469 research outputs found

    The industrial social service in Chile: the bounds of field of knowledge of “extensive control”, 1920-1950

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    Indexación: Revista UNAB.Este artículo estudia el proceso de construcción de los saberes y prácticas de las visitadoras sociales industriales chilenas durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, mediante las cuales dotaron de sentido profesional al “control extensivo” dentro de las nacientes industrias nacionales. En particular, pondremos atención a los saberes, actores y sociabilidades que dieron forma a este campo de experticia, que tuvo dos momentos claramente diferenciados en su constitución. A través de las memorias y revistas de las dos escuelas de visitadoras sociales más antiguas del país, se realiza un análisis que releva autores, espacios de asociatividad y prácticas laborales, para cartografiar el campo de saber del control extensivo en la industria.This paper studies the process of building knowledge and practices by which the chilean industrial social workers provided with professional sense to the “extensive control” during the first half of the twentieth century. Especially we will put attention to the knowledge, actors and sociabilities that gave form to this field of expertise that had two moments clearly differentiated in his constitution. Through analysis of the journals of the more important schools of visiting social the country, we realized an analysis of the more important authors, spaces of sociability and labor practices, to make the cartography of the field of knowledge of “extensive control” in the chilean industry.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl//wp-content/uploads/2017/06/El-servicio-social-industrial-en-Chile.-Los-deslindes-del-campo-de-saber-sobre-el-control-extensivo-1920-1950.pd

    Percepción de la difusión de la cultura congo en los programas culturales de la televisión panameña, a partir de la declaración de la UNESCO

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    Este trabajo de investigación se fundamenta en la necesidad de dar a conocer de una forma más frecuente las características de la cultura Congo, la cual ha sido integrada a la lista de Patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la Humanidad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Tecnología desde el año 2018 cuando se incluyeron las expresiones rituales y festivas de esta cultura. Los objetivos de esta investigación se alinean a la necesidad de educar y formar a la sociedad panameña acerca de las características de la cultura Congo, su importancia, aportes y legado que deja a las futuras generaciones. En este sentido, se resalta la labor que realizan los medios de comunicación, específicamente la televisión, pues ella educa, fomenta y persuade dependiendo de lo que transmite. Además, el panameño es un gran consumidor de ella. Finalmente, se relatan las vivencias, opiniones y sueños de personas que en su día a día están empapadas con la cultura Congo: integrantes, folkloristas y colaboradores de programas culturales televisivos de Panamá

    Simulated solar driven photolytic ozonation for the oxidation of aqueous recalcitrant-to-ozone tritosulfuron. Transformation products and toxicity

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    The authors are grateful to Junta de Extremadura (Project IB16022), co-financed by the European Funds for Regional Development, for economically supporting this work. Moreover, it is also acknowledged the ‘Servicio de Análisis Elemental y Molecular (SAEM)’ of ‘Servicios de Apoyo a la Investigación de la Universidad de Extremadura (SAIUex)’ for the helping with the intermediate products analyses.This work reports the combination of ozone and solar radiation as an advanced oxidation process to remove the herbicide tritosufuron (TSF) in water. Firstly, the recalcitrance of TSF has been assessed, obtaining an ozonation second order rate constant of 5–154 M−1 min−1 in the range of pH from 5 to 8; while the rate constant with HOradical dot was found to be (1.8–3.1)·109 M−1 s−1. Secondly, the simultaneous application of simulated solar radiation in between 300 and 800 nm and ozone resulted positive in the oxidation rate of TSF. Mineralization extent was also higher. Less effective oxidation was achieved after limiting the radiation to the range 360–800 nm or 390–800 nm; also completely inappropriate for mineralization. Thirdly, the detected transformation products (TPs) demonstrated the vulnerability of TSF molecule to be attacked by HOradical dot in the sulfonylurea bridge. The combination of ozone and radiation of 300–800 nm led to the most effective removal of the TPs. Finally, after the photolytic ozonation treatment toxicity was also evaluated in terms of phytotoxicity towards the germination and root elongation of Lactuca Sativa seeds, and toxicity by immobilization tests of Daphnia Magna.Junta de Extremadura (Project IB16022)European Funds for Regional Developmen

    Predictive methodology of the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases: application to China, Belgium, and South Korea

