45 research outputs found

    Origin of Central Andean collapse calderas

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    Regional strains in tectonically active volcanic provinces may have a profound influence on the mode of collapse caldera formation. Conversely, the deformation pattern, more specifically, the symmetry of plan-view strain fields imparted to caldera floors may assist in elucidating the regional deformation active during caldera formation. The symmetry of plan-view strain fields is chiefly controlled by the mode of floor subsidence, particularly whether subsidence is uniform, symmetric or asymmetric, portraying collapse mechanisms known respectively as plate, downsag and trapdoor. Plate and downsag subsidence generates centro-symmetric strain fields characterized by radial and concentric discontinuities and subvolcanic dikes. Such strain fields appear to develop preferably where magma pressure controls collapse. By contrast, rectilinear horizontal strain fields form under unidirectional stretching and generate normal faults and subvolcanic dikes transverse to the stretching direction. Rectilinear strain fields are typical for trapdoor subsidence but also for straight orogenic belts and suggests that the formation of both may be related. This was tested for six central Andean collapse calderas that formed between 10.5 and 2Ma and are located on prominent NW–SE striking fault zones. A combined geochronological and structural analysis of the Miocene Negra Muerta Caldera in particular was designed to better understand caldera formation associated with the prominent Olacapato – El Toro Fault Zone...conferenc

    Deformation of the Onaping Formation in the NE-lobe of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada: Evidence for fold adjustment flow in the core of a km-scale fold

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    The synformal geometry of the 1.85Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), an impact melt sheet resulting from largemagnitude meteorite impact, attests to post-impact deformation. However, in contrast to the overlying Onaping Formation, a heterolithic impact melt breccia, the SIC shows little evidence for pervasive ductile strain. This pertains in particular to its NE-lobe characterized by a curvature of about 100° in plain view. This curvature has been interpreted either as a fold or as a primary feature. In order to test these scenarios, a detailed structural analysis was conducted in the core of the NE-lobe, which consists of rocks of the Onaping Formation...conferenc

    The importance of lithological heterogeneity of the Onaping Formation for understanding post-impact deformation of the Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada

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    The suevitic Onaping Formation overlies the layered Main Mass of the 1.85Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) of the Sudbury Impact Structure, Ontario. The Formation consists of four Members, namely from top to bottom, the Black, the Green, the Gray and the Basal. Post-impact NWSE shortening during the Penokean Orogeny (ca. 1.9–1.75 Ga) affected the Onaping Formation and led to the lobate shape of the SIC in plan view. In order to investigate the possible fold origin of the NE-lobe of the SIC, a field-based structural analysis of the Onaping Formation was conducted in the Frenchman Lake area. The analysis is based on structural measurements at 580 stations and encompasses the orientation of mineral shape fabrics as well as their intensity. In addition to these quantities, lithological variation and metamorphic overprint of the Onaping Formation was examined. Special attention was paid thereby to the Green Member since previous workers stated that it forms a continuous unit at the base of the Black Member...conferenc

    Deformation der karbonatischen Espanola-Formation im zentralen Teil der Sudbury-Impaktstruktur, Kanada

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    Archaische Granitoide und palĂ€oproterozoische Metasedimente der Huronian Supergroup werden von dem schĂŒsselförmigen und partiell erodierten 1.85 Ga alten Impaktschmelzkomplex der Sudbury-Impaktstruktur ĂŒberlagert. Huronische Metasedimente und deren basaler Kontakt zum granitoiden Grundgebirge stehen in einer Entfernung bis zu 15km von dem lagigen Komplex und um diesen herum steil. Obwohl diese Steilstellung durch die Bildung eines impakt-induzierten Zentralberges erklĂ€rt werden kann, ist unklar, ob orogene Verformung vor dem Impakt an der Steilstellung beteiligt war. Um hierĂŒber Aufschluss zu gewinnen, wurden die basalen Huronischen Einheiten, insbesondere die karbonatische Espanola Formation und deren benachbarte Metakonglomerate und Metasandsteine, nordöstlich des Impaktschmelzkomplexes strukturell untersucht. Aufgrund er NĂ€he der metasedimentĂ€ren Einheiten zu dem 2,5km mĂ€chtigen Schmelzkomplex wurde daher auch dessen möglicher thermischer Einfluss auf die Metasedimente untersucht...conferenc

    Identification of uppercrustal discontinuities using dip curvature analysis of isostatic residual gravity: examples from the central Andes

