23 research outputs found

    Capacidad floculante de coagulantes naturales en el tratamiento de agua

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    La coagulación es el proceso más importante en el tratamiento del agua, que incluye la remoción de especies en suspensión, mediante la adición de coagulantes químicos, cuyo uso trae desventajas asociadas a altos costos de adquisición, producción de grandes volúmenes de lodo y el hecho de que afectan el pH del agua tratada. Es así que el objetivo fue evaluar la capacidad floculante de tres variedades de Cactáceas Echinopsis pachanoi, Neoraimondia arequipensis y Opuntia ficus en el tratamiento de agua residual artificial. Se aplicaron dosis del 1 %, 2 % y 3 % de coagulante de las tres variedades de Cactáceas extraídas con los tres solventes al agua residual artificial, observándose un incremento significativo (p-value0,05), la DBO del agua con coagulante se incrementó con el porcentaje de aplicación

    BIM en el diseño y construcción de plantas agroindustriales

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    Actualmente en el Perú existe un déficit en infraestructura productiva, en especial en industrias que se dediquen a la transformación de materias primas, lo cual es un problema a la hora de abastecer mercados internacionales y por tanto una barrera al desarrollo económico, en el presente artículo de revisión, se analiza la aplicación del BIM (building information modelling) en el diseño y construcción de plantas agroindustriales. En términos generales el BIM es el modelado de información para la construcción, se aplica ampliamente en el mundo y el país no es la excepción, se trata de un modelo tecnológico para la gestión eficiente de los recursos de un proyecto, utilizando diferentes herramientas virtuales que permiten una optimización de tiempos y costos, además se logra un trabajo colaborativo entre todos los “stakeholders”. La aplicación del BIM en el diseño y ejecución de plantas agroindustriales es posible, debido a que es una actividad que se desarrolla de manera multidisciplinaria y utiliza ingeniería básica, conceptual y de detalle, se reconoce que la fase más importante es el diseño, debido a que en ella es donde se intercambian más ideas y el flujo de información es más dinámica, durante la fase de ejecución los modelos 4D y 5D son apropiados para implementarlos en naves agroindustriales que utilizan módulos y retículas en su estructura. Finalmente, se conocen algunas experiencias de su implementación en plantas agroindustriales del Perú, la literatura actual recomienda su uso en diferentes tipos de proyectos, junto a otras metodologías modernas como el PMI, NEC, G2G, XR entre otros

    Heavy metal removal by biopolymers-based formulations with native potato starch/nopal mucilage

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    The contamination of water bodies by heavy metals is a critical problem for human health and ecosystems, and it can bioaccumulate in organisms to toxic levels and even lead to the living being’s death. This research aimed to synthesize and characterize a biopolymer with the capacity to remove heavy metals in wastewater, elaborated from potato starch, glycerin, and nopal mucilage. Native potato starch of the Allcca sipas variety was extracted by conventional methods; the mucilage was extracted with ethanol. Four formulations of biopolymers were synthesized at 60 and 70 °C. The solubility, structural characteristics, and adsorption capacity of heavy metals were evaluated. Starch, mucilage, and biopolymers presented predominant functional groups as -OH, -C-O-, -NH-, -C-H-, -C-OH determined by FTIR, allowing to remove up to 50.18% of Al, 56.81% of As, 35.95% of Cr, 37.43% of Hg and 73.22% of Pb determined through an ICPE-OES, for a contact time of 100 minutes at pH 5.0, heavy metal removal and solubility were significantly influenced (p-value < 0.05) by the addition of starch and mucilage. The synthesized biopolymers present a high capacity for heavy metal removal in wastewate

    Water quality index in the high-andean micro-basin of the Chumbao river, Andahuaylas, Apurímac, Perú

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    The water quality index (WQI) of a water body, indicates the degree of contamination for a given use, and it is related to the anthropic activities that they provoke around. The objective was to determine the WQI, in the high-Andean micro-basin of the Chumbao River, Andahuaylas, Peru. The section of study was included between the head of the basin (13°46'42.5" S, 73°13'50.0" W and 4 295 m of altitude), and last sampling point (13°35'26.4" S, 73°27'0.8" W and 2 529 m of altitude), with an average slope of 4%. The WQI Dinius was evaluated considering parameters such as oxygen level (DO and BOD5), eutrophication level (NO3 - and PO4 3-), physical characteristics (temperature, turbidity, color and TDS), dissolved substances (alkalinity, hardness, pH, conductivity and chlorides), and microbiological parameters (E. coli and total coliforms); it was sampled during the avenues season (02 lentic points and 08 lotics). The data were collected in triplicate, and analyzed through an ANOVA, Tukey test and Pearson's correlation at 5% significance. It was found that the predominant use of river water is for agriculture, pasture and urbanization; the WQI is divided into three categories Excellent (M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5) close to the head of the micro-basin and the lentic points (Pampahuasi and Paccoccocha lagoons), Acceptable (M6), and excessively contaminated points M7 and M8 outside the urban area downstream (p-value < 0.05); presenting a good negative correlation with the study parameters. In conclusion, the water in areas of low population density is good

