16 research outputs found

    До питання про легітимацію влади Рад в період становлення більшовицької диктатури в УСРР

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    Проаналізувавши документальні джерела, автор статті дійшов висновку, що ради, під прикриттям яких було встановлено диктатуру більшовицької партії в Україні, мали надати їй легітимного статусу. Ключові слова: більшовики, переворот, диктатура, ради, влада. легітимація, державність.Проанализировав документальные источники, автор статьи приходит к выводу, что советы, под прикрытием которых была установлена диктатура большевистской партии в Украине, были призваны придать ей легитимный статус. Ключевые слова: большевики, переворот, диктатура, советы, власть, легитимация, государственность.On the basis of the documentary sources, the author of the article proves that the Soviets under the lee of which the dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party in Ukraine was established aimed at making it legitimate. Key words: bolsheviks, coup d'état, dictatorship, soviets, power, legitimization, statehood

    Государственная поддержка АПК как фактор мотивации труда аграриев Крыма

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    В статье рассматривается влияние государственной поддержки АПК на мотивацию работников аграрного сектора. Приводятся аспекты отечественного и зарубежного опыта политики государств в отношении сельскохозяйственных производителей. Предлагаются способы совершенствования системы государственной поддержки АПК Крыма для повышения мотивации труда аграриев.In article is represented the influence of the state's support of the Agro-industry Complex to the workers of agrarian sector, is paid attention to the aspects of the father-lend and foreign experience of the state's politics in accordance with agricultural industry, are recommended the ways of the improvement of the system of the state's support of the Agro-industry Complex of the Crimea for the raising of the agricultural workers' labour

    Targeting Energy Management : Analysing targets, outcomes and impacts of corporate energy and greenhouse gas management programmes

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    Global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced drastically to limit global increases in temperature to the relatively safe level of maximum 2 degrees Celsius. In the coming decades, energy efficiency improvement will be the main strategy for reducing energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Energy management is frequently considered as an important means to stimulate energy efficiency improvement. However there is a clear need to understand what the impact of such programmes is. This thesis therefor addresses the following question: “What is the impact of energy and greenhouse gas management programmes on improving corporate energy management practices, accelerating energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction?”. This research question will be studied by means of two different cases of energy and greenhouse gas management programmes, i.e. the Long-Term Agreements on Energy Efficiency and the CO2 Performance Ladder. In this thesis a wide range of methodologies rooted in evaluation research have been used, to assess the implementation process, outcomes and impacts of the energy and greenhouse gas management programmes. Overall, it can be concluded that 1) programmes for energy and greenhouse gas management can be an effective tool for improving energy management practices, such as top management commitment, increased priority for energy issues, enhanced co-ordinated actions, improved insight in CO2 emissions, performance and reduction options, and target-setting; 2) these programmes can stimulate the adoption of additional energy conservation measures. The magnitude of the additionality which is in the range of 25-50%; 3) these programmes can accelerate energy efficiency improvement or reducing greenhouse gas emission beyond business-as-usual in at least the short-to-medium long term. In the energy and greenhouse gas management programmes considered in this study we found that both energy efficiency and relative CO2 emission reductions were enhanced within a range of 0.3%/yr - 1.0%/yr beyond autonomous improvements. Such programmes for energy and greenhouse gas management can therefore make an important contribution to achieving national energy and climate objectives. However, the values for enhanced energy efficiency improvement and CO2 emission reduction are far from sufficient to meet climate goals in the long-term. To guarantee higher impacts of such programmes in the longer term, it is necessary that these programmes are being reinforced, e.g. by aligning corporate greenhouse gas emission reduction targets with long-term climate goals, by engaging the supply chain companies in reducing CO2 emissions, by making stronger incentive and supporting schemes available, and by stronger regulatory threats in the case of non-compliance

