34 research outputs found


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    Austenitic stainless steel in general has a limited service temperature up to 600°C. Nevertheless, service temperature more than that temperature are one of the key feature of advanced nuclear reactors to gain higher thermal efficiency which is related to economic beneficial, and also to withstand from abnormal condition. However, austenitic stainless steel such as SS316 class is well-known structure material for nuclear power reactors and other power plants. Therefore, one of the key issue is to modify SS316 so that has capability to service higher temperature. One of the technique for that purpose is ceramic-coated SS316L. In this preliminary study, thin films of zirconia-based ceramic i.e. YSZ (Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia) have been deposited on a SS316L using Plasma-Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) at Center For Science and Technology of Advanced Materials laboratory – National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia (BATAN). Thin film was deposited with the constant oxygen flow injection of 20 and 40 sccm (Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute) that produce a chamber pressure of 60 and 200 mTorr for the numbers of laser shots of 7.2×104 and 14.4×104, respectively. The substrate temperature during deposition was of 850oC. Afterward, the samples were analyzed using Optical Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope – Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscope (SEM-EDS) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM). The results showed that the YSZ could homogeneously and sticky deposited on the surface of the SS316L surface.  The surfaces were very smoothly formed with the surface roughness in the nano-meter scale range of 20-90 nm


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    Ag AND Pd FISSION PRODUCT IMPLANTATION ON SiC LAYER IN TRISO FUEL PARTICLE OF HTGR USING SRIM/TRIM MONTE CARLO COMPUTER. Silicon Carbide (SiC) has excellent characteristics such as wide band gap, high electron mobility, high thermal conductivity, and radiation effects resistance. Therefore, SiC is widely used for various applications, including nuclear fuel systems. SiC is used in TRISO (Tri-Structural Isotropic) coated fuel particle in HTGR (High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor). TRISO, which consists of Inner Pyrolitic Carbon, SiC, and Outer Pyrolitic Carbon, is one of the safety systems features of the reactor. However, one of the issues of the system is corrosion of SiC caused by silver (Ag) and palladium (Pd). Nevertheless, the detailed mechanism of this corrosion phenomenon, such as the existence of Ag and Pd and how deep those two fission products penetrate the SiC layer, are still unknown. This study aims to investigate the physical interaction of Ag and Pd with the SiC coating layer of TRISO nuclear fuel particles. For this purpose, the physical effect of the penetration of the energetic Pd and Ag fission products into the SiC layer has been simulated using SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) /TRIM (TRansport of Ions in Matter) computer code with Monte Carlo method. Various Ag and Pd ion kinetic energies have been employed in this simulation. The results showed the Ag/SiC and Pd/SiC Ion Ranges, Doses, and Damage as the first-step evaluation to understand the corrosion phenomenon of the SiC-layer in the TRISO particles of HTGR


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    High-temperature gas-cooled Reactors (HTGRs) is one type of Generation IV reactor that uses TRISO (tri-structural isotropic) coated-fuel particles (CFP) for containment of radioactive fission products, which is produced from the fission reaction of UO2 fuel. ZrC has been proposed to be the main barrier for containing fission products either as a replacement of the SiC layer or as an additional layer of the TRISO fuel particle to overcome the corrosion issue of SiC because of interaction with the fission product of silver (Ag) and palladium (Pd). ZrC is an excellent material because it has good physical and nuclear properties, i.e., high corrosion-resistant, excellent thermal shock resistance and a small cross-section for neutron capture. ZrC is expected to provide a better barrier against Ag and Pd diffusion attacks than SiC. However, ZrC is very challenging to manufacture, so it depends on factors such as microstructure, chemical composition and interactions, morphology and impurities. Many attempts have been made to study the interaction phenomena of Ag and Pd with ZrC that cause corrosion. Here, the penetration depth of those two fission products was studied using SRIM (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) /TRIM (TRansport of Ions in Matter) for simulation with 0.1-10 MeV of kinetic energies. The results provide detailed information about the Ag/ZrC and Pd/ZrC Ion Ranges and Doses. In addition, Ag and Pd’s products of the depth and concentration within ZrC were observed as important first steps in understanding the corrosion phenomena of her ZrC layers in TRISO particles


