33 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity are associated with genetic variants affecting gene expression in a variety of tissues

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    Variability in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity between individuals is partly due to genetic factors. Here, we identify 4 genomic loci with suggestive associations for SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and 19 for COVID-19 disease severity. Four of these 23 loci likely have an ethnicity-specific component. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals in 11 loci colocalize with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) associated with the expression of 20 genes in 62 tissues/cell types (range: 1:43 tissues/gene), including lung, brain, heart, muscle, and skin as well as the digestive system and immune system. We perform genetic fine mapping to compute 99% credible SNP sets, which identify 10 GWAS loci that have eight or fewer SNPs in the credible set, including three loci with one single likely causal SNP. Our study suggests that the diverse symptoms and disease severity of COVID-19 observed between individuals is associated with variants across the genome, affecting gene expression levels in a wide variety of tissue types

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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    Study of the heating, cooling and condensing capacity of an external unit of two heat exchangers attached to a tumble dryer

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    KBAB har som önskemål att minska energianvändningen i deras fastigheter genom att minska på energiåtgången i deras tvättstugor. Genom att integrera kondenseringsvärmet i fastighetens värmesystem samt att minska fukthalten i tvättstugorna kan det åstadkommas. Torkning av kläder har tidigare skett med två typer av torktumlare, avluftare och kondensortumlare. I avluftaren värms rumsluft upp i torktumlaren, efter den torkat kläder evakueras luften ut. I kondensortumlaren recirkuleras luften där frånluften avfuktas i en kondensor för att sedan föras tillbaka till torktrumman. Metoden som användes i denna rapport var att koppla ett externt kyl- och värmepaket till en torktumlare från Asko Cylinda AB. Den fuktiga luften från torktumlaren kyls och kondenseras i kylbatteriet och värms upp av värmebatteriet för att sedan föras tillbaka till torktumlaren. Under mätningen mättes temperatur och flöde på luft- och vattensidan för respektive värmeväxlare vid in- och utloppet. På luften mättes även relativ fukthalt före kylbatteriet och efter värmebatteriet för att läsa av entalpivärden ur mollierdiagram. Entalpivärdena användes för att beräkna dimensionerande effekt på värmeväxlarna. Tillämpas kyl- och värmepaketet i en fastighet återvinns cirka 3 kWh för en torkning med 6 kg kläder. För en ensamboende återvinns cirka 170 kWh under ett år och för en flerbarnsfamilj återvinns cirka 500 kWh. Energiförbrukningen reduceras med cirka 65% när kyl- och värmepaketet tillämpas. Efter genomförda mätningar på Karlstads universitet i höglabbet framgick det att kyl- och värmebatteriet hade dimensionerande effekter på cirka 3 respektive 1 kW. I jämförelse med en av Asko Cylindas kondensorpaket har kylbatteriet ett högt effektvärde då kondensorpaketet har en effekt runt 1 kW. Effektiviteten låg på 99% respektive 97% för kyl- och värmebatteriet. En minskning av arean på kylbatteriet visa sig inte påverka effektiviteten i större grad då effekten avtog med 5,4% när arean minskades från 2,7 m2 till 0,7 m2. Värmebatteriet avtog med 37,1% när arean minskades från 1,0 m2 till 0,27 m2. Om kyl- och värmepaketet ska installeras i torktumlaren måste flänshöjden sänkas. En lösning är att flänsen utvidgas i längden för att upprätthålla en hög effektivitet.KBAB has a demand to save energy in their real estate by decreasing the consumption of energy in their laundry rooms. Integrating the condensing heat with the real estate heat system and decreasing the humidity in the laundry room can achieve it. Drying clothes is carried out by using two types of tumble dryers: open cycle dryer and the closed cycle dryer. In the open cycle dryer the room air is heated and sent into the drying drum. The humid air evacuates the laundry room after it exits the tumble dryer. In the closed cycle dryer the air is recirculated after the humid air passes a condenser where the water vapour is condensed before it is led back to the drying drum. In this thesis an external unit of two heat exchangers is attached to a tumble dryer from Asko Cylinda AB. The humid air from the tumble dryer is cooled and condensed in the first heat exchanger, and it is heated in the second heat exchanger before it is led back to the tumble dryer. During measurements temperature and flow was measured for air and water at the entrance and exit of the heat exchangers. Relative humidity was measured at the entrance of the first heat exchanger and at the exit of the other one. With knowledge of temperature and relative humidity enthalpy values can be read in a mollier diagram. Enthalpy values are used to calculate the power of the heat exchanger. If the heat exchangers are applied in a real estate, 3 kWh regains from one drying process with 6 kg drying load. 170 kWh regains during a year in a household for one person and 500 kWh regains for a family. The energy consumption is reduced by 65% if the heat exchangers are applied. After measurements at Karlstads University it was clear that the cooling heat exchanger had a power of 3 kW and the heating heat exchanger had a power of 1 kW. In comparison with a condenser from Asko Cylinda, which has a power of 1 kW, the cooling heat exchanger has a large power output. The effectiveness of the cooling and heating heat exchangers was calculated to 99% and 97% respectively. A reduction of the heat transfer area on the cooling heat exchanger did not have a large impact on the power output. A reduction from 2,7 m2 to 0,7 m2 contributed to a 5,4% lesser power output. The power output on the heating heat exchanger was reduced with 37,1% when the heat transfer area was reduced from 1,0 m2 to 0,27 m2. The fin height must be reduced if the heat exchanger unit can be installed in a tumble dryer from Asko Cylinda AB. To maintain a high effectiveness on the heating heat exchanger the fin length could be extended

