42 research outputs found

    Analisis Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Pada Indsutri Kecil Di Kota Palangka Raya (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Pahandut, Jekan Raya Dan Sabangau)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh antara modal, produktivitas tenaga kerja  dan upah tenaga kerja terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja industri kecil di Kota Palangka Raya secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan melakukan wawancara dan kuesioner kepada 100 responden pengusaha industri kecil di Kota Palangka Raya (Studi kasus di Kecamatan Pahandut, Jekan Raya dan Sabangau) dengan menggunakan alat analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan modal, produktivitas tenaga kerja dan upah tenaga kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja. Secara parsial modal, produktivitas tenaga kerja dan upah tenaga kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja


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    Pengaruh Modal, Tenaga Kerja, Jam Kerja, dan Lama Usaha Terhadap Pendapatan Konter Pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh Modal terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (2) Pengaruh Tenaga Kerja terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (3) Pengaruh Jam Kerja terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (4) Pengaruh Lama Usaha terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (5) Pengaruh Modal, Tenaga Kerja, Jam Kerja, dan Lama Usaha terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode kuantitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket (kuesioner) dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling sebanyak 50 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda serta pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan program IBM SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Modal berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (2) Tenaga kerja tidak berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya. (3) Jam kerja berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pendapatan usaha konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya. (4) Lama Usaha berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pendapatan konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya, (5) Modal, Tenaga Kerja, Jam Kerja, dan Lama Usaha berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap pendapatan usaha konter pulsa di Kota Palangka Raya

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemotong Bahan Kerupuk Ubi Kayu

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    Cassava is one of several main provisions substitutes in Indonesia. It is known to be the third consumed provisions after rice and corn. The spreading of cassava plant is in all over Provinces of Indonesia. In the regency of Hulu Sungai Selatan in the Province of South Kalimantan cassava is processed to become cassava chips and thereby supports the local economic development. Unfortunately there is a lack of technology for the efficient cassava slicing machine, since the used tools are still very simple. The purposes of this research are to design and to build an efficient cassava slicing machine and also recognizing the influence of the pulley size to the slicing speed and to the sliced cassava.The preparation to invent the cassava slicing machine consists of designing and selection of its components, such as motor, axis, pulley, anvil and other supporting equipments. After the designing process the assembling of the slicing machine is executed. Right after the assembling process the performance of the slicing machine is tested by changing the rotation of slicing disc axis constantly in order to gain great quantities of qualified sliced cassavas with less waste.The result of this research and the analyzing process shows that the performance of the designed slicing machine can be optimal by using 8 inches pulley. The slicing of one stem produces 861 sliced cassavas, 645 of them are qualified and 217 are broken, in average time of 35,67 seconds. By slicing two stems at the same time produces 1.413 sliced cassavas, consist of 857 qualified and 556 broken sliced cassavas, in the average time of 45,67 seconds. The comparison for the invented slicing machine is the simple slicing machine, which is used in South Kalimantan nowadays. The simple machine slices 546 sliced cassavas from one stem, 461 of them are qualified and 85 sliced cassavas are broken, in the time of 2 minutes. The comparison shows that the new invented machine is more efficient than the used old one. Moreover the invented cassava slicing machine has the advantages of high slicing speed, clean sliced cassava and high safety

    Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Ibu dalam Pemberian Imunisasi Hepatitis B 0-7 Hari di Kota Banjarmasin

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    Background: Indonesia belongs to medium and high endemic country of hepatitis B (HB) with the prevalence as much as 8% - 20% of the population. The risk for the prevalence of chronic HB is much more higher among infants infected during birth 90%, among children of 1 – 5 years 30% - 60%, and among adults 2%-6%. If infants of 0-7 days old are given the first dosage of HB immunization, the prevalence of being HB chronic patients is 23% and if the first dosage is given when infants are one months old, the prevalence of being HB chronic patients is 40%. The coverage of HB immunization for infants of 0-7 days old at Banjarmasin Municipality in 2006 was only 41%.Objective: The study aimed to identify the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and behavior of mothers in giving HB immunization to infants of 0-7 days old at Banjarmasin Municipality.Method: The study was observational and used cross sectional design. Subject of the study were 170 mothers having infants of 0-12 months chosen using consecutive sampling technique at 5 health centers with different coverage of HB immunization of infant of 0-7 days old. Data analysis used chi square and logistic regression. Strength of relationship was calculated using prevalence ratio with CI 95%.Result: The result of bivariable analysis showed that there was relationship between behavior of mothers in giving 0-7 day HB in immunization and knowledge RP=1.61 (CI 95%=1.35-191), attitude RP=1.49 (CI95%= 1.22-1.62), education RP=1.56 (CI95%=1.24-1.96), occupation RP=1.44 (CI95%=1.01-2.05) and birth assistants RP=1.48 (CI95%=1.21-1.82). The result of multivariable analysis using logistic regression showed that only 2 variables, i.e. knowledge and education statistically had significant relationship with behavior of mothers in giving 0-7 day HB immunization.Conclusion: There was relationship between knowledge and education and behavior of mothers in giving 0-7 day HB immunization

