13 research outputs found

    Mejora de la plataforma de e-learning Moodle utilizando redes neuronales

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    El presente trabajo describe las mejoras posibles de implementar sobre la plataforma de e-learning Moodle. En la primera parte se menciona la situación actual de la utilización de la plataforma. En la segunda, se plantean las ventajas y desventajas del uso de Moodle. En la tercera parte, se presenta el modelado de usuario como alternativa para la personalización de contenidos y se describe el modelo de red neuronal a utilizar para la adaptación de perfiles de estudiantes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Coidentificación de intervenciones urbano-territoriales

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    Introducción – Justificación – Procedimiento – Cartografía del proceso – ¿Cómo leer las fichas? – Producto del curso – Sistematización: Resultados por Departamento – Introducción – ¿Cómo leer las fichas? – Resumen general de resultados – Artigas – Canelones – Colonia – Durazno – Maldonado – Paysandú – Río Negro – Rocha – Salto – Tacuarembó – Listado de Propuestas – Comentario final – Estructura Metodológica General – Anexo – Bibliografía

    Segmentación de imágenes de satélite usando modelos ocultos de campos markovianos

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    Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis se implementó y probó un nuevo método de clasificación en imágenes de satélite, es una forma de clasificación no supervisada que permite identificar simultáneamente las regiones (o clases) que particionan la imagen y el modelo de firmas espectrales correspondiente a cada una de ellas

    Manejo de las terapias hormonales para el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata avanzado hormonodependiente: evaluación Fármaco - Económica del tratamiento con Degarelix - Firmagon ® frente a Triptorelina genérica

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    Objective: This is a pharmacoeconomic evaluation of two therapy schedules using drugs with different modes of action: Degarelix and triptorelin in the treatment of patients with advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer. Methods: We reviewed the literature on the standard treatment for these patients, early and late effects of existing therapies, and we also performed a valuation using the Comprehensive Cost Treatment EsSalud (Peruvian Social Security) rates. Results: The Comprehensive Cost Treatment is S/. 10 793 for a patient using Degarelix and S/. 12 251 for a patient using generic triptorelin, so the therapy with the GnRH antagonist generates S/. 1 458 savings per patient. Conclusions: This represents S/. 1,008,017 savings for all patients with advanced hormone-dependent prostate who attend to EsSalud, with the added advantage that there are no extra costs with the use of Degarelix because of the absence of complications due to any flare effect.Objetivo: Evaluación farmacoeconómica de dos tratamientos con drogas de distinto mecanismo de acción: Degarelix y triptorelina en el manejo de pacientes con cáncer de próstata avanzado hormonodependiente. Material y método: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura sobre el tratamiento estándar de estos pacientes, efectos tempranos y tardíos de las terapias existentes y además una valoración de Costo Integral del Tratamiento usando el tarifario de Essalud. Resultados: El Costo Integral del Tratamiento, es S/ 10 793 para un paciente que usa Degarelix y S/ 12 251 para un paciente que usa triptorelina genérica; es decir, la terapia con el antagonista de la GnRH genera un ahorro de S/ 1 458 por paciente. Conclusiones: Este ahorro representa S/ 1 008 017 para el total de pacientes con cáncer de próstata avanzado hormonodependiente que se atienden en Essalud, a nivel nacional, con la ventaja adicional que Degarelix no genera costos adicionales por complicaciones producto del efecto Flare

    Antiga Casa J. Xancó Cotchet

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    Botiga de roba d'home, fundada el 1820. Ubicada a La Rambla, 80. L'establiment ocupa el local esquerre de l'edifici que afronta a La Rambla

    Cereria Lluís Codina

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    Fundada l'any 1825, està ubicada al carrer del Bisbe, 2. L'establiment disposa de tres portals, dos aparadors en els laterals i en el central es disposa la porta d'accés

    El Ingenio

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    Bener Escalé (escultor)Botiga i taller artesanal de producció de figuretes de cartó pedra, així com productes de diversió, joc, màgia i espectacle. Va ser fundada el 1838 al carrer Rauric, 6 per l'escultor Benet Escalé

    In Vivo Low-Temperature Plasma Ionization Mass Spectrometry (LTP-MS) Reveals Regulation of 6-Pentyl-2H-Pyran-2-One (6-PP) as a Physiological Variable during Plant-Fungal Interaction

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) comprises a broad class of small molecules (up to ~300 g/mol) produced by biological and non-biological sources. VOCs play a vital role in an organism’s metabolism during its growth, defense, and reproduction. The well-known 6-pentyl-α-pyrone (6-PP) molecule is an example of a major volatile biosynthesized by Trichoderma atroviride that modulates the expression of PIN auxin-transport proteins in primary roots of Arabidopsis thaliana during their relationship. Their beneficial relation includes lateral root formation, defense induction, and increased plant biomass production. The role of 6-PP has been widely studied due to its relevance in this cross-kingdom relationship. Conventional VOCs measurements are often destructive; samples require further preparation, and the time resolution is low (around hours). Some techniques enable at-line or real-time analyses but are highly selective to defined compounds. Due to these technical constraints, it is difficult to acquire relevant information about the dynamics of VOCs in biological systems. Low-temperature plasma (LTP) ionization allows the analysis of a wide range of VOCs by mass spectrometry (MS). In addition, LTP-MS requires no sample preparation, is solvent-free, and enables the detection of 6-PP faster than conventional analytical methods. Applying static statistical methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discriminant Factorial Analysis (DFA) leads to a loss of information since the biological systems are dynamic. Thus, we applied a time series analysis to find patterns in the signal changes. Our results indicate that the 6-PP signal is constitutively emitted by T. atroviride only; the signal shows high skewness and kurtosis. In A. thaliana grown alone, no signal corresponding to 6-PP is detected above the white noise level. However, during T. atroviride-A. thaliana interaction, the signal performance showed reduced skewness and kurtosis with high autocorrelation. These results suggest that 6-PP is a physiological variable that promotes homeostasis during the plant-fungal relationship. Although the molecular mechanism of this cross-kingdom control is still unknown, our study indicates that 6-PP has to be regulated by A. thaliana during their interaction

    Towards a Circular Economy of Plastics: An Evaluation of the Systematic Transition to a New Generation of Bioplastics

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    Plastics have become an essential part of the modern world thanks to their appealing physical and chemical properties as well as their low production cost. The most common type of polymers used for plastic account for 90% of the total production and are made from petroleum-based nonrenewable resources. Concerns over the sustainability of the current production model and the environmental implications of traditional plastics have fueled the demand for greener formulations and alternatives. In the last decade, new plastics manufactured from renewable sources and biological processes have emerged from research and have been established as a commercially viable solution with less adverse effects. Nevertheless, economic and legislative challenges for biobased plastics hinder their widespread implementation. This review summarizes the history of plastics over the last century, including the most relevant bioplastics and production methods, the environmental impact and mitigation of the adverse effects of conventional and emerging plastics, and the regulatory landscape that renewable and recyclable bioplastics face to reach a sustainable future