    Simulation of airflow patterns and temperature distribution in a condensation cabinet dryer

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    Drying laundry has become a huge consuming factor of energy in residential areas through drying machines as tumble dryers and cabinet dryers. In USA the increasing use of drying machines in households increased from 40% during the 1970 to 80% in the 1990, which correspond to a usage of approximately 76 million drying machines. The European market for drying cabinets is not huge. It is mainly Scandinavia that is using cabinet dryers for drying laundry these days. Nowadays cabinet dryers that use hoses to evacuate humid air out the building are developed in the market. Asko Cylinda AB has developed a new condenser cabinet dryer out of a regular cabinet dryer. With the new condenser cabinet dryer no hoses are required because the drying process take place in a closed recirculation system. Several openings at the back of the condenser cabinet dryer make it possible to dry laundry horizontal in different sections. In this thesis the condenser cabinet dryer has been studied in a simulation program that is called Comsol MultiPhysics. A 2-dimensonal model was created where the airflow patterns and temperature distribution in the dryer was simulated. On the basis from the basic model of the dryer several modifications was created to attain knowledge of which modifications contributes to an improved airflow pattern. The temperature distribution in the condenser cabinet dryer is uneven in the sections according to the simulations the air distribution is good in section 2 and 3 in the basic model. The factor that has the largest impact on the air distribution is the air stream that flows up at the back inside the cabinet, the air stream restrains a part of the hot air jet from the openings at the back. Case 1.1 is the modification that created the best airflow profile, which contributed to an even temperature distribution. In the modification the textiles were used to cover up the space at the back of the cabinet to eliminate the air stream to flow up between the textile and the openings. The effect transport between the textile and the air increased with 50 % at several sections when the modification was carried out according to case 1.1. This study is a good basis for further studies in simulation of airflow and temperature distribution in the condenser cabinet dryer. The next step in the study is to create a 3-dimensional model of the cabinet. With this study the 3-D model could be accomplished easier by using parameters from the 2-D model as data on the boundaries. By doing so the system could be delimited, this would reduce the use of computer capacity.Torkning av kläder har med tiden utvecklats till att bli en stor faktor av energiförbrukning i bostadsområden genom maskiner som bl. a. torktumlare och torkskåp. I USA ökade användningen av torkmaskiner i hushåll från 40% under 1970 till 80% i 1990, vilket motsvarar en användning av ca 76 miljoner torkmaskiner. Marknaden för torkskåp är inte stor i Europa. Det är främst Norden som använder torkskåp för torkning av kläder. I dagsläget tillverkas s.k. avluftarskåp, d.v.s. det krävs en slang ut ur huset för att evakuera den fuktiga luften. Asko Cylinda AB har på senare tid utvecklat ett nytt kondensorskåp av ett sådant avluftarskåp. Med det nya kondensorskåpet behövs det inte någon evakueringsslang ut ur huset eftersom torkningen sker i ett recirkulerande system. Gälarna i bakkanten av torkskåpet möjliggör plantorkning eftersom luften skickas in i flera sektioner. I uppsatsen har kondensorskåpet studerats i ett simuleringsprogram som kallas Comsol MultiPhysics. En 2-dimensionell modell skapades där bl.a. luftströmningsbilden och temperaturfördelningen i skåpet simulerades. Utifrån grundmodellen skapades ett antal modifieringar på kondensorskåpet för att erhålla kunskap om vilka modifieringar som ger bättre luftflödesbilder. Temperaturfördelningen i kondensorskåpet är ojämn enligt simuleringarna då luftdistributionen är bäst i sektion 2 och 3 i grundmodellen. Faktorn som har störst påverkan på luftströmningsprofilen är den uppströmmande luften vid baksidan av skåpet, luften bromsar upp den varma luftstrålen ut från gälarna. Fall 1.1 är modifieringen som skapa den bästa luftströmningsprofilen vilket bidrog med en jämnare temperatur-fördelning. I modifieringen användes textilerna för att täppa igen ytorna vid baksidan av kondensorskåpet för att eliminera uppströmmande luft framför gälarna. Effekttransporten mellan textilen och luften ökade med upp till 50 % på flera sektioner då grunduppställningen modifierades enligt fall 1.1. Studien i denna rapport är ett bra underlag för fortsatta studier inom simulering av luftströmningen och temperaturfördelningen i kondensorskåpet. Nästa steg i studien är att konstruera en 3-dimensionell modell av skåpet. Med hjälp av den här studien kan en 3-D modell underlättas genom att använda parametrar från 2-D modellen som indata på randvillkor. Genom det kan systemet avgränsas för att minimera 3-D modellens konsumtion av dataminne

