232 research outputs found

    Study of Pt/MCM-22 based catalysts in the transformation of n-hexane: effect of rare earth elements and mode of platinum introduction

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    The bifunctional transformation of n-hexane was carried out over Pt/MCM-22 based catalysts. MCM-22 was synthesized and submitted to ion exchange with rare earth nitrate solutions of La, Nd and Yb, followed by Pt introduction. Three different methods were used to introduce about 1 wt% of Pt in the zeolite: ion exchange, incipient wetness impregnation and mechanical mixture with Pt/Al(2)O(3). The bifunctional catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and by the model reaction of toluene hydrogenation. These experiments showed that, in the ion exchanged sample, Pt is located both within the inner micropores and on the outer surface, whereas in the impregnated one, the metal is essentially located on the outer surface under the form of large particles. The presence of RE elements increases the hydrogenating activity of Pt/MCM-22 since the location of these species at the vicinity of metal particles causes modification on its electronic properties. Whatever the mode of Pt introduction, a fast initial decrease in conversion is observed for n-hexane transformation, followed by a plateau related to the occurrence of the catalytic transformations at the hemicages located at the outer surface of the crystals. The effect of rare earth elements on the hydrogenating function leads to a lower selectivity in dibranched isomers and increased amounts of light products

    Interaction between cannabinoid type 1 and type 2 receptors in the modulation of subventricular zone and dentate Gyrus neurogenesis

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    Copyright © 2017 Rodrigues, Ribeiro, Ferreira, Vaz, Sebastião and Xapelli. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Neurogenesis in the adult mammalian brain occurs mainly in two neurogenic niches, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG). Cannabinoid type 1 and 2 receptors (CB1R and CB2R) have been shown to differently modulate neurogenesis. However, low attention has been given to the interaction between CB1R and CB2R in modulating postnatal neurogenesis (proliferation, neuronal differentiation and maturation). We focused on a putative crosstalk between CB1R and CB2R to modulate neurogenesis and cultured SVZ and DG stem/progenitor cells from early postnatal (P1-3) Sprague-Dawley rats. Data showed that the non-selective cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 promotes DG cell proliferation (measured by BrdU staining), an effect blocked by either CB1R or CB2R selective antagonists. Experiments with selective agonists showed that facilitation of DG cell proliferation requires co-activation of both CB1R and CB2R. Cell proliferation in the SVZ was not affected by the non-selective receptor agonist, but it was enhanced by CB1R selective activation. However, either CB1R or CB2R selective antagonists abolished the effect of the CB1R agonist in SVZ cell proliferation. Neuronal differentiation (measured by immunocytochemistry against neuronal markers of different stages and calcium imaging) was facilitated by WIN55,212-2 at both SVZ and DG. This effect was mimicked by either CB1R or CB2R selective agonists and blocked by either CB1R or CB2R selective antagonists, cross-antagonism being evident. In summary, our findings indicate a tight interaction between CB1R and CB2R to modulate neurogenesis in the two major neurogenic niches, thus contributing to further unraveling the mechanisms behind the action of endocannabinoids in the brain.This work was supported by LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007391, project co-funded by FEDER through POR Lisboa 2020 (Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa) from PORTUGAL 2020, and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). AS thanks the following supports: PTDC/DTP-FTO/3346/2014 from FCT and H2020 Twinning Action from EU (SynaNet 692340). SX is grateful for the support by the COST action BM1402. RR (IMM/BI/42-2016), FR (SFRH/BD/74662/2010), SV (SFRH/BPD/81627/2011), and SX (SFRH/BPD/76642/2011 and IF/01227/2015) were in receipt of a fellowship from FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Macroscopic and histopathological study of the placenta: an essential resource in litigation processes

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    The pathological study of the placenta is of upmost importance in cases of unexplained fetal/perinatal loss and often these carry litigation implications. Integrating pathological findings and the underlying pathophysiological processes, leading to placental lesions, is fundamental for the evaluation of poor fetal and perinatal outcomes and to distinguish from cases of true negligence

