86 research outputs found

    Pathways to Openness in NWL Research: The Case of Open Data

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    Open Science is an approach promoted by the European Commission that has been developing internationally for about ten years. In the field of research on NWL, however, the difficulties for opening up research have led to intrinsic, ongoing debates. A subtle aspect of this situation relates the poor appropriation and utilisation of scientific research products in the pedagogical field by potential users (stakeholders in the education and training system). As a matter of fact, educational data extracted from Learning Management Systems and Social Networks pose ethical problems as well as data literacy challenges both for the researchers (making data readable and usable) and  the end users (reading and using data). Therefore, the specific case of Open Data (a relevant and innovative part of the Open Science scheme) should be discussed as a resource for NWL research. Data produced in this field is not limited to educational data-mining procedures, but encompasses a variety of research methodologies that yield diversified types of data, which in time implicates diversified ways of treating, sharing, and using them. Learning some of these principles and tools, and discussing them in the context of our current practices as researchers in the field of NWL, could be a starting point toward unraveling problems and coordinating efforts for further action

    Exploring the geographies of academic social network sites from a socio-technical perspective: An investigation of scientific literature in Spanish

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    Academic social network sites (ASNS) like ResearchGate and Academia.edu can be analysed as techno-cultural systems through which researchers perform a number of tasks and roles that can be collectively defined as digital scholarship. This study sets out to map empirical Spanish-language research studies on the use of ResearchGate and Academia.edu among scholarly communities. The aim is to verify possible research gaps regarding shared scholarly knowledge and networked learning supported by ASNS. The study is based on a theoretical framework which treats ASNS as networked socio-technical systems that encompass systemic dimensions and individual usage as strictly intertwined elements influencing each other. This occurs at three levels: 1) the socio-economic level, which includes components like ownership, governance, and business model; 2) the techno-cultural level, which includes components associated to technology, user/usage, and content; and 3) the networked-scholar level, which includes components related to networking, knowledge sharing and identity. The research reported here is an extension of a previous study of English-language scientific literature which was carried out with the same methods. The corpus of the study was collected from a search of leading databases of international scientific literature (Web of Science, Scopus and a number of Ibero-American scientific databases). The search yielded 12 papers, which were selected according to a set of criteria and analysed in terms of components of the aforementioned three-level framework. The results show that ResearchGate is attracting greater attention, with a particularly high proportion of studies dedicated to social science areas like library and information sciences and communication science. Analysis at the networked scholar level, encompassing forms through which scholars build their identities and reputation in social spaces, revealed that this was underused. The results highlight a need for more specific studies on open and distributed knowledge exchange generated in ASNS from a networked learning perspective, including both individual and collective scholarly practices. Moreover, increased use of qualitative methods could contribute to shed light on new practices among scholars for building reputation and professional identity

    Construir culturas de datos justas en la universidad: Desafíos para el profesorado

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    Los capítulos de este libro exploran perspectivas de lo que significa crear culturas de datos justas en la educación superior, destacando la gama de herramientas y estrategias que se requieren según cada perspectiva. Los capítulos abarcan las dimensiones teóricas y prácticas de este reto, así como los diferentes niveles que intervienen en la creación de la cultura, desde los recursos y las infraestructuras hasta las habilidades y conocimientos del profesorado. Aunque se centra en un sector concreto (educación superior), también plantea la cuestión más amplia del papel del profesorado y la educación superior en la preparación de las personas para vivir en una sociedad donde la digitalización ha quedado atravesada por la datificación. La investigación crítica de los datos que se presenta en este libro va a contracorriente del pensamiento popular en el ámbito de la educación, que, en general, se ha dejado seducir por el poder de los big data (o macrodatos). En este breve prólogo desglosaré las diferentes dimensiones del desafío, considerando el contexto de la educación superior, cómo podríamos desarrollar una cultura de datos justa y los desafíos y oportunidades que surgen para los educadores en este contexto. Comenzaré por considerar los datos y la datificación como fenómenos sociotécnicos

    Does Flipped Classroom work? Critical analysis of empirical evidences on its effectiveness for learning

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    This paper attempts to synthesize the highest quality evidence to see to which extent the principles of the Flipped Classroom (FCM) are driven by rigorous data that confirm and expand the learning benefits frequently claimed by the FCM’s advocates. After producing a synthesis of 17 reviews of the literature on the issue, it has been found that most rigorous research approaches are cautious about the impact of the model, while the broader review approaches embrace more enthusiastic positions. Moreover, most existing research deals with FCM in higher education, with K12’s effects less covered. More than 232 studies (encompassing 9,809 students) lead to identify three thematic clusters guiding future research and practices: a methodological, a pedagogical and organizational cluster. Furthermore, a visible learning approach has been used to support some recommendations for FCM’s learning design and deployment. La Flipped Classroom funziona? Analisi critica di evidenze empiriche sulla sua efficacia per l’apprendimentoQuesto articolo ha tentato di sintetizzare la ricerca di qualità più elevata per vedere in che misura i principi della Flipped Classroom (FCM) sono guidati da dati rigorosi che confermano e ampliano i benefici di apprendimento frequentemente associati al modello dai suoi sostenitori. Dopo aver analizzato 17 rassegne della letteratura sul tema, si è giunti alla conclusione che gli approcci più rigorosi della ricerca sono molto cauti sull’impatto del modello, mentre le revisioni che adottano criteri più ampi tendono ad assumere posizioni più entusiaste. Inoltre, la maggior parte delle ricerche esistenti affronta la FCM nell’istruzione superiore, lasciando lo studio del livello primario e secondario scoperti. Più di 232 studi (che comprendono 9809 studenti) portano a individuare tre cluster tematici che guidano future ricerche e pratiche: un cluster metodologico, uno pedagogico e uno organizzativo. Inoltre, l’approccio visible learning è stata utilizzato per supportare alcune raccomandazioni di progettazione e l’implementazione della FCM

