6 research outputs found

    Two-walker discrete-time quantum walks on the line with percolation

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    One goal in the quantum-walk research is the exploitation of the intrinsic quantum nature of multiple walkers, in order to achieve the full computational power of the model. Here we study the behaviour of two non-interacting particles performing a quantum walk on the line when the possibility of lattice imperfections, in the form of missing links, is considered. We investigate two regimes, statical and dynamical percolation, that correspond to different time scales for the imperfections evolution with respect to the quantum-walk one. By studying the qualitative behaviour of three two-particle quantities for different probabilities of having missing bonds, we argue that the chosen symmetry under particle-exchange of the input state strongly affects the output of the walk, even in noisy and highly non-ideal regimes. We provide evidence against the possibility of gathering information about the walkers indistinguishability from the observation of bunching phenomena in the output distribution, in all those situations that require a comparison between averaged quantities. Although the spread of the walk is not substantially changed by the addition of a second particle, we show that the presence of multiple walkers can be beneficial for a procedure to estimate the probability of having a broken link.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Nonclassicality detection and communication bounds in quantum networks

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    Quantum information investigates the possibility of enhancing our ability to process and transmit information by directly exploiting quantum mechanical laws. When searching for improvement opportunities, one typically starts by assessing the range of outcomes classically attainable, and then investigates to what extent control over the quantum features of the system could be helpful, as well as the best performance that could be achieved. In this thesis we provide examples of these aspects, in linear optics, quantum metrology, and quantum communication. We start by providing a criterion able to certify whether the outcome of a linear optical evolution cannot be explained by the classical wave-like theory of light. We do so by identifying a tight lower bound on the amount of correlations that could be detected among output intensities, when classical electrodynamics theory is used to describe the fields. Rather than simply detecting nonclassicality, we then focus on its quantification. In particular, we consider the characterisation of the amount of squeezing encoded on selected quantum probes by an unknown external device, without prior information on the direction of application. We identify the single-mode Gaussian probes leading to the largest average precision in noiseless and noisy conditions, and discuss the advantages arising from the use of correlated two-mode probes. Finally, we improve current bounds on the ultimate performance attainable in a quantum communication scenario. Specifically, we bound the number of maximally entangled qubits, or private bits, shared by two parties after a communication protocol over a quantum network, without restrictions on their classical communication. As in previous investigations, our approach is based on the evaluation of the maximum amount of entanglement that could be generated by the channels in the network, but it includes the possibility of changing entanglement measure on a channel-by-channel basis. Examples where this is advantageous are discussed.Open Acces

    Gaussian Discriminating Strength

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    We present a quantifier of non-classical correlations for bipartite, multi-mode Gaussian states. It is derived from the Discriminating Strength measure, introduced for finite dimensional systems in A. Farace et al., New. J. Phys. 16, 073010 (2014). As the latter the new measure exploits the Quantum Chernoff Bound to gauge the susceptibility of the composite system with respect to local perturbations induced by unitary gates extracted from a suitable set of allowed transformations (the latter being identified by posing some general requirements). Closed expressions are provided for the case of two-mode Gaussian states obtained by squeezing or by linearly mixing via a beam-splitter a factorized two-mode thermal state. For these density matrices, we study how non-classical correlations are related with the entanglement present in the system and with its total photon number.Comment: 11+6 pages, 4 figure

    NonClassicality Criteria in Multiport Interferometry

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    Interference lies at the heart of the behavior of classical and quantum light. It is thus crucial to understand the boundaries between which interference patterns can be explained by a classical electromagnetic description of light and which, on the other hand, can only be understood with a proper quantum mechanical approach. While the case of two-mode interference has received a lot of attention, the multimode case has not yet been fully explored. Here we study a general scenario of intensity interferometry: we derive a bound on the average correlations between pairs of output intensities for the classical wavelike model of light, and we show how it can be violated in a quantum framework. As a consequence, this violation acts as a nonclassicality witness, able to detect the presence of sources with sub-Poissonian photon-number statistics. We also develop a criterion that can certify the impossibility of dividing a given interferometer into two independent subblocks.Comment: 5 + 3 pages, published versio

    Versatile Gaussian probes for squeezing estimation

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    We consider an instance of “black-box” quantum metrology in the Gaussian framework, where we aim to estimate the amount of squeezing applied on an input probe, without previous knowledge on the phase of the applied squeezing. By taking the quantum Fisher information (QFI) as the figure of merit, we evaluate its average and variance with respect to this phase in order to identify probe states that yield good precision for many different squeezing directions. We first consider the case of single-mode Gaussian probes with the same energy, and find that pure squeezed states maximize the average quantum Fisher information (AvQFI) at the cost of a performance that oscillates strongly as the squeezing direction is changed. Although the variance can be brought to zero by correlating the probing system with a reference mode, the maximum AvQFI cannot be increased in the same way. A different scenario opens if one takes into account the effects of photon losses: coherent states represent the optimal single-mode choice when losses exceed a certain threshold and, moreover, correlated probes can now yield larger AvQFI values than all single-mode states, on top of having zero variance

    Non-Classical Correlations in Quantum States

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    The presence of correlations which do not have a classical counterpart, shared among the subparts of a given system, is one of the best signatures of non-classicality for a quantum state. Although entanglement is the most remarkable among these correlations, even some separable (i.e. not entangled) mixed states can exhibit non-classical behaviours. After reviewing Quantum Discord, that has been the first correlation measure historically introduced, several other known quantifiers are presented. Particular attention is dedicated to the geometric measure known as Trace Distance Discord, that in this thesis has been evaluated in a new class of two-qubit states and whose maximum value on the set of separable states has been found when the tested subsystem is a qubit and the other one is infinite-dimensional. Starting from this scenario, a new measure of correlations is then introduced and characterized. It has a clear operational interpretation in the context of state discrimination: it quantifies the ability of a bipartite state to distinguish between the application or not of an unknown local unitary map acting on one subsystem, labelled with A. The dependence upon the spectrum of such unitary map is discussed, showing in particular that the harmonic choice is optimal at least for pure states with dA = 3 and whichever dB (here dA and dB being the dimensions of the two subsystems). It is proven that for a two dimensional subsystem A the maximum over the set of separable states is reached by classical-quantum ones: its value has been computed analytically when dB >= 3 and numerically when dB = 2. A comparison among all the discussed measures is performed, plotting their value as a function of the parameter of the amplitude damping channel applied to the first subsystem. The result confirms how an appropriate local operation on the tested subsystem can enhance the amount of non-classical correlations. Eventually, a possible generalization of the new measure to the set of bosonic Gaussian states for continuous variable systems is discussed, evaluating at last the proposed expression on two-mode squeezed thermal states