41 research outputs found


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    本研究は、成人期女性パヌキン゜ン病以䞋、PD患者のアむデンティティの危機に぀ながる䜓隓をりェブログ以䞋、ブログに綎られた闘病蚘の分析から明らかにするこずを目的ずした。6名の成人期女性PD患者のブログを察象ずし、アむデンティティの危機に぀ながるず考えられる䜓隓に぀いお質的垰玍的に分析した。結果、『病気による心身の倉化を受け入れられない』『思い描く自分の将来が倉わっおしたう』『生きる掻力を芋いだせない』『動䜜の制限により自立した生掻ができない』『自身の瀟䌚掻動に制限がかかっおしたう』『望む圢で“重芁な他者”ずの関係性を保぀こずができない』の6カテゎリヌが抜出された。これらの䜓隓は、PDによる身䜓的倉化ず他者ずの関係性の倉化を介しお、アむデンティティの危機に぀ながるず考えられた。このため、PD患者にずっおの重芁な他者ずPD患者の関係性の維持や再構築を支揎するこずが重芁であるず考えらえた。This study clarifies the experiences that lead to identity crisis in women with Parkinson’s diseasePDby analyzing their weblogsblogs. We qualitatively and inductively analyzed the blogs of six women with PD in the perspective of clarifying the experiences that could lead to identity crisis. As a result, the following six categories were generated: “being unable to accept the changes in the body and mind caused by PD,” “future that has changed from what they had imagined,” “being unable to find vitality to live,” “being unable to live independently due to motional limitations,” “restriction of their social activities,” and “being unable to maintain relationships with important persons in their life.” These experiences are assumed to lead to identity crisis through the decline in physical function and changes in relationships with significant others associated with PD. Therefore, it is important to support PD patients to maintain and rebuild relationships with significant others


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    目的「いきいきた぀り」を通じ、地域づくりに向けお地域包括支揎センタヌ看護職が行なった支揎を蚘述するこずを目的ずした。方法自治䜓ず連携しお先駆的な地域づくり型保健掻動を行なっおいるA 区地域包括支揎センタヌの看護職を察象ずし、半構造的面接を行なった。逐語録から、看護職の支揎の内容を抜出し、支揎の流れを瀺した。結果掻動の立ち䞊げにあたっお、看護職は〈日頃の掻動から把握しおいる䜏民参加者の遞定〉などを行なっおいた。その埌〈䜏民の意識を地域づくりに向くよう促す〉、〈健康づくりを匷化できるよう促す〉、〈地区特性に合わせた掻動を行なうこずを提案する〉などしお、䜏民䞻䜓の地域づくりに発展させおいた。考察地域包括支揎センタヌ看護職は地区に密着した日々の掻動を生かし、地域づくりの䞭心ずなる人材を発掘し、䜏民同士や䜏民ず自治䜓保健垫を぀なぐずずもに、掻動を地区特性に合わせる圹割を担うず考えられる


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    圚宅重症心身障害児は高床な医療的ケアや重介護を必芁ずするこずから、その家族の負担は倧きく、児ぞの虐埅を匕き起こす可胜性を有する。そこで本研究では、蚪問看護垫が介入した圚宅重症心身障害児虐埅の実態が蚘茉されおいる文献を抂芳し、蚪問看護垫の圚宅重症心身障害児虐埅に関するアセスメントの芖点ならびに介入の実際ず課題を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。その結果、圚宅重症心身障害児虐埅に関するアセスメントの芖点は、「児の状態」「母芪の行為」「家庭の状況」であるこずが瀺された。蚪問看護垫は顕圚化しおいる虐埅に察しおは児の生呜の危機を回避するために斜蚭入所に぀なげる支揎を行い、顕圚化しおいない虐埅に関しおは母芪に察しお傟聎や受容を行いながら、虐埅の把握に努めおいた。圚宅重症心身障害児の虐埅察応には関係機関による支揎䜓制づくりず蚪問看護垫のアセスメント技術䞊びに支揎技術の確立が必芁ず考えられた。Since home-dwelling children with severe and multiple handicaps need advanced medical care and heavy care, the family\u27s burden is heavy and possibly causes maltreatment against their children. The purpose of this study was to clarify the viewpoints of assessment, actual conditions and issues of the intervention by visiting nurses to the maltreatment of the home-dwelling severely handicapped children. The research articles on the visiting nurses\u27 intervention to the maltreatment of the children in question were reviewed. As a result of the review, it was shown that the visiting nurse\u27s viewpoints of the assessment about the maltreatment of the children were "a child\u27s condition,""a mother\u27s act." and "a domestic situation." In the case of evident maltreatment, visiting nurses coordinated some institutional care in order to avoid the crisis of the child\u27s life. When the maltreatment was not evident, the visiting nurses tried to confirm it, by using the method of active listening and accepting the mother. This study suggests that the support system should be established by related agencies. It is also suggests that visiting nurses need to develop their skills of assessment and supported concerning the maltreatment of home-dwelling children with severe and multiple handicaps


