425 research outputs found

    A Trip Intensity Model on Shopping Travel to the Traditional Market in Makassar City

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    The present study aims to analyze the travel behaviors of traditional market’s visitors in Makassar City, Indonesia, such as the visitor characteristics, trip chain, and the travel attributes of the visitors. In further, the present study models the trip intensity of the traditional market visitors using the multiple linear regression approach. The study carried out an interview survey on the visitors of Niaga Daya traditional market, one of the biggest traditional markets in the city. The interview survey based on a questionnaire sheet was conducted during the operation time of the market for two days, one day of weekday and one day of weekend. The analysis results show that the majority of the traditional market’s visitors are women and their profession as housewife. In addition, the trip chain of the visitors is dominated by the home-market-home pattern, and most of the visitors used a motorcycle. Furthermore, the results of the visitor intensity model to the traditional market show that the multiple linear regression model used is enough significant in the acceptance of the model. The model analysis revealed that the occupation, the household income, the travel distance, and the travel cost of the visitors have influenced significantly the visitor’s intensity in conducting the shopping travel to the traditional market. The study results provide an expectation in order to develop the continued travel behavior models such as the arrival time choice and the travel mode choice models of the visitors in further studies

    Studi Model Hubungan Volume–kecepatan–kepadatan Pada Jalan Perkotaan Tipe 2 Lajur Dan 4 Lajur Tak Terbagi (2ud Dan 4ud)

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    Pada beberapa lokasi prasarana jalan tipe 2 arah tak terbagi baik untuk tipe 2 lajur (2/2UD) maupun tipe 4 lajur (4/2UD) pada kota-kota besar di Indonesia, permasalahan kemacetan dan tundaan arus lalulintas sudah sering terjadi. Untuk mencari solusi manajemen lalulintas pada penanganan prasarana jalan tersebut, maka terlebih dahulu diperlukan studi mengenai karakteristik arus lalulintas secara umum dan model hubungan antar karakteristik arus lalulintas tersebut secara khusus. Dalam konteks tersebut, studi ini bertujuan menganalisis model hubungan antar karakteristik volume (V), kecepatan (S) dan kepadatan (D) arus lalulintas, untuk selanjutnya mengevaluasi model hubungan V-S-D yang sesuai dengan kondisi arus lalulintas yang ada.Survai data pada ruas jalan tipe 2/2 UD dilakukan pada 3 ruas jalan, yaitu Jl. Abd. Dg. Sirua, Jl. Yos Sudarso, dan Jl. Lanto Dg. Pasewang di Kota Makasaar. Untuk jalan tipe 4/2UD survai dibatasi pada ruas Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan dan Jl. St. Alauddin. Pengambilan data studi meliputi data volume lalulintas, kecepatan lalulintas, kondisi geometrik jalan, dan data faktor-faktor penyesuaian kondisi jalan dan wilayah studi. Metode pengambilan data volume dan kecepatan lalulintas dilakukan dengan metode manual count, untuk data geometrik jalan dan beberapa data faktor penyesuaian jalan, dilakukan dengan observasi langsung pada ruas jalan tersebut di atas. Sedangkan data faktor penyesuaian lainnya, diperoleh dengan cara survai sekunder pada instansi terkait. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama 1 minggu, yaitu Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jumat, dan Sabtu, dengan periode waktu survai dilakukan pada periode jam puncak, yaitu pukul 07.00‑09.00, 12.00-14.00, dan 16.00-18.00 WITA. Analisis data karakteristik lalulintas didasarkan pada metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997. Sedangkan studi model matematis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis model Greenshield, model Greenberg, dan model Underwood. Untuk evaluasi model yang sesuai, dilakukan analisis nilai koefisien korelasi (r) dari setiap model yang ada.Dari hasil analisis dan evaluasi model terlihat bahwa untuk ruas jalan tipe 2/2UD, model hubungan V-S-D yang sesuai untuk Jl. Abd. Dg. Sirua adalah model Greenberg, untuk Jl. Yos Sudarso mengikuti model Greenshield, sedangkan untuk ruas Jl. Lanto Dg. Pasewang lebih mengikuti model Underwood. Adapun untuk ruas jalan tipe 4/2UD, model hubungan V-S-D yang sesuai untuk ruas Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan adalah mengikuti model Greenberg, sedangkan untuk ruas Jl. Sultan Alauddin, mengikuti model Greenshield.Kata

