3,477 research outputs found

    Studies on properties and estimation problems for modified extension of exponential distribution

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    The present paper considers modified extension of the exponential distribution with three parameters. We study the main properties of this new distribution, with special emphasis on its median, mode and moments function and some characteristics related to reliability studies. For Modified- extension exponential distribution (MEXED) we have obtained the Bayes Estimators of scale and shape parameters using Lindley's approximation (L-approximation) under squared error loss function. But, through this approximation technique it is not possible to compute the interval estimates of the parameters. Therefore, we also propose Gibbs sampling method to generate sample from the posterior distribution. On the basis of generated posterior sample we computed the Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters and constructed 95 % highest posterior density credible intervals. A Monte Carlo simulation study is carried out to compare the performance of Bayes estimators with the corresponding classical estimators in terms of their simulated risk. A real data set has been considered for illustrative purpose of the study.Comment: 22,

    Integrating three pillars of sustainability for evaluating the modular construction building

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sustainability performance of modular construction from a life cycle perspective. So far, the sustainability performance of modular buildings has been explored from a life cycle viewpoint. There is no comprehensive study showing which material is the best choice for modular construction considering all three sustainable pillars. Therefore, a life cycle sustainability performance framework, including the three-pillar evaluation framework, was developed for different modular buildings. The materials are concrete, steel and timber constructed as a modular construction method. Design/methodology/approach – Transitioning the built environment to a circular economy is vital to achieving sustainability goals. Modular construction is perceived as the future of the construction industry, and in combination with objective sustainability, it is still in the evaluation phase. A life cycle sustainability assessment, which includes life cycle assessment, life cycle cost and social life cycle assessment, has been selected to evaluate alternative materials for constructing a case study building using modular strategies. Subsequently, the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method was used to compute the outranking scores for each modular component. Findings – The calculated embodied impacts and global warming potential (GWP) showed that material production is the most critical phase (65%–88% of embodied energy and 64%–86% of GWP). The result of embodied energy and GWP shows timber as an ideal choice. Timber modular has a 21% and 11% lower GWP than concrete and steel, respectively. The timber structure also has 19%and 13% lower embodied energy than concrete and steel. However, the result of the economic analysis revealed that concrete is the most economical choice. The cost calculations indicate that concrete exhibits a lower total cost by 4% compared to timber and 11% higher than steel structures. However, the social assessment suggests that steel emerges as the optimal material when contrasted with timber and concrete. Consequently, determining the best single material for constructing modular buildings becomes challenging. To address this, the MCDM technique is used to identify the optimal choice. Through MCDM analysis, steel demonstrates the best overall performance. Originality/value – This research is valuable for construction professionals as it gives a deliberate framework for modular buildings’ life cycle sustainability performance and assists with sustainable construction materials

    Leachate treatment technique utilizing fly ash as a low cost sorbent

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    This study was carried out to design a system for the inexpensive treatment of ash pond effluent or leachate. Twelve different coals were burned in three different types of coal fired boilers to determine the influence of coal composition, ash fusion temperatures, boiler additives, combustion conditions and co-firing of natural gas or oil with the coal, on the composition of the fly ash and bottom ash as well as the leaching and sorbate characteristics of the fly ash produced. The trace elemental analysis consisting of Ti, Cd, Sn, Ni, Pb, Mo, Cu, Cr. Zn, Mn, Ba, and V in the twelve coals and their respective fly and bottom ashes. In addition, the leaching characteristics of the fly ashes with respect to pH, Cd, B, Sn, Ni, Pb, Mo, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn and Fe have been defined. The results indicate that in the combustion of low ash fusion coals, the Sn, Ni, Mo, Cu, Cr and Mn tend to concentrate in the bottom ash, whereas the Ti, Zn and Ba tend to concentrate in the fly ash. For the high fusion coal, Sn, Cd, Pb, Mo, Cu, Cr, Ba and V in the parent coal concentrate in the bottom ash and Ti, Ni, Zn and Mn in the fly ash. An increase in boiler temperatures were observed to favor lower concentrations of the above trace elements in fly ash particles produced from low ash fusion coals. Also, smaller fly ash particles were found to contain higher concentrations of the above trace elements when compared to that present in larger fly ash particles produced from the same coal. The addition of the additive LPA-40 (which contains sulfur compounds to alter the sensitivity of the fly ash) to the combustion gases appears partially responsible for the amount of sulfur found on the surface of the fly ash particles. Leaching of Cd, B, Sn, Ni, Pb, Mo, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mu and Fe from the fly ash was found to be directly proportional to (1) the amount of these trace elements present in the fly ash, (2) decrease in pH, (3) decreases in boiler temperatures and (4) increases in ash fusion temperatures. Fly ash particles which in general leached the least amount of the above elements exhibited the best sorbate characteristics

    Pengaruh Penerapan Strategi Belajar Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Ricete, Riview terhadap Keterampilan Membaca Siswa SD

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    The purpose of the research is to analyse the effect of the USAge of learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak. The method that has been used was experiment method with forms of Pre-experimental design in the stake one group pretest posttest design. Research population of the entire fifth grad consists of 24 students in 15thstate elementary school in south Pontianak. The research sample was a class sample that is class fifth. Based on the result of data analysis, the mean of pre test was 63,26 and the mean of post test was 69,56. The hypothesis test result using t-test (Polled Variance) with dk 22 on 5 % significant level as known as table t = 1,717 obtained count (table t = 1,717). Then Ha accepted and Ho rejected. It could be conclude that there is an learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak. The result of the calculation on the effect size is 1,02 (high criteria). It means that the USAge of learning strategies preview, question, read, reflect, ricete, review gave high influence (effect) on fifth grade child story reading students' skills in 15th state elementary school in south Pontianak

