67 research outputs found

    Humanismo, tradición pliniana y manipulación textual: a propósito del mito de la Bugonia en Cardano y Gómez Miedes

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    Análisis de las estrategias y mecanismos de manipulación textual seguidos por el humanista Bernardino Gómez Miedes en un pasaje de la segunda edición de sus Commentarii de sale (Valentiae 1579) con la finalidad de urdir, a partir del mito de la bugonia (Virgilio, Plinio), de la cuestión científica de la generación espontánea (Aristóteles, Cardano) y de la literatura sobre presagios de tempestades (Plinio, Cardano), un milagro en una época tan dada a ellos como fue la que siguió al Concilio de Trento. ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the strategies and mechanisms of textual manipulation used byhumanist Bernardino Gómez Miedesin a passageof the second edition of his Commentarii de sale (Valentiae 1579). His aim was to contrive a miracle in a time so fond of them as it was the one following the Council of Trent. In order to do it, he combined the myth of bugonia (Virgil, Pliny), the scientific matter of spontaneous generation (Aristotle, Cardan) and literature about predicting storms (Pliny, Cardan)

    Análisis terminológico del concepto de vórtice: de Aristóteles a Nebrija

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    Se realiza el comentario filológico de un término filosófico relacionado con el concepto aristotélico de vórtice (antiperístasis), tras su documentación en una obra médica castellana (Salamanca 1569) con el significado de “contraposición”. El objetivo es determinar si este término creado para designar un tipo concreto de movimiento ha mantenido su significado original desde la Antigüedad grecolatina a la Edad Moderna.This paper offers a philological commentary of a philosophical term relatting to the Aristotelian concept of vortex (antiperístasis). The term is documented in a Spanish medical work (Salamanca 1569) with the meaning of “opposition”. The aim is to determine whether the term, which was coined to describe a particular type of movement, has retained its original meaning from Greco-Roman antiquity to the Modern Age

    De ‘condimento vital’ a ‘veneno’: sobre el consumo de sal idóneo en la dieta desde la Antigüedad clásica a nuestros días

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    In 1572, the first monograph on the ‘white gold’ of the Early Modern Period was published in Europe. It constitutes a true essay on diet and health – both physical and mental- in which a moderate use of salt is put forth following geometrical proportions. Thus, basing on this original commentary written in Latin by the Spanish humanist Bernardino Gómez Miedes, texts from different historical periods which make reference to the use and consumption of salt will be examined. The readers will find out that, after centuries during which it was considered a vital and divine seasoning, nowadays salt is regarded as one of the most harmful ‘white poisons’ in human diet. However, some recent medical studies seem to confirm the views of Greco-Roman authors and humanists while questioning this ruthless modern condemnation against a substance of core importance to mankind

    Referencias veladas al Ars de Nebrija en los carmina de Lucio Flaminio Sículo en recomendación de la gramática de Lucio Marineo Sículo

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    http://www.relat.org/relat/index.php/relat/article/view/244Abstract: This paper deals with the study, edition and translation of the poems composed by Gonzalo de Ayora (Gonzalus Aiora) and the Sicilian Lucio Flaminio (Lucius Flaminius Siculus), which were published at the beginning of the De grammatices institucionibus libellus breuis et perutilis (Seville, 1501), a grammar handbook written by the historian Lucio Marineo, also from Sicily (Lucius Marineus Siculus). The veiled references to Nebrija’s Ars (to the third edition of 1495), which were included in the two poems of Flaminio entitled Ad optimam maximamque Helisabellam Hispaniae Siciliaeque reginam and Ad lectorem, have also been analyzed here, after having been discovered their connection with the poem of Arias Barbosa to the reader of Nebrija's Latin Grammar. These pieces of work are also linked to the poems of Pomponio Leto, included in his Grammaticae Compendium (Venice, 1484). Resumen: Estudio, edición y traducción de los poemas de Gonzalo de Ayora (Gonzalus Aiora) y del siciliano Lucio Flaminio (Lucius Flaminius Siculus) que encabezan el De grammatices institucionibus libellus breuis et perutilis (Sevilla, 1501), un manual de gramática compuesto por el historiador también siciliano Lucio Marineo (Lucius Marineus Siculus). El artículo incluye el análisis de las veladas referencias al Ars de Nebrija (a la 3ª edición de 1495) contenidas en los dos poemas de Flaminio titulados Ad optimam maximamque Helisabellam Hispaniae Siciliaeque reginam y Ad lectorem, tras haber sido descubierta su conexión con el poema de Arias Barbosa al lector de la gramática latina del nebrisense. También se vinculan estas composiciones con los poemas de Pomponio Leto incluidos en su Grammaticae Compendium (Venecia, 1484)

