32 research outputs found

    Chromosome mapping of repetitive sequences in four Serrasalmidae species (Characiformes)

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    The Serrasalmidae family is composed of a number of commercially interesting species, mainly in the Amazon region where most of these fishes occur. In the present study, we investigated the genomic organization of the 18S and 5S rDNA and telomeric sequences in mitotic chromosomes of four species from the basal clade of the Serrasalmidae family: Colossoma macropomum, Mylossoma aureum, M. duriventre, and Piaractus mesopotamicus, in order to understand the chromosomal evolution in the family. All the species studied had diploid numbers 2n = 54 and exclusively biarmed chromosomes, but variations of the karyotypic formulas were observed. C-banding resulted in similar patterns among the analyzed species, with heterochromatic blocks mainly present in centromeric regions. The 18S rDNA mapping of C. macropomum and P. mesopotamicus revealed multiple sites of this gene; 5S rDNA sites were detected in two chromosome pairs in all species, although not all of them were homeologs. Hybridization with a telomeric probe revealed signals in the terminal portions of chromosomes in all the species and an interstitial signal was observed in one pair of C. macropomum. © 2014, Sociedade Brasileira de Genética

    Fluorescence image analyzer - FLIMA: Software for quantitative analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    The Fluorescence Image Analyzer (FLIMA) software was developed for the quantitative analysis of images generated by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Currently, the images of FISH are examined without a coefficient that enables a comparison between them. Through GD Graphics Library, the FLIMA software calculates the amount of pixels on image and recognizes each present color. The coefficient generated by the algorithm shows the percentage of marks (probes) hybridized on the chromosomes. This software can be used for any type of image generated by a fluorescence microscope and is able to quantify digoxigenin probes exhibiting a red color, biotin probes exhibiting a green color, and double-FISH probes (digoxigenin and biotin used together), where the white color is displayed. © 2017 The Authors

    Análise da cobertura vacinal de sarampo no estado de Roraima em 2018

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    Introduction: Among the various reasons that can lead a State from an outbreak to a measles epidemic, the importance of vaccination coverage is unquestionable. In 2018, the state of Roraima went through a period of measles epidemic and and the main suspicion is that the disease entered the state through the border of Venezuela. Objective: This study sought to investigate whether the measles vaccination coverage rate in the state of Roraima would be a contributing factor to the evolution of the outbreak to an epidemic that occurred in 2018. Methodology: Information on vaccination coverage of the 15 municipalities of Roraima were collected by consulting the Immunization Program Evaluation System (API). The consultations were carried out in the online system and the collected data were organized in order to analyze the vaccinecoverage of the Triple Viral in Roraima in the years between 2013 and 2019. Results: The results show that only in 2014 (110.16%), 2015 (108.45%) and 2018 (99.32%) vaccination coverage in the State of Roraima was adequate. Conclusion: It is concluded that vaccination coverage against measles in the State of Roraima was flawed, failing to reach, especially in the years preceding (2016 and 2017) the epidemic, the recommended rate of 95%. Thus, it is possible that the evolution from an outbreak to an epidemic in 2018 is associated with this failure.        Introdução: Dentre os diversos motivos que podem conduzir há uma mudança do quadro de surto para epidemia de sarampo, é inquestionável a importância da cobertura vacinal. No ano de 2018, o estado de Roraima passou por um período de epidemia de sarampo e a principal suspeita é que a doença adentrou ao Estado por meio da fronteira com a Venezuela. Objetivo: Este estudo buscou investigar se a taxa de cobertura vacinal contra o sarampo no estado de Roraima seria um fator contribuinte para a evolução do quadro de surto para epidemia que ocorreu em 2018. Metodologia: As informações sobre a cobertura vacinal dos 15 municípios de Roraima foram coletadas por meio da consulta ao Sistema de Avaliação do Programa de Imunizações (API). As consultas foram realizadas no sistema on-line e os dados coletados foram organizados a fim de analisar a cobertura vacinal da Tríplice Viral em Roraima nos anos entre 2013 e 2019. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que apenas em 2014 (110,16%), 2015 (108,45%) e 2018 (99,32%) a cobertura vacinal no Estado de Roraima foi adequada. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a cobertura vacinal contra o sarampo no Estado de Roraima foi falha, deixando de atingir, principalmente nos anos que antecederam (2016 e 2017) a epidemia, a taxa de 95% recomendada. Dessa forma, é possível que a evolução do quadro de surto para epidemia no ano de 2018 esteja associada à esta falha