    Effects of sublethal doses of gossypol on haematological properties and biochemical metabolites of male rabbit

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    [EN] The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of two sublethal doses of gossypol (GOS) (4 and 20 mg/kg of body weight), administered every other day, on some haematological, biochemical, enzymatic and electrolytic properties and amino and fatty acids in male rabbit blood plasma. The experiment lasted for 16 wk and included two phases: 1) administration period; rabbits were given the experimental doses of GOS for 8 wk; and 2) recovery period; rabbits were allowed 8 wk for complete withdrawal of drugs from the plasma. Results showed that low levels of gossypol increased (P<0.01) haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and white blood cells compared to control. Plasma total protein was increased (P<0.01) by the low GOS dose in both experimental phases. Likewise, glucose concentration was increased (P<0.01) by the high GOS dose during the recovery period. Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes were increased (P<0.01) by the high dose of GOSRamadan, T.; Rashad, A. (2019). Effects of sublethal doses of gossypol on haematological properties and biochemical metabolites of male rabbit. World Rabbit Science. 27(4):237-248. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.11253OJS237248274Abou-Donia M.B. 1976. Physiological effects and metabolism of gossypol. Residue Rev., 61: 125-160. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-9401-3_5Arieli A. 1998. Whole cottonseed in dairy cattle feeding: a review. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol., 72: 97-110. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0377-8401(97)00169-7Armstrong W.D., Carr C.W. 1964. Physiological Chemistry Laboratory Directions. 3rd ed. Burges Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN.Association of Official Analytical Chemists 1995. Official methods of analysis. 16th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA.Barham D., Trinder P. 1972. 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    Recurrent neuro fuzzi controller power system stabilizer

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    Power system stabilizers (PSS) have been widely used to damp low frequency electromechanical oscillations which occur in power systems due to disturbances. If no adequate damping is available, the oscillation can increase and cause system separation. Power system stabilizers (PSS) are installed in power system generator to help the damping of power system oscillations. There are many approaches to enhance damping while extending the power stability limit. To improve power system stabilizer (PSS) design problem include optimal control ,adaptive and self-tuning control, PID control, robust control, variable structure control and intelligent control. In this paper the power stabilizer is based on Recurrent Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (RNFIS) design controller. In order to test the robustness of the proposed design procedure of the (RNFIS), simulations will be carried out for the three-phase to ground fault and 1- phase fault at the middle of one of the transmission line. After these simulations, we will compare the result between a lead-lag and recurrent neuro-fuzzy controllers to see their difference in disturbances. The optimal solutions will be compared where the expected result will show that the oscillations in time response of the machine speed and the rotor angle is damped more effectively when the recurrent neuro-fuzzy controller and applied to the system


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    The main objective of this paper is experimental study of pack carburizing of carbon steels (AISI 1020) by using two parameters (holding time and carburizing temperature). This study was conducted by using electrical furnace. This process is carried out at temperatures of 950°C for durations time 90 minutes. From the experiment, the surface hardness and thickness of carbon layer was different according to the parameters used. The quenching medium that uses in this experiment is water, oil, sea water and air. For carburizing temperature at 950°C, the highest of surface hardness value for air is 128 HV that carburized for 90 minutes, the highest of surface hardness value for water is 224 HV that carburized for 90 minutes. For carburizing temperature of 950°C, the highest of surface hardness value for sea water is 166.9 HV that carburized for 90 minutes and for carburizing temperature at 950°C which is the highest of surface hardness value for oil is 126 HV. The thickness of carbon layer was between 40μm to 120μm. The result indicates the carburizing process accelerates the diffusion of carbon atoms into the surface, thus increasing the thickness of carburized layer as well as the surface hardness

    The Higgs Potential in the Type II Seesaw Model

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    We perform in the type II seesaw setting, a detailed study of the dynamical features of the corresponding general renormalizable doublet/triplet Higgs potential that depends on five dimensionless couplings and two mass parameters after spontaneous symmetry breaking, and highlight the implications for the Higgs phenomenology. In particular, we determine i) the complete set of tree-level unitarity constraints on the couplings of the potential and ii) the exact tree-level {\sl all directions} boundedness from below constraints on these couplings. When combined, these constraints delineate precisely the theoretically allowed parameter space domain within our perturbative approximation. Among the seven physical Higgs states of this model, the mass of the lighter (heavier) CP-even state h0 (H0) will always satisfy a theoretical upper (lower) bound that is reached for a critical value mu_c of mu (the mass parameter controlling triple couplings among the doublet/triplet Higgses). Saturating the unitarity bounds we find m_h0 < {\cal O}(0.7 - 1 TeV), while the upper bound for the remaining Higgses lies in the several tens of TeV. However, the actual masses can be much lighter. We identify two regimes corresponding to mu > mu_c and mu < mu_c. In the first regime the Higgs sector is typically very heavy and only h0 that becomes SM-like could be accessible to the LHC. In contrast, in the second regime, somewhat overlooked in the literature, most of the Higgs sector is light. In particular the heaviest state H0 becomes SM-like, the lighter states being the CP-odd Higgs, the (doubly) charged Higgses and a decoupled h0, possibly leading to a distinctive phenomenology at the colliders.Comment: 55 pages, 9 figures, no major changes, references added, a comment added to sec 3.1, typos correcte