    Gas-phase conversion of glycerol to allyl alcohol over vanadium-supported zeolite beta

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    Vanadium oxide supported beta zeolite (Si/Al=25, 4% V) was used as catalyst for the one-pass gas-phase conversion of glycerol to allyl alcohol without any external reductant. The catalytic data strongly suggest a consecutive reactions path involving the dehydration to acrolein over the zeolite acid sites followed by a selective reduction through a hydrogen-transfer reaction. Acidity is expected to play a major role in what concerns the selectivity, as demonstrated by the catalytic results obtained by the impregnation of vanadium on a previously Cs-exchanged sample that achieved ca. 30% selectivity to allyl alcohol at ca. 20% glycerol conversion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inertial data-based AI approaches for ADL and fall recognition

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    The recognition of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) has been a widely debated topic, with applications in a vast range of fields. ADL recognition can be accomplished by processing data from wearable sensors, specially located at the lower trunk, which appears to be a suitable option in uncontrolled environments. Several authors have addressed ADL recognition using Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based algorithms, obtaining encouraging results. However, the number of ADL recognized by these algorithms is still limited, rarely focusing on transitional activities, and without addressing falls. Furthermore, the small amount of data used and the lack of information regarding validation processes are other drawbacks found in the literature. To overcome these drawbacks, a total of nine public and private datasets were merged in order to gather a large amount of data to improve the robustness of several ADL recognition algorithms. Furthermore, an AI-based framework was developed in this manuscript to perform a comparative analysis of several ADL Machine Learning (ML)-based classifiers. Feature selection algorithms were used to extract only the relevant features from the dataset’s lower trunk inertial data. For the recognition of 20 different ADL and falls, results have shown that the best performance was obtained with the K-NN classifier with the first 85 features ranked by Relief-F (98.22% accuracy). However, Ensemble Learning classifier with the first 65 features ranked by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) presented 96.53% overall accuracy while maintaining a lower classification time per window (0.039 ms), showing a higher potential for its usage in real-time scenarios in the future. Deep Learning algorithms were also tested. Despite its outcomes not being as good as in the prior procedure, their potential was also demonstrated (overall accuracy of 92.55% for Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network), indicating that they could be a valid option in the future.FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia—national funds, under the scholarship references UMINHO-VC/BII/2021/03 and PD/BD/141515/2018, and the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference project UIDB/04436/2020 and UIDP/04436/202

    Chronic unpredictable stress inhibits nociception in male rats

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    Chronic stress elicits remarkable alterations to the structure and function of several areas of the central nervous system. Nociception is known to be affected by chronic stress and age, although the observations are contradictory. Herein we report that both young and old rats submitted to a chronic unpredictable stress paradigm have reduced nociception in the tail-flick nociceptive test. Moreover, stressed animals show an increase in nociceptive threshold after three successive exposures to noxious stimulation (within a 2 min interval). While the sustained stress-induced analgesia is usually attributed to the resulting hypercorticalism, the immediate exacerbation of tolerance to pain displayed by stressed animals is most likely mediated through other mechanisms due to the very rapid antinociceptive effect observed.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) – Programa Operacional “Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação” (POCTI), União Europeia (UE). Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - POCTI/NSE/46399/2002.Grunenthal Foundation

    Analytical evaluation of fining treatments for white wines contaminated by Ochratoxin A

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    Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain molds. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is one of the most relevant. Its chemical structure is a dihydro-isocoumarin connected at the 7-carboxy group to a molecule of L--phenylalanine via an amide bond. OTA in wine is a risk to consumer health [1]. According to the Regulation No. 123/2005 of the European Commission, the maximum limit for OTA in wine is 2 µg/kg [2]. Then, it is important to control its occurrence. So, the aim of this work was to know the effect of different fining agents on OTA removal from white wine.This work was funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE and by national funds through FCT, Ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028029 and PTDC/AGR-TEC/3900/2012, respectively. Luís Abrunhosa received support through grant SFRH/BPD/43922/2008 from FC