    Diagnóstico citogenético e malformações congênitas: uma analise em Roraima

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    Introduction: The lack of specialized care for congenital malformations and a genetic diagnosis service makes it difficult to register and monitor cases. Objective: This work aimed to investigate the main genetic anomalies that affect individuals with congenital malformations in the state of Roraima, based on the consultation of medical records and application of questionnaires. Methods: Fifty nine questionnaires were applied to mothers or pregnant women who were receiving care at the Centro de Referência de Saúde da Mulher (CRSM) and at the Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazaré (HMINSN), and 167 reports were analyzed at HMINSN. Results: Most cases presented malformations of the nervous system, followed by malformations of the circulatory system and deformities of the musculoskeletal system. Cases of Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and rare genetic abnormalities such as Body-Stalk syndrome, Dandy-Walker syndrome and Treacher Collins syndrome have also been reported. However, despite the diagnosis of such genetic diseases, in a few cases there was a request for a chromosomal test (or other genetic test) and the result of them. Conclusion: Therefore, it is possible to conclude that despite the considerable number of live births with congenital malformations in the state, there is still a shortage with regard to the precise diagnosis and treatment of these anomalies, requiring greater allocation of resources in infrastructure and in the qualification of human resources in the region.  Introdução: A falta de oferta de atendimento especializado para malformações congênitas e um serviço de diagnóstico genético, torna difícil o registro e acompanhamento dos casos. Objetivo: Sendo assim, este trabalho visou investigar as principais anomalias genéticas que acometem os indivíduos portadores de malformações congênitas no estado de Roraima, tendo como base a consulta de prontuários e aplicações de questionários. Métodos: Foram aplicados 59 questionários para mães ou gestantes de portadores de malformações congênitas no Centro de Referência de Saúde da Mulher e no Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazaré no estado de Roraima, e analisados 167 prontuários no Hospital Materno Infantil. Resultados: A maioria dos casos apresentou malformações do sistema nervoso, afetando 75 pacientes do Hospital Materno Infantil, seguida por malformações do aparelho circulatório em 56 e deformidades do sistema digestivo em 13 casos. Também foram relatados casos de síndrome de Down, Síndrome de Patau, Síndrome de Edwards, e anomalias genéticas raras como síndrome de Body-Stalk, Síndrome de Dandy-Walker e Síndrome de Treacher Collins. Entretanto, apesar do diagnóstico de tais doenças genéticas, em poucos casos houve solicitação de exame cromossômico (ou outro teste genético) e resultado dos mesmos. Conclusão: Sendo assim, é possível concluir que apesar do número considerável de nascidos vivos com malformações congênitas no estado, ainda há uma carência no que diz respeito ao diagnóstico preciso e tratamento dessas anomalias, sendo necessário maior alocação de recursos em infraestrutura e na qualificação de recursos humanos na região

    Ausência de danos renais em pacientes com malária e com histórico de tratamento com atimaláricos no norte do país / Absence of kidney damage in patients with malaria and with a history of treatment with atimalarics in northern country

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    Roraima, estado do Norte do Brasil, é uma região endêmica para malária. Sabe-se que esta doença e o uso de antimaláricos podem ocasionar danos renais, como insuficiência renal, por diferentes mecanismos. Investigar as principais manifestações clínicas renais provocadas pela malária e por seu tratamento em pacientes residentes em Boa Vista-Roraima, bem como averiguar se esses fatores estão associados as comorbidades renais de importância pública. Trata-se de uma pesquisa concluída de iniciação científica aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal de Roraima. Os participantes responderam um questionário sobre o tratamento e as manifestações clínicas da malária e, posteriormente, foram submetidos a punção digital para realização do esfregaço sanguíneo. 45 participantes tiveram esfregaço positivo, porém três (6,7%) apresentaram edema, cinco (11,1%) hematúria e seis (13,3%) oligúria. Entre os participantes com histórico de antimaláricos (n=35), três (8,6%) apresentaram edema, quatro (11,4%) oligúria e dois (5,7%) hematúria. Manifestações clínicas sugestivas de dano renal não são frequentes entre os pacientes com malária em Boa Vista-RR. É possível que a ausência de manifestações clínicas esteja relacionada as cepas específicas da região ou a adaptação imunológica dos hospedeiros

    Casos de Síndrome de Gullain-Barré associados à infecção pelo Zika vírus no Brasil: uma revisão sistemática

