12 research outputs found

    Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa

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    Introducción. La deserción estudiantil a nivel universitario sigue siendo un problema vigente que desencadena pérdidas financieras además de tipo social y familiar, cuando no se alcanzan las metas de la formación académica que garantice trabajadores competentes para el mundo laboral actual. Objetivo. Analizar la permanencia y deserción versus la autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios en el marco de la calidad educativa. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo constituida por los estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla en Colombia. Se tomó, del registro para el período 2015- 1, una muestra de 322 estudiantes, de los cuales 195 estaban activos y 127 en deserción. El trabajo fue descriptivo y transaccional de diseño no experimental. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), apoyada por el sistema de información institucional del Departamento de Admisiones y Registro. Resultados. Se demostró que no existe una correlación significativa entre autoeficacia y permanencia, así como tampoco entre la autoeficacia y la deserción. Sin embargo, un hallazgo significativo fue demostrar que la media de autoeficacia en desertores resultó mayor que la de los estudiantes que permanecieron en la institución. Conclusiones. Se obtuvo que no se presenta una correlación significativa entre las variables autoeficacia, deserción y permanencia.Introdução. A deserção estudantil a nível universitário segue sendo um problema vigente que desencadeia perdas financeiras ademais de tipo social e familiar, quando não se alcançam as metas da formação acadêmica que garante trabalhadores competentes para o mundo laboral atual. Objetivo. Analisar a permanência e deserção versus a auto eficácia de estudantes universitários no marco da qualidade educativa. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída pelos estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de Barranquilla na Colômbia. Se tomou, do registro para o período 2015-1, uma amostra de 322 estudantes, dos quais 195 estavam ativos e 127 em deserção. O trabalho foi descritivo e transacional de desenho não experimental. O instrumento de recolhimento dos dados foi a Escala de Auto eficácia General (EAG), apoiada pelo sistema de informação institucional do Departamento de Admissões e Registro. Resultados. Se demostrou que não existe uma correlação significativa entre auto eficácia e permanência, assim como tampouco entre a auto eficácia e a deserção. Embora, um descobrimento significativo foi demostrar que a média de auto eficácia em desertores resultou maior que a dos estudantes que permaneceram na instituição. Conclusões. Se obteve que não se apresenta una correlação significativa entre as variáveis auto eficácia, deserção e permanência.Introduction. the student dropout at university level continues being a current problem that unleashes financial loss besides social and familiar ones, when academic formation goals are not achieved, which assures skillful workers for the current labor world. Objective. To analyze the permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students in the quality educative framework. Materials and methods. Population was composed by university students in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. The registry of 2015-1 term, a sample of 322 students, from which 195 were active and 127 on dropout was taken. The work was descriptive and transactional of non-experimental design. Data collection instrument was the General Self-sufficiency scale (GSS), supported by the institutional information system of the Admissions and Registration Department. Results. It was proved that there is not a significant correlation between self-efficiency and permanence, as neither between self-sufficiency or dropout; however, a significant finding was to prove that the average of dropout's self-sufficient students resulted greater than the one of students staying in the institution. Conclusions. It was obtained that there is not a significant correlation among self-efficiency, dropout, and permanence variables

    Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa

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    Introduction. the student dropout at university level continues being a current problem that unleashes financial loss besides social and familiar ones, when academic formation goals are not achieved, which assures skillful workers for the current labor world. Objective. To analyze the permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students in the quality educative framework. Materials and methods. Population was composed by university students in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. The registry of 2015-1 term, a sample of 322 students, from which 195 were active and 127 on dropout was taken. The work was descriptive and transactional of non-experimental design. Data collection instrument was the General Self-sufficiency scale (GSS), supported by the institutional information system of the Admissions and Registration Department. Results. It was proved that there is not a significant correlation between self-efficiency and permanence, as neither between self-sufficiency or dropout; however, a significant finding was to prove that the average of dropout's self-sufficient students resulted greater than the one of students staying in the institution. Conclusions. It was obtained that there is not a significant correlation among self-efficiency, dropout, and permanence variables.Introducción. La deserción estudiantil a nivel universitario sigue siendo un problema vigente que desencadena pérdidas financieras además de tipo social y familiar, cuando no se alcanzan las metas de la formación académica que garantice trabajadores competentes para el mundo laboral actual. Objetivo. Analizar la permanencia y deserción versus la autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios en el marco de la calidad educativa. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo constituida por los estudiantes de una universidad de la ciudad de Barranquilla en Colombia. Se tomó, del registro para el período 2015- 1, una muestra de 322 estudiantes, de los cuales 195 estaban activos y 127 en deserción. El trabajo fue descriptivo y transaccional de diseño no experimental. El instrumento de recolección de datos fue la Escala de Autoeficacia General (EAG), apoyada por el sistema de información institucional del Departamento de Admisiones y Registro. Resultados. Se demostró que no existe una correlación significativa entre autoeficacia y permanencia, así como tampoco entre la autoeficacia y la deserción. Sin embargo, un hallazgo significativo fue demostrar que la media de autoeficacia en desertores resultó mayor que la de los estudiantes que permanecieron en la institución. Conclusiones. Se obtuvo que no se presenta una correlación significativa entre las variables autoeficacia, deserción y permanencia.Introdução. A deserção estudantil a nível universitário segue sendo um problema vigente que desencadeia perdas financeiras ademais de tipo social e familiar, quando não se alcançam as metas da formação acadêmica que garante trabalhadores competentes para o mundo laboral atual. Objetivo. Analisar a permanência e deserção versus a auto eficácia de estudantes universitários no marco da qualidade educativa. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída pelos estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de Barranquilla na Colômbia. Se tomou, do registro para o período 2015-1, uma amostra de 322 estudantes, dos quais 195 estavam ativos e 127 em deserção. O trabalho foi descritivo e transacional de desenho não experimental. O instrumento de recolhimento dos dados foi a Escala de Auto eficácia General (EAG), apoiada pelo sistema de informação institucional do Departamento de Admissões e Registro. Resultados. Se demostrou que não existe uma correlação significativa entre auto eficácia e permanência, assim como tampouco entre a auto eficácia e a deserção. Embora, um descobrimento significativo foi demostrar que a média de auto eficácia em desertores resultou maior que a dos estudantes que permaneceram na instituição. Conclusões. Se obteve que não se apresenta una correlação significativa entre as variáveis auto eficácia, deserção e permanência

    Data mining and social network analysis on Twitter

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    The emergence of a networked social structure in the last decade of twentieth century is accelerated by the evolution of information technologies and, in particular, the Internet has given rise to the full emergence of what has been called the Information Age [1] or the Information Society. Social media is yet another example of people’s extraordinary ability to generate, disseminate and exchange meanings in collective interpersonal communication with a massive, real-time networked system where everything tends to be connected. The analysis of the climate of opinion on Twitter is presented around the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), one of the most ambitious educational reforms of the last 50 years in USA

    Measuring the financial performance of MSMEs through artificial neural network

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    Given the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Colombia, both in terms of the number of enterprises and the generation of employment, it is important to know their nature, as well as the main determinantsoftheirfinancialperformance.Inthissense,thispaperaimsto provide relevant information for the formulation of strategies, programs and public policies that promote practices within companies and thus improve the performance of this segment of organizations

    Prediction rules in e-learning systems using genetic programming

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    This paper describes the use of Data Mining Techniques to improve teaching–learning processes in the linear programming course offered at the Engineering Faculty at Mumbai University, India. The proposed approach seeks to model the student’s interaction with the study material using prediction rules whose interpretation will allow to detect the weaknesses of the educational process and evaluate the quality of the study material. The proposed rule discovery method is the Evolutionary Algorithms and particularly the Grammar-Based Genetic Programming (GB-GP), which is compared to association rules and decision tree construction for discovering prediction rules

    Use of Artificial Neural Networks in Determining Domestic Violence Predictors

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    This paper aims to determine the predictors of violence against women by their partners, according to the National Survey of Demography and Health - ENDS - Colombia, 2017 using artificial neural networks. The results indicate that the best forecasting model found is the artificial neural network, perceptron model, multilayer associative memory with a hidden layer of 20 units, through functions of sigmoidal activation and sum of square of the error as error function. The ten main explanatory variables are: respect for human rights of the partner, respect for wishes, love expressed by the partner, a history of domestic violence, engaging in joint decision making, decision of contraceptive use, number of connections (partners) of the respondent, decision-making at the financial level, correction of children behavior, and decisions regarding women's health at home

