17 research outputs found

    Coordinated generation of multiple ocular-like cell lineages and fabrication of functional corneal epithelial cell sheets from human iPS cells

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    We describe a protocol for the generation of a functional and transplantable corneal epithelium derived from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. When this protocol is followed, a proportion of iPS cells spontaneously form circular colonies, each of which is composed of four concentric zones. Cells in these zones have different morphologies and immunostaining characteristics, resembling neuroectoderm, neural crest, ocular-surface ectoderm, or surface ectoderm. We have named this 2D colony a 'SEAM' (self-formed ectodermal autonomous multizone), and previously demonstrated that cells within the SEAM have the potential to give rise to anlages of different ocular lineages, including retinal cells, lens cells, and ocular-surface ectoderm. To investigate the translational potential of the SEAM, cells within it that resemble ocular-surface epithelia can be isolated by pipetting and FACS sorting into a population of corneal epithelial-like progenitor cells. These can be expanded and differentiated to form an epithelial layer expressing K12 and PAX6, and able to recover function in an animal model of corneal epithelial dysfunction after surgical transplantation. The whole protocol, encompassing human iPS cell preparation, autonomous differentiation, purification, and subsequent differentiation, takes between 100 and 120 d, and is of potential use to researchers with an interest in eye development and/or ocular-surface regeneration. Experience with human iPS cell culture and sorting via FACS will be of benefit for researchers performing this protocol

    Le voyage d'un géographe dans le « pays de l'Administration »

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    Reichman Shalom. Le voyage d'un géographe dans le « pays de l'Administration ». In: Espace géographique, tome 7, n°2, 1978. pp. 123-125

    Barriers and Strategic Planning - A Tentative Research Formulation

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    Reichman Shalom. Barriers and Strategic Planning - A Tentative Research Formulation. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 4 n°1, avril 1990. pp. 51-60

    A minimum requirements approach to urban travel

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    The minimum requirements approach, which has heretofore been restricted to analyses of economic structures of cities and metropolitan regions, has a wider application which includes household travel patterns. Using a cross- section of Israeli settlements, it is shown that clear and consistent relationships exist between minimum expected daily household trip generation for various purposes and the size of the settlement from which these trips originate. Moreover, two distinct general patterns emerge, one for households with vehicles and- a second for households without vehicles; suggesting two distinct modes of "propensity to use" the city and perhaps varied perceptions as well.Une approche des déplacements urbains par la théorie du "minimum requis". L'approche par le « minimum requis », jusqu'ici appliquée seulement aux analyses de structure économique des villes ou des régions urbaines, a des applications plus étendues, y compris les modèles de déplacements familiaux. Une coupe dans l'habitat urbain israélien montre qu'il existe des relations claires et tangibles entre le nombre quotidien minimal attendu de trajets à buts variés et la taille de l'agglomération de départ. En outre, deux modèles distincts se révèlent : un pour les ménages disposant de véhicules et un second pour les ménages n'en disposant pas. Cela incite à distinguer deux modes de « tendance à utiliser» la ville et peut-être, les perceptions différentes de la ville qui en résultent.Kibel Barry, Reichman Shalom. A minimum requirements approach to urban travel. In: Espace géographique, tome 6, n°2, 1977. pp. 101-107

    Colloque « Transports et société »

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    Chesnais Michel, Reichman Shalom. Colloque « Transports et société ». In: Espace géographique, tome 8, n°1, 1979. p. 41

    Transports et frontières, transports en montagne

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    Caralp Raymonde, Reichman Shalom. Transports et frontières, transports en montagne. In: Espace géographique, tome 7, n°1, 1978. p. 58

    Transports et frontières, transports en montagne

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    Caralp Raymonde, Reichman Shalom. Transports et frontières, transports en montagne. In: Espace géographique, tome 7, n°1, 1978. p. 58

    European Science Foundation's Network on Transport, Communications and Mobility. A five year activity programme. A Phase 2 Proposal

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    Masser Ian, Nijkamp Peter, Reichman Shalom, Wandel Sten, Wegener Michael. European Science Foundation's Network on Transport, Communications and Mobility. A five year activity programme. A Phase 2 Proposal . In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 2 n°2, décembre 1988. Le colloque international « Communications et territoires », Issy-les-Moulineaux / Paris-Sorbonne, 21-23 janvier 1988. pp. 274-318