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    SiLPBPA version 1.0 is implemented in the Religious Education Book Assessment Service activities. However, there are many obstacles and problems, namely that some system functions do not match the needs that support their activities. The purpose of this research is to conduct quality analysis and develop SiLPBPA. The methodology for conducting quality analysis is the System Usability Scale (SUS), and its development uses the Agile method with a Scrum framework. The results show that the system's quality gets a score of 71, which means the system is Acceptable, is in Predicate C, and with a good rating. However, some users gave some suggestions on the questionnaire. These suggestions are evaluated, which are used as the basis for system development. The results of developing using Scrum can be completed within 65 hours of the target time of 70 hours shown on the Burndown Chart. Some system functions can be completed properly. This was proven at the Sprint Review event, the Scrum Team and Stakeholders who attended approved the Product Increments that had been developed in all Sprints. So that SiLPBPA can be used in the next Education Book Assessment service activities

    Ekstraksi Topik dalam Dataset Menggunakan Teknik Pemodelan Topik

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    The issue in this research is the lack of understanding regarding the main topics and their changes in speeches and media publications related to President Joko Widodo. This study aims to identify, analyze, and predict changes in key topics within speeches, statements, and media publications related to President Joko Widodo using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling techniques. The research employs a quantitative approach to analyze President Joko Widodo's speech texts using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) method. The process began with scraping documents from the official website of the Republic of Indonesia's Secretariat, resulting in 5,988 speech transcripts from October 20, 2014, to March 2, 2024. Text preprocessing involved tokenization, stopword removal, and stemming/ lemmatization, followed by dictionary-term formation. The findings indicate that the model with k=16 has the highest coherence (0.554) and the best perplexity at k=21 (-13.130). The main topics identified include Nationalism and National Values, Regional Government, and Education and Children. Topic visualization with PyLDAvis aids in the exploration and identification of topics, providing insights for decision-making and policy development. To enhance understanding of topic changes, it is recommended to conduct trend analysis on key topics over time. This will help identify how President Joko Widodo's priorities shift and respond to new issues. By monitoring these trends, the research can provide deeper insights into the evolution of policies and the President's focus


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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan sintesis bahan YSZ (Yttria Stabilized Zirkonia, ZrO2-Y2O3) dengan metode reaksi padatan (solid state reaction) yaitu melalui proses penggerusan. Proses pemaduan bahan YSZ dilakukan dengan mencampurkan serbuk yttria dan zirkonia yang digerus bersama-sama selama       5 jam dengan komposisi Y2O3  dan ZrO2 (4,5:95,5 dan 8,0:92,0) %mol. Setelah itu serbuk paduan dikalsinasi pada temperatur 500°C selama 3 jam,  kemudian dikompaksi pada tekanan 4000 psi dan sintering pada temperatur 1300°C selama 3 jam. Selanjutnya, sampel digerus dan dikalsinasi kembali pada temperatur 500°C selama 3 jam, dikompaksi pada tekanan ~14.600 psi dan sintering pada temperatur 1400°C selama 3 jam. Identifikasi fasa dari senyawa yang terbentuk, pengamatan morfologi dan konduktivitas ionik pada sampel hasil sintesis tersebut dilakukan berturut-turut dengan menggunakan XRD  spektroskop, SEM-EDS dan LCR meter. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa telah berhasil terbentuk YSZ pada bahan hasil sintesis untuk kedua komposisi YSZ. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan teridentifikasinya fasa kubik yang mendominasi pada bahan YSZ yang dihasilkan walaupun masih teridentifikasi sebagian kecil fasa monoklinik zirkonia. Lebih lanjut lagi, nilai konduktivitas ionik yang diperoleh cukup baik yang  menunjukkan bahan YSZ yang terbentuk. Nilai ini meningkat dengan bertambahnya temperatur dan komposisi yttria sesuai dengan karakteristik ionik pada padatan.Kata kunci: YSZ, yttria, zirkonia, sensor oksigen, solid oxide fuel cell, penggerusanAbstractThe synthesis of YSZ materials (Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, ZrO2-Y2O3) have been done with solid state reaction method through the mixing process with grinding technique. The process of grinding was done by mixing yttria and zirconia powders and grinded for 5 hours with composition Y2O3 and ZrO2 (4.5:9.5 and 8.0:92.0) mol%. Afterward, the mixed powder was calcinated at temperature of 500°C for 3 hours, compaction at pressure of 4,000 psi and then sintered at temperature of 1,300°C  for 3 hours.Furthermore, samples were grinded again, calcinated at temperature of 500 °C for 3 hours, compaction at  pressure of ~14,600 psi and sintering at temperatures of 1400 ° C for 3 hours. Identification of the phase transformation and crystals, microstructure, morphology and ionic conductivity were tested using XRDSpectroscope, SEM-EDS and LCR meter, respectively. The results show that YSZ was successfully formed for both samples. It was revealed by the identification of dominated cubic phase for both samples even view peaks of monoclic phase of zirconia was still found. Furthermore, the ion conductivity values was relatively good which show the formation of YSZ. The ionic conductivity values increas with increasing of temperature and composition of yttriain accordance with the characteristics of ionic in solids .Keywords: YSZ,  yttria, oxygen sensor, solid oxide fuel cell, grindin