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    Objetivos: Se han desarrollado múltiples metodologías basadas en la teoría de la probabilidad para establecer predicciones de epidemias de dengue, malaria, VIH, obesidad, entre otras. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un nuevo método de predicción de la dinámica del número de casos de COVID-19 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, basado en la teoría de la probabilidad que permite evaluar y comparar su crecimiento.   Materiales y métodos: Se establecieron rangos de probabilidad del número de casos de COVID-19, los cuales fueron asignados a cada uno de los valores diarios del número de casos de COVID-19 reportados por China Bélgica y Corea del Sur evaluados durante 74, 50 y 50 días, respectivamente. Se calculó la frecuencia y probabilidad de cada rango diario para cada país. Se calculó su probabilidad total y la probabilidad de la dinámica en intervalos de 8 días consecutivos y se compararon los valores entre países para evaluar sus diferencias.   Resultados: se establecieron valores de probabilidad de 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22 y 3.15E-12 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, lo que permite diferenciar cuantitativamente las características de su dinámica. Las diferencias de probabilidad de los subespacios de 8 días variaron de 0,003 a 1, lo que permitió evaluar los cambios temporales en la dinámica.   Conclusión: los rangos establecidos para la evaluación del número de casos de COVID-19 permiten diferenciar el comportamiento de las epidemias entre países y estratificar la severidad de la expansión, destacando un orden matemático subyacente para este fenómeno que permite predecir cuantitativamente su dinámica espacio-temporal y indirectamente, la eficacia de las políticas de salud pública implementadas para cada país.Objectives: Multiple methodologies based on probability theory have been developed to establish predictions of dengue, malaria, HIV, obesity epidemics, among others. This research aimed to develop a new method for predicting the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases for China, Belgium, and South Korea based on the probability theory that allows the evaluation and comparison of their increment. Material and methods: Probability ranges of the number of COVID-19 cases were established, which were assigned to each of the daily number of COVID-19 cases reported by China, Belgium, and South Korea that were evaluated during 74, 50, and 50 days respectively. The frequency and probability of each daily range for each country was calculated. Their total probability and the probability of the dynamics in intervals of 8 consecutive days were calculated, and the values between countries were compared to evaluate their differences. Results: Probability values of 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22, and 3.15E-12 were established for China, Belgium, and South Korea, which allows the quantitative differentiation of the characteristics of their dynamics. The probability differences of the 8-day subspaces ranged from 0.003 to 1, allowing the temporal changes in the dynamics to be evaluated. Conclusion: The ranges established for the evaluation of the number of COVID-19 cases allow to differentiate the behavior of epidemics between countries and to stratify the severity of expansion. Highlighting an underlying mathematical order for this phenomenon permitted quantitatively predict its spatiotemporal dynamic and indirectly, the efficacy of public health politics implemented for each country

    Ozonation, photocatalysis and photocatalytic ozonation of diuron. Intermediates identification

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    Authors thank economic support received from Gobierno de Extremadura and CICYT of Spain through Projects GRU10012 and CTQ2012-35789-C02-01, respectively. Mr. Rafael Rodríguez Solís also thanks Gobierno de Extremadura, Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación, and FSE Funds for his Ph.D. grant (PD12058).Aqueous 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron) has been oxidized by ozonation, photocatalysis and photocatalytic ozonation. Diuron degradation takes place via radical pathway through hydroxyl radicals in those systems involving ozone. Diuron elimination in photocatalytic ozonation is not enhanced if compared to single ozonation; however, TOC removal was significantly improved. Specifically, 80% TOC removal in 2 h was reached in photocatalytic ozonation while single ozonation just led to 25% TOC reduction. Photocatalysis required 9 h to reach 25% TOC reduction. Ten transformation by-products generated during the application of the three technologies were tentatively identified by liquid chromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC–QTOF–MS/MS). Single ozonation and photocatalytic ozonation led to the formation and complete elimination of all by-products. Low weight carboxylic acids evolution suggests that high TOC removal in photocatalytic ozonation is linked to its capacity to oxidize small oxygenated compounds and release of inorganic chloride and nitrate. Toxicity evolution to Vibrio fischeri in photocatalytic ozonation displayed an increase in inhibition at the initial stages (>90% of inhibition), followed by a decrease of this parameter as the reaction progressed. The final treated sample shows a lower toxicity than the initial one (55% vs 20%).Gobierno de Extremadura GRU10012CICYT of Spain CTQ2012-35789-C02-01Gobierno de Extremadura, Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e InnovaciónFSE Funds PD1205

    Predictive methodology of the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases: application to China, Belgium, and South Korea