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    目的 地域包括支揎センタヌが実斜するアドバンス・ケア・プランニング以䞋ACP普及啓発プログラムが参加者の考え方や行動に䞎えた圱響を明らかにする。方法 地域包括支揎センタヌの実斜するACP普及啓発プログラムに参加した地域圚䜏高霢者5名を察象ずしおむンタビュヌを実斜した。デヌタは質的垰玍的に分析した。結果 本プログラムによっお、参加者は【今埌の自身の状態や状況のむメヌゞの具䜓化】、【今埌の生き方を遞択しおいくための䞻䜓性の獲埗】、【今埌の生き方に぀いおの意向を家族ず共有する必芁性の認識】、【地域の人々ずの぀ながりを持぀こずの倧切さの実感】、【地域の人々ず声を掛け合っお暮らしおいくこずぞの自発性の獲埗】などの圱響を受けおいた。結論 地域の瀟䌚資源ず連携し、䜏民同士の察話を取り入れたプログラムは、ACPぞの䞻䜓的な取り組みを促進するだけでなく、地域における互助を促進する可胜性が瀺唆された。Objectives: This study aimed to clarify the impact of an Advance Care PlanningACPdissemination and enlightenment program conducted by a Community General Support Center on the participants’ thoughts and behaviors.Methods: Interviews were conducted with five community-dwelling elderly people who participated in the ACP dissemination and enlightenment program conducted by the Community General Support Center. The data were analyzed qualitatively and inductively.Results: Through this program, participants couldembody the image of their own condition and situation in the future,acquire the autonomy to choose their future ways of life,become aware of the need to share intentions about the future ways of life with their family,realize the importance of connecting with local people, andacquire the spontaneity to live while caring for each other in the community and so on.Discussions: An ACP dissemination and enlightenment program, conducted by a Community General Support Center that collaborates with the local social resources and incorporates dialogue between residents, not only promotes independent efforts for ACP, but also promotes mutual aid in the community


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    目的保健垫の異文化間看護胜力の実態および関連芁因を明らかにし、珟任教育ぞの瀺唆を埗る。方法倖囜人母ぞの支揎経隓がある母子保健担圓保健垫1703名に無蚘名自蚘匏質問玙調査を行った。基本属性ごずに異文化間看護胜力尺床埗点を比范し、重回垰分析にお関連芁因を怜蚎した。結果回答者350名回収率20.6のうち、276名分を有効回答ずした有効回答率78.9。埗意な倖囜語β0.238、改正出入囜管理法の内容の理解β0.201、倖囜人に関する事業やサヌビスの理解β0.195、継続支揎した倖囜人母の人数β0.128、職堎内で倖囜人支揎に関する䜓制づくりの積極性β0.155、倖囜人支揎をテヌマずした事䟋怜蚎䌚の機䌚β0.117、倖郚ずの連携䜓制β0.107が異文化間看護胜力尺床埗点に関連しおいた。考察異文化間看護胜力の向䞊には、倖囜人支揎の経隓を積み、必芁な知識を習埗するずずもに、職堎の組織的な取り組みが必芁なこずが瀺唆された。Objective: This study aimed to investigate the cultural competence in nursing of public health nurses in charge of maternal and child health and to examine the related factors of cultural competence.Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on 1703 public health nurses in charge of maternal and child health who were experienced in supporting foreign mothers. The cultural competence in nursing scale scores were compared for each demographic characteristic, and the related factors were examined using multiple regression analysis.Results: Of the 350 respondents recovery rate 20.6, 276 were valid responsesvalid responserate 78.9.By multiple regression analysis, factors that were shown to be related to the cultural competence in nursing scale scores were as follows: foreign language skillsβ 0.238, comprehension of the contents of the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Actβ0.201, understanding of projects and services related to foreigners in their municipalityβ0.195, number of experiences of supporting foreign mothersβ0.128, positiveness for creating a system for supporting foreignersβ0.155, opportunities for case study meetings on the subject of foreigner supportβ0.117, and collaboration with external organizationsβ0.107


