36 research outputs found

    On the Gauss map of embedded minimal tubes

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    A surface is called a tube if its level-sets with respect to some coordinate function (the axis of the surface) are compact. Any tube of zero mean curvature has an invariant, the so-called flow vector. We study how the geometry of the Gaussian image of a higher-dimensional minimal tube M is controlled by the angle alpha(M) between the axis and the flow vector of M. We prove that the diameter of the Gauss image of M is at least 2alpha(M). As a consequence we derive an estimate on the length of a two-dimensional minimal tube M in terms of alpha(\M) and the total Gaussian curvature of M

    Digital Diplomacy and Social Media Networks: Contemporary Practices of Innovation in Foreign Policy

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    Introduction. The article is devoted to contemporary digital diplomacy, which is implemented within the framework of social networks. Unlike traditional diplomacy digital one operates in a different communicative space where blogs, electronic media and global social networks are the key communication channels. Using these tools allows digital diplomacy actors to influence events and communities in other countries. Methods and materials. Method of mixing qualitative and quantitative data, hashtag-analysis, comparative analysis of the social networks’ messages and accounts were able to understand the dynamics and interactions in social networks, engagement and possibilities of institutional and private actors in digital diplomacy. Analysis. In the 2000s foreign policy and public diplomacy began forming based on data on the mood of users of social networks and their preferences in politics. Thanks to this, digital diplomacy may well become one of the innovative tools for resolving modern global problems. Digital diplomacy, as a new method and the tool for implementing foreign policy, contributes to the effective functioning of departments and ministries of foreign affairs, their response to the needs of citizens, to emerging challenges and threats to state security, like a global epidemic or natural disasters. Using digital tools, it is possible to shape the norms of communication, interaction and decision-making by which diplomats perform their work, modifying the diplomatic process. Besides this digital diplomacy increases the attractiveness of the state in the eyes of the world community. Results. Based on a comparative analysis study of the content of social networks, it could be concluded that over almost a decade, from the 2010s to the 2020s, digital diplomacy has developed from a “soft power” mechanism to a method of information warfare and propaganda which involves artificial intelligence tools and big data. But this is predominantly characteristic of technologically developed countries. It is possible to conclude about future co-existence of traditional and digital diplomacies in a new hybrid variety. Authors’ contribution. In this article Liudmila M. Reshetnikova has contributed Introduction, Research Methods, Analysis and Results sections: identified risks and threats to digital diplomacy, analyzed the development of the soft power methods, identified features and tools of digital diplomacy. Irina M. Samokhina has contributed Analysis and Results sections: analyzed social networks and digital infrastructure for digital diplomacy and diplomatic activity, contemporary computer tools for learning about social networks

    Problems of the model of managing the integrated risk assessment for humans and environment in construction activities

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    The article discusses the risk assessment methods, the influence of safety threats on the occurrence and likelihood of risks, the difficulties encountered before risk assessment, raises issues of planning and extent of the construction entity's influence on risk assessment and construction protection. Particular attention is paid to the processing of results and analysis of threat assessment. An assumption is made that planning can be used as a risk assessment tool, and a way of using this tool to protect against emerging threats is suggested

    Combined method of calculation of the residual life of building structures

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    This article presents some methods for calculating the residual life of building structures. Areas of application for each of them are highlighted. A new method for calculating the residual life of building structures is proposed, which is proposed to be called a combined procedure for calculating the residual life of building structures. This method outlines a methodical approach that involves the joint use of all the techniques listed in this article. This will remove the limitations that each of these techniques had individually, which makes the combined methodology a universal technique for calculating the residual life of building structures. Combined methodology with its further improvement allows the use in some cases of special methods for calculating the remaining resource

    Selection of recruitment methods in construction organizations

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    There are methods for determining the quantitative and qualitative need for labor in the paper. The methods of recruitment are analyzed. Classification of methods of recruiting is given. Their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The paper presents the results of a study on modern methods of recruiting personnel used by construction organizations in Tyumen