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    Objetivos: Se han desarrollado múltiples metodologías basadas en la teoría de la probabilidad para establecer predicciones de epidemias de dengue, malaria, VIH, obesidad, entre otras. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un nuevo método de predicción de la dinámica del número de casos de COVID-19 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, basado en la teoría de la probabilidad que permite evaluar y comparar su crecimiento.   Materiales y métodos: Se establecieron rangos de probabilidad del número de casos de COVID-19, los cuales fueron asignados a cada uno de los valores diarios del número de casos de COVID-19 reportados por China Bélgica y Corea del Sur evaluados durante 74, 50 y 50 días, respectivamente. Se calculó la frecuencia y probabilidad de cada rango diario para cada país. Se calculó su probabilidad total y la probabilidad de la dinámica en intervalos de 8 días consecutivos y se compararon los valores entre países para evaluar sus diferencias.   Resultados: se establecieron valores de probabilidad de 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22 y 3.15E-12 para China, Bélgica y Corea del Sur, lo que permite diferenciar cuantitativamente las características de su dinámica. Las diferencias de probabilidad de los subespacios de 8 días variaron de 0,003 a 1, lo que permitió evaluar los cambios temporales en la dinámica.   Conclusión: los rangos establecidos para la evaluación del número de casos de COVID-19 permiten diferenciar el comportamiento de las epidemias entre países y estratificar la severidad de la expansión, destacando un orden matemático subyacente para este fenómeno que permite predecir cuantitativamente su dinámica espacio-temporal y indirectamente, la eficacia de las políticas de salud pública implementadas para cada país.Objectives: Multiple methodologies based on probability theory have been developed to establish predictions of dengue, malaria, HIV, obesity epidemics, among others. This research aimed to develop a new method for predicting the dynamics of the number of COVID-19 cases for China, Belgium, and South Korea based on the probability theory that allows the evaluation and comparison of their increment. Material and methods: Probability ranges of the number of COVID-19 cases were established, which were assigned to each of the daily number of COVID-19 cases reported by China, Belgium, and South Korea that were evaluated during 74, 50, and 50 days respectively. The frequency and probability of each daily range for each country was calculated. Their total probability and the probability of the dynamics in intervals of 8 consecutive days were calculated, and the values between countries were compared to evaluate their differences. Results: Probability values of 1.21E-30, 2.03E-22, and 3.15E-12 were established for China, Belgium, and South Korea, which allows the quantitative differentiation of the characteristics of their dynamics. The probability differences of the 8-day subspaces ranged from 0.003 to 1, allowing the temporal changes in the dynamics to be evaluated. Conclusion: The ranges established for the evaluation of the number of COVID-19 cases allow to differentiate the behavior of epidemics between countries and to stratify the severity of expansion. Highlighting an underlying mathematical order for this phenomenon permitted quantitatively predict its spatiotemporal dynamic and indirectly, the efficacy of public health politics implemented for each country

    Photocatalytic ozonation of pyridine-based herbicides by N-doped titania

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    The authors thank the economic support received from Gobierno de Extremadura and CICYT of Spain through Projects GRU10012 and CTQ2012-35789-C02-01, respectively. Mr. Rafael Rodríguez Solís thanks Gobierno de Extremadura, Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación, and FSE Funds for his Ph.D. grant (PD12058).BACKGROUND: A mixture of three pyridine herbicides in water (clopyralid, triclopyr and picloram) has been treated with photocatalytic processes, involving oxygen or ozone. Nitrogen doped and undoped titania were used in the process. Toxicity evolution during photocatalytic ozonation was monitored considering BOD, Daphnia parvula and fitotoxicity trials. RESULTS: N doped titania with an optimized photoactivity was tested in photocatalytic ozonation, leading to nearly 95% mineralization in 180 min. This catalyst was characterized by SEM, TEM, XRD and XPS techniques (13.5 nm crystal size, anatase phase, 1% N, and formation of O-Ti-N linkage). No loss of photocatalytic activity was observed after five consecutive runs. Although no toxicity from the parent compounds was observed, this parameter increased during the early stages of the oxidation process. When parent compounds were totally degraded and dechlorination was completed, toxicity decayed again to negligible values. CONCLUSION: N doping improves bare titania photoactivity through an optimum amount of N. Photocatalysis/ozone showed better behavior than photocatalysis/oxygen in herbicide removal and mineralization, and no significant loss of activity was observed after five runs. Toxicity initially increased due to toxic byproducts formation; however, it decreased after their abatement.Gobierno de Extremadura GRU10012CICYT of Spain CTQ2012-35789-C02-01Gobierno de ExtremaduraFSE Funds (PD12058

    Photocatalytic ozonation of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid and its reaction intermediate 4-chloro-2-methyl phenol