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    目的東京23区の地域包括支揎センタヌ以䞋、「包括」の看護職による「通いの堎」の支揎状況ず支揎に関連する因子に぀いお明らかにするこずを目的ずした。方法東京23区内にある包括304カ所に勀務し、「通いの堎」の支揎を行っおいる看護職を察象ずしお、無蚘名自蚘匏質問玙調査を実斜した。結果支揎状況に぀いお、「栞ずなる䜏民ずの協力関係を぀くる」は実斜割合が7割匷ず高く、「立ち䞊げを支揎する」「栞ずなる䜏民を育成する」は4割匷ず他項目ず比べお実斜割合が䜎かった。支揎状況の関連因子に぀いお重回垰分析を実斜した結果、支揎期間、包括看護職のコンピテンシヌ、䜏民・民間組織ずの連携状況の3項目が支揎状況に有意に関連するこずが瀺された。考察支揎状況の関連因子の分析から、䜏民・民間組織ずの連携匷化ず包括看護職のコンピテンシヌの匷化が「通いの堎」の立ち䞊げ、普及に資する可胜性が瀺唆された。Objective: This study aimed to clarify the status and related factors of support for community-based activities by nursing staff of community general support centers in Tokyo special wards.Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among nursing staff who provided community-based activities at 304 community general support centers in Tokyo special wards.Results: With regard to the status of support for community-based activities, the percentages of nurses who reported “building cooperative relationships with key individuals among residents” and “supporting the management system to promote participation” were both higher than others and exceeded 70. The percentages of nurses who reported “supporting the launch” and “fostering leadership of key persons among residents” were lower than others and was about 40%. A multiple regression analysis of factors related to support status revealed that three factors had a highly significant association with support status : support period, competency of nursing staff at the community general support center, and level of cooperation with residents and local organizations.Discussion: Results of the analysis of factors related to support status suggested that strengthening cooperation with residents and local organizations may contribute to the development and spread of community-based activities

    虐埅的行為指暙の劥圓性の怜蚎 : 母芪の虐埅的行為埗点ず瀟䌚経枈的状況・育児感情の関連

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    児童虐埅の予防察策の充実は喫緊の課題ずなっおいるが、そのために必芁な虐埅の前段階を含む連続的な虐埅の評䟡指暙はこれたで開発されおいない。このため本研究では、母芪の虐埅的行為の項目数ず頻床からなる埗点に぀いお、虐埅の前段階を含む虐埅評䟡指暙ずしおの劥圓性を怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。本研究では、3-6歳の子どもを持぀母芪を察象ずしおアンケヌト調査を実斜し、虐埅的行為埗点ず虐埅の匷力なリスク芁因である瀟䌚経枈的状況䞊びに育児感情ずの関連性を分析した。結果、虐埅的行為埗点は、十分な内的敎合性を有するずずもに、母子家庭、䞖垯収入の䜎さ、母芪の䜎孊歎ず関連するこずが瀺された。たた、虐埅的行為埗点は、育児負担感、育児䞍安ず関係するこずが瀺された。したがっお、本埗点は、虐埅の前段階を含む連続的な虐埅の実態を把握するための指暙ずしお、䞀定の劥圓性を有するこずが瀺唆された。Although taking some substantial prophylactic measures against maltreatment of children is an important subject, the index for prophylactic measures that can evaluate both the maltreatment and the preceding phase of maltreatment has not been developed so far. This study aimed to evaluate the validity of a score generated from a number of items and frequency of abusive maternal behavior as an index of both maltreatment and its preceding phase. An anonymous questionnaire survey of mothers rearing 3-6 year-old children was conducted, and relevance of abusive maternal behavior score and powerful risk factors of maltreatment was examined. As a result, the score of abusive maternal behavior had sufficient inner compatibility, and had the relationship with the following socioeconomic states: the single-mother family, the low household income and the mother\u27s low educational background. Moreover, it was shown that the score was related to burden of child-rearing and anxiety about child-rearing. Therefore, it was suggested that the abusive maternal behavior score have a certain validity to grasp the actual conditions of the maltreatment and the preceding phase of maltreatment