    Synthesis of Bi2O3/TiO2 nanostructured films for photocatalytic applications

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    Dendritic growth of bismuth oxide nanostructured films was accomplished by reactive magnetron sputtering. The deposition of the Bi2O3 template layers was adapted to abide a vapour-liquid-solid mechanism in order to develop a 3D growth morphology with high surface area templates for photocatalytic applications. TiO2 photocatalytic thin films were deposited at a later stage onto Bi2O3 layers. The obtained heterostructured films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Additionally, the photocatalytic efficiency was assessed by conducting an assay using methylene blue dye as testing pollutant under a UV-A illumination. The photocatalytic tests revealed that the Bi2O3 layers functionalized with TiO2 thin films are more efficient at degrading the pollutant, by a factor of 6, when compared with the individual layered films.The authors acknowledge the funding from the Portuguese institution Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, through the Strategic project reference UID/FIS/04650/2013, Ph.D grant SFRH/BD/111720/2015 for Filipe C. Correia and Ph.D grant SFRH/BD/112868/2015 Juliana Marques

    Micro/mesoporous LTL derived materials for catalytic transfer hydrogenation and acid reactions of bio-based levulinic acid and furanics

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    The biomass-derived platform chemicals furfural and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural (HMF) may be converted to α-angelica lactone (AnL) and levulinic acid (LA). Presently, LA (synthesized from carbohydrates) has several multinational market players. Attractive biobased oxygenated fuel additives, solvents, etc., may be produced from AnL and LA via acid and reduction chemistry, namely alkyl levulinates and γ-valerolactone (GVL). In this work, hierarchical hafnium-containing multifunctional Linde type L (LTL) related zeotypes were prepared via top-down strategies, for the chemical valorization of LA, AnL and HMF via integrated catalytic transfer hydrogenation (CTH) and acid reactions in alcohol medium. This is the first report of CTH applications (in general) of LTL related materials. The influence of the post-synthesis treatments/conditions (desilication, dealumination, solid-state impregnation of Hf or Zr) on the material properties and catalytic performances was studied. AnL and LA were converted to 2-butyl levulinate (2BL) and GVL in high total yields of up to ca. 100%, at 200°C, and GVL/2BL molar ratios up to 10. HMF conversion gave mainly the furanic ethers 5-(sec-butoxymethyl)furfural and 2,5-bis(sec-butoxymethyl)furan (up to 63% total yield, in 2-butanol at 200°C/24 h). Mechanistic, reaction kinetics and material characterization studies indicated that the catalytic results depend on a complex interplay of different factors (material properties, type of substrate). The recovered-reused solids performed steadily.publishe

    Neuropathic pain is associated with depressive behaviour and induces neuroplasticity in the amygdala of the rat

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    Chronic pain is associated with the development of affective disorders but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Changes in brain centres implicated in both emotional and pain processing are likely to be critical in the interplay of pain control and affective emotional behaviour. In the present study, we assessed emotional behaviour and performed a structural analysis of the amygdala (AMY) in neuropathic rats after two months of hyperalgesia and allodynia, induced by the spared nerve injury model (SNI). When compared with Sham-controls, SNI animals displayed signs of depressive-like behaviour. In addition, we found an increased amygdalar volume in SNI rats. No alterations were found in the dendritic arborizations of AMY neurons but, surprisingly, the amygdalar hypertrophy was associated with an increased cell proliferation [bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-positive cells] in the central (CeA) and basolateral (BLA) amygdaloid nuclei. The phenotypic analysis of the newly-acquired cells revealed that they co-label for neuronal markers (BrdU + NeuN and BrdU + Calbindin), but not for differentiated glial cells (BrdU + glial fibrillary acidic protein). We demonstrate that neuropathic pain promotes generation of new neurons in the AMY. Given the established role of the AMY in emotional behaviour, we propose that these neuroplastic changes might contribute for the development of depressive-like symptoms that are usually present in prolonged pain syndromes in humans.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) Project no. POCTI/NSE/46399/2002FEDERFundação Calouste Gulbenkian Project no. 7455