205 research outputs found

    Complicaciones biomecánicas de los implantes: fractura y aflojamiento de tornillos

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    Objetivo: Revisar la literatura existente de los últimos diez años para establecer de manera comparativa los diferentes factores que influyen en la fractura y aflojamiento del tornillo del implante Metodología de la búsqueda y material: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos PubMed de acuerdo a las palabras clave seleccionadas, en función de los términos MSH y de acuerdo a unos criterios de selección. Dichos artículos fueron analizados para establecer los resultados de este estudio. Estrategia de búsqueda:”dental implants “AND “abutment screw fracture”, ”dental implants” AND “abutment screw loosening” , “dental implant” AND (technical OR mechanical complications)” Resultados: Un total de 121 artículos fueron encontrados de acuerdo a la estrategia de búsqueda, aplicando los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, fueron seleccionados 15 artículos que cumplían los objetivos del estudio. Conclusión: La causa más probable de la fractura y aflojamiento del tornillo, es la sobrecarga biomecánica causada por hábitos parafuncionales, seguido de la fatiga y las propiedades físicas del material.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Odontologí

    Estudios computacionales de mecanismos moleculares de la inmunidad innata

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, leída el 20-12-2022Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a worldwide health emergency. ESKAPE pathogens include the most relevant AMR bacterial families. In particular, Gram-negative bacteria stand out due to their cell envelope complexity, which exhibits strong resistance to antimicrobials. A key element for AMR is the chemical structure of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the phospholipid composition of the membrane, inflecting the membrane permeability to antibiotics. We have applied coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations to capture the role of the phospholipid composition and lipid A structure in the membrane properties and morphology of ESKAPE Gram-negative bacterial vesicles. Moreover, the reported antimicrobial peptides Cecropin B1, JB95, and PTCDA1-kf were used to unveil their implications for membrane disruption. This study opens a promising starting point for understanding the molecular keys of bacterial membranes and promoting the discovery of new antimicrobials to overcome AMR...La resistencia a los antimicrobianos (AMR) es una emergencia sanitaria mundial. Los patógenos ESKAPE incluyen las familias bacterianas más resistentes a antibióticos y son altamente virulentas. En particular, las bacterias Gram negativas destacan por la complejidad de su pared celular, que presenta una fuerte resistencia frente a los antibióticos. Un elemento clave para la AMR es la estructura química del lipopolisacárido bacteriano (LPS) y la composición de los fosfolípidos de la membrana bacteriana, que influyen en su permeabilidad a los antibióticos. Se han empleado simulaciones de dinámica molecular de grano grueso para captar el papel de la composición de los fosfolípidos y la estructura del LPS en las propiedades y morfología de modelos de vesículas bacterianas Gram negativas ESKAPE. Además, se han empleado los péptidos antimicrobianos Cecropin B1, JB95 y PTCDA1-kf para desvelar su mecanismo disrupción de la membrana bacteriana. Este estudio abre un prometedor punto de partida para comprender las claves moleculares de la resistencia en membranas bacterianas y acelerar el descubrimiento de nuevos antibióticos para hacer frente a la AMR...Fac. de FarmaciaTRUEunpu

    Na-O Anticorrelation And HB I. The Na-O anticorrelation in NGC 2808

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    We derived atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances of Fe, O and Na for about 120 red giant stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 2808. Our results are based on the analysis of medium-high resolution (R=22000-24000) GIRAFFE spectra acquired with the FLAMES spectrograph at VLT-UT2 as a part of a project aimed at studying the Na-O anticorrelation as a function of physical parameters in globular clusters. We present here the anticorrelation of Na and O abundances in NGC 2808, and we discuss the distribution function of stars along this relation. Besides a bulk of O-normal stars, with composition typical of field halo stars, NGC 2808 seems to host two other groups of O-poor and super O-poor stars. In this regard, NGC 2808 is similar to M 13, the template cluster for the Na-O anticorrelation. However, at variance with M 13, most stars in NGC 2808 are O-rich. This might be related to the horizontal branch morphologies which are very different in these two clusters. The average metallicity we found for NGC 2808 is [Fe/H]=-1.10 (rms=0.065 dex, from 123 stars). We also found some evidence of a small intrinsic spread in metallicity, but more definitive conclusions are hampered by the presence of a small differential reddening.Comment: 12 pages, 6 tables, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on A&

    Advertising as a claim for the media: the case of Madison in The New York Times and its relationship with some Spanish newspapers