    De stilo presso: Plinio el Viejo en las controversias ciceronianas

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    Se analiza el lugar que suele asignarse a Plinio el Viejo en la literatura latina en cuanto al género cultivado, para examinar a continuación el concepto de stilus pressus que, en diversos momentos de las llamadas controversias ciceronianas, los humanistas asignaron al sermo Plinianus como la antítesis perfecta del stilus latus de Cicerón.This paper first analyzes the place usually assigned to Pliny the Elder in Latin literature with respect to his cultivated style. Then it examines the meaning of stilus pressus, which the humanists assigned to sermo Plinianus at different stages of the Ciceronian controversies, because it seemed a perfect antithesis to the stilus latus of Cicero

    La obra latina del converso Paulus Ricius (†1541/42): catalogación bibliográfica

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    Aunque el converso Paulus Ricius, junto con Pico y Reuchlin, sentó las bases para posteriores elucubraciones sobre la «cábala» cristológica y jugó un notable papel en las principales disputas teológicas y filosóficas del momento, sus escritos son prácticamente desconocidos en España y no existe todavía estudio, edición ni traducción de los mismos. En este trabajo se ofrece la edición y traducción de algunas fuentes contemporáneas, un catálogo de todos sus escritos en latín y una actualización bibliográfica sobre la materia.The Latin Works by the Convert Paulus Ricius (d. 1541-42): A Bibliographical Catalog.— Although the convert Paulus Ricius, along with Pico and Reuchlin, settled the basis for further speculations about Christological “Cabala,” and he also played an important role in the theological and philosophical controversies of his time, his writtings are nearly unknown in Spain and they have not been studied, edited or translated yet. This article offers the edition and translation of some contemporary sources, a catalogue of all his works written in Latin and a bibliographical updating about the subject

    De litteris Latinis Latine docendis: El comentario humanístico de textos clásicos y su aplicación didáctica en la actualidad

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    This article discusses the application in the classroom of the Latin paraphrasis and the humanistic commentaries and relates this ancient instructional resource to the modern concept of “linguistic mediation”. The first commentary published in Spain in 1504 on Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia by Lucius Flaminius Siculus is examined along with some additional statements on Pliny’s work from the commentary by Martinho de Figueiredo published later in Lisbon (1529). Pliny’s Naturalis Historia, which was used in Europe during the Renaissance as a university textbook, was very helpful to students, as Flaminius in Salamanca and Figueiredo in Lisbon explained with remarkable success in the Latin language to audiences of scholars and students

    “La Naturalis Historia de Plinio el Viejo: lectura en clave humanística de un clásico”

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    The present piece of work faces the issue of how to encourage nowadays the reading of the Naturalis Historia by Pliny the Elder in its original language. It aims to show that the Naturalis Historia, considered by some scholars simply as “the oldest preserved Encyclopedia”, or as a  ʺliterary monstrosityʺ, is mainly a classical masterpiece. In order to accomplish that, the so called “via humanistica” and the recovery of the concept of “chrestomathy” will be proposed as useful resource

    Gómez Miedes, Bernardino

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    Bio-bibliografía de Bernardino Gómez Miedes,. Alcañiz (Teruel), c. 1515 – Albarracín (Teruel), 4.XII.1589. Prelado, humanista e historiador