    Analysis of Labor Absorption in Small Industries in Palangka Raya City (Case Study in Pahandut, Jekan Raya and Sabangau Districts)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of capital, labor productivity and labor wages in the labor absorption on small industries in Palangka Raya City partially or simultan. This type of study was quantitative study by conducting interviews and questionnaires to 100 respondents of small industry entrepreneurs in Palangka Raya City ( Case studies in the sub-districts of Pahandut, Jekan Raya and Sabangau) by using multiple linear regression analysis tool. The results of this study showed that simultaneously capital, labor productivity and labor wages have a significant effect on employment. Partially capital, labor productivity and labor wages have a significant effect on labor absorptio


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    Bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) adalah berat badan saat lahir kurang dari 2500 gram. WHO mencatat bahwa Indonesia berada diperingkat ke-9 dunia dengan persentasi >15,5% dari kelahiran bayi setiap tahunnya. Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2018 menunjukan bahwa proporsi BBLR sebanyak 6,2%.3 Kasus BBLR di Kalimantan Selatan sebanyak 4,53%.4 Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Balangan tahun 2018 menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2017 persentase BBLR mengalami kenaikan sebesar 3,4% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2016 yaitu sebesar 3,3%. Kasus BBLR terbanyak di Kabupaten Balangan adalah wilayah kerja Puskesmas Margasari yaitu terdapat kasus BBLR sebanyak 7,5%, kasus ini meningkat dari tahun sebelumnya yaitu sebesar 2,2%. Bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) akan meningkatkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas bayi. BBLR dapat  menyebabkan risiko infeksi yang tinggi, kekurangan gizi, kondisi cacat pada masa kanak-kanak, risiko penyakit degenerative ketika beranjak dewasa, dan masalah-masalah lain yang berkaitan dengan produktivitas anak. Wilayah Desa Buntu Karau Kecamatan Juai Kabupaten Balangan terkena dampak langsung dari kegiatan operasional pertambangan, merupakan lokasi dari keberadaan fasilitas utama perusahaan, dimana masyarakat memiliki frekuensi hubungan tinggi dengan perusahaan. Lingkupnya adalah satu atau beberapa desa yang wilayah atau area pencarian hidupnya terkena dampak langsung dari kegiatan perusahaan, baik yang bersifat dampak lingkungan dan social berdasarkan studi baseline (pendahuluan) dan Amdal (Analisa mengenai dampak lingkungan)  sehingga masuk dalam kriteria Ring 1 untuk daerah tambang Batubar

    The Effect of Exports, Government Expenditures and Inflation on Economic Growth in Central Kalimantan

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    This study analyzes how the partial and simultaneous influence of the components of exports, government spending and inflation on economic growth. The method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative approach. The data used in this study is time series data for 2010-2019 in the quarter period in Central Kalimantan Province. The collected data is then analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression, the software used is Eviews version 9. The results of this study indicate that partially exports have a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth. Government Expenditure partially has a negative and insignificant effect on Economic Growth. Inflation partially positive and significant effect on economic growth. And overall Exports, Government Expenditures, and Inflation simultaneously have no effect on Economic Growth


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    Saat ini penerapan additive manufacturing (AM) telah luas, tetapi kebanyakan penggunanya adalah engineer. Sehingga pengguna non-engineer masih kesulitan dalam penerapan teknologi ini. Hal ini disebabkan karena untuk membuat sebuah produk harus melalui tahapan perancangan desain menggunakan software computer aided-design (CAD) (Chua, Leong, & Lim, 2003). Software yang tersedia saat ini juga masih sulit untuk dioperasikan sehingga membutuhkan bimbingan dari professional. Bahkan seseorang pemula di sekolah desain atau teknik, masih kesulitan untuk mengoperasikan software CAD (Li & Tanaka, 2018). Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan sebuah langkah atau usaha yang dapat menjembatani non-engineer user dalam proses perancangan desain. Salah satu usaha yang dapat dilakukan adalah menyederhanakan proses perancangan dengan menggunakan software CAD Rhinoceros dan Grasshopper untuk menerapkan algoritma generatif dalam mempermudah non-user engineer dalam proses perancangan desain sehingga mereka dapat menggunakan AM layaknya seorang engineer. Kata kunci : Computer Aided-Design, Additive manufacturing, Orthosis, Algoritma Generatif

    Effect of Capital, Labor, Hours of Work and Length of Business on Toll Counter Income in Palangka Raya City

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    This study aims to determine the effect of capital, labor, working hours, and length of business on the income of the pulse counter in the city of Palangka Raya. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method. Data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire) with sampling using purposive sampling as many as 50 respondents. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using the IBM SPSS 25 program. The results show that capital, working hours, and length of business have a partial effect on pulse counter income in Palangka Raya City while the labor variable has no significant effect. partial to pulse counter income in Palangka Raya City. But simultaneously all variables have a significant effect on the income of the pulse counter business in Palangka Raya Cit