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    KOMPATIBILITAS PADUAN ZIRKONIUM PAD ACAIRAN LOGAM BERAT LEAD-BISMUTH EUTECTIC. Cairan Lead Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) merupakan pendingin salah satu kandidat utama reaktor masa depan di dunia (Generation IV reactors) yaitu Lead alloy-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) sekaligusmerupakan material target spalasi untuk Accelerator Driven Transmutation System (ADS). Cairan ini memiliki berbagai keunggulan dari segi netronik, termalhidrolik maupun sifat yang inert terhadap air dan udara. Namun cairan LBE ini bersifat korosif pada logam-logam yang menjadi penyusun material kelongsong bahan bakar dan struktur reaktor. Oleh karena itu pengembangan material kelongsong bahan bakar dan struktur reaktor dalamlingkungan LBE merupakan salah satu kunci utama dalam pengembangan LFR dan ADS. Telah dikembangkan paduan zirkonium yaitu ZrNbMoGe di Pusat Teknologi Bahan Industri Nuklir (PTBIN)-BATAN. Dalam rangka untuk mengeksplorasi karakteristik paduan zirkonium ini dilakukan investigasi kompatibilitas bahan paduan zirkonium ZrNbMoGe di dalam lingkungan cairan LBE dengan menggunakan fasilitas aparatus COSTA di Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Germany. Pengujian dilakukan pada suhu 550 °C dengan konsentrasi oksigen 1 x 10-6 %berat selama 312 jam. Hasil pengujian memperlihatkan jejak pembentukan lapisan oksida zirkonium di atas permukaan sampel yang kemudian terlepas. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam waktu yang relatif singkat paduan zirkonium telah mengkonsumsi cukup banyak oksigen di dalam cairan LBE dengan membentuk lapisan oksida zirkonium di atas permukaan sampel. Namun pembentukan lapisan oksida zirkoniumyang cepat dan relatif tebal di atas permukaan sampel ini menyebabkan dalamwaktu relatif singkat lapisan oksida ini terlepas dari permukaan bahan. Oleh sebab itu paduan zirkonium ini tidak kompatibel dengan cairan logam berat LBE yang digunakan dalam sistem reaktor nuklir


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    ABSTRACT A neutronic design was performed for 300 MWt Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) with UO 2 compacts made of coated fuel particles (CFP) comparing that with sintered pellets made of UO 2 powder as ordinary fuel type. UO 2 CFP type was enriched 4.8% of 235 U and UO 2 ordinary type was enriched 5% of 235 U. Both reactors were operated with single batch refueling system with a cycle period of 3 years. The purpose of the design was to investigate the applicability of UO 2 CFP type to PWR comparing with UO 2 ordinary type that commonly used for PWR. The calculation was done with SRAC (Standard Reactor Analysis Code) computer code and nuclear library of JENDL-33. The results of calculation showed that k-effective for both type of fuel could be maintained at critical condition for 3 years operation without refueling. The k-effective and the Doppler coefficients have been calculated for all types of fuel at 600 K and 900 K degrees. The results of calculation showed that for all types of fuel Doppler coefficient was negative, which was good for inherent safety characteristic. The size optimization design showed that the active core dimensions of UO 2 CFP type reactor was about 2 times larger than the UO 2 ordinary type reactor

