1,157 research outputs found

    Movimento Negro in Salvador de Bahia: an alliance between things

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    Při procházce ulicemi Salvadoru de Bahia je možné vnímat přítomnost symbolů kultury boje, kterou propaguje hnutí Movimento Negro, jež v reakci na místní strukturální rasismus vyzývá k zaplnění prostoru oslavnými reprezentacemi afrického původu. Pokus o pochopení toho, kdo nebo co je Movimento Negro, byl učiněn prostřednictvím terénního výzkumu. Ukázalo se ústřední postavení materiálního a senzitivního rozměru jako prostoru boje mezi ekonomickými a rasovými skupinami (Rancière 2004). Rasismus i formy odporu v reakci na něj jsou viditelné a materiálně se projevují v tělech, prostorech a předmětech. Movimento Negro je hyperobjekt (Morton 2018). Je to “vícedruhová asambláž” (Haraway 2015): zachycena ve svých smyslových projevech nás nutí zpochybňovat místní systém významů a samotná epistemologická paradigmata, na nichž je založena modernita (Gilroy 1993).Walking through Salvador de Bahia’s streets one perceives the presence of symbols of the culture of struggle promoted by the Movimento Negro, which invites to encher o espaço (“fill the space”) with celebratory representations of Afro-descent, in response to local structural racism. An attempt was made to understand who or what the Movimento Negro was through fieldwork. The centrality of the material and sensitive dimension, as a space for struggle among economic and racial groups (Rancière 2004), has emerged. Both racism and the forms of resistance in response to it are visible and materially manifest in bodies, spaces, and objects. Movimento Negro is a hyperobject (Morton 2018). It’s a “multispecies assemblage” (Haraway 2015): caught in its sensual manifestations, it forces us to question the local system of meaning and the very epistemological paradigms on which Modernity is based (Gilroy 1993)

    Notch Signaling Regulates Immune Responses in Atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease that can cause coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, depending on which arteries are affected. At the beginning of atherosclerosis plasma lipoproteins accumulate in the sub-endothelial space. In response, monocytes migrate from the circulation through the endothelium into the intima where they differentiate into macrophages. These early events trigger a complex immune response that eventually involves many cellular subtypes of both innate and adaptive immunity. The Notch signaling pathway is an evolutionary conserved cell signaling system that mediates cell-to-cell communication. Recent studies have revealed that Notch modulate atherosclerosis by controlling macrophages polarization into M1 or M2 subtypes. Furthermore, it is known that Notch signaling controls differentiation and activity of T-helper and cytotoxic T-cells in inflammatory diseases. In this review, we will discuss the role of Notch in modulating immunity in the context of atherosclerosis and whether targeting Notch may represent a therapeutic strategy

    A randomized controlled trial comparing behavioral, educational, and pharmacological treatments in youths with chronic tic disorder or Tourette syndrome

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    Context: The existing literature on the treatment of pediatric chronic tic disorder (CTD) and Tourette syndrome (TS) indicates that both behavioral therapy (BT) and pharmacotherapy (PT) are effective for reducing symptoms. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of BT compared to psychoeducation (PE) or PT for reducing tics and co-occurring symptoms and for improving quality of life (QoL) in a sample of youths with CTD and TS. Design: A 10 weeks, 2 sites (Catania, Rome) randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomized to receive one of the following treatments: BT, PE, or PT. Participants: 110 outpatients aged between 8 and 17 years affected by CTD or TS. Results: Patients in the BT and PT groups showed a significant reduction in the severity of tic symptoms, while the PE group did not show any improvement. PT was more effective for reducing obsessive compulsive symptoms than BT, while PE group did not show any improvement. Both BT and PT groups showed an improvement in most QoL domains, whereas no differences were found in the PE group. Conclusions: BT is as effective as pharmacological therapy in the treatment of tic disorders in children and adolescents, thus offering an alternative to medications for CTD and TS