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    La publicidad no solo tiene un valor comercial. Con el paso del tiempo refleja un entorno social de una sociedad pasada. Por ello, su conservación es fundamental. Este texto cuenta la experiencia de Madison, una herramienta que ha diseñado The New York Times para crear, de forma colaborativa, un archivo digital de la publicidad, en este caso, del principal periódico del mundo. Además, se estudia la preservación del patrimonio publicitario en una muestra de periódicos españoles. Se explica el funcionamiento de Madison, su presentación y la forma en que los lectores pueden contribuir a su mejora. Para conocer la situación de los periódicos españoles con relación a la digitalización de sus fondos se diseña un cuestionario autoadministrable y se contacta con los responsables de documentación o directores comerciales de los diarios con mayor inversión publicitaria. En el caso español, ninguno de los diarios consultados presta de forma especial atención a la conservación del patrimonio publicitario. Obstáculos de carácter técnico y económico impiden su tratamiento diferencial del contenido informativo, de modo que, sólo de forma accidental se podrá acceder a piezas publicitarias de antaño que quedan diluidas entre el conjunto de páginas del diario.Advertising has not only commercial value, but also it reflects a social environment of a bygone society. Therefore, its conservation is critical. This text explains the experience of Madison, a tool designed by The New York Times to create, collaboratively, a digital archive of advertising, in this case, from the main newspaper in the world. In addition, advertising heritage preservation in a sample of Spanish newspapers is studied. It is shown how Madison works, its presentation and how readers can contribute to its improvement. To know the situation of the Spanish newspapers regarding the digitization of their archives, a self-administered questionnaire is designed and contacts are with the persons in charge of information archive or commercial directors of the newspapers with the higher advertising revenues. In the Spanish case, none of the media gives special attention to advertising heritage conservation. Technical and economic barriers impede their differential treatment of information content, so that just accidentally old advertising pieces can be accessible among the set of pages of the newspaper

    Computer-aided storytelling: effects on emergent literacy of preschool-aged children in an EFL context

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    This thesis presents the results of a study involving very young learners of English as a foreign language in Spain. In Phase I of the study, the feasibility of developing a series of guidelines that could be used to develop English lessons based on ICT-stories and communicative tasks was investigated. In Phase II, the lessons derived from the use of the guidelines were implemented with the purpose of exploring the development of story-related emergent literacy skills of a group of 3- and 4 year-old children receiving daily English lessons. The study has extended previous research studies regarding emergent literacy development in first and second language contexts by studying a foreign .language context. The children were asked to retell stories viewed and the transcribed retellings were analysed under the Narrative Scoring Scheme. The children participants showed signs of developmental changes throughout the duration of the course. However, there were marked individual differences in these changes. Further investigation is suggested to study the reasons that might provide insight into why the children developed understanding of story structure in such high variations. Results showed that the ICT-stories motivated the children and as a consequence, their level of participation in the lesson improved. Additionally, teachers found the use of ICT as a positive strategy to enhance young children's learning environment, but they said that implementing ICT-based projects in the young learner classroom necessarily raises issues of school's provision for training and technical support as well as considerations of teacher:child ratios. From the children's perspective, an evaluation of the lesson tasks via a survey showed positive reactions to the inclusion of ICT in the English lesson. Findings of the study show how the young learner English curriculum could consider children's development of emergent literacy skills as a result of learning English via ICT enhanced stories. They also show how ICT integrated in the foreign language curriculum can motivate young children and provide meaning to the activity of learning English at a time when their mother tongue is still developing. The study also yielded unexpected results related to how young children address a task in which a story has to be organised in sequence. These results present interesting research opportunities that could be explored further in the light of theories of cognitive development

    Virtual Research Integration Collaboration: Procedural report

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    The aim of the project is to build a framework for the integration of basic science and clinical research to manage research lifecycles and allow for integration of scientific approaches throughout these lifecycles into the everyday work practice of the consortia that manage translational clinical research. The project will take the CORE VRE and embed it into a National centre for surgical excellence, the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH). The VRE will integrate both with the institutional systems and research life cycle, and with the national systems such as the National Health Service (NHS). It is our aim to integrate the CORE VRE with myExperiment to provide a set of services at RNOH to cover the four main areas of the research cycle, namely: the monitoring and governance of trials (experiment research administration); the trial protocols (experiment workflows); the publishing, dissemination and discussion on the results of trials in a repository; and the discovery of information from the repository and other resources. For this community, there are three tightly coupled areas of focus: research, clinical practice, and education (in the form of continuing professional development and training of the next generation of surgeons). In this project, our user community will be heavily involved in co-designing and codeployment of the tool set, and in particular the front end of the workbench will be user focused. The tools will need to be available to staff anywhere with the organisation, as clinicians need to be able to enter the data during clinics and directors of research need to be able to monitor the trials. This will bring with it a number of inter-operability issues, as we move data between the VRE, the hospital systems (NHS) and the institutional systems. To aid the understanding of the how the system will be used, we outline a typical ‘research cycle’ that includes the practice of a clinical specialist in orthopaedics (who may also be a Higher surgical trainee) and a basic scientist. The purpose of this is to identify time essential information provision and interaction with pervasive technologies. For new researchers one of the most difficult tasks is to learn good practice or find related experiments to learn how to instantiate the protocols; in many organisations it is often easier to repeat an experiment than to find the results of a similar previous experiment. In this abstracted model of the research lifecycle, we have split up the cycle into four main research activities. In each of these activities the different issues and stakeholders are addressed. The wider community nationally is represented by the Musculoskeletal network of Greater London, NHS, e-science, Surgical and VRE communities. It is through the Musculoskeletal network of Greater London that we will be able to co-ordinate knowledge and demonstrations to advise the community and for continuity. This project will impact on the wider academic community in the UK, initially through dissemination via organisations such as BriteNet (Tissue Engineering), The British Orthopaedic Association, British Orthopaedic Research Society, and the British Elbow and Shoulder Society as the groups tied into the consortia development