    Building cases for faculty development in e-learning: a design-based approach

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    This paper presents an integrated program of faculty development on e-learning, promoted by the University of Florence since 2016. It focuses on a specific pedagogical component of the program, i.e. case studies, and on the three-phase process of design, development and testing adopted to implement them. In the first phase exemplary cases were identified to develop a design format. The second phase aimed at checking this format against the best-performers’ narratives of practice, and at designing the digital resource presenting the case. The third phase included user tests and an analysis of how professional learning was shaped in novices of e-learning. Through this process, the main elements influencing effective design and implementation of case studies for professional development on e-learning in the higher education were discovered. Costruire casi per lo sviluppo professionale degli accademici sull’e-learning: un approccio basato sul progetto Questo articolo presenta un programma integrato di sviluppo professionale sull’e-learning, promosso dall’Università di Firenze dal 2016. Si focalizza su una specifica componente pedagogica, vale a dire sui casi di studio, e sul processo di progettazione, sviluppo e test delle tre fasi adottate per realizzarli. Nella prima fase sono stati identificati casi esemplari per sviluppare un formato di progettazione. La seconda fase mirava a verificare questo formato rispetto alle narrazioni dei best-performers e a progettare le risorse digitali che presentano il caso. La terza fase comprendeva i test dell’utente e l’analisi di come l’apprendimento professionale fosse modellato nei novizi dell’e-learning. Attraverso questo processo, sono stati scoperti i principali elementi di efficacia per la progettazione e implementazione di case study per lo sviluppo professionale sull’e-learning in ambito universitario

    Digital resources for faculty development in e-learning: a self-paced approach for professional learning

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    Dato il numero crescente di università che hanno adottato soluzioni e-learning o blended, lo sviluppo professionale degli accademici viene considerato sempre più come una strategia fondamentale per innovare le pratiche didattiche dei docenti. Tuttavia, numerose barriere, tra cui i vincoli spaziotemporali, impediscono ai docenti di frequentare programmi di formazione. Un formato online flessibile dovrebbe adattarsi meglio alle esigenze degli utenti. A questo proposito, sebbene esista una letteratura sugli interventi in presenza, gli studi sui corsi online self-paced sono ancora limitati. Questo articolo presenta un corso online self-paced per lo sviluppo professionale dei docenti sull’e-learning e ne esplora la corrispondenza con i bisogni degli utenti. Si apre con un esame della letteratura e una spiegazione delle strategie progettuali adottate. Illustra poi i metodi utilizzati e l’analisi dei dati raccolti. I risultati mostrano che, a seconda dei livelli di esperienza e di motivazione, gli utenti manifestano modelli diversi di uso dei contenuti e delle attività selezionate. In tal senso essi confermano l’importanza di adottare approcci progettuali basati su principi self-paced

    Qualitative research methods to analyze Learning 2.0 processes: Categorization, recurrence, saturation and multimedia triangulation

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    The developments of the Web have generated new modalities and contexts of learning, shaping what is nowadays called “Learning 2.0”. Within this new phenomenon it arises a trend of moving out from the linearity of written word toward new multimedia complexities, that lead to a parallel semiotic complexity lying behind them. Understanding the above mentioned complexities implies to preserve and make explicit the collaboratory construction of knowledge through the identification of events, instruments, signs. This identification is in fact an analytic process, where the researcher divides the raw data into units of meaning making that must be read both in the specific contribution made by every mode (text, images, audio) as well as a whole. This is possible through an inverse process of analysis and interpretation that depends on specific instruments regarding the qualitative methodological approach. These last must be, in fact, appropriated to the new environments and phenomena. In this work the authors introduce several examples of educational research practice where categorization and triangulation were implemented on data collected from interactive processes in online learning environments, to further obtain recurrences and saturation of data. In second place, going a step further on the discussion of appropriated methods to Learning 2.0 analysis, the so called “multimedia triangulation” is presented, on the basis of analysis of data collected inside the same case study.Fil: Constantino, Gustavo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; ArgentinaFil: Raffaghelli, Juliana Elisa. Universita' Ca' Foscari Di Venezia; ItaliaFil: Alvarez, Guadalupe. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; ArgentinaFil: Moran, Lourdes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones en Antropología Filosófica y Cultural; Argentin

    Il maharaja, l’elefante e la qualità dell’(e)Learning

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    (The Maharaja, the Elephant and the Quality of (e)Learning)Starting from a metaphor coming from the story «The six blind men and the elephant», this paper introduces the most significant results of a study carried out over the last ten years on the topic of the quality of (e)Learning. Overall, it focuses on the four levels through which quality can be analyzed: epistemological, theoretical, methodological and of method. Furthermore, it identifies the categories that constitute the basis of such an analysis: dimensions, levels, stakeholders and time. Accordingly, the paper highlights the characteristics of the quality of (e)Learning on the basis of the authors’ empirical research work: the term «mediated quality» is presented as a concept that encompasses a participatory, trans/formative and open quality. Therefore, the paper illustrates the specific results, from the processes to the instruments adopted to mediate the quality of the empirical study,. The authors come up with the following reflection: if the quality of (e)Learningif is to be based on a constructivist epistemology, a pedagogical vision and a mixed methodological approach with a strong qualitative orientation, and if quality is to be mediated with instruments that enhance participation, transformation and openness, then a scholarship, iterative, participatory, open and eclectic learning design is required. To conclude, the authors hope, with the maharaja of the story, that research collaboration, as proposed in this paper, will lead to improve further results regarding the quality of (e)Learning