    La scenografia degli stucchi del Serpotta rivisitata. La materia e la forma

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    The material that lies beneath the smooth shining surface of the stuccoes of the Serpotta family who used to work in Sicily from 1670 to 1730, has been thoroughly studied in previous papers, disclosing the deep, albeit empirical, knowledge of materials science that guided the artists in creating their masterpieces. In this work, attention is focused on the solid perspective and on the scenographic sculpture by Giacomo Serpotta, who is acknowledged as the leading exponent of the School. The study deals with some particular works of the artist, the “small-scaled plastic theatres”, so-called “teatrini”, which he made for the San Lorenzo Oratory in Palermo. On the basis of archival documents and previous analogical photogrammetric plotting, integrated with digital solutions and computer-based technologies, the study investigates and interprets the geometric-formal genesis of the examined works of art. Knowledge of the material composition of the stuccoes, along with the ability to accurately reproduce their shapes, give interesting possibilities to provide a complete reading of the works of art damaged by deterioration or theft.La materia che si nasconde sotto le levigate e lucenti superfici degli stucchi della famiglia dei Serpotta, che operò in Sicilia tra il 1670 e il 1730, è stata ampiamente studiata in precedenti lavori, rivelando la profonda, se pur empirica, conoscenza della Scienza dei Materiali che guidava gli artisti nella realizzazione dei loro capolavori. In questo studio l’attenzione viene posta sulla prospettiva solida e sulla scultura scenografica dello scultore palermitano Giacomo Serpotta, riconosciuto come il principale esponente della Scuola. L’indagine si concentra su particolari opere dell’artista, i cosiddetti “teatrini plastici”, da lui eseguiti per l’Oratorio di San Lorenzo nel centro antico di Palermo. Sulla base di documenti di archivio e rilevamenti stereo fotogrammetrici analogici pregressi, integrati con tecniche di acquisizione dati di ultima generazione, lo studio presenta elaborazioni digitali che hanno permesso ricostruzioni virtuali a video di elementi scultorei non più esistenti. La conoscenza dei materiali che compongono le opere in stucco, insieme alla capacità di riprodurre con precisione le forme, offre interessanti possibilità di fornire una lettura completa delle opere d’arte danneggiate dal deterioramento o dal furto

    The Use of Microbial Modifying Therapies to Prevent Psoriasis Exacerbation and Associated Cardiovascular Comorbidity

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    Psoriasis has emerged as a systemic disease characterized by skin and joint manifestations as well as systemic inflammation and cardiovascular comorbidities. Many progresses have been made in the comprehension of the immunological mechanisms involved in the exacerbation of psoriatic plaques, and initial studies have investigated the mechanisms that lead to extracutaneous disease manifestations, including endothelial disfunction and cardiovascular disease. In the past decade, the involvement of gut dysbiosis in the development of pathologies with inflammatory and autoimmune basis has clearly emerged. More recently, a major role for the skin microbiota in establishing the immunological tolerance in early life and as a source of antigens leading to cross-reactive responses towards self-antigens in adult life has also been evidenced. Gut microbiota can indeed be involved in shaping the immune and inflammatory response at systemic level and in fueling inflammation in the cutaneous and vascular compartments. Here, we summarized the microbiota-mediated mechanisms that, in the skin and gut, may promote and modulate local or systemic inflammation involved in psoriatic disease and endothelial dysfunction. We also analyze the emerging strategies for correcting dysbiosis or modulating skin and gut microbiota composition to integrate systemically existing pharmacological therapies for psoriatic disease. The possibility of merging systemic treatment and tailored microbial modifying therapies could increase the efficacy of the current treatments and potentially lower the effect on patient’s life quality

    Necrotizing fasciitis of the lower limbs

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    We report an uncommon severe soft-tissue infection of the thighs in a male child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Early and aggressive medical treatment and the conservative surgical approach were successful. Necrotizing fasciitis should be suspected in any soft-tissue infection until it can be definitely ruled out, since prompt deliver of medical and surgical intervention is essential