1,427 research outputs found

    Correction of upstream flow and hydraulic state with data assimilation in the context of flood forecasting

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    The present study describes the assimilation of river water level observations and the resulting improvement in flood forecasting. The Kalman Filter algorithm was built on top of a one-dimensional hydraulic model which describes the Saint-Venant equations. The assimilation algorithm folds in two steps: the first one was based on the assumption that the upstream flow can be adjusted using a three-parameter correction; the second one consisted of directly correcting the hydraulic state. This procedure was applied using a four- day sliding window over the flood event. The background error covariances for water level and discharge were repre- sented with anisotropic correlation functions where the cor- relation length upstream of the observation points is larger than the correlation length downstream of the observation points. This approach was motivated by the implementation of a Kalman Filter algorithm on top of a diffusive flood wave propagation model. The study was carried out on the Adour and the Marne Vallage (France) catchments. The correction of the upstream flow as well as the control of the hydraulic state during the flood event leads to a significant improve- ment in the water level and discharge in both analysis and forecast modes

    Benefits and limitations of data assimilation for discharge forecasting using an event-based rainfall–runoff model

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    Mediterranean catchments in southern France are threatened by potentially devastating fast floods which are difficult to anticipate. In order to improve the skill of rainfall-runoff models in predicting such flash floods, hydrologists use data assimilation techniques to provide real-time updates of the model using observational data. This approach seeks to reduce the uncertainties present in different components of the hydrological model (forcing, parameters or state variables) in order to minimize the error in simulated discharges. This article presents a data assimilation procedure, the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), used with the goal of improving the peak discharge predictions generated by an event-based hydrological model Soil Conservation Service lag and route (SCS-LR). For a given prediction date, selected model inputs are corrected by assimilating discharge data observed at the basin outlet. This study is conducted on the Lez Mediterranean basin in southern France. The key objectives of this article are (i) to select the parameter(s) which allow for the most efficient and reliable correction of the simulated discharges, (ii) to demonstrate the impact of the correction of the initial condition upon simulated discharges, and (iii) to identify and understand conditions in which this technique fails to improve the forecast skill. The correction of the initial moisture deficit of the soil reservoir proves to be the most efficient control parameter for adjusting the peak discharge. Using data assimilation, this correction leads to an average of 12% improvement in the flood peak magnitude forecast in 75% of cases. The investigation of the other 25% of cases points out a number of precautions for the appropriate use of this data assimilation procedure

    Differential influence of instruments in nuclear core activity evaluation by data assimilation

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    The global activity fields of a nuclear core can be reconstructed using data assimilation. Data assimilation allows to combine measurements from instruments, and information from a model, to evaluate the best possible activity within the core. We present and apply a specific procedure which evaluates this influence by adding or removing instruments in a given measurement network (possibly empty). The study of various network configurations of instruments in the nuclear core establishes that influence of the instruments depends both on the independant instrumentation location and on the chosen network

    Correcting the radar rainfall forcing of a hydrological model with data assimilation: application to flood forecasting in the Lez Catchment in Southern France