    Methods for Reducing the Complexity of Geometrical Structures Based on CFD Programming : Time Efficient Simulations Based on Volume Forces Coupled with Single and Two-phase Flow

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    Throughout recent years, computer based programs have been applied to solve and analyse industrial problems encountered global fields such as automobile design for reduction of CO2-gas, designing wind parks aimed at increasing power output etc. One of these developed programs is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which numerically solves complex flow behaviour based on computer power. As there is an ongoing expansion of CFD usage in industry, certain issues need to be addressed as they are becoming more frequently encountered. The general demand for the simulation of larger control volumes and more advanced flow processes result in an extensive requirement of computer resources. Moreover, the implementation of commercial CFD codes in small-scaled industrial companies seems to generally be utilised as a black box based on the knowledge of fluid mechanic theory. Increased partnerships between industry and the academic world involving various CFD based design processes generally yield to a verbal communication interface, which is a crucial step in the process given the level of dependency between both sides. Based on these notions, a method for establishing time efficient CFD-models with implementation of volume forces as sink terms in the momentum equation is presented. The internal structure, or parts of the structure, in the simulation domain is removed which reduces the geometrical complexity and along with it, computational demand.  These models are the basis of assessing the benefits of utilizing a numerical based design process in industry in which the CFD code is used as a communication tool for knowledge sharing with counterparts in different fields.As there is an ongoing expansion of CFD usage in industry, certain issues need to be addressed as they are becoming more frequently encountered. The general demand for the simulation of larger control volumes and more advanced flow processes result in an extensive requirement of computer resources. Moreover, the implementation of commercial CFD codes in small-scaled industrial companies seems to generally be utilised as a black box based on the knowledge of fluid mechanic theory. Increased partnerships between industry and the academic world involving various CFD based design processes generally yield to a verbal communication interface, which is a crucial step in the process given the level of dependency between both sides. Based on these notions, a method for establishing time efficient CFD-models with implementation of volume forces as sink terms in the momentum equation is presented. The internal structure, or parts of the structure, in the simulation domain is removed which reduces the geometrical complexity and along with it, computational demand.  These models are the basis of assessing the benefits of utilizing a numerical based design process in industry in which the CFD code is used as a communication tool for knowledge sharing with counterparts in different fields