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    Introduction: Zika is an arbovirus transmitted to humans mainly during the hematophagy of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus vectors. In most cases, the infection is accompanied by dengue-like symptoms, but studies have correlated it with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Objective: Elaborate a systematic review of cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome that were associated with Zika infections in Brazil from 2013 to 2018. Methods: A survey was conducted at PUBMED using the keywords Zika Virus, Gullain-Barré, Infection, Brazil and Epidemiology. In addition to these words, the following filters were used: study period from 2013 to 2018; full availability of work free of charge; works performed only with human beings; works published in English and Portuguese; and type of article, which included case reports, classic articles, clinical study, clinical trial, comparative study, controlled clinical trial, bibliographic reviews and systematic reviews. Results: Among the eight selected studies, 75% are review articles, one of which is a meta-analysis, 12.5% reported by cases and 12.5% study prospective observational cohort. 470 cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome associated with Zika infection have been reported. The cases were defined clinically and / or by laboratory methods (serological and molecular). The main limitation for the association was the laboratory diagnosis. Conclusion: It is concluded that even with several difficulties in determining the possible relation-ship, the northeast and southeast were the regions that most published / reported on the cases of GBS associated with ZIKV infection in Brazil.Introdução: Zika é um arbovírus transmitido aos seres humanos principalmente durante a hematofagia dos vetores Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus. Na maioria dos casos a infecção é acompanhada por sintomas semelhantes ao da dengue, porém estudos a correlacionou à síndrome Guillain-Barré. Objetivo: Elaborar uma revisão sistemática sobre casos de síndrome Guillain-Barré que foram associadas as infecções por Zika no Brasil entre o período de 2013 a 2018. Métodos: Foi realizado um levantamento no PUBMED utilizando as palavras-chave Zika Vírus, Gullain-Barré, Infecção, Brasil e Epidemiologia. Além destas palavras, os seguintes filtros foram utilizados: período de estudo entre 2013 a 2018; disponibilidade completa do trabalho gratuitamente; trabalhos realizados somente com seres humanos; trabalhos publicados nos idiomas inglês e português; e tipo de artigo, os quais foram inclusos relatos de casos, artigos clássicos, estudo clínico, ensaio clínico, estudo comparativo, ensaio clínico controlado, revisões bibliográficas e revisões sistemáticas. Resultados: Dentre os oito trabalhos selecionados, 75% tratavam-se de artigos de revisão, sendo um deles metanálise, 12,5% relato de caso e 12,5 % estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional. Foram relatados 470 casos de Síndrome Guillain-Barré associados a infecção pelo Zika. A definição dos casos foi realizada clinicamente e/ou por métodos laboratoriais (sorológicos e moleculares). A principal limitação para a associação foi o diagnóstico laboratorial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que mesmo com várias dificuldades para determinar a possível relação, o nordeste e o sudeste foram as regiões que mais publicaram sobre os casos de GBS associados à infecção por ZIKV no Brasil

    Chromosomal mapping of transposable elements of the rex family in the bristlenose catfish, ancistrus (siluriformes, loricariidae), from the amazonian region

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    Repetitive DNA sequences are present in the genome of basically every known organism, and transposable elements (TE) are one of the most representative sequences involved in chromosomal rearrangements and the genomic evolution of eukaryotes. In fish, the non-LTR retrotransposon TEs, Rex1, Rex3, and Rex6, are widely distributed in fish genomes and are the best-characterized TEs in several species. In the current study, three of these retroelements were physically mapped, through fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), in 7 species (71 specimens) of the genus Ancistrus, known as bristlenose catfish: Ancistrus ranunculus, Ancistrus sp. 1 Purus, Ancistrus sp. 2 Catalão, Ancistrus dolichopterus, Ancistrus maximus, Ancistrus aff. dolichopterus, and Ancistrus dubius. Rex1, Rex3, and Rex6 showed a cluster distribution, mainly in the terminal and pericentromeric portions, in heterochromatic and euchromatic regions, and did not occur in sexual chromosomes; however, the number and position of the clusters varied between species. This TE distribution suggests its implication in the karyotypic evolution of these species, without affecting the rise of sexual chromosome systems in Ancistrus, in view of their chromosomal variation. © The American Genetic Association 2016. All rights reserved

    Chromosomal Mapping of Repetitive Sequences (Rex3, Rex6, and rDNA Genes) in Hybrids Between Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) and Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887)

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    Some species of Characiformes are known for their high economic value, such as Colossoma macropomum and Piaractus mesopotamicus, and are used in aquaculture programs to generate hybrid tambacu (interbreeding of C. macropomum females and P. mesopotamicus males). The present work aimed to investigate the location of the Rex3 and Rex6 transposable elements in the hybrid and in the species, in addition to checking the genomic organization of the 18S and 5S rDNA in tambacu. The diploid number found for the hybrid was equal to 54 chromosomes, with heterochromatic blocks distributed mainly in the centromeric portions. The chromosomal location of the mobile elements Rex3 and Rex6 in C. macropomum, P. mesopotamicus, and in the hybrid between these species enabled knowledge expansion and the generation of data on such mobile elements. In addition, the location of such elements is not related to the distribution of ribosomal DNA sites. The mapping of the 18S rDNA was shown to be effective in cytogenetic identification of the hybrid tambacu, allowing for differentiation from the parent species and from the hybrid between C. macropomum and the other species from Piaractus (P. brachypomus)