13 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Sperm Abnormality of Beef Cattle at Several Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    In the most species studied sperm abnormalities have long been associated with male infertility and sterility. This study evaluated the sperm morphology (normality and abnormality) of beef cattle at several Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 142 bulls were used in this study; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. A drop of semen was placed on 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The smears were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Types of morphological abnormalities were recorded from 500 cells on each sample. It was recorded that 77.46% samples had low primary sperm abnormalities (10%) was found in 5.63% samples.  Pear shaped was the most frequently type of abnormality found on examined samples (2.24 ± 2.94%); while double head was the lowest (0.01 ± 0.04%). (Animal Production 12(1): 44-49 (2010) Key words : sperm abnormality, beef catlle, artificial insemination cente

    Sperm Morphological Assessments of Friesian Holstein Bull Semen Collected From Three Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    Morphologically abnormal sperm in semen has been associated with the sub fertility and sterilityfor many years. This study assessed the sperm morphology of Friesian Holstein bull semen which wascollected from three Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 22 bulls were used in thisstudy; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. Three to four glass slides were prepared for each bullsample; a drop of semen was placed on each glass slide, smeared, and air-dried. The smeared sampleswere stained with carbolfuchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Morphological abnormality types were recordedfrom total of 500 spermatozoa. Results demonstrated that all 22 bulls had low sperm abnormality(<10%). Pearshaped was the most frequently type of sperm abnormality found in the samples(0.81±0.93%); while detached head was the lowest (0.01±0.04%)

    Occurrence of Sperm Abnormality of Beef Cattle at Several Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    In the most species studied sperm abnormalities have long been associated with male infertility and sterility. This study evaluated the sperm morphology (normality and abnormality) of beef cattle at several Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 142 bulls were used in this study; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. A drop of semen was placed on 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The smears were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Types of morphological abnormalities were recorded from 500 cells on each sample. It was recorded that 77.46% samples had low primary sperm abnormalities (10%) was found in 5.63% samples. Pear shaped was the most frequently type of abnormality found on examined samples (2.24 ± 2.94%); while double head was the lowest (0.01 ± 0.04%). (Animal Production 12(1): 44-49 (2010

    Kualitas Telur Ayam Ras Yang Beredar di Pasar Tradisional Kecamatan Liang Anggang Kota Banjarbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas telur ayam ras yang beredar di pasar tradisional diKecamatan Liang Anggang Kota Banjarbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel telur dari 15pedagang dan 1 peternakan sebagai kontrol. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 120 butir. Parameteryang diamati yaitu berat telur, indeks bentuk telur, berat kerabang, tebal kerabang, indeks putih telurdan haugh unit. Pelaksanaan pengujian kualitas dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Nutrisi dan MakananTernak Program Studi Peternakan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Pengukuran sampelmenggunakan alat timbangan pocket, jangka sorong digital, mikrometer digital, height and depthgaugh digital, kaca persegi, egg tray dan spidol. Hasil analisis data didapati kualitas berat telur 64,159± 6,235 g, indeks bentuk telur (IBT) 77,390 ± 3,160 %, tebal kerabang 0,373 ± 0,023 mm, beratkerabang 6,220 ± 0,632 g, nilai indeks putih telur (IPT)0,086 ± 0,021 dan nilai haugh unit (HU) 56,600± 3,620 dan data yang didapat di peternakan berat telur 72,740 ± 3,831 g, indeks bentuk telur (IBT)76,930 ± 3,810 %, berat kerabang 7,030 ± 0,192 g, tebal kerabang 0,450 ± 0,024 mm, nilai indeks putihtelur (IPT) 0,135 ± 0,038 dan nilai haugh unit (HU) 72,240 ± 2,352. Data kualitas telur hasilperhitungan dianalisis secara deskriptif yaitu dengan cara mentabulasi data primerdan data sekunderyang telah dikumpulkan. Acuan dalam membandingkan hasil berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia(SNI) 01-3926-2008 dan USDA tahun 2000