    The influence of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of pesticides, physicochemical and microbiological properties in the Chumbao river, Andahuaylas, Perú

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    The province of Andahuaylas is located in the region of Apurimac, a Peruvian city located in the Andes. Andahuaylas has three important districts: San Jerónimo, Andahuaylas and Talavera. These areas are highly populated, and their buildings are close to the Chumbao River. This research aimed to determine the influence of anthropogenic activities on the concentration of pesticides, physicochemical and microbiological characteristics in the Chumbao River. Five agricultural activities, 19 organochlorine pesticides, and 25 organophosphorus pesticides were studied. Eighteen physicochemical properties and two microbiological properties were also studied at seven sampling points along the Chumbao River during the rainy and dry seasons. Several veterinary and agricultural products were identified in the agricultural activities studied. However, no significant concentration values of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides were found; no weed control products were found. In the case of livestock farming, albendazole and ivermectin are frequently used as anthelmintics. Organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides are used to control flies and other ectoparasites. Several pesticides have been identified in the surveys in the case of quinoa, potato, and corn crops. Some of the physicochemical and microbiological properties are above environmental quality standards according to current Peruvian regulations; these properties increase at points where wastewater is discharged directly into the river. The study evidenced a progressive deterioration of water quality in the Chumbao River caused by anthropic activities in the basin. These may cause infectious and parasitic diseases in the urban population of the Chumbao river valley

    Study of the pollution by surfactants in a river of a high Andean micro basin

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    The surfactants linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), is used in large quantities in modern society, and wastewater containing it can contaminate groundwaters through runoff and sewers. The study aimed to determine the level of LAS in the Huatanay river; in Cusco city, Peru. Water samples were taken from nine points along the river, in the rainy and dry season in 2018. LAS surfactants were determined spectrometrically using methylene blue as indicator; dissolved oxygen (DO) and conductivity were also determined; both were correlated through Pearson coefficient at 5% significance, and analyzed in triplicate. The concentration of LAS in the dry season varied between 0.01 to 23.17 mg/L and in rains from 0.09 to 1.47 mg/L; the DO level shows values between 0.11 to 5.04 mg O2/L, and the conductivity varied from 777.7 to 2688.9 µS/cm. In conclusion, high levels of LAS considerably decrease the DO and increase the conductivit

    Cafeína y barrido UV-Vis y el índice de calidad de agua en la microcuenca altoandina del río Chumbao, Andahuaylas, Apurímac, Perú

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    Las fuentes de agua superficial son recursos para las actividades socioeconómicas, sin embargo estas causan alteración y deterioro, este impacto es medido por el índice de calidad del agua (ICA) y recientemente por contaminantes emergentes. El objetivo fue evaluar el nivel de cafeína y el ICA, en la micro cuenca altoandina del rio Chumbao, situada entre 73°38' - 73°11'O y 13°49' - 13°34'S, de 4 800 a 2 000 msnm y área 767,4 km2 . Se evaluó el ICA según la NSF y Dinius considerando parámetros: Nivel de oxigeno (OD y DBO5), Nivel de eutrofización (NO3- y PO4- ), Características físicas (Temperatura, Turbidez, Color y TDS), Sustancias disueltas (Alcalinidad, Dureza, pH, Conductividad y Cloruros), Aspectos de salud (E. coli y Coliformes); la cafeína se determinó por la cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC); el muestreo fue en temporada de avenidas, en 02 puntos lénticos y 08 lóticos. Se encontró que el uso predominante del agua es para agricultura, pastura y urbanización; la microcuenca presenta pendientes de 5,4 % (18,3 km), 2,2 % (11,8 km) y 4,3 % (5,6 km), los parámetros muestran correlación Rs positiva (p-value < 0,05), superando los estándares de calidad para vida acuática en los puntos urbanizados. No se detectó niveles de cafeína (n.d.>1,09 μg/L). El ICA según NSF y Dinius muestra dos categorías Buena y Muy mala para puntos lóticos; y excelente para las lagunas de la cabecera de cuenca, estas características se evidenciaron por un barrido UV-Vis de 200 a 700 nm

