896 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Media Pelatihan Dan Tingkat Pendidikan Terhadap Keterampilan Pembuatan Sanitasi Rumah Tinggal Berwawasan Lingkungan Eksperimen Pada Masyarakat Nelayan Di Kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan, 2010

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    The objective of this research is to find out the effects of training media and the level of education on the skill to build the household sanitation based on environmental concern by the fisherman community in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi. The method used was a kind of experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design. The results of this research showed that; (1) the use of training media of model is better than the graphical media (drawing media), (2) there is an interaction found between the use of training media and education level of the fisherman in sanitation building, (3) the high level of education of fisherman in the skill of sanitation, gave a better result of the sanitation building, and (4) the modeling media gave better sanitation skill than the graphical media. It seems that the modeling media of training is better than the graphical media for the fisherman in the sanitation building

    Influence of Eclipta alba on serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity in rabbits

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    Background: Paracetamol is a recognized antipyretic, analgesic drug which produces hepatic necrosis in high doses. Eclipta alba elaborates a vast array of biologically active compounds that are chemically diverse and structurally complex.Methods: Randomized open controlled experimental study Estimated levels of Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Hepatoprotective action of in High doses of Paracetamol on serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity.Results: ALT in all the groups including Control group (A) was (51.8±4.56IU/L). Paracetamol treated group (B) the ALT level increased at 48 hours and continued to be high up to 60 days (136.4±20.73IU/L) then decreased to (113.7±11.35IU/L) at 90 days. AST in all the groups including Control group (A) was (22.5±1.23IU/L). Appropriate antioxidant in appropriate doses as a matter of routine whenever hepatotoxic or potentially hepatotoxic drugs are prescribed. In Paracetamol treated group (B) the AST level increased at 48 hours and continued to be high up to 60 days (99.4±9.73IU/L) then decreased to (85.4±7.39IU/L) at 90 days.Conclusions: Appropriate antioxidant in appropriate doses as a matter of routine whenever hepatotoxic or potentially hepatotoxic drugs are prescribed

    What sow the seeds of hardship for the poorest of the poor? Towards increasing the performance of informal sector in war affected regions of Sri Lanka

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    Less performance of informal sector among the poorest of the poor in the war affected regions in Sri Lanka has been caused by many reasons. Findings of an exploratory study and the factor analysis revealed four important factors namely training and skills, education, social and economic. As the extension of the exploratory study, to test this prediction empirically with a larger sample size, the present study applied a survey method using a questionnaire especially designed based on the initial exploratory study which was conducted inductively. A sample of 300 women headed households engaged in the informal sector participated in this study. The results indicates these four factors significantly predict the performance of informal sector. More specifically, while, economic factors contribute more to the performance of the informal sector, training contributes less. The study also discussed the implication of findings and area for future research. Based on the findings and conclusions, few recommendations are also made to enhance the performance of women headed households in the informal sector

    Kutu Putih Singkong, Phenacoccus Manihoti Matile-ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): Persebaran Geografi Di Pulau Jawa Dan Rintisan Pengendalian Hayati

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    Cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): Geographic distribution in Java and initiation of biological control. Cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Psedococcidae), is a recently introduced pest in Indonesia. Parasitoid Anagyrus lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was imported to control the pest. Studies were conducted to determine geographic distribution of P. manihoti throughout Java, and to evaluate the potential of the parasitoid as a biological control agent. Geographic distribution of the pest was determined through field survey, whereas evaluation of the parasitoid was studied through cage experiment and field release. Our survey revealed that the cassava mealybug has spread throughout Java. Heavy infestations caused shortened and distorted stems, complete defoliation, and stunted growth. In cages containing only mealybugs, all cassava plants (100%) died after two months. Whereas in cages containing both mealybugs and three pairs of parasitoid, rate of parasitization was 25% and plant mortality 20%. Parasitoids released in the field were able to survive, reproduce, and establish under Bogor climatic condition. These might indicate that parasitoid A. lopezi is a potential natural enemy to be used in biological control program of the cassava mealybug

    Morphology and physiology characteristic of some varities of rice under salinity stress

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    This experiment was aimed to evaluate yield potential and adaptability of some varieties of rice based on some morphological and physiological characters. This study was conducted at Paluh Merbau village, Percut Sei Tuan Sub-District, Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera, Indonesia on March 2012 till July 2012. This research was arranged in a randomized block design non factorial with three replications. Eight varieties used are Ciherang, IR 64, Lambur, Batanghari, Banyuasin, IR 42, Inpara 10 and Margasari. Salinity stress in rice leads to changes in both morphological and physiological characters of plants, where the response of each genotype varies depending on the nature of tolerance or sensitivity to salt stress. Observation of growth and production showed that genotif IR 42 had the best growth and the highest production as compared with other varietie

    Erosi Kualitatif Pada Perkebunan Karet Umur 25 Tahun Di Desa Lau Damak Kecamatan Bahorok, Kabupaten Langkat

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    This research was aims to study the qualitative erosion on land cultivation of 25 Years old rubber trees in Lau Damak Village, Bahorok District, Langkat Region. The research was conducted from September-December 2014 by doing field activities and laboratory activities. Field activities was sampling the soil on slope 26-28 % with textured sandy clay loam, then the soil samples were analysed at BPTP Laboratory, Medan. Then the results of the analysis were processed by T-test.The results showed P-available,CEC and clay fraction is significant on slope position, but not significant to N-total, K-dd and C-organic. The highest average of CEC and clay fraction are in the middle of the slope. The highest average N-total and C-organic are in the slope above. The highest average pH, P-available and K-dd are in the lower slopes, the bulk density in each slope have a same value

    Evaluasi Status Hara Tanah Berdasarkan Posisi Lahan Di Kebun Inti Tanaman Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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    Evaluation of soil nutrient status is one way to be able to determine the nutrient needs of the soiland the management techniques that will be performed on an area of land. This study aimed toevaluate the nutrient status of the soil (pH, N, P, K, Ca, Mg) based on the position of the land in thecore Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. It was conducted at the core Gambir Garden PakpakBharat District, North Sumatra on March 2013 until June 2013. The method used in this research isdescriptive method by conducting surveys and soil sampling based on the position of the land whichis on the top of the hill, hillside and valley side. The results showed soil nutrient status of N in CorePlant Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. is likely to increase in the valley compared to the topof the hill and hillside. As for the value of pH and P are highly the same, while the value of K, Caand Mg rate tends to decrease