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    This research aims to determine the physiological responses of FH crossbred dairy cows kept in acontrolled microclimate barn in a tropical lowland area. Eight (8) FH crossbred cows were subjectedto two (2) treatments with 42 repetitions each, which were housed in a controlled microclimate barn.The FH crossbred cows were housed without any cooling equipment, such as sprinklers and fans (a),and then with cooling equipment, including sprinklers and fans (b), each for one (1) week. Theobserved parameters were barn temperature, body temperature, and respiratory rate in the morning(06.00), afternoon (13.00), and evening (17.00). The data were analyzed using a statistical sample Ttest with the help of SPSS. The results of the data analysis showed that the barn temperature intreatments (a) and (b) in the morning was 26±0.81 and 25.25±0.95oC, respectively, and there was nosignificant difference statistically (P&gt;0.05). However, the barn temperature in the afternoon fortreatments (a) and (b) was (33.5±0.57 and 30.25±1.70oC), respectively, and there was a significantdifference statistically (P&lt;0.05). Similarly, the barn temperature in the evening for treatments (a) and(b) was (32±0.81 and 29.25±1.5 oC), respectively, and there was a significant difference statistically(P&lt;0.05). Regarding the physiological responses of FH crossbred cows, the body temperature in themorning for treatments (a) and (b) was (37.66±0.45 and 37.21±0.47oC), respectively. The bodytemperature in the afternoon was (38.15±0.50 and 37.39±0.73oC), respectively, and in the eveningwas (38.07±0.48 and 37.43±0.45oC), respectively. There was a significant difference statistically&nbsp; (P&lt;0.05) in all three time periods. As for the respiratory rate, in the morning, there was no significantdifference statistically (P&gt;0.05) between treatments (a) and (b), with rates of (33.71±5.82 and33.28±7.78 breaths/minute), respectively. However, in the afternoon, the respiratory rate fortreatments (a) and (b) was (57.96±13.31 and 43.75±14.07 breaths/minute), respectively, and in theevening, it was (50.89±9.30 and 42.82±8.39), respectively. There was a significant differencestatistically (P&lt;0.05) for both afternoon and evening periods. Based on the research results, it can beconcluded that the controlled microclimate barn conditions have an impact on the physiologicalresponses of FH crossbred cows in the tropical lowland area.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons fisiologis sapi peranakan FH yang dipelihara padakondisi kandang mikroklimat terkontrol di daerah dataran rendah tropis. Delapan (8) ekor sapiperanakan FH diberikan dua (2) perlakuan dan 42 kali ulangan, yaitu pada kandang mikroklimatterkontrol. Sapi peranakan FH dikandangkan tidak menggunakan alat pendingin kandang sprinklerdan kipas (a), selanjutnya menggunakan alat pendingin kandang sprinkler dan kipas (b), masingmasing selama satu (1) minggu. Parameter yang diamati yaitu suhu kandang, suhu badan danfrekuensi respirasi pada pagi (06.00), siang (13.00), dan sore (17.00). Data dianalisis menggunakanuji statistik sample T-test dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil analisis data didapat suhu kandang (a) dan (b)pagi masing-masing 26±0,81 : 25,25±0,95o C secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (P&gt;0,05). Suhukandang siang pada kandang (a) dan (b) masing-masing (33,5±0,57 : 30,25±1,70o C) secara statistikberbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05). Suhu kandang sore pada kandang (a) dan (b) masing-masing (32±0,81 :29,25±1,5) secara statistik berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05). Untuk respon fisiologis sapi peranakan FH, suhutubuh pagi pada kandang (a) dan (b) masing-masing (37,66±0,45 : 37,21±0,47o C) , siang (38,15±0,50: 37,39±0,73o C), dan sore (38,07±0,48 : 37,43±0,45o C) secara statistik berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05) .Frekuensi respirasi pagi pada kandang (a) dan (b) masing-masing (33,71±5,82 : 33,28±7,78kali/menit) secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (P&gt;0,05). Frekuensi respirasi siang pada kandang (a)dan (b) masing-masing (57,96±13,31: 43,75±14,07 kali/menit), dan sore (50,89±9,30 : 42,82±8,39)secara statistik berbeda nyata (P&lt;0,05). Dari hasil penelitian maka kondisi kandang mikroklimatterkontrol berdampak terhadap respon fisiologis sapi peranakan FH di daerah dataran rendah tropis

    Strategi gaya kepemimpinan kepala desa dalam meningkatkan kinerja pegawai

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    Morphologically abnormal sperm in semen has been associated with the sub fertility and sterilityfor many years. This study assessed the sperm morphology of Friesian Holstein bull semen which wascollected from three Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 22 bulls were used in thisstudy; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. Three to four glass slides were prepared for each bullsample; a drop of semen was placed on each glass slide, smeared, and air-dried. The smeared sampleswere stained with carbolfuchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Morphological abnormality types were recordedfrom total of 500 spermatozoa. Results demonstrated that all 22 bulls had low sperm abnormality(&lt;10%). Pearshaped was the most frequently type of sperm abnormality found in the samples(0.81±0.93%); while detached head was the lowest (0.01±0.04%)

    Occurrence of Sperm Abnormality of Beef Cattle at Several Artificial Insemination Centers in Indonesia

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    In the most species studied sperm abnormalities have long been associated with male infertility and sterility. This study evaluated the sperm morphology (normality and abnormality) of beef cattle at several Artificial Insemination centers in Indonesia. Total of 142 bulls were used in this study; an ejaculate from each bull was examined. A drop of semen was placed on 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The smears were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stain). Types of morphological abnormalities were recorded from 500 cells on each sample. It was recorded that 77.46% samples had low primary sperm abnormalities (10%) was found in 5.63% samples. Pear shaped was the most frequently type of abnormality found on examined samples (2.24 ± 2.94%); while double head was the lowest (0.01 ± 0.04%). (Animal Production 12(1): 44-49 (2010) Key words : sperm abnormality, beef catlle, artificial insemination cente

    Kajian Morfologi Spermatozoa Sapi Simmetal di Beberapa Balai Inseminasi Buatan Indonesia

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    Morphological abnormality of sperm in semen of males have been associated with sub fertility and sterility for many years. This study to evaluated spermatozoa morphology especially primary abnormality of Simmental bull spermatozoa at several Artificial Insemination centre in Indonesia. One ejaculated were examined from each bull. Total of 70 bulls were tested in this study. One drop of semen was placed on each of 3-4 glass slides, and smears were prepared and air-dried. The spermatozoa were stained with carbolfluchsin-eosin (Williams stained). The types of morphological abnormalities were counted from 500 cells. Result demonstrated that from 70 bulls samples, 48 bulls (68.6%) were indicated low sperm abnormality (10%) were found in 6 bulls (8.57%). The highest type of abnormality found in all samples was pearshape (2.81±0.36%) and lowest were macrocephalus and double head (0.01±0.01%