    Algorithm Integration Behavior for Discovering Group Membership Rules

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    Information exploitation processes use different data mining algorithms for obtaining knowledge patterns from data obtained on the problem domain. One of the assumptions when working with these algorithms is that the complexity of the membership domain of the cases they use does not affect the quality of the obtained results. So, it is important to analyze the behavior of the information exploitation process through the discovery of group membership rules by using clustering and induction algorithms. This research characterizes the complexity of the domains in terms of the pieces of knowledge that describe them and information exploitation processes they seek to discover. The results of the experiments show that, in the case of the process for discovering group membership rules, the quality of the patterns differs depending on the algorithms used in the process and the complexity of the domains to which they are applied

    Migración como promotora del emprendimiento. Aproximaciones teóricas

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    The objective of the article is directed towards characterizing the elements of migration as a factor promoting entrepreneurship. From the methodological perspective, it is directed towards a qualitative documentary approach in which a review of documents related to entrepreneurial processes in migrant groups is carried out. For the analysis, the information obtained is organized into three categories aimed at responding to the objective of the study, taking Apablaza (2017), Duran (2016) and Navajas (2014) as a base reference. The results allow demonstrating how, through various situations, contexts and approaches, migration has an important correlation with entrepreneurial processes. In the same way, low aversion to risk is identified as a key factor towards entrepreneurial capacity in migrant groups, which is a characteristic shared with those who have high entrepreneurial capacity.El objetivo del artículo se direcciona hacia caracterizar los elementos de la migración como un factor promotor del emprendimiento. Desde la perspectiva metodológica, se direcciona hacia un enfoque cualitativo de tipo documental en el que se realiza una revisión de documentos relacionados a los procesos de emprendedurismo en grupos migrantes. Para el análisis se organiza la información obtenida en tres categorías direccionadas a dar respuesta al objetivo del estudio, tomando como referencia base a Apablaza (2017), Duran (2016) y Navajas (2014). Los resultados permiten demostrar como a través de diversas situaciones, contextos y enfoques la migración posee una importante correlación con los procesos de emprendimiento. Del mismo modo se identifica la baja aversión al riesgo como factor clave hacia la capacidad emprendedora en los grupos migrantes, la cual es una característica compartida con quienes poseen una alta capacidad emprendedora.&nbsp

    Methodologies linked to the ethical formation of the administrator

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    El presente trabajo trata sobre las metodologías vinculadas a la Formación Ética del Administrador, el cual tiene como objetivo analizar los métodos usados en el diseño curricular de la Licenciatura en Administración. Este estudio busca la manera de favorecer las acciones que desarrollan los organismos oferentes y demandantes del talento humano, en este caso, el subsistema de educación superior y el sector productivo, tomando en cuenta, la existencia de un mercado laboral fuertemente marcado por la competitividad. La investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, y se orientó a indagar todo lo referente a las nuevas exigencias de aprendizaje del siglo XXI, basado en las tecnologías de información y comunicación, así como también, en los nuevos planteamientos del sistema educativo colombiano.The present work deals with the methodologies linked to the Ethical Training of the Administrator, which aims to analyze the methods used in the curricular design of the Bachelor of Administration. This study seeks a way to favor the actions developed by organizations offering and demanding human talent, in this case, the higher education subsystem and the productive sector, taking into account the existence of a labor market strongly marked by competitiveness. The research was carried out under a qualitative approach, and was oriented to investigate everything related to the new learning demands of the 21st century, based on information and communication technologies, as well as on the new approaches of the Colombian educational system

    Methodologies linked to the ethical formation of the administrator

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    El presente trabajo trata sobre las metodologías vinculadas a la Formación Ética del Administrador, el cual tiene como objetivo analizar los métodos usados en el diseño curricular de la Licenciatura en Administración. Este estudio busca la manera de favorecer las acciones que desarrollan los organismos oferentes y demandantes del talento humano, en este caso, el subsistema de educación superior y el sector productivo, tomando en cuenta, la existencia de un mercado laboral fuertemente marcado por la competitividad. La investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, y se orientó a indagar todo lo referente a las nuevas exigencias de aprendizaje del siglo XXI, basado en las tecnologías de información y comunicación, así como también, en los nuevos planteamientos del sistema educativo colombiano.The present work deals with the methodologies linked to the Ethical Training of the Administrator, which aims to analyze the methods used in the curricular design of the Bachelor of Administration. This study seeks a way to favor the actions developed by organizations offering and demanding human talent, in this case, the higher education subsystem and the productive sector, taking into account the existence of a labor market strongly marked by competitiveness. The research was carried out under a qualitative approach, and was oriented to investigate everything related to the new learning demands of the 21st century, based on information and communication technologies, as well as on the new approaches of the Colombian educational system