    The AMBRE Project: Parameterisation of FGK-type stars from the ESO:HARPS archived spectra

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    The AMBRE project is a collaboration between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur (OCA). It has been established to determine the stellar atmospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, global metallicities and abundance of alpha-elements over iron) of the archived spectra of four ESO spectrographs. The analysis of the ESO:HARPS archived spectra is presented. The sample being analysed (AMBRE:HARPS) covers the period from 2003 to 2010 and is comprised of 126688 scientific spectra corresponding to 17218 different stars. For the analysis of the spectral sample, the automated pipeline developed for the analysis of the AMBRE:FEROS archived spectra has been adapted to the characteristics of the HARPS spectra. Within the pipeline, the stellar parameters are determined by the MATISSE algorithm, developed at OCA for the analysis of large samples of stellar spectra in the framework of galactic archaeology. In the present application, MATISSE uses the AMBRE grid of synthetic spectra, which covers FGKM-type stars for a range of gravities and metallicities. We first determined the radial velocity and its associated error for the ~15% of the AMBRE:HARPS spectra, for which this velocity had not been derived by the ESO:HARPS reduction pipeline. The stellar atmospheric parameters and the associated chemical index [alpha/Fe] with their associated errors have then been estimated for all the spectra of the AMBRE:HARPS archived sample. Based on quality criteria, we accepted and delivered the parameterisation of ~71% of the total sample to ESO. These spectra correspond to ~10706 stars; each are observed between one and several hundred times. This automatic parameterisation of the AMBRE:HARPS spectra shows that the large majority of these stars are cool main-sequence dwarfs with metallicities greater than -0.5 dex

    Addressing the Challenges of Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A collaborative effort across three UK Universities

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    Assessment has been identified as one of the major challenges faced by Higher Education Institutions (Whitelock, et al, 2007). As a response to the challenge, in a project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) Open Mentor (OM) was developed as a learning support tool for tutors to help them reflect on the quality of feedback given to their students on assignments submitted electronically. Its development was based on the fundamental theory that there was convincing evidence of systematic connections between different types of tutor comments and the level of attainment in an assignment (Whitelock, et al 2004). OM analyses, filters, and classifies tutor comments through an algorithm based on Bale’s Interaction Process. As a result, tutor’s feedback comments are classified into four categories namely: Positive reactions, Teaching points, Questions and Negative reactions. The feedback provided is analysed against an ideal number of feedback comments that an assignment given a mark of a specific band should have. Reports are provided in OM to support tutors in the task of reflecting on their feedback structure, content and style. The JISC-funded Open Mentor technology transfer (OMtetra) project is continuing the work initiated by the Open University implementing OM at the University of Southampton and King’s College London. OMtetra aims at taking up OM and extending its use by developing the system further and ultimately offering better support to tutors and students in the assessment process. A group of tutors from the University of Southampton and Kings’ College are at present using OM in their teaching and assessment. In this paper, we explore potential improvements to OM in three aspects: user interface, technology implementation and analysis algorithm design. For the user experience aspect suggested additions to OM include the creation of a simple entry form where tutors may validate the results of the analysis of the feedback comments. In addition, enhancements to OM will facilitate uploading of students and modules information into the system. Presently, OM utilises a built-in database of users that needs to be maintained separately from institutional systems. Improvements for this system feature include a more flexible authentication module which would simplify the deployment of the system in new environments and thus promote uptake by a larger number of institutions. In order to reach this goal, the system will be migrated to an open source framework which provides out-of-the-box integration with various authentication systems. The last to improve is the analysis algorithm. Currently, OM classifies tutors’ comments into four categories by applying an underlying text matching algorithm. This method could be improved if tutors are allowed to confirm comments’ classification through the OM interface and a free-text classification algorithm. As the number of users grow, so will the algorithm and analysis process, making it more comprehensive and intelligent as the keywords used during analysis are dynamically expanded. OMtetra is an on-going project with a lot of potential. We believe that the outcomes from the development and trial implementations of OM will contribute highly to the area of assessment in higher education

    The link between chemical anomalies along the red giant branch and the horizontal branch extension in globular clusters

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    We find a strong correlation between the extension of the Na-O anticorrelation observed in red giant branch (RGB) stars and the high temperature extension of the horizontal branch (HB) blue tails of Galactic globular clusters (GCs). The longer is the O-depleted tail of the Na-O anticorrelation observed in the RGB stars, the higher is the maximum temperature reached by the bluest HB stars in the GC. This result provides a clear, empirical evidence of a link between the extension of the HB and the presence of star-to-star abundance variations of proton-capture elements in GC stars. We discuss the possible interpretation of this correlation.Comment: Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure, uses emulateapj.cls; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter