61 research outputs found

    Production of Biodiesel from Lipid of Phytoplankton Chaetoceros calcitransthrough Ultrasonic Method

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    A research on production of biodiesel from lipid of phytoplanktonChaetoceros calcitransthrough ultrasonic method has been done.\ud In this research, we carried out a series of phytoplankton cultures to determine the optimum time of growth and biodiesel synthesis\ud process from phytoplankton lipids. Process of biodiesel synthesis consists of two steps, that is, isolation of phytoplankton lipids and\ud biodiesel synthesis from those lipids. Oil isolation process was carried out by ultrasonic extraction method using ethanol 96%, while\ud biodiesel synthesis was carried out by transesterification reaction using methanol and KOH catalyst under sonication. Weight of\ud biodiesel yield per biomassChaetoceros calcitransis 35.35%. Characterization of biodiesel was well carried out in terms of physical\ud properties which are density and viscosity and chemical properties which are FFA content, saponification value, and iodine value.\ud These values meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6751) standard levels, except for the viscosity value\ud which was 1.14 g???cm\ud ???3\ud

    Production of Biodiesel from Lipid ofPorphyridium cruentum through Ultrasonic Method

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    A research on production of biodiesel from lipid of phytoplanktonPorphyridium cruentumthrough ultrasonic method has been\ud done. In this research, we carried out a series of phytoplankton cultures to determine the optimum time of growth and biodiesel\ud synthesis process from phytoplankton lipids. Process of biodiesel synthesis consists of two steps, that is, isolation of phytoplankton\ud lipids and biodiesel synthesis from those lipids. Oil isolation process was carried out by ultrasonic extraction method using ethanol\ud 96%, while biodiesel synthesis was carried out by transesterification reaction using methanol and KOH catalyst under sonication.\ud Weight of biodiesel yield per biomassPorphyridium cruentumis 40,27%. Characterization of biodiesel was well carried out in terms\ud of physical properties which are density and viscosity and chemical properties which are FFA content, saponification value, and\ud iodine value. These values meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6751) standard levels, except for the\ud density value which was 0.9461 g???cm\ud ???3\ud and the FFA content which was 4.6671%

    The Adsorption of Pb(II) Ions on Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Irradiated by Ultrasonic Waves:Kinetic and Thermodynamics Studies

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    The research aim to determine the influence of variations of contact time, pH, and concentration on the \ud adsorption of Pb(II); adsorption capacity; kinetic parameters (reaction order and the value of k) and \ud thermodynamic parameters (Ea, ??G, ??H, ??S) for the adsorption of Pb(II) using rice husk activated carbonwere \ud irradiated with and without ultrasonic waves. Method is making rice husk activated carbon, the effect of\ud variation of time, pH, temperature and concentration. Analysis equation of pseudo first order reactionkinetics \ud and pseudo second order, analysis equation of Langmuir and Freundlich, and thermodynamics. The method of \ud analysis used in this research was the infra-red spectrophotometer (FT-IR), the scanning electron microscopy \ud (SEM). The irradiated activated carbon adsorption capacity is 16.6667 mg/g and without irradiated is 9.8039 \ud mg/g by Langmuir isotherm models. The optimum conditions for adsorption of Pb(II) at 50 minutes contact \ud time, pH 5, temperature 40??C, whereas the concentration of Pb(II) 300 ppm adsorption is still experiencing. The \ud result are suitable with the Langmuir isotherm models. Adsorption kinetics of Pb(II) were irradiated with \ud ultrasonic waves followed the pseudo second order. Beside that thermodynamic parameters of ??H, ??S, ??G and \ud Ea are -11.1075 kJ mole\ud -1\ud , -0.04192 kJ mole\ud -1\ud K, -4.55433 kJ mole\ud -1\ud , 0.80213 kcal. mole\ud -1\ud , respectively

    Praseodymium dithiocarbamate 1,10 phenantroline complexes

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    Seven promethium (Pr) complexes with 1,10-phenantroline were successfully synthesized using in situ methods from the reactions of eight amines with praseodymium(III) salts together with carbon disulphide. Methatesis and condensation were the most successful methods to prepare praseodymium dithiocarbamate 1,10-phenantroline complexes with general formula Pr[S2CNR1R2]3phen (R1 = ethyl, methyl; R2 = butyl, heptyl, isopropyl, isobutyl, benzyl and cyclohexyl; phen= 1,10-phenantroline). These complexes were characterized using elemental analysis, infrared, thermogravimetric analysis and conductivity. Microelemental analysis data were in agreement with the general formula. Infrared spectra of complexes showed the thioureide ν(C-N) bands were in the region of 1454 - 1484 cm-1 and ν(C-H) bands in the region of 2853-2973 cm-1. The single ν(C-S) bands appeared in the region of 959 – 999 cm-1 has proved to be bidentate bonding. The 13C NMR spectroscopic data for these complexes showed that the carbon signal from NCS2 moiety were in the range of 192 – 212 ppm. The crystal structure of Pr[S2CN(CH3)(C7H7)]3phen adopts triclinic system (space group Pī) with a distorted dodecahedron geometry with a = 10.7165(16) A , b = 12.2897(19) A, c = 16.586(2) A, α = 73.887(2)o, β = 74.879(2)o and γ = 71.837(2)o and Z = 2. Three dithiocarbamates and one phenanthroline ligands were coordinated to the central Pr atom in bidentate manner

    A kinetic study of aluminium(III) and chromium(III) adsorption by silica gel chaetoceros calcitrans biomass immobilized on silica gel = kinetika adsorpsi ion logam aluminium(III) dan kromium(III) ...

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    The kinetics of aluminium(M) and chromium(M) adsorption in an adsorbent prepared by immobilization of Chaetoceros calcitrans biomass on silica ge has been investigated. The functional groups which were probable involved in the adsorption processes also identifed. Experimentally, the adsorption was conducted by coloumn and batch method. In this work atomic adsorotion spectrophotomettic techniques was applied indirectly to determine the of the metal ion adsorpted, and infra red spectroscopic technique was used for the identification of functional groups present in the adsorbent. The study included two parts of experiment, i.e. 1) the determination Of rate of adsorptionf and 2) the determination of capacity and energy of adsorption. 1.877 kcaUm le for Cr (III). It was concluded that the adsorption of Al(M) and Cr(M) on Chaetoceros calcitrans immobilized and free Chaetoceros calcitrans adsorbents, may be Key worod mmobilized, Chemical adsorption, functional group

    The Adsorption of Pb(II) Ions on Activated Carbon from Rice Husk, Irradiated by Ultrasonic Waves:Kinetic and Thermodynamics Studies

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    The research aim to determine the influence of variations of contact time, pH, and concentration on the adsorption of Pb(II); adsorption capacity; kinetic parameters (reaction order and the value of k) and thermodynamic parameters (Ea, ?G, ?H, ?S) for the adsorption of Pb(II) using rice husk activated carbon were irradiated with and without ultrasonic waves. Method is making rice husk activated carbon, the effect of variation of time, pH, temperature and concentration. Analysis equation of pseudo first order reaction kinetics and pseudo second order, analysis equation of Langmuir and Freundlich, and thermodynamics. The method of analysis used in this research was the infra-red spectrophotometer (FT-IR), the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The irradiated activated carbon adsorption capacity is 16.6667 mg/g and without irradiated is 9.8039 mg/g by Langmuir isotherm models. The optimum conditions for adsorption of Pb(II) at 50 minutes contact time, pH 5, temperature 40°C, whereas the concentration of Pb(II) 300 ppm adsorption is still experiencing. The result are suitable with the Langmuir isotherm models. Adsorption kinetics of Pb(II) were irradiated with ultrasonic waves followed the pseudo second order. Beside that thermodynamic parameters of ?H, ?S, ?G and Ea are -11.1075 kJ mole-1, -0.04192 kJ mole-1 K, -4.55433 kJ mole-1, 0.80213 kcal. mole-1, respectively. Keywords: adsorption, ultrasonic, metal Pb(II), activated carbon rice husk

