11 research outputs found

    ارتباط بین عزت نفس و خودکارآمدی در دانشجویان پرستاری شهر قزوین: یک مطالعه مقطعی

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    Background and Aims: Nursing is a profession which necessitates very good mental health. Hence, identifying the factors affecting the mental health is highly important. Self-esteem and self-efficacy are addressed as the most important factors affecting mental health that play a very important role in promoting the mental health of individuals, especially nursing students. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy among undergraduate nursing students. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted in 2020. Totally, 150 nursing students at Qazvin University of Medical Sciences were selected through a convenience sampling method. For data collection, a checklist for demographic and background variables, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Sherer Self-Efficacy Scale were used. All stages of the study were conducted according to moral standards. Data analysis was performed by SPSS v. 22 using descriptive tests and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the total scores of self-esteem and self-efficacy in students were 21.25±5.07 out of 30 and 62.66±7.31 out of 85, respectively. Also, a positive and significant relationship between the total scores of self-esteem and self-efficacy was observed (p < 0.001, r = 0.497). Conclusion: It was concluded that the students had moderate level of self-esteem and good level of self-efficacy. Also, self-esteem was significantly higher in students with higher levels of self-efficacy. Further studies in this regard on other factors of mental health are recommended.زمینه و اهداف: پرستاري حرفه­اي است که اشتغال در آن نيازمند برخورداري از سطوح مطلوب سلامت رواني مي­باشد. از این رو، شناسایي عواملي که سلامت روان را تحت تأثیر قرار مي­دهد، از اهميت ویژه­اي برخوردار مي­باشد. عزت نفس و خودکارآمدی از مهم­ترین عوامل مؤثر بر سلامت روان هستند که در ارتقای سلامت روان افراد، مخصوصاً دانشجویان پرستاری، نقش بسيار مهمي ایفا مي­کنند. لذا، این مطالعه با هدف تعیین ارتباط بین عزت نفس و خودکارآمدی در بین دانشجویان پرستاری انجام شد. مواد و روش ­ها: این مطالعه مقطعی و از نوع همبستگی در سال­ 1398 انجام شد. 150 نفر از دانشجویان رشته پرستاری مشغول به تحصیل در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی قزوین به روش نمونه­گیری در دسترس انتخاب شدند. به منظور جمع­آوری اطلاعات از چک­لیست مشخصات جمعیت شناختی و زمینه­ای، و پرسشنامه­های استاندارد عزت نفس روزنبرگ و خودکارآمدی شرر استفاده گردید. تمامی مراحل مطالعه حاضر طبق موازین اخلاقی اجرا گردید. تجزیه داده­ها با استفاده از نرم­افزار SPSS نسخه 22، آمار­های توصیفی و ضریب همبستگی اسپیرمن انجام شد. یافته­ ها: میانگین و انحراف معیار نمره کل عزت نفس و خودکارآمدی در دانشجویان مورد مطالعه به ترتیب 07/5±25/21 از 30 و 31/7±66/62 از 85 به­دست آمد. همچنین، بین نمره عزت نفس و خودکارآمدی (001/0>p و 497/0=r) همبستگی مستقیم و معنی‌دار مشاهده شد. نتیجه­ گیری: دانشجویان مورد بررسی از عزت نفس متوسط و خودکارآمدی خوبی برخوردار بودند. همچنین، عزت نفس به شکل قابل ­توجهی در دانشجویان با سطوح خودکارآمدی بالاتر، بیشتر بود. انجام مطالعات بیشتر در این رابطه با دیگر حوزه­های سلامت روان توصیه می­شود

    Improving Door-to-Balloon Time for Patients With Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Controlled Clinical Trial

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    According to the latest guidelines, the best intervention to restore blood flow through occluded coronary arteries is angioplasty at a time less than 90 minutes. Thereby, the present study was conducted to determine the impact of implementing ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) code on door-to-balloon time in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. This clinical trial was conducted in 2019 at Booali Sina heart center hospital in Qazvin, Iran, in 2019. Fifty-eight patients with STEMI were purposively and consecutively enrolled in the study. Patients were then divided into control and intervention groups, based on their referral period. In both groups, patients were observed since their Arrived by emergency medical services to emergency department until inflating the balloon in the occluded coronary artery, and the intended times were recorded by the researchers. For Participants in the intervention group the “STEMI code” was designed and activated by an emergency physician once there is a patient experiencing a chest pain and early confirmed as a myocardial infarction. The SPSS program (v. 16) was used for data analysis at a significance level of less than 0.05. The difference in the door-to-balloon mean time in both control (113.5 ± 43.6 minutes) and intervention (79.3 ± 27.4 minutes) groups, was statistically significant (P = 0.001). Regarding other parameters, the reduction in the mean between Cath lab time (26.2 ± 18.2 minutes) and balloon time (15.5 ± 7.8 minutes) was also statistically significant (P = 0.008). In this study, implementation of the “STEMI code” could greatly prevent parallel work and squandering time while treating patients with acute myocardial infarction. As the door-to-balloon time gets shorter, the bed occupancy rate in the emergency department had reduced which in turn allowed more patients to be admitted