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    Structural analysts are often faced with the problem of identifying prominent structural discontinuities covered by post-tectonic sedimentary or volcanic rocks. Gravity fields are often used to delineate the trace of buried discontinuities but are frequently found to be too crude to localize discontinuities adequately. Here, we introduce the importance of dip curvature of the isostatic residual gravity for identifying upper-crustal discontinuities. The relationship between Bouguer gravity, isostatic residual gravity and its dip curvature, first-order structural elements and distribution of Neogene volcanic rocks was examined in the central Andean plateau, more specifically, the southern Altiplano and the Puna...conferenc

    Data on the geology and structure of the Copper Cliff embayment and offset dyke, Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada

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    This contribution describes maps of the Copper Cliff Embayment (CCE) and Offset (CCO) dyke. The associated study attempts to unravel the mode of melt emplacement and the role of pre-impact faults in the deformation of the southern part of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC). This contribution summarizes field observations (maps and images) and structural measurements. In addition, perspective views of the 3D Move model of the CCE and CCO dyke are provided. This data can be used by researchers and exploration geologists working in the Sudbury mining camp as a basis for future mapping, research and exploration efforts in the Copper Cliff area

    Deformation mechanisms in the eastern Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada: Evidence for meteorite impact into an active orogen

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    The 1.85 Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) in central Ontario is now widely considered to be the erosional remnant of a deformed paleo-horizontal impact melt sheet, about 2.5 km in thickness. Deformed impact melt breccias of the Onaping Formation and postimpact metasedimentary rocks overlie the layered SIC, which in turn rests on shocked Archean basement and Paleoproterozoic cover rocks. The main mass of the Igneous Complex is subdivided from top to bottom into granophyre, quartz-gabbro and norite layers. Previous workers considered noncylindrical folding and NW-directed reverse faulting as the main structural processes that formed the asymmetric, syn-formal geometry of the SIC apparent in map view and seismic section. Structural studies support this model in the southern part of the impact structure, where greenschist-facies metamorphic tectonites of the South Range Shear Zone (SRSZ) accomplished structural uplift of the southern SIC by NW-directed reverse shearing. However, little evidence for pervasive ductile strain has been reported from the weakly metamorphosed eastern part of the SIC, the East Range, which is characterised by steep basal dips and maximal curvature in plan view. The objective of this study is to assess the structural inventory of the East Range in terms of post-emplacement deformation mechanisms. Our interpretation is based on published and newly acquired structural data. Planar mineral shape fabrics of cumulate plagioclase and pyroxene are developed in the intermediate quartz-gabbro and lower norite layers of the southern East Range SIC. Microstructures show little intracrystalline deformation in quartz. Euhedral cumulate plagioclase retains an angular outline indicating magmatic mineral fabric development. This magmatic foliation is concordant to SIC contacts or large-scale discontinuities in their vicinity (Fig. 1). Magmatic fabrics are observed rarely in the northern portion of the East Range. Here, tectonic foliations and S–C fabrics are developed sporadically at, and concordant to, brittle structures striking N–S. A weak tectonic foliation defined by chlorite that replaces magmatic minerals is developed in the upper granophyric SIC of the NE-lobe that connects the SIC’s North and East Ranges via a 105° arc. This foliation grades into a shape-preferred orientation of primary, i.e., magmatic, mafic minerals observed in the lower granophyre and underlying layers of the SIC. Mineral fabrics observed in the NE-lobe SIC are concordant to metamorphic foliations developed in the overlying Onaping Formation breccias. Both foliations strike parallel to the NE-Lobe’s acute bisectrix and, thus, display an axial-planar geometry typical for fabrics formed in the core of a buckle fold (Fig. 1). Brittle structures including centimetre-scale shear-fractures to kilometre-scale faultzones are observed in the eastern SIC and its host rocks. Largescale faults striking N–S cut the NElobe’s eastern limb causing variable magnitudes of strike separation of SIC contacts. Centimetre- to metrescale, brittle faults and chlorite-filled brittle-ductile shear-zones occur pervasively in the eastern SIC, often causing centimetre-scale offset of markers. Microstructures from first-order fault-zones indicate deformation at, and below, greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. The concordance of magmatic and tectonic mineral shape fabrics in the NElobe indicates progressive deformation of the SIC during cooling from the magmatic state to lower greenschistfacies metamorphic conditions. Synmagmatic deformation of the SIC suggests that it was emplaced during ongoing orogenic deformation. Furthermore, maximum principal stress directions inferred from inversion of faultslip data collected in the Onaping Formation are orthogonal to metamorphic foliation surfaces at the same localities. This points to a similar deformation regime in the Onaping Formation during ductile and brittle deformation. The concordance of magmatic, metamorphic and brittle fabrics is explained best by a single progressive deformation event that was active while the SIC cooled and solidified. The lack of pervasive ductile deformation fabrics in the East Range SIC can be explained by rapid cooling of the impact melt sheet (within 100–500 ka) with respect to natural tectonic strain rates. While the geometry of mineral fabrics in the study area is compatible with large-scale, non-cylindrical folding, the low levels of ductile deformation suggest that shape-change of the eastern SIC has been accomplished mainly by discontinuous deformation. This deformation mechanism may have accomplished bulk NW-SE shortening that was accommodated by reverse shearing within the SRSZ, resulting in large strike separations of SIC contacts observed in the western part of the impact structure. By contrast, the eastern SIC may have accomplished such shortening by brittleductile, non-cylindrical folding at the eastern terminus of the SRSZ. The complex post-impact deformation pattern of the central Sudbury Structure results from impact into an active orogen.conferenc

