5 research outputs found

    Modelagem da vulnerabilidade à contaminação de aquíferos livres em região hidrográfica do semiárido baiano explorada pela agroindústria

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    The model of vulnerability to groundwater contamination was prepared for the upper basin excerpt Paraguaçu, Bahia state, using the index GOD, in order to indicate areas suitable for the introduction of contaminant loads due to the intense use of land by agricultural use, as well as a subsidiary instrument to generate spatial planning that integrates the groundwater resources. For this purpose, we used data from wells drilled and geological mapping together raised the state public agencies, and properly processed in the environment consisted of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to obtain three Information Plans (IPs): (a ) the degree of confinement of the aquifer, identified as free by the analysis of stratigraphic profiles, (b) the occurrence of strata of coverage based on pre-mapped rock units, and (c) distance from the groundwater to the surface, obtained by analysis of data points adjacent to the static level in drilled wells. The result of modeling performed by the superposition of these PIs in algebra cumulative indices showed varying from 0.42 to 0.63, meaning that the aquifer has medium and high vulnerability, the latter corresponding to approximately 96% of its total length. It is hoped that this research be useful in sustainable environmental management, supporting policies for conservation of groundwater resources, as provided for in national legislation.Pages: 6214-622

    Quantificação e análise espacial dos focos de calor no Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina - BA

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    Fires in vegetation are pointed out as one of the main factors that impact and threaten the conservation of biodiversity in environmental systems. In Brazil, in the state of Bahia, Chapada Diamantina is one of the most affected region by constant burning, requiring huge investment of financial resources to fight the fires. Hotspots data detected by satellite sensors have been used to identify areas of occurrence of fires. From these data, estimates are made about the possible location and extent of affected areas, highlighting the temporal / spatial dynamic of fires. This study aimed to analyze the spatial behavior of hotspots between the years 2000 to 2011 in the National Park of Chapada Diamantina, in order to identify the areas of greatest intensity of fire occurrence obtained with the aid of Kernel intensity estimation. To this end, was made a survey of georeferenced hotspots existing into the park, organized a database, and then, in a GIS environment, modeled the distribution pattern of the set of points. According to the analyzed data, about 439 hotspots were detected by sensors aboard NOAA satellites - NOAA 12 and - 15 in the last 12 years within the park boundaries. It was found that the year of higher incidence of hot spots in the park was in 2008, when 243 focuses were detected. The number of hotspots recorded in 2008 represents about 55% of the total. It was found that 245 of the 439 spots detected were in the east border of the city of Mucugê (about 56%).Pages: 6969-697

    Mapeamento da geodiversidade dos geossítios de Itaetê, inseridos em região potencial a geoparque

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    The elements of geodiversity are key to understanding the evolution of the earth and life. When inventoried and endowed with scientific and/or tourist and/or educational values, and geographically well delimited, they are consecrated as geosites. These, when they presents geoconservation strategies, sustainable and multidisciplinary development of the region, dialoguing with local communities and a good management structure, enable the implementation of a Geopark. This work aims to georeference and make the geoenvironmental characterization of three geosites in the municipality of Itaetê: the Caverna do Poço Encantado, the Caverna da Lapa do Bode and the Cachoeira Encantada, which in 2010 was in a perimeter under evaluation for the Chapada Geopark Diamantina by CPRM and also proposed by Pereira (2010). The methodological procedures consisted of literature reviews, fieldwork, use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Representative maps of geodiversity elements were generated, showing that the two caves are located on a carbonate plateau with a karst landscape, of the Salitre Formation, and the Enchanted Waterfall in a context between mountain ranges and structural steps of the Tombador Formation, both covered by Latosols. It was found that the region is attractive for geotourism, promoting knowledge of geosciences and that it can collaborate in the development of local communities.Os elementos da geodiversidade são peças-chave para entender a evolução da terra e da vida. Quando inventariados e dotados de valores científicos e/ou turístico e/ou educativo, e bem delimitados geograficamente, são consagrados como geossítios. Estes, quando apresentam estratégias de geoconservação, desenvolvimento sustentável e multidisciplinar da região, dialogando com as comunidades locais e boa estrutura de gestão, viabilizam a implantação de um Geoparque. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de georreferenciar e fazer a caracterização geoambiental de três geossítios do município de Itaetê: a Caverna do Poço Encantado, a Caverna da Lapa do Bode e a Cachoeira Encantada, que em 2010 esteve em um perímetro em avaliação para o Geoparque Chapada Diamantina pela CPRM e também proposta por Pereira (2010). Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em revisões bibliográficas, trabalho de campo, uso das técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Gerou-se mapas representativos dos elementos da geodiversidade, demonstrando que as duas cavernas estão inseridas em um planalto carbonático de paisagem cárstica, da Formação Salitre, e a Cachoeira Encantada em um contexto entre serras e degraus estruturais da Formação Tombador, ambos abrangidos por Latossolos. Averiguou-se que a região apresenta-se atraente para o geoturismo, promover o conhecimento das geociências e que possa colaborar para o desenvolvimento das comunidades locais

