22 research outputs found

    Dominant Patterns of Information Flow in the Propagation of the Neuromagnetic Somatosensory Steady-State Response

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    Methods of functional connectivity are applied ubiquitously in studies involving non-invasive whole-brain signals, but may be not optimal for exploring the propagation of the steady-state responses, which are strong oscillatory patterns of neurodynamics evoked by periodic stimulation. In our study, we explore a functional network underlying the somatosensory steady-state response using methods of effective connectivity. Human magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data were collected in 10 young healthy adults during 23-Hz vibro-tactile stimulation of the right hand index finger. The whole-brain dynamics of MEG source activity was reconstructed with a linearly-constrained minimum variance beamformer. We applied information-theoretic tools to quantify asymmetries in information flows between primary somatosensory area SI and the rest of the brain. Our analysis identified a pattern of coupling, leading from area SI to a source in the secondary somato-sensory area SII, thalamus, and motor cortex all contralateral to stimuli as well as to a source in the cerebellum ipsilateral to the stimuli. Our results support previously reported empirical evidence collected both in in vitro and in vivo, indicating critical areas of activation of the somatosensory system at the level of systems neuroscience

    Neuromagnetic activation and oscillatory dynamics of stimulus-locked processing during naturalistic viewing

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    Naturalistic stimuli such as watching a movie while in the scanner provide an ecologically valid paradigm that has the potential of extracting valuable information on how the brain processes complex stimuli in realistic visual and auditory contexts. Naturalistic viewing is also easier to conduct with challenging participant groups including patients and children. Given the high temporal resolution of MEG, in the present study, we demonstrate how a short movie clip can be used to map distinguishable activation and connectivity dynamics underlying the processing of specific classes of visual stimuli such as face and hand manipulations, as well as contrasting activation dynamics for auditory words and non-words. MEG data were collected from 22 healthy volunteers (6 females, 3 left handed, mean age – 27.7 ± 5.28 years) during the presentation of naturalistic audiovisual stimuli. The MEG data were split into trials with the onset of the stimuli belonging to classes of interest (words, non-words, faces, hand manipulations). Based on the components of the averaged sensor ERFs time-locked to the visual and auditory stimulus onset, four and three time-windows, respectively, were defined to explore brain activation dynamics. Pseudo-Z, defined as the ratio of the source-projected time-locked power to the projected noise power for each vertex, was computed and used as a proxy of time-locked brain activation. Statistical testing using the mean-centered Partial Least Squares analysis indicated periods where a given visual or auditory stimuli had higher activation. Based on peak pseudo-Z differences between the visual conditions, time-frequency resolved analyses were performed to assess beta band desynchronization in motor-related areas, and inter-trial phase synchronization between face processing areas. Our results provide the first evidence that activation and connectivity dynamics in canonical brain regions associated with the processing of particular classes of visual and auditory stimuli can be reliably mapped using MEG during presentation of naturalistic stimuli. Given the strength of MEG for brain mapping in temporal and frequency domains, the use of naturalistic stimuli may open new techniques in analyzing brain dynamics during ecologically valid sensation and perception

    Electrophysiology of Inhibitory Control in the Context of Emotion Processing in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an increasingly common developmental disorder that affects 1 in 59 children. Despite this high prevalence of ASD, knowledge regarding the biological basis of its associated cognitive difficulties remains scant. In this study, we aimed to identify altered neurophysiological responses underlying inhibitory control and emotion processing difficulties in ASD, together with their associations with age and various domains of cognitive and social function. This was accomplished by assessing electroencephalographic recordings during an emotional go/nogo task alongside parent rating scales of behavior. Event related potential (ERP) N200 component amplitudes were reduced in children with ASD compared to typically developing (TD) children. No group differences were found, however, for task performance, P300 amplitude or latency, or N170 amplitude or latency, suggesting that individuals with ASD may only present conflict monitoring abnormalities, as reflected by the reduced N200 component, compared to TD individuals. Consistent with previous findings, increased age correlated with improved task performance scores and reduced N200 amplitude in the TD group, indicating that as these children develop, their neural systems become more efficient. These associations were not identified in the ASD group. Results also showed significant associations between increased N200 amplitudes and improved executive control abilities and decreased autism traits in TD children only. The newly discovered findings of decreased brain activation in children with ASD, alongside differences in correlations with age compared to TD children, provide a potential neurophysiological indicator of atypical development of inhibitory control mechanisms in these individuals

    Effects of a Phonological Intervention on EEG Connectivity Dynamics in Dyslexic Children