    CFD as a tool for analysis of complex geometry : Perspectives on time efficient simulations of interior household appliance components

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    Throughout recent years, computer based programs has been applied to solve and analyze industrial problems. One of these developed programs is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program. The purpose of implementing CFD analysis is to solve complex flow behavior which is not possible with ordinary calculus. The extensive application of CFD in the industry is a result of improved commercial CFD codes  in terms of more advance partial differential equations (PDE) describing various physical phenomena, CAD and mesh-grid generating tools and improved graphical user interfaces (GUI). Today, CFD usage has extended to fields such as aerodynamic, chemical process engineering, biomedical engineering and drying technology. As there is an on-going expansion of CFD usages in the industry, certain issues need to be addressed as they are frequently encountered. The general demand for simulation of larger control volumes and more advanced flow processes result in extensive requirement of computer resources. Numerous complex flow topics today require computer cluster networks which are not accessible for every company. The second issue is the implementation of commercial CFD codes in minor industrial companies is utilized as a black box based on the knowledge on fluid mechanic theory. A vital part of the simulation process is the evaluation of data through visual analysis of flow patterns, analysis on the sensitivity of the mesh grid, investigation of quantitative parameters such as pressure loss, velocity, turbulence intensity etc. Moreover, increased partnerships between industry and the academic world involving various CFD based design processes generally yields to a verbal communication interface which is a crucial step in the process given the fact of the level of dependency between both sides. The aim of this thesis is to present methods of CFD analysis based on these issues. In paper I, a heuristically determined design process of the geometry near the front trap door of an internal duct system was achieved by implementing the CFD code COMSOL MultiPhysics as a communication tool. The design process was established by two counterparts in the project in which CFD calculations and geometry modifications were conducted separately. Two design criteria presenting the pressure drop in duct and the outflow uniformity was used to assess geometry modifications conducted by a CAD-engineer. The geometry modifications were based on visual results of the flow patterns. The geometry modifications confirmed an improvement in the geometry as the pressure drop was reduced with 23% and the uniformity was increased with 3%. In paper II, volume-averaged equations were implemented in a tube-fin heat exchanger in order to simulate airflow. Focus was on achieving a correct volume flow rate and pressure drop (V-p) correlation. The volume averaged model (VAM) is regarded as a porous medium in which the arrangement of fins and tube bundles are replaced with volume-averaged equations. Hence, the computational time was reduced significantly for the VAM model. Moreover, experimental results of the (V-p) correlation showed good agreement with the VAM model

    Methods for Reducing the Complexity of Geometrical Structures Based on CFD Programming : Time Efficient Simulations Based on Volume Forces Coupled with Single and Two-phase Flow

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    Throughout recent years, computer based programs have been applied to solve and analyse industrial problems encountered global fields such as automobile design for reduction of CO2-gas, designing wind parks aimed at increasing power output etc. One of these developed programs is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) which numerically solves complex flow behaviour based on computer power. As there is an ongoing expansion of CFD usage in industry, certain issues need to be addressed as they are becoming more frequently encountered. The general demand for the simulation of larger control volumes and more advanced flow processes result in an extensive requirement of computer resources. Moreover, the implementation of commercial CFD codes in small-scaled industrial companies seems to generally be utilised as a black box based on the knowledge of fluid mechanic theory. Increased partnerships between industry and the academic world involving various CFD based design processes generally yield to a verbal communication interface, which is a crucial step in the process given the level of dependency between both sides. Based on these notions, a method for establishing time efficient CFD-models with implementation of volume forces as sink terms in the momentum equation is presented. The internal structure, or parts of the structure, in the simulation domain is removed which reduces the geometrical complexity and along with it, computational demand.  These models are the basis of assessing the benefits of utilizing a numerical based design process in industry in which the CFD code is used as a communication tool for knowledge sharing with counterparts in different fields.As there is an ongoing expansion of CFD usage in industry, certain issues need to be addressed as they are becoming more frequently encountered. The general demand for the simulation of larger control volumes and more advanced flow processes result in an extensive requirement of computer resources. Moreover, the implementation of commercial CFD codes in small-scaled industrial companies seems to generally be utilised as a black box based on the knowledge of fluid mechanic theory. Increased partnerships between industry and the academic world involving various CFD based design processes generally yield to a verbal communication interface, which is a crucial step in the process given the level of dependency between both sides. Based on these notions, a method for establishing time efficient CFD-models with implementation of volume forces as sink terms in the momentum equation is presented. The internal structure, or parts of the structure, in the simulation domain is removed which reduces the geometrical complexity and along with it, computational demand.  These models are the basis of assessing the benefits of utilizing a numerical based design process in industry in which the CFD code is used as a communication tool for knowledge sharing with counterparts in different fields