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    目的 看護基瀎教育における地域看護孊の孊修が、看護基瀎教育における必須の孊習内容に関する病院看護垫の認識に䞎える圱響を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。方法 病院に勀務する看護垫513名を察象ずし、無蚘名自蚘匏質問玙調査を実斜した。地域看護孊の孊修経隓ず地域看護孊教育の必芁性の認識䞊びに看護基瀎教育における必須の孊修内容の認識に぀いお調査し、地域看護孊の孊修経隓、看護基瀎教育における孊修内容の必芁性認識の関連に぀いお分析した。結果 地域看護孊の孊修経隓を有する者で92.2、孊修経隓のない者で72.0が地域看護孊教育を必芁ず認識しおいた。たた、地域看護孊の孊習経隓は、看護基瀎教育における孊修内容6項目の必芁性に察する認識に独立しお圱響を䞎えるこずが瀺された。考察 地域看護孊教育は、病院看護垫の看護の察象の広がりや、看護垫の代匁者ずしおの圹割、垂民ず連携する圹割の理解に぀ながるこずが瀺唆された。Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of community health nursing education on hospital nurses’ perception of essential learning contents in the basic nursing education.Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted on 513 nurses working in a hospital. Learning experience in community health nursing, the perception of the necessity of community health nursing education and the perception of the essential learning contents in the basic nursing education were investigated. Then the relationships between learning experience in community health nursing and nurses’ perception of essential learning contents in the basic nursing education were analyzed.Results: The necessity of community health nursing education was understood by 92.2% nurses in community health nursing learned group. On the other hand, that was understood by 72.0% nurses in community health nursing not-learned group. Moreover, it was shown that the learning experience of community health nursing has an independent influence on the understanding of the necessity of six items of learning contents in the nursing basic education.Discussions: It was suggested that community health nursing education would lead to the hospital nurses’ comprehension of a broad base of clients, their role as advocator, and their role in collaboration with citizens


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    目的 本研究は新卒で蚪問看護事業所ぞ就職した看護孊生の意思決定過皋を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。方法 新卒で蚪問看護事業所に就職した看護垫5名を察象ずし半構造的面接を実斜した。蚪問看護事業所ぞの就職に察する【心理的過皋】、〈圱響芁因〉をカテゎリヌ化し、過皋を図にたずめた。結果 看護孊生は【人の暮らしずその支揎ぞの興味】等をもずに〈新卒蚪問看護を知る人からの情報提䟛〉等により【蚪問看護事業所ぞの就職に察する関心】を感じおいた。【蚪問看護事業所ぞの就職に察する䞍安ず迷い】を抱えながらも、〈新卒蚪問看護垫に盎接話を聞く機䌚〉等を埗ながら【目指す看護を実践できる道に進む決断】をした。採甚決定埌も䞍安ず垌望を抱き぀぀【自分の決定を信じた】。考察 看護孊生ぞの情報提䟛、教員や家族、友人からの助蚀、むンタヌンシップぞの参加は看護孊生が蚪問看護事業所ぞの就職を怜蚎する際に有効であるず瀺唆された