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    We examined the brain networks and oscillatory dynamics, inferred from EEG recordings during a word-reading task, of a group of children in grades 4 and 5 (ages 9–11), some of whom were dyslexic. We did this in order to characterize the differences in these dynamics between typical and dyslexic readers, and to begin to characterize the effect of a phonological intervention on those differences. Dyslexic readers were recorded both before and after they participated in a FastForWord (FFW) reading training program for approximately six months and typical readers were recorded once during this period. Before FFW dyslexic readers showed (i) a bottleneck in letter recognition areas, (ii) expansion in activity and connectivity into the right hemisphere not seen in typical readers, and (iii) greater engagement of higher-level language areas, even for consonant string stimuli. After FFW, dyslexic readers evinced a significant reduction in the engagement of language processing areas, and more activity and connectivity expanding to frontal areas, more resembling typical readers. Reduction of connectivity was negatively correlated with gains in reading performance, suggesting an increase in communication efficiency. Training appeared to improve the efficiency of the alternative (bilateral) pathways already used by the dyslexic readers, rather than inducing them to create new pathways more similar to those employed by typical readers

    Fast Dynamics of Cortical Functional and Effective Connectivity during Word Reading

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    We describe for the first time the fast dynamics of functional and effective (causal) connectivity during word reading. Independent component analysis of high-density EEG recorded during a word reading task recovered multiple sources of electrical brain activity previously identified by fMRI and PET. Results confirmed the ventral occipito-temporal cortex (vOT) as a central hub for word reading, showing a progression of theta-band (3–7 Hz) and gamma-band (30–50 Hz) phase synchronization and directed theta-band and gamma-band information flow with both early visual areas and high-level language-processing areas. These results highlight the interplay between local and long-distance neural dynamics involved at each stage of the reading process. Moreover, these measures of functional and causal connectivity dynamics may be used as a benchmark for comparison with clinical populations (e.g. individuals with developmental dyslexia), such that disturbances in connectivity dynamics may provide insight as to underlying neurological problems with language processing, and their potential remediation

    A schematic of the stimulus presentation and task.

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    <p>After a three letter sequence is presented, volunteers must respond as quickly as possible with regard to whether or not the word that appeared matched the word spelled by the letter sequence that came before it.</p

    Scalp topographic maps of ICs.

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    <p>(a) Topographic maps of group average ICs for the ROIs shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088940#pone-0088940-g002" target="_blank">Figure 2</a>. (b) Topographic maps of the individual participants’ ICs for the vOT illustrate their resemblance to the group average IC. Results are similar for other ROIs. vOT ventral occipito-temporal cortex; AG angular gyrus; STG superior temporal gyrus; IFG inferior frontal gyrus; d dorsal; v ventral.</p

    The temporal evolution of functional and effective connectivity after viewing a word.

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    <p>All connectivity analyses were computed over the span of the entire 6(<b>a</b>) Theta-band PLVs (significant functional connectivity, black lines – see Methods) among all ROIs, evolving over the course of viewing a word. (<b>b</b>) Theta-band PLVs relative to vOT. These depictions of connectivity are derived from (a), isolated to bring focus to vOT’s widespread involvement in the reading network. (<b>c</b>) Theta-band NBTE (causal connectivity, black arrows mean that NBTE was significantly different from 0 in both 50-ms bins in 100-ms interval – see Methods) relative to vOT, showing a comparable pattern of network engagement to PLVs (b). This also highlights some of the uni- and bi-directional relationships that exist in the time-course of word reading. (<b>d</b>) Gamma PLVs show similarities to their theta counterparts, albeit with sparser connectivity overall. This is further highlighted when vOT gamma interactions are isolated in (<b>e</b>), illustrating their confinement to posterior cortices. (<b>f</b>) Gamma-band NBTE (black arrows) relative to vOT, showing a comparable, and perhaps even more robust, pattern of network engagement relative to PLVs (e).</p

    Thalamocortical dysrhythmia: A neurological and neuropsychiatric syndrome characterized by magnetoencephalography

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    Spontaneous magnetoencephalographic activity was recorded in awake, healthy human controls and in patients suffering from neurogenic pain, tinnitus, Parkinson's disease, or depression. Compared with controls, patients showed increased low-frequency θ rhythmicity, in conjunction with a widespread and marked increase of coherence among high- and low-frequency oscillations. These data indicate the presence of a thalamocortical dysrhythmia, which we propose is responsible for all the above mentioned conditions. This coherent θ activity, the result of a resonant interaction between thalamus and cortex, is due to the generation of low-threshold calcium spike bursts by thalamic cells. The presence of these bursts is directly related to thalamic cell hyperpolarization, brought about by either excess inhibition or disfacilitation. The emergence of positive clinical symptoms is viewed as resulting from ectopic γ-band activation, which we refer to as the “edge effect.” This effect is observable as increased coherence between low- and high-frequency oscillations, probably resulting from inhibitory asymmetry between high- and low-frequency thalamocortical modules at the cortical level