    Setting SMART targets for industrial energy use and industrial energy efficiency

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    Industrial energy policies often require the setting of quantitative targets to reduce energy use and/or greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper a taxonomy has been developed for categorizing SMART industrial energy use or greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. The taxonomy includes volume reduction targets, physical efficiency improvement targets, economic intensity improvement targets and economic targets. This paper also provides a comprehensive overview of targets for industrial energy use or greenhouse gas emission reductions at sector or firm level in past, current and proposed future policies worldwide. This overview includes approximately 50 different emission permit systems, voluntary or negotiated agreement schemes and emission trading systems. Finally, the paper includes an assessment of the various types of targets. The target types are compared with respect to the certainty of the environmental outcome and compliance costs, the targets’ relevance for the public and for industry and their environmental integrity, as well as their complexity and potential for comparison

    An ex-ante evaluation of a White Certificates scheme in The Netherlands: A case study for the household sector

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    Increased efficiency of energy demand is generally recognized as a very cost-effective strategy to reduce energy requirements and the related environmental impacts (e.g. the greenhouse effect). In order to improve energy efficiency the use of innovative market mechanisms, such as the White Certificates (WhC), has been proposed. The basic idea underlying this policy instrument is that specific energy saving targets are set for energy suppliers or energy distributors. These requirements must be fulfilled in a predefined time frame. The focus of this paper is on the effect on energy efficiency improvement, on the behavior of the end consumers and the market of energy efficiency measures. Furthermore, we study the possible effects of WhC in The Netherlands by means of a theoretical analysis and an empirical bottom-up model. We compare concrete energy efficient technologies in terms of cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency improvement. In combination with existing Dutch policies for energy efficiency improvement in the built environment, the contribution of this innovative scheme could enhance the accomplishment of energy efficiency targets. In this paper, two packages of energy saving measures of a WhC scheme are studied for Dutch households. The costs of these technologies are estimated through the use of different discount rates, which imply overcoming of the market barriers through the use of the WhC. A scheme that includes all available technologies as flexible options appears as a realistic solution and can generate cost effectively up to 180 PJ primary energy savings and 4550 M€ cumulative net savings in the year 2020, at a discount rate of 5%, under the precondition that the policy and administrative costs can be kept low

    Is bone modeling regulated by osteocytes?

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    A three dimensional model for osteocyte-regulated remodling simulation at the tissue level

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    Several hypothetical bone remodeling models have been developed to explain trabecular bone adaptation as observed in the skeleton. So far, these simulation models have been successfully used to explain the global density distribution in whole bones but were unable to simulate trabecular adaptation process at the tissue level. In the presented study, a three dimensional bone remodeling model is introduced to simulate bone remodeling at the tissue level. The model is based on an osteocyte regulated bone remodeling hypothesis. The trabecular architecture is represented by large FE models built from identical elements to allow the application of fast solution methods. It was found that the model can explain the generation of typical three dimensional architectures during morphogenesis as a result of loading. In addition, the model can explain structural changes that take place due to bone disuse

    Effect of mechanical set point of bone cells on mechanical control of trabecular bone architecture

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    The architecture of trabecular bone is thought to be controlled by mechanosensitive bone cells, where hormones provide a background for their responses to mechanical signals. It has been suggested that, in osteoporosis, this response is hampered by changed hormonal levels, thereby increasing the mechanical set point of the cells, which would lead to bone loss. We have investigated if a temporary increase of the mechanical set point causes deterioration of trabecular bone architecture, such as seen in osteoporosis. Furthermore, the effects of a changed loading pattern were investigated for the same reason. For this purpose, we used a computer simulation model, which was based on the regulation of bone architecture by mechanosensitive osteocytes. It was found that a temporary shift of the mechanical set point causes no lasting changes in architecture. Although an increase of the mechanical set point induces bone loss, the mechanism of bone loss (trabecular thinning) differs from what is observed in osteoporosis (loss of whole trabeculae). Hence, a change of the mechanical set point alone cannot explain bone loss as seen in osteoporosis. On the other hand, the removal of load components in a particular direction resulted in irreversible loss of whole trabeculae. These results indicate that such temporary changes in loading patterns could be important risk factors for osteoporosis. [Journal Article; In English; United States

    The effectiveness of policy instruments for energy efficiency improvements in firms

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