16 research outputs found

    Integer and fractionalized vortex lattices and off-diagonal long-range order

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    We analyze the implication of off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) for inhomogeneous periodic field configurations and multi-component order parameters. For single component order parameters we show that the only static, periodic field configuration consistent with ODLRO is a vortex lattice with integer flux in units of the flux quantum in each unit cell. For a superconductor with g degenerate components, fractional vortices are allowed. Depending on the precise order-parameter manifold, they tend to occur in units of 1/g of the flux quantum. These results are well known to emerge from the Ginzburg-Landau or BCS theories of superconductivity. Our results imply that they are valid even if these theories no-longer apply. Integer and fractional vortex lattices are transparently seen to emerge as a consequence of the macroscopic coherence and single valuedness of the condensat

    From Dual Unitarity to Generic Quantum Operator Spreading

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    Dual-unitary circuits are paradigmatic examples of exactly solvable yet chaotic quantum many-body systems, but solvability naturally goes along with a degree of non-generic behaviour. By investigating the effect of weakly broken dual-unitarity on the spreading of local operators we study whether, and how, small deviations from dual-unitarity recover fully generic many-body dynamics. We present a discrete path-integral formula for the out-of-time-order correlator and use it to recover a butterfly velocity smaller than the light-cone velocity, vB<vLCv_B < v_{LC} , and a diffusively broadening operator front, two generic features of ergodic quantum spin chains absent in dual-unitary circuit dynamics. We find that the butterfly velocity and diffusion constant are determined by a small set of microscopic quantities and that the operator entanglement of the gates plays a crucial role.Comment: (6+17) pages, 5 figures Accepted versio

    Topologically Enabled Superconductivity

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    Web-based decision support system for patient-tailored selection of antiseizure medication in adolescents and adults: An external validation study

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    Antiseizure medications (ASMs) should be tailored to individual characteristics, including seizure type, age, sex, comorbidities, co-medications, drug allergies, and child-bearing potential. We previously developed a web-based algorithm for patient-tailored ASM selection to assist healthcare professionals in prescribing medication using a decision support application (https://epipick.org). In this validation study, we used an independent dataset to assess whether ASMs recommended by the algorithm are associated with better outcomes than ASMs considered less desirable by the algorithm. Four hundred and twenty-five consecutive patients with newly diagnosed epilepsy were followed for at least one year after starting an ASM chosen by their physician. Patient characteristics were fed into the algorithm, blinded to the physician´s ASM choices and outcome. The algorithm recommended ASMs, ranked in hierarchical groups, with Group-1 ASMs labelled as best option for that patient. We evaluated retention rates, seizure-freedom rates and adverse effects leading to treatment discontinuation. Survival analysis contrasted outcomes between patients who received favored drugs and those who received lower ranked drugs. Propensity score matching corrected for possible imbalances between the groups. ASMs classified by the algorithm as best options had higher retention-rate (79.4% vs. 67.2%; p=0.005), higher seizure freedom rate (76.0% vs. 61.6%; p=0.002), and lower rate of discontinuation due to adverse effects (12.0% vs. 29.2%; p<0.001) than ASMs ranked less desirable by the algorithm. Use of the freely available decision-support system is associated with improved outcomes. This drug-selection application can provide valuable assistance to healthcare professionals prescribing medication for individuals with epilepsy

    Membrane Properties and the Balance between Excitation and Inhibition Control Gamma-Frequency Oscillations Arising from Feedback Inhibition

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    Computational studies as well as in vivo and in vitro results have shown that many cortical neurons fire in a highly irregular manner and at low average firing rates. These patterns seem to persist even when highly rhythmic signals are recorded by local field potential electrodes or other methods that quantify the summed behavior of a local population. Models of the 30–80 Hz gamma rhythm in which network oscillations arise through ‘stochastic synchrony’ capture the variability observed in the spike output of single cells while preserving network-level organization. We extend upon these results by constructing model networks constrained by experimental measurements and using them to probe the effect of biophysical parameters on network-level activity. We find in simulations that gamma-frequency oscillations are enabled by a high level of incoherent synaptic conductance input, similar to the barrage of noisy synaptic input that cortical neurons have been shown to receive in vivo. This incoherent synaptic input increases the emergent network frequency by shortening the time scale of the membrane in excitatory neurons and by reducing the temporal separation between excitation and inhibition due to decreased spike latency in inhibitory neurons. These mechanisms are demonstrated in simulations and in vitro current-clamp and dynamic-clamp experiments. Simulation results further indicate that the membrane potential noise amplitude has a large impact on network frequency and that the balance between excitatory and inhibitory currents controls network stability and sensitivity to external inputs

    Roadmap on data-centric materials science

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    Science is and always has been based on data, but the terms ‘data-centric’ and the ‘4th paradigm’ of materials research indicate a radical change in how information is retrieved, handled and research is performed. It signifies a transformative shift towards managing vast data collections, digital repositories, and innovative data analytics methods. The integration of artificial intelligence and its subset machine learning, has become pivotal in addressing all these challenges. This Roadmap on Data-Centric Materials Science explores fundamental concepts and methodologies, illustrating diverse applications in electronic-structure theory, soft matter theory, microstructure research, and experimental techniques like photoemission, atom probe tomography, and electron microscopy. While the roadmap delves into specific areas within the broad interdisciplinary field of materials science, the provided examples elucidate key concepts applicable to a wider range of topics. The discussed instances offer insights into addressing the multifaceted challenges encountered in contemporary materials research

    Josephson junctions of 2D time-reversal invariant superconductors: signatures of the topological phase

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    We determine the current-phase relation (CPR) of two-terminal configurations of Josephson junctions containing two-dimensional (2D) time-reversal invariant topological superconductors (TRITOPS), including TRITOPS-TRITOPS, as well as junctions between topological and non-topological superconductors (TRITOPS-S). We focus on long junctions for which several channels intervene in the tunneling coupling through the junction. We present a description of the topological edge modes for different TRITOPS models including pp-wave pairing and the combination of ss-wave pairing with spin-orbit coupling. We derive effective low-energy Hamiltonians to describe the Josephson junction, which can be solved analytically to explain the contribution of the edge states to the Josephson current as a function of the phase bias. We find that edge-modes yield singular corrections to the CPR for both junction types. The primary effects occur for the response of the Majorana zero-modes at half-flux quantum phase ϕπ\phi\approx \pi in TRITOPS-TRITOPS junctions and for integer flux quantum phase ϕ0\phi \approx 0 for TRITOPS-S junctions, respectively. The former effect is particularly strong two-component nematic superconductors. The latter effect leads to a spontaneously broken time-reversal symmetry in the TRITOPS-S junction and to a breakdown of the bulk-boundary correspondence