    Studi Kinerja Ruas Dan Persimpangan Di Kawasan Lapangan Karebosi Pada Jln. Jend. Sudirman Di Kota Makassar

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    Permasalahan kemacetan dan antrian di Kota Makassar pada umumnya terjadi pada persimpangan (baik persimpangan bersinyal maupun tak bersinyal), khususnya pada area sebelum dan atau kaki simpang. Dalam konteks pemecahan masalah tersebut, studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja pelayanan pada ruas dan persimpangan Jalan Jend. Sudirman – jalan G. Bawakaraeng – jalan R.A.Kartini.Survei data yang dilakukan meliputi pencatatan volume lalu lintas, jumlah jenis kendaraan, tundaan, pengukuran geometrik jalan. Survei dilakukan pada hari sabtu sampai jumat.Adapun periode waktu survei terdiri dari jam 07.00 - 10.00, 11.00 - 14.00, dan 15.00 - 18.00. Analisis kinerja persimpangan meliputi parameter derajat kejenuhan , panjang antrian, tundaan, tingkat pelayanan, yang megacu pada MKJI 1997.Dari hasil analisa data diperoleh nilai-nilai kinerja persimpangan pada kondisi puncak derajat kejenuhan 0,9, panjang antrian 72 smp pada pendekat Jl. G. Bawakaraeng tingkat pelayanan sebesar 7.080,6 hal ini menunjukkan bahwa persimpangan jl. Jend. Sudirman – jl. G. Bawakaraeng – jl. R.A Kartini berada pada tingkat pelayanan E.Kata

    The changing of oral argumentation process of grade XI students through Socratic dialogue

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    Arguments are one of the important purposes in the modern era of learning because it is the basic step to promote student’s critical thinking process and science literacy. Argumentation process can be trained through interactive dialogue that provides opportunities for students to argue. This research aims to change oral argumentation process in biology class of high school through the application of the Socratic Dialogue. The participants were students of grade XI science in one high school located in Surakarta, selected purposively. A classroom action research was done collaboratively between student teacher, lecturers, and teacher, follow the spiral cycles of research by Stephen Kemmis. During the implementation of research, the audio recorder has prepared to record the dialogue and arguments of the students. Next, data recorded that was converted to a dialogue transcript analyzed qualitatively using the Toulmin Argumentation Patterns (TAP). Another data source is teacher’s reflective diaries that contained notes during the learning process. The result shows that student’s oral argumentation process found were only claiming supported by weak warrants. Implementation of the Socratic Dialogue brings positive changes in oral argumentation process of the students, proven by the complete argumentation pattern include claims, data, warrants, backings, and rebuttals at the end of the research cycle. A classroom action research which is developed collaboratively and implement interactive dialogue also inquiry learning is highly recommended to change student’s oral argumentation process

    Hubungan Karakteristik Individu dan Beban Kerja dengan Kinerja Perawat di Ruang Instalasi Rawat Inap RSU Haji Makassar

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    Lowering of service indicator at Bedridden Room, which one of them is caused by the low of nurse performance. This research aim to know the relation of individual characteristic and work load with nurse performance in Bedridden Room of General Hospital Haji Makassar.Research method is analitic observational with cross sectional studi design. Number of samples 32. Sampling is done in sampling total. The relation of between variables is tested with chi square. Result of research express that there are no relation between individual characteristic with nurse performance, either from personal aspect and also profession, nor there is relation between work load with nurse performance, either from personal aspect and also profession. Research conclusion is there are no relation between individual characteristic and work load with nurse performance in Bedridden Installation General Hospital Haji Makassar. For the side management of General Hospital Haji Makassar to apply system division of fair service and flattens, so that nurse performance becomes more maximum. The importance of done mutation regularly, so that the nurses doesnt feel saturate with place of duty they now. Key Words: Individual Characteristic, Work Load, Performance, Nurse

