47, decision-making skills at moderate high of 4.13 and teamwork skills at moderate high of 3.64 and entrepreneurial skills at moderate low of 2.59. ) Referring to the findings that it can help the university to re-evaluate the industry training curriculum to improve the quality of the student's generic skills. Therefore, it is hoped that these research findings can be used by related authorities (Ministry Higher Education and Industry) to improve the students' overall generic skills and consequently produce quality graduates not only in technical skills but also in generic skills. This findings will be used as a guideline in the improvement of the industry training curriculum by looking at the weakest level of generic skills based on the employer's perception

    Analisis keperluan hidup: strategi untuk membangunkan kerangka kediaman hidup warga emas

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    Kajian ini bertujuan menganaiisis keperluan hidup warga emas mtuk membangunkan satu kerangka kedamaian hidup mereka Seramai 442 warga emas terpilih sebagai responden kajian. pemilihan responden menggunakan sampel nonprobality iaitu sampel yang tidak besar dan tidak 'memerlukan kebarangkalian sebagai sampel kajian. Data dan makiumat yang diperolehi adalah rnelalui kaedah soal selidik, pemerhatian dan temu bual. Dapatan kajian dilaporkan dalam statistik kekerapan, peratusan, min dan sisihan piawai dan laporan naratif. Kajian rnenmjukkan warga emas memerlukan kelima-lima keperluan hidup yang dikemukakan oleh Maslow untuk membahagiakan hidup mereka. Didapati 47.0% daripada responden memerlukan keperluan kesempurnaan kendiri, 20.3 % memerlukan keperluan fisiologi, 17.8% memerlukan keperluan kasih sayang, 11 -2% memerlukan keperluan keselamatan, dan 3.7% memerlukan keperluan penghormatan. Kajian juga mendapati perkara yang membahagiakan hidup warga emas pula ialah 46.4% menyatakan keperluan kesernpurnaan kendiri, 22.1% menyatakan keperluan penghormatan, 14.9% menyatakan keperluan keselamatan, 14.5% menyatakan keperluan fisiologi, dan2.13% menyatakan keperluan kasih sayang. Tahap kebahagiaan hidup warga emas adalah tinggi didapati 90.4% menyatakan bahagia, 8.1% menyatakan kurang bahagia dan 1.5% menyatakan tidak bahagia. Berdasarkan kepada ketinggian skor rnin yang meIebihi 4.21 dan sisihan piawai yang kurang daripada 1.00, didapati sembilan situaai dm aktiviti y k g diperlukan oleh warga emas untuk memperolehi kebahagiaan hidup iaitu, mematuhi ajaran agama, mendalami pengetahuan agama, berusaha untuk terus hidup ddam keadaan sihat. mendapatkan perhatian daripada anak, menjaga kesihatan fizikal, merehatkan diri, melakukan aktiviti yang menyihatkan badan, mendapatkan perhatian daripada pasangan hidup, dm menimbulkan~erasaan gembira.Tujuh faktor utama yang menyumbang-kepada kedamaian hidup warga emas ialah melaksanakan ajaran agama, sihat.fuika1, disayangi, menyayangi, perasaan gernbira, merehatkan diri dan tiada masalah. Sembilan punca tahap kedamaian warga emas rendah ialah tidak sihat, susah hati, perasaan sedii didatangi masalah, tersentuh perasaan, tidak dapat melepaskan perasaan yang terpendam, tidak berpeluang melakukan aktiviti yang dapat menyihatkan badan, tidak dapat tempat kediaman yang diinginkan dan tidak dapat pengetahuan dan kemahiran yang diinginka

    Pembangunan kerangka keupayaan di peringkat komuniti ke arah kelestarian pelancongan berasaskan komuniti (community based tourisme) di Malaysia

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    Keupayaan komuniti merupakan elemen penting dalam memastikan kelestarian pembangunan homestay. Kegagalan program homestay dikaitkan dengan ketidakupayaan komuniti dari apek pengetahuan, kemahiran, kepimpinan dan sokongan masyarakat. Sehubungan itu, kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik sebagai instrument utama bagi proses pengumpulan data. Selain daripada itu, temubual separa berstruktur dijalankan ke atas pengerusi homestay dan ketua kampung bagi mengukuhkan dapatan yang berbentuk kuantitatif. Bilangan sampel kajian adalah seramai 140 orang yang membabitkan enam buah homestay dalam Koridor Ekonomi Pantai Timur. Pengumpulan data mentah dianalisis menggunakan Statistical for Social Science (SPSS) 26 for Windows manakala data temu bual dianalisis berdasarkan tema. Analisis data yang dijalankan adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan ujian Anova. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan masyarakat mempunyai persepsi kefahaman yang sederhana dari aspek penjanaan ekonomi. Manakala, tahap kesediaan dari aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran, kepimpinan dan sokongan masyarakat yang secara keseluruhan berada pada tahap sederhana. Kesimpulannya, kajian ini telah menggambarkan penglibatan komuniti dalam pembangunan program homestay dipengaruhi oleh keupayaan diri ahli komuniti itu sendiri

    Model Pemasangan Komponen Industrial Building System (IBS) Sebagai Alat Bahan Bantu Mengajar (ABBM)

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    Abstrak : Model pemasangan komponen Industrial Building System (IBS) dibangunkan sebagai alat bahan bantu mengajar (ABBM) adalah untuk membantu memudahkan pengajar menyampaikan isi pengajaran kepada pelajar dalam proses pengajaran & pembelajaran (PdP) serta mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang lebih menarik. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah pembangunan produk dengan menggunakan model ADDIE sebagai panduan pembangunan model ABBM. Model yang dibangunkan telah diujilari untuk melihat kebolehfungsian sebagai ABBM yang menarik. Pengesahan pakar melalui borang senarai semak telah dibuat bagi melihat kebolehfungsian model sebagai ABBM yang menarik Dapatan kajian melalui penelitian pakar menunjukkan, pembangunan model pemasangan komponen IBS yang dibangunkan mempuyai ciri-ciri ABBM yang menarik dan sesuai seperti saiz model, warna model, manual pengguna model serta penggunaan CD video proses pemasangan komponen IBS yang digunakan dalam proses PdP. Selain itu, kebolehfungsian model ABBM mempunyai fungsi yang baik sebagai alternatif kepada lawatan tapak pembinaan. Kesimpulannya, model pemasangan komponen IBS sebagai ABBM merupakan satu produk yang dapat membantu dalam proses PdP.     Abstract: The Industrial Building System (IBS) component model developed as a teaching aids (ABBM) is to help teachers deliver the content to students in the teaching & learning process (PdP) and create a more engaging learning environment. The design of this study is product development using the ADDIE model as a guide to ABBM model development. The developed model has been tested to look at its functionality as an attractive ABBM. Expert validation through the checklist was created to valid the model's functionality as an attractive ABBM. The findings of expert shows that the development of IBS component assembly models developed has interesting and appropriate ABBM features such as model size, model color, model user manuals and the use of the video CD of the IBS component installation process used in the PdP process. In addition, the functionality of the ABBM model has good function as an alternative to the site visit. In conclusion, the IBS component model as ABBM is a product that can assist in the teaching and learning process