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    The present study explores the application of a data assimilation (DA) procedure to correct the radar rain- fall inputs of an event-based, distributed, parsimonious hy- drological model. An extended Kalman filter algorithm was built on top of a rainfall-runoff model in order to assimilate discharge observations at the catchment outlet. This work fo- cuses primarily on the uncertainty in the rainfall data and considers this as the principal source of error in the sim- ulated discharges, neglecting simplifications in the hydro- logical model structure and poor knowledge of catchment physics. The study site is the 114 km2 Lez catchment near Montpellier, France. This catchment is subject to heavy oro- graphic rainfall and characterised by a karstic geology, lead- ing to flash flooding events. The hydrological model uses a derived version of the SCS method, combined with a Lag and Route transfer function. Because the radar rainfall in- put to the model depends on geographical features and cloud structures, it is particularly uncertain and results in signifi- cant errors in the simulated discharges. This study seeks to demonstrate that a simple DA algorithm is capable of ren- dering radar rainfall suitable for hydrological forecasting. To test this hypothesis, the DA analysis was applied to estimate a constant hyetograph correction to each of 19 flood events. The analysis was carried in two different modes: by assimi- lating observations at all available time steps, referred to here as reanalysis mode, and by using only observations up to 3 h before the flood peak to mimic an operational environment, referred to as pseudo-forecast mode. In reanalysis mode, the resulting correction of the radar rainfall data was then com- pared to the mean field bias (MFB), a corrective coefficient determined using rain gauge measurements. It was shown that the radar rainfall corrected using DA leads to improved discharge simulations and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency criteria compared to the MFB correction. In pseudo-forecast mode, the reduction of the uncertainty in the rainfall data leads to a reduction of the error in the simulated discharge, but un- certainty from the model parameterisation diminishes data assimilation efficiency. While the DA algorithm used is this study is effective in correcting uncertain radar rainfall, model uncertainty remains an important challenge for flood fore- casting within the Lez catchment

    Implementation and sensitivity analysis of the Dam-Reservoir OPeration model (DROP v1.0) over Spain

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    The prediction of water resource evolution is considered to be a major challenge for the coming century, particularly in the context of climate change and increasing demographic pressure. Water resources are directly linked to the continental water cycle, and the main processes modulating changes can be represented by global hydrological models. However, anthropogenic impacts on water resources, and in particular the effects of dams-reservoirs on river flows, are still poorly known and generally neglected in coupled land surface–river routing models. This paper presents a parameterized reservoir model, DROP (Dam-Reservoir OPeration), based on Hanasaki's scheme to compute monthly releases given inflows, water demands and the management purpose. With its significantly anthropized river basins, Spain has been chosen as a study case for which simulated outflows and water storage variations are evaluated against in situ observations over the period 1979–2014. Using a default configuration of the reservoir model, results reveal its positive contribution in representing the seasonal cycle of discharge and storage variation, specifically for large-storage capacity irrigation reservoirs. Based on a bounded version of the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) index, called C2M, the overall outflow representation is improved by 43 % in the median. For irrigation reservoirs, the improvement rate reaches 80 %. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis of DROP model parameters was conducted based on the performance of C2M on outflows and volumes using the Sobol method. The results show that the most influential parameter is the threshold coefficient describing the demand-controlled release level. The analysis also reveals the parameters that need to be focused on in order to improve river flow or reservoir water storage modeling by highlighting the difference in the individual effects of the parameters and their interactions depending on whether one focuses on outflows or volume mean seasonal patterns. The results of this generic reservoir scheme show promise for modeling present and future reservoir impacts on the continental hydrology within global land surface–river routing models.</p

    Parametric Kalman filter for chemical transport models

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    A computational simplification of the Kalman filter (KF) is introduced – the parametric Kalman filter (PKF). The full covariance matrix dynamics of the KF, which describes the evolution along the analysis and forecast cycle, is replaced by the dynamics of the error variance and the diffusion tensor, which is related to the correlation length-scales. The PKF developed here has been applied to the simplified framework of advection–diffusion of a passive tracer, for its use in chemical transport model assimilation. The PKF is easy to compute and computationally cost-effective than an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) in this context. The validation of the method is presented for a simplified 1-D advection–diffusion dynamics


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    This article refers to : Parametric Kalman filter for chemical transport models. In our previous contribution Pannekoucke et al. (2016) (P16), an error has been made in the derivation of the error diffusion tensor dynamics Eq. (20). This involves an error in the Lagrangian dynamics of the uncertainty given in the Algorithm 2, while leaving the Eulerian dyanmics unchanged. The corrigendum is organized as follows. The modification of the Lagrangian dynamics is presented in Section 2, where a new version of the Algorithm 2 of P16 is presented. The computation leading to the Eulerian dynamics is described in Section 3, which gives the dynamics presented in Eq. (26) of P16