    Evidence from the Vredefort Granophyre Dikes points to crustal relaxation following basin-size impact cratering

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    The timescale of the modification stage of basin-sized impact structures is not well understood. Owing to ca. 10 km of erosion since its formation, the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, is an ideal testing ground for deciphering post-impact modification. Here, we present geophysical and geochemical evidence from the Vre defort Granophyre Dikes, which were derived from the - now eroded - Vredefort impact melt sheet. The dikes have been studied mostly in terms of their composition, while the timing and duration of their emplacement remain controversial. We examined the modern depth extent of five dikes, with three from the inner crystalline core of the central uplift, and two from the boundary between the core and the supracrustal collar of the central uplift, using two-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography. We found that the core dikes terminate near the present erosion surface (i.e., <5 m depth). In contrast, the dikes at the core-collar boundary extend to a depth ≄ 9 m. These observations suggest that the core dikes are exposed near their lowermost terminus. In addition, we obtained bulk geochemical composition of the dikes, finding that the andesitic composition phase is present in the core-collar dikes that is not found in the core dikes. The presence of this phase indicates the episodic emplacement of impact melt into subvertical crater floor fractures. We conclude that the dike formation was protracted and occurred over a time span of at least 104 years. The sequential formation of the Vredefort Granophyre Dikes points to horizontal extension of crust below the impact melt sheet above a kinematic velocity discontinuity, a crustal instability resulting from the dynamic collapse oNational Research Foundation Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Universiteit van die Vrystaa

    Extraordinary rocks from the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater: P-wave velocity, density, and porosity measurements from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364

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    Joint International Ocean Discovery Program and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program Expedition 364 drilled into the peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater. We present P-wave velocity, density, and porosity measurements from Hole M0077A that reveal unusual physical properties of the peak-ring rocks. Across the boundary between post-impact sedimentary rock and suevite (impact melt-bearing breccia) we measure a sharp decrease in velocity and density, and an increase in porosity. Velocity, density, and porosity values for the suevite are 2900–3700 m/s, 2.06–2.37 g/cm3, and 20–35%, respectively. The thin (25 m) impact melt rock unit below the suevite has velocity measurements of 3650–4350 m/s, density measurements of 2.26–2.37 g/cm3, and porosity measurements of 19–22%. We associate the low velocity, low density, and high porosity of suevite and impact melt rock with rapid emplacement, hydrothermal alteration products, and observations of pore space, vugs, and vesicles. The uplifted granitic peak ring materials have values of 4000–4200 m/s, 2.39–2.44 g/cm3, and 8–13% for velocity, density, and porosity, respectively; these values differ significantly from typical unaltered granite which has higher velocity and density, and lower porosity. The majority of Hole M0077A peak-ring velocity, density, and porosity measurements indicate considerable rock damage, and are consistent with numerical model predictions for peak-ring formation where the lithologies present within the peak ring represent some of the most shocked and damaged rocks in an impact basin. We integrate our results with previous seismic datasets to map the suevite near the borehole. We map suevite below the Paleogene sedimentary rock in the annular trough, on the peak ring, and in the central basin, implying that, post impact, suevite covered the entire floor of the impact basin. Suevite thickness is 100–165 m on the top of the peak ring but 200 m in the central basin, suggesting that suevite flowed downslope from the collapsing central uplift during and after peak-ring formation, accumulating preferentially within the central basin