341 research outputs found

    How leaders benefit from engaging in high-quality leader-member exchanges : a daily diary study

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    Purpose Drawing from the conservation of resources theory and the success resource model of job stress, the authors investigated the role of leader behaviours in the context of leader-member exchanges (LMXs) as a driver of leaders' job-related well-being and recovery. Specifically, they hypothesised positive affect and perceived competence as potential mechanisms enhancing leaders' job satisfaction and psychological detachment. Design/methodology/approach Daily diary data were collected from 85 leaders over five consecutive working days (376 daily observations) and analysed using multilevel path analyses. Findings Leader LMX behaviours were positively associated with leaders' positive affect and perceived competence at work at the person and day levels. Additionally, results provided support for most of the assumed indirect effects of leader LMX behaviours on leaders' job satisfaction and psychological detachment via positive affect and perceived competence. Practical implications Leadership development activities should raise leaders' awareness of the relevance of resourceful interactions with followers for leaders' own well-being. Organisations should create a working environment that facilitates high-quality exchanges amongst their members. The current trend towards increasing digital and less face-to-face collaboration may pose a risk to this important resource source for leaders. Originality/value These findings emphasise the day-to-day variation in leadership behaviours and that leaders' engagement in high-quality leader-follower interactions has the potential to stimulate a resource-building process for the benefit of leaders themselves

    Essstörung: Eine fallrekonstruktive Studie anhand erzählter Lebensgeschichten betroffener Frauen

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    Die Studie bietet anhand von erzählten Lebensgeschichten einen systematischen Einblick in die Erlebnis- und Erfahrungswelt von Menschen mit "Essstörungen". Sichtbar werden Entwicklungsbögen von der Entstehung über die Verfestigung bis zu den verschiedenen Bewältigungsversuchen sowie Ressourcen und Kompetenzen der Protagonistinnen. Diese Perspektive ermöglicht ein Neuverstehen des Phänomens "Essstörung", das über die gängigen defizitären Konzeptionen hinausgeht und Konsequenzen für eine ressourcenorientierte Begleitung von Menschen mit "Essstörungen" aufzeigt. Das Buch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Professionelle, Betroffene und Angehörige

    Essstörung: eine fallrekonstruktive Studie anhand erzählter Lebensgeschichten betroffener Frauen

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    Die Studie bietet anhand von erzählten Lebensgeschichten einen systematischen Einblick in die Erlebnis- und Erfahrungswelt von Menschen mit »Essstörungen«. Sichtbar werden Entwicklungsbögen von der Entstehung über die Verfestigung bis zu den verschiedenen Bewältigungsversuchen sowie Ressourcen und Kompetenzen der Protagonistinnen. Diese Perspektive ermöglicht ein Neuverstehen des Phänomens »Essstörung«, das über die gängigen defizitären Konzeptionen hinausgeht und Konsequenzen für eine ressourcenorientierte Begleitung von Betroffenen aufzeigt. Das Buch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Professionelle, Betroffene und Angehörige

    Treatment of insomnia in elderly patients

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    Introduction: Insomnia is one of the most common health conditions amongst the elderly population. It causes suffering and numerous health problems for those affected. Objectives: To review published results of common non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions of insomnia and to discuss their application in older patient groups. Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review for the topic non-pharmacological treatment of Insomnia in Elderly and non-systematic review on the topic of pharmacological treatment using the electronic databases PubMed, PsycInfo, Google Scholar and Web of Knowledge. Only published articles and reviews were included. Results: Sleep education can support the onset of sleep. As a simple and side-effect-free measure, sleep education should be offered to all elderly individuals with sleep-onset insomnia including those living in retirement homes. Stimulus control means that the bed or the bedroom should only be visited, if there is sufficient tiredness, or left, when tiredness is not sufficient, which is very challenging and sometimes impossible due to the decreasing mobility of the elderly, especially under treatment with hypnotics. Sleep restriction can be conducted in a moderate way, reducing the time spent in bed every week for 30 minutes. Light therapy supports the regulation of the circadian body rhythm by exposing the patients to bright artificial light during the day. As a simple measure with only a few side effects, it is suitable when treating elderly individuals in institutions. Digital therapies are an emerging trend in the treatment of sleep disorders and require further empirical investigation of their effectiveness in the treatment of insomnia in the elderly. Non-pharmacological therapy should be the first-line therapy according to guidelines. Prescribing of sleep medication should take into account the period of time until the maximum effective level is reached, the half-life of the preparation, the binding behaviour to receptors and the metabolism of the preparation, which is especially relevant for elderly populations due to polypharmacy. Conclusion and implications: A modified, short cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia combined with light therapy is the treatment of choice for elderly patients. However, a short-term pharmacological therapy is recommended as a temporary solution to immediately reduce high levels of distress. It is suggested to integrate both therapeutic approaches into a comprehensive therapeutic concept for insomnia in elderly people. Key words: Insomnia, cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia, CBT-I, Hypnotics, light therapy, elderl

    Einfluss von Methotrexat und Glukokortikoiden in Kombination mit Osteoprotegerin auf Gelenkentzündung und Knochenstruktur bei der Antigen-induzierten Arthritis der Ratte

