84 research outputs found

    Risks Facing the Profit-loss Sharing Banking System Within The Global Financial Crisis

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    بينما واجهت البنوك التقليدية تحديات لمعالجة المشاكل الناشئة عن اسو ازمة مالية تعلق في الذاكرة الحية، عرف النظام البنكي الاسلامي ازدهارا نسبيا.             ومع ذلك فان التغيرات الديناميكية التي حدثت في عالم المال العالمي فرضت على المؤسسات المصرفية مخاطر مختلفة. فالبنوك الإسلامية ليست في منأى عن هذه المخاطر.  ويتعلق ازدهارها المستمر نسبيا على كيفية إدارتها لهذه المخاطر.  وان تحديد هذه المخاطر يسمح بايجاد الحلول لها. وعكس البنوك التقليدية، فان البنوك الإسلامية شترك في المخاطر مع المستثمرين والمقترضين معا.             ويكمن الاختلاف في طبيعة تقاسم المخاطر. وتبحث هذه الورقة مختلف أنواع المخاطر المرتبطة بمختلف نظم العقود المالية المختلفة التي تواجهها البنوك الإسلامية.  وتتناول الورقة أيضًا العديد من الآثار السياسية المترتبة لتعزيز إدارة المخاطر من حيث العولمة والتغيرات الثقافية داخل الصناعة المصرفية القائمة على التشارك في الربح والخسارة.While conventional banks are facing challenges to resolve problems emanating from the worst financialcrisis in living memory, the Islamic banking sector is flourishing and remains in relative prosperity.However, dynamic changes occurring in the global financial world pose various risks to bankinginstitutions. Islamic banks are not immune to such risks. Their relative continuous prosperity depends on howwell they manage such risks. Identifying these risks sheds light on challenging these risks. Unlike conventionalbanks, Islamic banks share business risks with investors and borrowers. The difference lies in the nature of risksharing. This paper examines the different types of risks associated with different schemes of financialcontracts that Islamic banks are facing. The paper also addresses several policy implications to promote riskmanagement in terms of globalization and culture changes within profit-loss sharing banking industry

    The Impact of the Key Dimensions of Entrepreneurship on Opportunities for the Success of New Ventures in the Greater Amman Municipality

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    This research attempted to shed light on the effects of entrepreneurship dimensions on small businesses. The research aimed to study the impact of key dimensions of entrepreneurship on opportunities of venture survival and growth. The independent variables selected for this study are related to the five dimensions of entrepreneurship—characteristics of entrepreneur, entrepreneurship support policy, general environment, entrepreneurship activities, and information and electronic entrepreneurship—and their effect on survival and growth opportunities of small projects (the dependent variables). The research results and analysis revealed no significant impact on growth opportunities for small businesses. There is significant support for policy enhancing the general environment and chances for business survival and growth. There was no impact from information and electronic entrepreneurship on survival and growth chances. Finally, the authors present several recommendations including inviting Jordanian companies and governmental institutions and organizations to adopt  entrepreneurship concepts and practices, bringing more attention to entrepreneurship concepts as well as providing  technical and financial assistance to new entrepreneurs, issuing an annual  report on the entrepreneurial activities and projects, and  encouraging studies and research on the entrepreneurship in Jordan. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, leadership, entrepreneurial dimension properties, and chances of survival

    Program Flow Graph Decomposition

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    The purpose of this thesis involved the implementation, validation, complexity analysis, and comparison of two graph decomposition approaches. The two approaches are Forman's algorithm for prime decomposition of a program flow graph, and Cunningham's approach for decomposing a program digraph into graph-oriented components. To validate the two implementations, each was tested with six inputs. Comparison of these two approaches was based on these dimensions time and space complexities, composability, repeated decomposition, and uniqueness. Forman's algorithm appears to have four advantages over Cunningham's algorithm 1. the algorithm overhead (i.e, the time and space complexities) was lower in Forman's algorithm; 2. Forman's algorithm yields a unique set of decomposed units, whereas Cunningham's does not; 3. in Forman's algorithm, reconstructing the original graph from the decomposed prime graphs results in the original graph that was decomposed, whereas in Cunningham's algorithm, the attempt at the reconstruction of the original graph from the decomposed parts does not always yield the graph that was decomposed; 4 Forman's approach can be used to decompose a graph until it is irreducible (all its part are primes), whereas in Cunningham's algorithm, the algorithm decomposes the graph only once even if it is still decomposable Thus, Forman's approach could be recommended as a program flow graph decomposition algorithm. Implementation of the decomposition techniques could help in better software comprehension and can be used in the development of some software reusability tools