    Influência entre os constituintes químicos e físicos do solo na sua resposta espectral

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of chemical and physical constituents of the soil in their spectral response, since the interaction of electromagnetic energy with the soil can be changed depending on the variability of their attributes. The research was conducted in reference-areas of preserved Caatinga, degraded Caatinga, buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) and Mango crop (Mangifera indica L.), located at Embrapa Semiarid in Petrolina - PE. We used georeferenced data of 120 soil samples. The chemical and physical analyzes were performed at the Soil Laboratory of Embrapa Semi-Arid and the spectral measurements in the Spectroradiometry Laboratory of UEFS. The spectral curves obtained by spectroradiometry demonstrated how soil attributes act upon their spectral response. From the spectral curves were defined absorption bands throughout the spectrum that correlated significantly with soil attributes. By correlating the chemical and textural analyzes with the spectral curves we can see how each attribute influences the soil reflectance and thus predict the range that each attribute can be better interpreted. In addition, the correlation can demonstrate which of attributes are most influential or significant for the formation of absorption features. For the analyzed soil the best responses were found for the micronutrients Fe, Cu and Zn.Pages: 9195-920

    Prospecção de Tecnologias em Chatbots

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    To keep up with the new demands of the market and remain competitive, companies are committed to change and implement new technologies to interact with their customers. The chatbots have brought a new solution when it comes to narrowing the relationship with the user through a more dynamic interaction. Thus this article, through prospecting based on scientific articles surveyed in the CAPES Platform and search for patents through the search and analysis system Orbit Intelligence, carried out the mapping and analysis of technologies in chatbots. It was possible to identify the countries with the greatest interest in that matter, the increase in the number of patents and scientific publications since 2016, as well as a change in the focus of technologies on requested patents. The conclusion was that the technologies in chatbots are arousing the interest of the inventors and researchers, in order to broaden their capacity of interaction and evidencing their market potential.Para acompanhar as novas demandas do mercado e continuarem competitivas, as empresas se empenham em mudanças e implementam novas tecnologias para interagir com seus clientes. Os chatbots (robôs de conversação) trouxeram uma nova solução quando o assunto é estreitar a relação com o usuário, por meio de uma interação mais dinâmica. Assim, este artigo, por meio de prospecção baseada em levantamento de artigos científicos pesquisados na Plataforma CAPES e busca de patentes por meio do sistema de busca e análise Orbit Intelligence,realizou o mapeamento e a análise de tecnologias em chatbots. Foi possível identificar os países com maior interesse, o aumento no número de patentes e publicações cientificas a partir de 2016, assim como uma mudança no foco das tecnologias em patentes solicitadas. Conclui-se que as tecnologias em chatbots estão despertando o interesse dos inventores e pesquisadores, a fim de ampliar sua capacidade de interação, e evidenciando seu potencial mercadológico