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    Die Rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) wird als inflammatorische Systemerkrankung neben einer progressiven Zerstörung von Knorpel und periartikulärem Knochen durch eine periartikuläre und generalisierte axiale, multifaktoriell bedingte Osteoporose kompliziert. Eine hohe Krankheitsaktivität ist ein entscheidender Faktor für den Knochenmasseverlust. Neben einer Reihe weiterer Einflüsse wie hormoneller Effekte oder Immobilität spielt die antientzündliche Therapie selbst eine Rolle bei der Pathogenese der systemischen Osteoporose. Dies wird vor allem am Beispiel der Glukokortikoid-begünstigten Osteoporose deutlich. Als wesentliches Bindeglied zwischen Entzündung und Knochenstoffwechsel konnte das die osteoklastäre Knochenresorption regulierende System bestehend aus dem Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor κB ligand (RANKL), seinem Rezeptor RANK und Osteoprotegerin (OPG) identifiziert werden. Dieses wird durch eine Vielzahl von Entzündungsmediatoren, Hormonen als auch durch antiinflammatorisch eingesetzte Substanzen moduliert

    Bidentate Rh(I)-phosphine complexes for the C-H activation of alkanes: computational modelling and mechanistic insight

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    The C-H activation and subsequent carbonylation mediated by metal complexes, i. e., Rh(I) complexes, has drawn considerable attention in the past. To extend the mechanistic insight from Rh complexes featuring monodentate ligands like P(Me)3 towards more active bisphosphines (PLP), a computationally derived fully conclusive mechanistic picture of the Rh(I)-catalyzed C-H activation and carbonylation is presented here. Depending on the nature of the bisphosphine ligand, the highest lying transition state (TS) is associated either to the initial C-H activation in [Rh(PLP)(CO)(Cl)] or to the rearrangement of the chloride in [Rh(PLP)(H)(R)(Cl)]. The chloride rearrangement was found to play a key role in the subsequent carbonylation. A set of 20 complexes of different architectures was studied, in order to fine tune the C-H activation in a knowledge-driven approach. The computational analysis suggests that a flexible ligand architecture with aromatic rings can potentially increase the performance of Rh-based catalysts for the C-H activation

    Experimental Learning of Foreign Language with the Socio-cultural Skills Development Method by Means of Modern Internet Technologies

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    This paper considers the effectiveness of a methodological system, designed in experimental teaching, of developing the socio-cultural skills of students studying German by means of modern Internet technologies. The authors explore the problem of experimental learning, describe the participants and the stages of experimental learning, and conduct a statistical analysis of the data of the experimental learning of the control and experimental groups

    Computed tomographic findings in incisors and canine teeth with equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis: a retrospective study in 115 Warmblood horses

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    Computed tomography (CT) has become a routine method to examine the equine skull. Its clinical use for the diagnosis of diseases of the incisors and canine teeth has not been reported so far. The goal of this study was to study the prevalence and relationship of single CT features and equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis (EOTRH) in equine incisors and canine teeth. In this descriptive retrospective study, helical CT studies of 115 warmblood horses of the age of 5 years or older examined between 2007 and 2020 for reasons unrelated to the incisors and canine teeth were included. Resorption in the crown or root, hypercementosis, widening of the periodontal space, clubbing of the root, lysis of the lamina dura, an abnormal pulp cavity and fracture of the root were recorded in all incisors and canine teeth. The length of the pulp cavity and the labial and lingual/palatal length of the enamel and root was measured in each incisor and canine tooth. Additionally, the angulation was assessed in each incisor. The variable EOTRH was defined based on the presence of resorptive lesions, hypercementosis and clubbing. In result median age of the included horses was 12 years (range, 5-29 years). With regard to the investigated population of horses, 44.3% of all horses had normal incisors whereas 55.7% of the horses had mild EOTRH changes in one incisor at least. Regarding the canine teeth, 54.7% of the horses had normal canine teeth whereas 43.3% horses had mild EOTRH in one canine tooth at least. With regard to all investigated teeth, 868 teeth (53.0%) were classified as normal, whereas 769 incisors and canine teeth (47.0%) showed at least one abnormal CT criterion. Clubbing of the root and hypercementosis were most common (37.1% and 22.7%, respectively) and EOTRH was present in 27.1% of all teeth. Mild changes were more common than moderate or severe abnormalities. In the lower jaw, hypercementosis and widening of the periodontal space at the anatomical root and apex of the root was significantly more frequent (p = 0.004 and 0.02), whereas clubbing of the root was more common in the upper jaw (p = 0.009). In canine teeth, resorption in the anatomical crown and anatomical root, widening of the periodontal space, clubbing and lysis of the lamina dura were significantly more common whereas hypercementosis was more common in incisors (p < 0.001). Frequency of certain CT changes significantly increased from central to middle and corner incisors. Severity of all single CT criteria as well as prevalence and severity of EOTRH significantly increased with age (r = 0.08-0.56). Linear forward and backward multivariate regression analysis confirmed a significant association between prevalence and severity of EOTRH and age, changes of the pulp cavity, widening of the periodontal space at the anatomical root and incisor group (central, middle, corner) (p = 0.01 - < 0.001). In conclusion computed tomographic changes of the incisors and canine teeth are common and age-related in warmblood horses. Therefore, treatment of EOTRH should not be based on diagnostic imaging alone, but always in combination with a thorough clinical examination