    Internationalization of Education and the Brain Drain Paradox: Case of the Mena Region

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    This paper discusses how the internationalization of higher education has brought about its impact in terms of spreading standardized academic programs, scientific research, innovation, culture exchange, and strengthening ties between involved higher education institutions and countries to resolve mutual benefit challenges. Among these challenges, the brain drain paradox remains an annoying problem for developing countries. The paper sheds light on these related issues through witnessed education system reform, research efforts exchange, and cooperation between collaborating countries in the MENA region to diminish the impact of the brain drain paradox

    A Comparative study between Different Treatment Modalities of Floating Knee Jnjury At Aswan University Hospital

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    Purpose: The study aimed at presenting a comparison between the modalities of treatment different of floating knee injury at Aswan University Hospital.  Materials and Methods:  This study is a prospective study including all of our 20 cases of floating knee injuries who were treated utilizing various treatment modalities at Aswan University Hospital between December 2018 and September 2019 with a follow-up period of 12 months  Results: Based on the data analysis,  nailing is a better modality in floating knee injury (especially with diaphyseal long bone). Moreover, plating is a good choice for distal fractures, the external fixator is considered a choice for limb saving(as in popliteal ischemia, open fractures(OG3), and compartment syndrome).  Conclusion: Management of floating knee injury is critical as floating knee injury is not like other fractures. Floating knee injuries are serious injuries with a high rate of complications. Besides being caused by high-energy trauma with extensive skeletal and soft tissue damage, they are also associated with potentially life-threatening injuries of the head, chest, and abdomen. There are multiple controversies in surgical management starting from choosing suitable fixation for each patient according to variable conditions.  Floating knee injury remains a challenging orthopedic problem in which regaining good knee function outcome is a major concern. Stable osteosynthesis to achieve rigid fixation and early mobilization should always be attempted

    Growth problems in a sample of children with an Autism Spectrum Disorders and its relation to some variables disorder intensity and age

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    The study aimed to identify growth problems in a children with an Autism Spectrum Disorders depending on the variables of disorder intensity and age. The study included 28 children (sample) ,8 cases that are classified as simple , medium, and 20 cases with a high degree. The sample also divided according to the age of 16 children aged (5-6) years and 12 children aged (7-11) years were selected from Syrian Organization for Persons with Disabilities _Aamal To achieve the goal of the study, researcher developed a scale of 36 items divided into 8 fields . The results showed growth problems on all dimensions where (time regulation , locative regulation ,psychomotor perception , behavior , communication , body image ) got a middle score. While the kinetic skills dimension and kinetic coordination were poorly evaluated. The result of the first hypothesis indicated differences in favor of children with high evaluation in all sub-dimensions except kinetic skills dimension and kinetic coordination. The result of the second hypothesis also indicated differences in favor of children aged (7-11) years on psychomotor dimensions (behavior, psychomotor perception , kinetic skills , kinetic coordination , locative regulation ) Study Recommendations: Through the results of the current study, the researcher reached a number of recommendations in this area the need to raise awareness of the importance of Psychomotor growth in children and how to provide a supportive environment

    Evaluating Distance Learning Experience During Corona Pandemic as Perceived by Media Students in Arab Universities

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    The main purpose of this study is to investigate and understand the experience of Communication and Media students in Arab countries toward Distance Learning. An online survey questionnaire was used to collect data and investigate students’ perceptions of distance learning. A total of 494 students (293 females and 201 males) affiliated with 54 universities from 12 Arab countries participated in the survey. The findings of the study show that 25 out of 54 participating universities used at least two platforms for distance learning during the Corona pandemic. The top three platforms used by the participants were Zoom, WhatsApp, and Microsoft Teams. The majority of participants indicated that they attended both theoretical and practical courses online during the pandemic

    Examining the total factor productivity changing patterns in Kazakhstan: An input-output analysis

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    The interconnectedness of sectors displays the demand for inputs and supply as a level of output in any economy. This paper addresses the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) in Kazakhstan sectors by using input-output tables during 2012-2017. The change in total sectoral production was separated into two parts: the changes in technical coefficients of intermediate inputs and the change in value-added inputs, respectively. The main findings have identified a changing pattern in sectoral performance. At the same time, the result justified that various sectors such as; petroleum, manufacturing, construction, and food processing sectors have shown increased productivity. The country highly depends on extractive industries but still has better manufacturing value-added performance. The study suggests that to combat challenges like COVID-19 and climate change, it is vital to develop human capital and diversity. With diversification and innovative measures, an economy can attain sustainable economic growth in the long term