    Insights from Water Quality of High Andean Springs for Human Consumption in Perú

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    The headwaters of the high Andean basin in Peru accumulate water from the mist, rain, snow, and hail, and it is transported superficially and underground to low-lying areas, mostly used for drinkable purposes. The natural water in these areas might be altered due to legal and illegal mining extraction. The aim of the study was to evaluate the water quality for human consumption. Seventeen water samples were examined from Andahuaylas (A), San Jerónimo (S), Talavera (T), and Chiara (CH) districts located between 2813 and 4004 m altitude in the Andes. We used physic ochemical, microbiological, and metal parameters, and the results were compared to permissible levels established by the WHO and ECA-Peru to examine samples collected in the dry and rainy seasons in 2019. Application of principal component analysis (PCA) identified areas and conditioning parameters. Extractive mining activity influences the quality of springs due to the presence of metals, especially antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), values of which are higher than values permissible for human consumption, being higher in the dry season (p < 0.05). In addition, the presence of cations and particulate matter affects physico-chemical parameters, for example turbidity. PCA showed that parameters for water characterization are season-independent, and water quality in the springs would be conditioned by the presence of metals, especially in Andahuaylas and Talavera zones, as well as the parameters that are associated with dissolved solids in the water (turbidity and fluorides). A frequent monitoring program of springs and groundwater is recommended, with the purpose to protect water from contamination and guarantee safe water availability in low-lying and urbanized areas

    Residuos β-lactámicos y tetraciclinas en la leche fresca adquirida por Comités de Vaso de Leche de los distritos de San Jerónimo y Andahuaylas, Apurímac, Perú

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the presence of residues of β- lactam antibiotics and tetracyclines, as well as the physicochemical properties of fresh milk acquired by the Glass of Milk Committees of two districts of Apurimac, Peru. Triplicate milk samples were analyzed from 37 and 32 committees in the districts of San Jerónimo and Andahuaylas respectively. Density, acidity, pH, total solids (TS) and alcohol test were determined and compared with the Peruvian Technical Standards (NTP) for fresh milk. The presence of β-lactam and tetracycline antibiotic compounds was determined through the Betastar® colorimetric kit. The physicochemical properties were correlated with the presence of antibiotics through the Pearson coefficient. A principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. Results showed that 10.8% of the milk samples from the San Jerónimo committees were positive for tetracycline, while 9.4 and 3.1% of the San Jerónimo and Andahuaylas committees, respectively, were positive for β-lactams. A high percentage of milk samples were outside the ranges established by the NTP for density, pH, acidity and TS. The PCA analysis shows that acidity and density are the main variables that would would determine the presence of antibiotics.El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la presencia de residuos de antibióticos β-lactámicos y tetraciclinas, así como las propiedades fisicoquímicas de la leche fresca adquirida por los Comités de Vaso de Leche de dos distritos de Apurímac, Perú. Se analizaron muestras de leche por triplicado, provenientes de 37 y 32 comités de los distritos de San Jerónimo y Andahuaylas, respectivamente. Se determinaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas: densidad, acidez, pH, sólidos totales (ST) y prueba de alcohol, las cuales se compararon con las Normas Técnicas Peruanas (NTP) para leche fresca. La presencia de compuestos antibióticos β-lactámicos y tetraciclinas se determinó a través del kit colorimétrico Betastar®. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas se correlacionaron con la presencia de antibióticos a través del coeficiente de Pearson. Se realizó un análisis de componentes principales (ACP). El 10.8% de las muestras de leche provenientes de los comités de San Jerónimo fue positivo para tetraciclina, mientras que el 9.4 y 3.1% de los comités de San Jerónimo y Andahuaylas, respectivamente, fueron positivos para β- lactámicos. Un alto procentaje de las muestras de leche estuvieron fuera de los rangos establecidos por las NTP para densidad, pH, acidez y ST. Del análisis ACP se desprende que la acidez y la densidad son las principales variables que pemitirían determinar la presencia de antibioticos

    Modified Polymeric Biosorbents from Rumex acetosella for the Removal of Heavy Metals in Wastewater

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    The contamination of water resources by effluents from various industries often contains heavy metals, which cause irreversible damage to the environment and health. The objective was to evaluate different biosorbents from the weed Rumex acetosella to remove metal cations in wastewater. Drying, grinding and sieving of the stems was carried out to obtain the biomass, re taining the fractions of 250 to 500 µm and 500 to 750 µm, which served to obtain the biosorbents in natura (unmodified), acidic, alkaline, and mixed. Proximal analysis, PZC, TOC, removal capacity, influence of pH, functional groups, thermal analysis, structural characteristics, adsorption iso therms, and kinetic study were evaluated. The 250 µm mixed treatment was the one that presented the highest removal percentages, mainly due to the OH, NH, -C-H, COOH, and C-O functional groups achieving the removal of up to 96.14% of lead, 36.30% of zinc, 34.10% of cadmium and 32.50% of arsenic. For contact times of 120 min and an optimum pH of 5.0, a loss of cellulose mass of 59% at 328 °C and a change in the surface of the material were also observed, which allowed for obtaining a topography with greater chelating capacity, and the Langmuir and pseudo-second or der models were better fitted to the adsorption data. The new biosorbents could be used in wastewater treatment economically and efficiently