    Analisis Lalu Lintas Pada Jl. Abd. Dg. Sirua Akibat Pembangunan Jalan Alternatif Di Kota Makassar

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    Kota Makassar, sebagai pintu gerbang kawasan Indonesia Timur, perlu menyediakan segala sarana dan prasarana kota, termasuk jalan akses menuju ke pusat kota. Salah satu jalan alternatif yang akan dibangun di Makassar adalah Jl. Abd. Dg. Sirua, yang dapat menghubungkan pusat kota dengan daerah di bagian selatan. Dalam membangun jalan alternatif tersebut perlu diindentifikasi pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja sistem lalu lintas. Studi ini bertujuan memprakirakan dampak pembangunanan jalan alternatif terhadap kinerja sistem lalu lintas. Pengambilan data meliputi data primer, yang diperoleh melalui survey lapangan, dan data sekunder, yang diperoleh melalui survey institusional. Analisis dilakukan dengan membandingkan karakteristik lalu lintas sebelum dan sesuadah jalan alternatid beroperasi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terjadi Perubahan karakteristik lalu lintas setelah jalan alternatif beroperasi., yaitu derajat kejenuhan berubah dari 0,67 menjadi 0,33, tingkat pelayanan dari C menjadi A, dan kecepatan lalu lintas dari 29 km/jam menjadi 48 km/jam. Kata

    Sterilization Study: Vasectomy and Tubectomy

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    Birth planning for a couple from the first and subsequent births can be arranged so that the welfare of the community increases and other undesirable things can be anticipated from afar. The methods include using contraception or prevention of pregnancy and family planning. Sterilization is to spay a man or woman by operating (in general) so as not to produce offspring. Sterilization for men (vasectomy) and women (tubectomy). Procedurally, vasectomy in men is relatively simpler than tubectomy while the procedure for tubectomy is a bit complicated and complex

    Normal soaking extraction (NSE) of rotenone from Derris elliptica

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    Derris elliptica or the tuba plant contains rotenone, bio-active compound known that has the potential to be used as bio-pesticide. Bio-pesticide is the best-known alternative bio-pesticide which has the potential to replace the use of conventional pesticides, as it is more environmentally friendly. The main objective of the paper is to obtain the best extraction solvent for optimizing the yield in rotenone extraction. Rotenone was extracted from Derris root using three different parts of roots and three types of solvent in Normal Soaking Extraction (NSE). The types of Derris roots are: (1) Fine root (2) Coarse root (3) Stem. The three types of solvent system are: (1) Acetone 95 % (v/v), (2) Chloroform 99.9 % (v/v) and (3) a mixture of ethanol: H2O (9:1) added with oxalic acid (1mg/ml). The liquid crude extracts were further cleaned up to remove the fine debris of roots. The presence of rotenone was confirmed using qualitative analysis Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and thereupon the determination of rotenone content was carried out using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). From the results obtained, it was found that the Normal Soaking Extraction (NSE) using acetone 95 % (v/v) was the best method to extract the highest yield of rotenone; 1.14 % (w/w)

    The Optimization of Microbus-Based Public Transportation Facilities in Jayapura City

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    Public transport services will work well if there is a balance between supply and demand. The research aimed to analyze the performance and the needs for the number of public transportation facilities based on the microbuses in Jayapura City. The types of the public transports, which would be discussed, were the microbuses which operated in 12 routes of the total routes of 26 in Jayapura city; those were B1, B2, B3, B4, J1, J2, K, I1, E, G, IA and I. The analyses of the performance and the demand for number of public transports were analyzed based on the load factor and the break event in accordance with the value of the vehicles operating costs (BOK) in setting tariffs. The research results indicated that the standard performance value of the public transport route code of K, I1, G, IA were categorized as less, while the routes of B1, B2, B3, B4, J1, J2, E and IB were categorized as medium. The microbuses demand was only 50% of the total microbuses now operating in Jayapura city
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