    Environmental orientation of consumer behavior: motivational component

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    Environmental issues are a priority, since global environmental problem has become perceived as a threat to humanity’s existence. The necessity and timeliness of conceptual marketing approaches revision are dictated by the formation of new economy sector of ecological goods and services, and the environmentally responsible marketing concept is being formed. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the environmental factor influence on consumer behavior motives and formation of consumer demand for environmental products within the frame of environmentally responsible marketing. Changes in the external marketing environmentlead to changes in the internal environment of the market entity, causing its environmental development. The recorded tendencies and changes in the marketing environment form the marketing ecological imperative, which takes into account the environmental factor in marketing activity of the market player. The research allows to determine the position of ecologically responsible marketing as a basic marketing concept that defines the philosophy and technology of marketing management by socio-economic systems regardless the sphere of the market entity activity in conditions of ecological imperative. The analysis shows that the modern Ukrainian society began to strive not only to purchase and consume desired products, but also to improve and to preserve the ecological situation. In a market environment, the specific marketing activity feature, which changes under the influence of the factor of ecological situation quality deterioration, adds new tasks, concomitant to main classical. The development of the enterprise environmental management system will promote the implementation of environment-oriented goals: formalization of the environmental products concept, environmental products market development, certification programs development, preservation of the environment quality, formation of ecologically oriented consciousness of the society. Considering the understanding of the needs, the motivational aspects of ecologically oriented consumer behavior in the market are stated in the form of the system based on the need for the security. Through the development of eco-responsible marketing tools and their step-by-step introduction into enterprise activity, it becomes possible to develop the ecological products market through the implementation of proactive environmental activity and satisfaction of individual consumer demand

    150 years of Adversarial Civil Proceedings in Russia

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    The 1864 Judicial Reform proclaimed adversarial procedure in Russia. Last reforms of civil procedure in Russia go forward. The article deals with comparative analysis modern civil procedure and main characters of the Reform 1864 with reference on foreign civil procedure and national court practice

    Judicial Reforms in Russia: 1864 to 2014

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    In 2014 we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Judicial Reform in Russia. The 1860s are known as a time of major reforms in various spheres of life, one of them being the Judicial Reform adopted in 1864. Before 1864 civil procedure was considered to be the classical form of inquisitorial justice1 with active judges and passive parties. Inquisitorial procedure was a written process conducted in secret with no legal representatives in court, and with formal evaluation of evidence (otsenka dokazatel’stv). Instead of an inquisitorial procedure the Judicial Reform introduced an adversarial system with active parties and more or less passive judges, an open, oral (public) process, legal representatives, and free evaluation of evidence. So, for Russian procedure it was a revolution as it happened in other countries of Europe, which turned away from an inquisitorial to an adversarial system of justice.</p

    On the Gauss map of embedded minimal tubes

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    A surface is called a tube if its level-sets with respect to some coordinate function (the axis of the surface) are compact. Any tube of zero mean curvature has an invariant, the so-called flow vector. We study how the geometry of the Gaussian image of a higher-dimensional minimal tube M is controlled by the angle alpha(M) between the axis and the flow vector of M. We prove that the diameter of the Gauss image of M is at least 2alpha(M). As a consequence we derive an estimate on the length of a two-dimensional minimal tube M in terms of alpha(\M) and the total Gaussian curvature of M

    150 лет Состязательного Гражданского процесса в России

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    The 1864 Judicial Reform proclaimed adversarial procedure in Russia. Last reforms of civil procedure in Russia go forward. The article deals with comparative analysis modern civil procedure and main characters of the Reform 1864 with reference on foreign civil procedure and national court practice.Судебная реформа 1864 года установила состязательность судебного процесса в России. Последние реформы гражданского процесса зашли еще дальше. Данная статья представляет собой  сравнительный анализ  современного гражданского процесса и основных черт гражданского процесса по Реформе 1864 года  со ссылкой на гражданский процесс в зарубежных странах и на действующую судебную практику