    Simulation of Sheet Molding during Through Air Drying of Tissue Paper within a Papermaking Framework

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    A way to improve product performance of tissue grade paper products is to replace the press section with a Through Air Drying (TAD) section which is a technique where paper sheets are moulded into a structured fabric by vacuum boxes and transferred over one or more TAD cylinders with steam heated displacement drying. The process of sheet molding is modelled with Comsol Multiphysics where the computational model is setup with a 2-dimensional representation of the paper sheet. The tissue sample with randomly distributed fibre positions is generated using a MATLAB script written in the Livelink interface with Comsol. The process is simulated with the Moisture Flow multiphysics interface. The comprising physical modules are the Laminar Flow and the Moisture Transport in Air modules. Respectively, these modules calculate the velocity and pressure field of the moist air as well as the relative humidity, which is a rewrite of the concentration of water in air. The fibres in the sheet are modelled as porous media where the fibres contain both moist air and liquid water in equilibrium. In this paper, a basis weight at roughly 20 g/m2 is simulated and compared to laboratory data. The aim of the model is to estimate solid content in the paper sheet over vacuum time as well as energy demand and required airflow through the structure

    Geometry development of the internal duct system of a heat pump tumble dryer based on fluid mechanic parameters from a CFD software

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    One aspect of reducing the energy consumption of a household tumble dryer is to reduce the pressure drop of the circulating air in the internal duct system. It is, however, costly and time consuming to design several prototypes for airflow measurements. In this paper, several fluid mechanic parameters in a partial model of the internal duct system of a tumble dryer have been studied in the CFD software Comsol MultiPhysics. The purpose was to establish a numerically based design process, where the design is conducted based on visual analysis of air velocity and vorticity, and two design criteria. The geometry design was conducted by a CAD-engineer, which was the counterpart of this project. In order to enable a successful design process, it was essential to establish a strong relation between fluid parameters and design criteria in order to share knowledge effectively with the CAD-engineer. Two geometry modifications, based on a standard model, were conducted on the duct. Based on the design criteria, the pressure drop and the non-uniformity coefficient of the outlet airflow, the second modification (Modification 2) represents an improvement as the pressure drop is reduced by 23% and the uniformity at the outflow section is increased by 3%.CFD Tumble dryer Fluid mechanics Design process Geometry design

    Modelling of water removal during a paper vacuum dewatering process using a Level-Set method

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    Water removal in paper manufacturing is an energy-intensive process. The dewatering process generally consists of four stages of which the first three stages include mechanical water removal through gravity filtration, vacuum dewatering and wet pressing. In the fourth stage, water is removed thermally, which is the most expensive stage in terms of energy use. In order to analyse water removal during a vacuum dewatering process, a numerical model was created by using a Level-Set method. Various different 2D structures of the paper model were created in MATLAB code with randomly positioned circular fibres with identical orientation. The model considers the influence of the forming fabric which supports the paper sheet during the dewatering process, by using volume forces to represent flow resistance in the momentum equation. The models were used to estimate the dry content of the porous structure for various dwell times. The relation between dry content and dwell time was compared to laboratory data for paper sheets with basis weights of 20 and 50 g/m2 exposed to vacuum levels between 20 kPa and 60 kPa. The comparison showed reasonable results for dewatering and air flow rates. The random positioning of the fibres influences the dewatering rate slightly. In order to achieve more accurate comparisons, the random orientation of the fibres needs to be considered, as well as the deformation and displacement of the fibres during the dewatering process