Modelagem da vulnerabilidade à contaminação de aquíferos livres em região hidrográfica do semiárido baiano explorada pela agroindústria


The model of vulnerability to groundwater contamination was prepared for the upper basin excerpt Paraguaçu, Bahia state, using the index GOD, in order to indicate areas suitable for the introduction of contaminant loads due to the intense use of land by agricultural use, as well as a subsidiary instrument to generate spatial planning that integrates the groundwater resources. For this purpose, we used data from wells drilled and geological mapping together raised the state public agencies, and properly processed in the environment consisted of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to obtain three Information Plans (IPs): (a ) the degree of confinement of the aquifer, identified as free by the analysis of stratigraphic profiles, (b) the occurrence of strata of coverage based on pre-mapped rock units, and (c) distance from the groundwater to the surface, obtained by analysis of data points adjacent to the static level in drilled wells. The result of modeling performed by the superposition of these PIs in algebra cumulative indices showed varying from 0.42 to 0.63, meaning that the aquifer has medium and high vulnerability, the latter corresponding to approximately 96% of its total length. It is hoped that this research be useful in sustainable environmental management, supporting policies for conservation of groundwater resources, as provided for in national legislation.Pages: 6214-622

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