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    This work has been supported by the CICYT of Spain (Project CTQ2012-39789-C02-01). Mr. Rafael Rodríguez Solís thanks the Gobierno de Extremadura, Consejería de Empleo, Empresa e Innovación and FSE Funds for his Ph.D. grant (PD12058).Aqueous 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) has been treated by the systems UVA/TiO2/N2, O3, TiO2/O3, UVA/O3, UVA/TiO2/O2, and UVA/TiO2/O3. Under the conditions investigated (T = 20 °C, pH = 4.5, Qgas = 30 L/h, V = 1 L, CO3= 5 ppm, CMCPA = 5 ppm, CTiO2= 0.5 g/L), MCPA is removed in less than 30 min. Photocatalytic ozonation is the most efficient process both in terms of MCPA removal rate (100% conversion in less than 15 min) and mineralization extent (60% after 3 h and 25 °C). 4-Chloro-2-methyl phenol (CMP) is detected in those systems combining TiO2 and UVA radiation. The presence of ozone involves the complete depletion of CMP following its generation. The direct rate constant between CMP and ozone corroborates the high reactivity observed (7.2 ± 0.3 × 104 (M s)−1, 4.4 ± 0.2 × 105 (M s)−1, and 2.9 ± 0.7 × 106 (M s)−1 at pHs 4, 7 and 10, respectively). Identified intermediates detected in the UVA/TiO2/O3 applied to MCPA correspond to oxygenated species derived from the parent compound after loss of some substitution groups. No significant toxicity of intermediates is observed in BOD5, Daphnia parvula, and Culex pipiens larvae tests.CICYT of Spain (Project CTQ2012-39789-C02-01)Gobierno de ExtremaduraFSE Funds (PD12058

    Relationship recommender system in a business and employment-oriented social network

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    [EN] In the last ten years, social networks have had a great influence on people’s lifestyles and have changed, above all, the way users communicate and relate. This is why, one of the main lines of research in the field of social networks focuses on finding and analyzing possible connections between users. These developments allow users to expand on their network of contacts without having to search among the total set of users. However, there are many types of social networks which attract users with specific needs, these needs influence on the type of contacts users are looking for. Our article proposes a relationship recommender system for a business and employment-oriented social network. The presented system functions by extracting relevant information from the social network which it then uses to adequately recommend new contacts and job offers to users. The recommender system uses information gathered from job offer descriptions, user profiles and users’ actions. Then, different metrics are applied in order to discover new ties that are likely to convert into relationships

    Synergism between peroxymonosulfate and LaCoO3-TiO2 photocatalysis for oxidation of herbicides. Operational variables and catalyst characterization assessment

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    Authors thank economic support received from Junta de Extremadura, CICYT of Spain and FEDER funds through Projects GR15033 and CTQ2015/64944-R, respectively. Mr Rafael Rodríguez Solís also acknowledges Gobierno de Extremadura, Consejería de Empleo Empresa e Innovación, and FSE Funds for his PhD grant (PD12058). Catalyst characterization was provided by Facility of Analysis and Characterization of Solids and Surfaces of SAIUEx (financed by University of Extremadura, Junta de Extremadura, MICINN, FEDER and FSE).BACKGROUND. This paper reports the use of novel coupled LaCoO3-TiO2 as photocatalyst with double route of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation. First, as a photocatalyst due to titania; and second, through PMS heterogeneous decomposition onto LaCoO3 particles. Thus, photocatalytical activity was tested for removing a mixture of four herbicides of different recalcitrance (metazachlor, tembotrione, tritosulfuron and ethofumesate). RESULTS. The presence of light and PMS highly enhanced herbicides removal rate: 3.5–5 times increases were obtained with UVA light. Oxidant concentration, catalyst load, pH and temperature were assessed. Herbicides were completely oxidized depending on their recalcitrant nature and the operational variables. 55% TOC conversion was reached using Oxone® 5 × 10−4 mol L−1. Phytotoxicity assays denoted no inhibition after 180 min of photocatalytic treatment (∼80% initial inhibition). Solid properties of Co/Ti = 0.1:1 ratio were studied by means of SEM (LaCoO3 aggregates linked to a variety of shapes and sizes of TiO2), XRF (6.1% of LaCoO3), XPS (superficial Co3+, La3+ and Ti4+), XRD (anatase, rutile and rhombohedral LaCoO3) and UV–vis diffuse reflectance (visible range absorption and bandgap of 2.88 eV for TiO2). CONCLUSION. Catalysts based on LaCoO3-TiO2 combined with peroxymonosulfate seem to be suitable for removing organic pollutants, with a moderate conversion of TOC and elimination of toxicity.Junta de Extremadura GR15033CICYT of Spain CTQ2015/64944-RFEDER foundsGobierno de ExtremaduraFSE Funds (PD12058)University of ExtremaduraJunta de ExtremaduraMICINNFS