    Production of Biodiesel from Lipid of Phytoplankton Chaetoceros calcitrans

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    A research on production of biodiesel from lipid of phytoplankton Chaetoceros calcitrans through ultrasonic method has been done. In this research, we carried out a series of phytoplankton cultures to determine the optimum time of growth and biodiesel synthesis process from phytoplankton lipids. Process of biodiesel synthesis consists of two steps, that is, isolation of phytoplankton lipids and biodiesel synthesis from those lipids. Oil isolation process was carried out by ultrasonic extraction method using ethanol 96%, while biodiesel synthesis was carried out by transesterification reaction using methanol and KOH catalyst under sonication. Weight of biodiesel yield per biomass Chaetoceros calcitrans is 35.35%. Characterization of biodiesel was well carried out in terms of physical properties which are density and viscosity and chemical properties which are FFA content, saponification value, and iodine value. These values meet the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM D6751) standard levels, except for the viscosity value which was 1.14 g·cm−3

    Sintesis Dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Kompleks Pb(II) Dengan Heptilmetilditiokarbamat Serta Potensinya Sebagai Anti Tuberkulosis

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    Senyawa kompleks dari ion logam Pb(II) dengan heptilmetilditiokarbamat\ud dapat disintesis dengan mereaksikan N-heptilmetilamin, karbondisulfida, dan ion\ud logam menggunakan metode in situ. Karakterisasi dilakukan dengan\ud menggunakan melting point Electrothermal, konduktometer, spektrofotometer\ud Uv-Vis, dan spektrofotometer FTIR. Pb(II)-heptilmetilditiokarbamat yang\ud dihasilkan berwarna putih sebanyak 92,20% dengan titik leleh 92,8-94??C. Uji daya hambat\ud senyawa kompleks Pb(II)-heptilmetilditiokarbamat menunjukkan hasil yang\ud efektif sebagai antibakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    The Chlorophyll Production and Hydrogen Produced Potency by Phytoplankton Chaetoceros Calcitrans, Chlorella Vulgaris, Dunaliella Salina, and Porphyridium Cruentum

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    The research about Determination of chlorophyll productivity and potency of hydrogen produced by phytoplankton Chaetoceros calcitrans, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, and Porphyridium cruentum have been done.  It used sea water that was added by Conway medium and vitamin as culture media on the fourth species of phytoplankton test.  Dry biomass of phytoplankton was extracted using acetone p.a. to take the chlorophyll.  Analysis  method  was  carried  out  by  the  sonication  extraction for short  and cheap  in the lysis cell of phytoplankton and UV/VIS spectrophotometer to determine chlorophyll concentration through the Richards and Thompson equation.  The result indicated that phytoplankton C. vulgaris produced the most amount of the chlorophyll and the potency of hydrogen are 72.541 µg/mL and 636,4 L/kg DW successively from the dry biomass 1,4187 g and the higher cell density 3.060 x 104 cell/mL.  The amount of hydrogen indicated that C. vulgaris has potential as the source of renewable energy. Keywords: Chlorella vulgaris, chlorophyll, energy, hydrogen, photosynthesis


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    Sintesis nanopartikel emas telah dilakukan dengan metode reduksi menggunakan ekstrak daun belimbing wuluh yang dimodifikasi dengan 2,4,6-tritiol-1,3,5-triazin untuk sensor melamin. Nanopartikel yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, FT-IR, PSA dan XRD. Hasil analisis menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menunjukkan bahwa telah terbentuk nanopartikel emas yang ditandai dengan munculnya serapan pada panjang gelombang 533,00 nm dengan waktu optimum yaitu 1 hari, dan nanopartikel emas (penambahan TMT) muncul serapan pada panjang gelombang 528 nm dengan waktu optimum 2 hari. Berdasarkan karakterisasi menggunakan FT-IR diduga bahwa senyawa tanin dalam ekstrak daun belimbing yang mampu mereduksi Au3+ menjadi Au0 ditandai dengan pergeseran bilangan gelombang pada gugus O-H, -C-O dan -C=O. Ukuran rata-rata partikel yang dihasilkan yaitu 1899 nm. Selanjutnya karakterisasi dengan menggunakan XRD diperoleh bahwa muncul puncak-puncak pola difraksi pada 2?? yaitu 37,8; 44,0; dan 64,4 yang menunjukkan keberadaan dari nanopartikel emas. Selanjutnya pengaplikasian nanopartikel emas sebagai sensor melamin menunjukkan bahwa nanopartikel emas yang telah dimodifikasi mampu mendeteksi melamin pada konsentrasi 0,1-100 ppm yang ditandai dengan perubahan warna dan pergeseran absorbansi yang diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis
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