2,931 research outputs found

    Simple Records Matching Method for diagnostic and clinical datasets of patient’s records

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    Several statistical packages, either commercials or open-source, provide many methods for multi-factorial and discriminant analysis; such a software is poorly used by physicians. Appropriate models and tests have to be used pending on the kind of experiment scheme, adequate distribution assumption are needed for variables and parameters and proper data validation have to be verified for historical records. These are but a few of many critical aspects for a robust and trustable data interpretation needed in the Evidence Based Medicine era. Clinicians always wish to be able to quickly interpreter diagnostic records to discriminate, or alternatively correlate, coherent groups of patient’s records according to either descriptive characters or variable units. Practically, patient’s records are stored in spread-sheet or database which change pending on the clinical trial scope; moreover, data entry and its validation is usually poor, hence physician are used to send raw-data to the statistician without contributing, for instance, with parametric and non-parametric indication on usable distribution. We address this problem by introducing a simple “weighted” model approached with the Unique Factorisation Domain theory: records can be compare by matching each other through a score overlap and clinician can modulate tolerance of closeness stringency criteria. An intuitive paradigm of records matching method (RMM) is presented and discussed with example, computational design and programming prototyping model; freely available material concerning real-world application, are also provided by the authors

    Caratterizzazione idrogeologica preliminare della Valle dei Templi

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    Nei bacini idrografici ai quali afferisce il territorio di Agrigento si rinvengono oltre 20 sorgenti di un certo interesse, per una portata complessiva di circa 30 l/s. Alcune di queste, caratterizzate dalle migliori caratteristiche organolettiche, erano già utilizzate dall'antichità nei pressi della Valle dei Templi. La rete di cunicoli ipogea, realizzata a fini di approwigionamento idrico circa 2500 anni fa, ai nostri giorni drena anche, per la scarsa coscienza ambientale di pochi o per scarsa efficienza della rete fognante, acque reflue. I cunicoli costituirono un acquedotto sotterraneo, realizzato interamente in scavo nei termini acquiferi della successione pliopleistocenica, che servì l'antico abitato di Akragas, che secondo alcune stime, ritenute prudenziali, raggiunse una popolazione di 200.000 abitanti. La risorsa idrica distribuita era allo stesso tempo drenata, molto efficacemente, dai corpi acquiferi attraversati. Oggi possiamo stimare la portata equivalente alla piovosita efficace media annua e pari a 17 l/s

    Replacing iron-folic acid with multiple micronutrient supplements among pregnant women in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso: costs, impacts, and cost-effectiveness.

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    Consumption of multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) during pregnancy offers additional benefits compared with iron-folic acid (IFA) supplementation, but the tablets are more expensive. We estimated the effects, costs, and cost-effectiveness of hypothetically replacing IFA supplements with MMS for 1 year in Bangladesh and Burkina Faso. Using baseline demographic characteristics from LiST and effect sizes from a meta-analysis, we estimated the marginal effects of replacing IFA with MMS on mortality, adverse birth outcomes, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) averted. We calculated the marginal tablet costs of completely replacing MMS with IFA (assuming 180 tablets per covered pregnancy). Replacing IFA with MMS could avert over 15,000 deaths and 30,000 cases of preterm birth annually in Bangladesh and over 5000 deaths and 5000 cases of preterm birth in Burkina Faso, assuming 100% coverage and adherence. We estimated the cost per death averted to be US175185inBangladeshand175-185 in Bangladesh and 112-125 in Burkina Faso. Cost per DALY averted ranged from 3to3 to 15, depending on the country and consideration of subgroup effects. Our estimates suggest that this policy change would cost-effectively save lives and reduce life-long disabilities. Improvements in program delivery and supplement adherence would be expected to improve the cost-effectiveness of replacing IFA with MMS

    Risk and protective factors for release in outpatients with schizophrenia

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    eposterWe aim to determine risk and protective factors influencing relapse incidence in outpatient with schizophrenia. A longitudinal, observational study was done with outpatients with schizophrenia (F20) or schizoaffective disorder (F25)(DMS-IV and ICD-10), without hospitalization during the previous 6 months. The patients were consecutively included into the study to received oral (O-A) or long-acting injectable (depot-A) antipsychotics. Clinical stage evolution, compliance, efficacy and safety assessments (including PANSS, CGI-SSI, hospitalization rates, and adverse events) were recorded before and after 6 and 12 months of treatment. Results: 60 outpatients (aged 34.5±8.9, male 73%), 75% schizophrenia and 25% schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, 68.3% fewer than 15 years of schizophrenia evolution, 76.7% fewer than 5 times previous hospitalizations were treated with O-A (41.7%) or depot-A (58.3%) antipsychotics for at least one year. Depot-A treated patients showed a significant higher compliance compared to O-A patients during the all following time, lower PANSS (total, positive and negative) scores and CGI-SSI score (p<0.01), and a delayed relapse incidence and re-hospitalization to more than 1 year in the 48% of patients (relapse % depot/% oral) after 6 months 22.9%/52.0%, and after 12 months 48.6%/4.0%. Conclusion: There were protective factors which delayed relapse incidence in schizophrenia: Use of sustained-release preparations, family support. There were risk factors for occurrence of relapse in schizophrenia: cocaine, heroin and alcohol consumption, absence of family support, greater severity of patients assessed through CGI-SI, male sex, age older than 25 years and long-term evolution of the disorder.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Correlations in optically-controlled quantum emitters

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    We address the problem of optically controlling and quantifying the dissipative dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in a set-up of individual quantum emitters under external laser excitation. We show that both types of correlations, the former measured by the quantum discord, are present in the system's evolution even though the emitters may exhibit an early stage disentanglement. In the absence of external laser pumping,we demonstrate analytically, for a set of suitable initial states, that there is an entropy bound for which quantum discord and entanglement of the emitters are always greater than classical correlations, thus disproving an early conjecture that classical correlations are greater than quantum correlations. Furthermore, we show that quantum correlations can also be greater than classical correlations when the system is driven by a laser field. For scenarios where the emitters' quantum correlations are below their classical counterparts, an optimization of the evolution of the quantum correlations can be carried out by appropriately tailoring the amplitude of the laser field and the emitters' dipole-dipole interaction. We stress the importance of using the entanglement of formation, rather than the concurrence, as the entanglement measure, since the latter can grow beyond the total correlations and thus give incorrect results on the actual system's degree of entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, this version contains minor modifications; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Studi Kelayakan Investasi Pendirian SPBU di Monang-maning

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    &nbsp; Agar tujuan dari Perusahaan dapat tercapai, maka investor perlu memastikan investasi yang dilakukan oleh Perusahaan akan memberikan keuntungan atau tidak. Dalam penelitian berjudul "Studi Kelayakan Investasi Pendirian SPBU di Monang-Maning" ini, dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis kelayakan investasi pendirian SPBU di Monang-Maning. Untuk mengukur kelayakan aspek keuangan penulis menggunakan kriteria penilaian berupa Payback Period, Net Present Value, Profitability Index, dan Internal Rate of Return. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan investasi pendirian SPBU di Monang-Maning ini layak ditinjau dari aspek hukum, aspek lingkungan, aspek pasar dan pemasaran, aspek teknis dan teknologi, aspek manajemen dan SDM. Pada aspek keuangan diperoleh Payback Period 3 tahun 6 hari, NPV sebesar Rp.60.884.639.852,75, PI sebesar 7,118, IRR sebesar 38,208 persen. Investasi tersebut layak untuk dilanjutkan. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Kata Kunci: studi kelayakan bisnis, investasi, payback period, net present value, profitability index, internal rate of retur

    Evidence Propagation and Consensus Formation in Noisy Environments

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    We study the effectiveness of consensus formation in multi-agent systems where there is both belief updating based on direct evidence and also belief combination between agents. In particular, we consider the scenario in which a population of agents collaborate on the best-of-n problem where the aim is to reach a consensus about which is the best (alternatively, true) state from amongst a set of states, each with a different quality value (or level of evidence). Agents' beliefs are represented within Dempster-Shafer theory by mass functions and we investigate the macro-level properties of four well-known belief combination operators for this multi-agent consensus formation problem: Dempster's rule, Yager's rule, Dubois & Prade's operator and the averaging operator. The convergence properties of the operators are considered and simulation experiments are conducted for different evidence rates and noise levels. Results show that a combination of updating on direct evidence and belief combination between agents results in better consensus to the best state than does evidence updating alone. We also find that in this framework the operators are robust to noise. Broadly, Yager's rule is shown to be the better operator under various parameter values, i.e. convergence to the best state, robustness to noise, and scalability.Comment: 13th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Managemen

    Localized magnetoplasmon modes arising from broken translational symmetry in semiconductor superlattices

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    The electromagnetic propagator associated with the localized collective magnetoplasmon excitations in a semiconductor superlattice with broken translational symmetry, is calculated analytically within linear response theory. We discuss the properties of these collective excitations in both radiative and non-radiative regimes of the electromagnetic spectra. We find that low frequency retarded modes arise when the surface density of carriers at the symmetry breaking layer is lower than the density at the remaining layers. Otherwise a doublet of localized, high-frequency magnetoplasmon-like modes occurs.Comment: Revtex file + separate pdf figure

    COVID-19: Open-data resources for monitoring, modeling, and forecasting the epidemic

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    We provide an insight into the open-data resources pertinent to the study of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and its control. We identify the variables required to analyze fundamental aspects like seasonal behavior, regional mortality rates, and effectiveness of government measures. Open-data resources, along with data-driven methodologies, provide many opportunities to improve the response of the different administrations to the virus. We describe the present limitations and difficulties encountered in most of the open-data resources. To facilitate the access to the main open-data portals and resources, we identify the most relevant institutions, on a global scale, providing Covid-19 information and/or auxiliary variables (demographics, mobility, etc.). We also describe several open resources to access Covid-19 datasets at a country-wide level (i.e., China, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, US, etc.). To facilitate the rapid response to the study of the seasonal behavior of Covid-19, we enumerate the main open resources in terms of weather and climate variables. We also assess the reusability of some representative open-data sources

    CP violation in the decay mode BπγγB\to \pi \gamma \gamma

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    Within the framework of Standard Model, the exclusive decay mode BπγγB\to \pi \gamma \gamma is studied. Although the usual short distance contribution is small compared to the similar BKγγB\to K\gamma\gamma mode, the process offers the possibility of studying the CP violation, a feature absent in the BKB \to K counterpart.Comment: 11 page latex file including 2 ps figures. Typos corrected, minor changes. To appear in PR