    A New Precipitation-Hardened Austenitic Stainless Steel Investigated by Electron Microscopy

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    The 56Fe16.6Cr25Ni0.9Si0.5Mn austenitic superalloy has been produced in an induction furnace; it was made from granular ferro-scrap, ferrochrome, ferrosilicon, and ferromanganese materials. Originally, this alloy had been proposed for use in high mechanical loads and high temperature conditions (such as in nuclear and fossil fuel power plant facilities). Tensile strength tests showed that the alloy has an average yield strength of about 430.56 MPa, which is higher than Incoloy A-286 (a commercially available alloy). A combination of microscopy techniques by means of an optical microscope, X-ray diffraction [XRD], scanning electron microscopy [SEM], and transmission electron microscopy [TEM] techniques were applied in order to get detailed information about the fine structure of the alloy. XRD confirmed that the alloy matrix exhibits an FCC crystal structure with a lattice parameter of about 3.60 Å and grain sizes ranging from 50 to 100 µm. The results of the TEM analysis revealed the new type of precipitations that formed at the grain boundaries. These needle-like precipitations, probably Fe/Cr-rich precipitations of the (Fe,Cr)xCy type, acted as the source of intergranular corrosion (IGC). Small coherent plate-like and much smaller granular precipitations were found distributed homogenously along grain boundaries and inside the grains. Combining the tensile strength test and microstructure analysis suggested that these precipitations play significant roles in the hardness of the investigated sample

    Karakterisasi Bahan Perisai Radiasi Neutron Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethyene Dengan Filler Gd2O3 Menggunakan Teknik Radiografi Neutron

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    Radiasi merupakan pancaran energi melalui suatu materi atau ruang dalam bentuk energi, panas, partikel atau gelombang yang dapat diserap oleh bahan lain. Beberapa radiasi dapat mengionisasi bahan yang dilaluinya salah satunya radiasi neutron karena memiliki daya tembus yang tinggi sehingga sangat diperlukan perisai radiasi. Adapun kriteria dari perisai radiasi neutron harus memiliki kandungan hidrogen yang tinggi, memiliki nilai tampang lintang yang baik dan tidak bersifat korosi. Bahan UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethyene) memiliki kandungan hidrogen yang tinggi dan tidak mudah korosi dan bahan Gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) sangat baik menyerap neutron karena mempunyai tampang lintang serapan neutron yang tinggi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dibuat komposit UHMWPE-Gd2O3 dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan nilai serapan neutron sehingga dalam aplikasinya bisa lebih efektif untuk memperlambat bahkan menahan radiasi neutron. Telah dilakukan karakterisasi bahan perisai radiasi neutron yang dibuat sendiri dengan teknik radiografi neutron. Bahan perisai radiasi dibuat dengan bahan utama UHMWPE dan penambahan filler Gadolinium Oxide (Gd2O3) dengan kompoisisi 70% : 30% massa menggunakan metode blending dan kompaksi. Bahan dibuat dengan ketebalan yang bervariasi dari 0,5 cm hingga 2 cm. Hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan tidak terbentuk senyawa kimia antara kedua bahan dan karakterisasi menggunakan SEM terlihat hasil distribusi unsur yang terkandung dalam filler Gd2O3 merata pada bahan dasar polimer. Pengujian serapan neutron menggunakan teknik radiografi neutron dengan metode film. Dengan penambahan variasi ketebalan meningkatkan daya serap bahan dari 58,78% menjadi 67,89% dan nilai koefisien atenuasi diperoleh sebesar 1,025.Kata kunci: perisai radiasi, UHMWPE,Gd2O3, radiografi neutron, daya serap dan koefisien  atenuasi