496 research outputs found

    Theory of resonance energy transfer involving nanocrystals: the role of high multipoles

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    A theory for the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a pair of semiconducting nanocrystal quantum dots is developed. Two types of donor-acceptor couplings for the FRET rate are described: dipole-dipole (d-d) and the dipole-quadrupole (d-q) coupling. The theory builds on a simple effective mass model which is used to relate the FRET rate to measureable quantities such as the nanocrystal size, fundamental gap, effective mass, exciton radius and dielectric constant. We discuss the relative contribution to the FRET rate of the different multipole terms, the role of strong to weak confinement limits, and the effects of nanocrystal siz-es.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Analytical Continuation Approaches to Electronic Transport: The Resonant Level Model

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    The analytical continuation average spectrum method (ASM) and maximum entropy (MaxEnt) method are applied to the dynamic response of a noninteracting resonant level model within the framework of the Kubo formula for electric conductivity. The frequency dependent conductivity is inferred from the imaginary time current-current correlation function for a wide range of temperatures, gate voltages and spectral densities representing the leads, and compared with exact results. We find that the MaxEnt provides more accurate results compared to the ASM over the full spectral range.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Shake-induced order in nanosphere systems

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    Self-assembled patterns obtained from a drying nanosphere suspension are investigated by computer simulations and simple experiments. Motivated by the earlier experimental results of Sasaki and Hane and Schope, we confirm that more ordered triangular lattice structures can be obtained whenever a moderate intensity random shaking is applied on the drying system. Computer simulations are realized on an improved version of a recently elaborated Burridge-Knopoff-type model. Experiments are made following the setup of Sasaki and Hane, using ultrasonic radiation as source for controlled shaking.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Tight-Binding model for semiconductor nanostructures

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    An empirical scpa3s_cp^3_a tight-binding (TB) model is applied to the investigation of electronic states in semiconductor quantum dots. A basis set of three pp-orbitals at the anions and one ss-orbital at the cations is chosen. Matrix elements up to the second nearest neighbors and the spin-orbit coupling are included in our TB-model. The parametrization is chosen so that the effective masses, the spin-orbit-splitting and the gap energy of the bulk CdSe and ZnSe are reproduced. Within this reduced scpa3s_cp_a^3 TB-basis the valence (p-) bands are excellently reproduced and the conduction (s-) band is well reproduced close to the Γ\Gamma-point, i.e. near to the band gap. In terms of this model much larger systems can be described than within a (more realistic) sp3s∗sp^3s^*-basis. The quantum dot is modelled by using the (bulk) TB-parameters for the particular material at those sites occupied by atoms of this material. Within this TB-model we study pyramidal-shaped CdSe quantum dots embedded in a ZnSe matrix and free spherical CdSe quantum dots (nanocrystals). Strain-effects are included by using an appropriate model strain field. Within the TB-model, the strain-effects can be artifically switched off to investigate the infuence of strain on the bound electronic states and, in particular, their spatial orientation. The theoretical results for spherical nanocrystals are compared with data from tunneling spectroscopy and optical experiments. Furthermore the influence of the spin-orbit coupling is investigated

    Metastability in pressure-induced structural transformations of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals

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    The kinetics and thermodynamics of structural transformations under pressure depend strongly on particle size due to the influence of surface free energy. By suitable design of surface structure, composition, and passivation it is possible, in principle, to prepare nanocrystals in structures inaccessible to bulk materials. However, few realizations of such extreme size-dependent behavior exist. Here we show with molecular dynamics computer simulation that in a model of CdSe/ZnS core/shell nanocrystals the core high pressure structure can be made metastable under ambient conditions by tuning the thickness of the shell. In nanocrystals with thick shells, we furthermore observe a wurtzite to NiAs transformation, which does not occur in the pure bulk materials. These phenomena are linked to a fundamental change in the atomistic transformation mechanism from heterogenous nucleation at the surface to homogenous nucleation in the crystal core. Our results suggest a new route towards expanding the range of available nanoscale materials

    Detecting, distinguishing, and spatiotemporally tracking photogenerated charge and heat at the nanoscale

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    Since dissipative processes are ubiquitous in semiconductors, characterizing how electronic and thermal energy transduce and transport at the nanoscale is vital for understanding and leveraging their fundamental properties. For example, in low-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), excess heat generation upon photoexcitation is difficult to avoid since even with modest injected exciton densities, exciton-exciton annihilation still occurs. Both heat and photoexcited electronic species imprint transient changes in the optical response of a semiconductor, yet the unique signatures of each are difficult to disentangle in typical spectra due to overlapping resonances. In response, we employ stroboscopic optical scattering microscopy (stroboSCAT) to simultaneously map both heat and exciton populations in few-layer \ch{MoS2} on relevant nanometer and picosecond length- and time scales and with 100-mK temperature sensitivity. We discern excitonic contributions to the signal from heat by combining observations close to and far from exciton resonances, characterizing photoinduced dynamics for each. Our approach is general and can be applied to any electronic material, including thermoelectrics, where heat and electronic observables spatially interplay, and lays the groundwork for direct and quantitative discernment of different types of coexisting energy without recourse to complex models or underlying assumptions.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures, SI included as ancilliary fil

    Strong coupling theory for driven tunneling and vibrational relaxation

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    We investigate on a unified basis tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven dissipative multistable systems described by their N lowest lying unperturbed levels. By use of the discrete variable representation we derive a set of coupled non-Markovian master equations. We present analytical treatments that describe the dynamics in the regime of strong system-bath coupling. Our findings are corroborated by ``ab-initio'' real-time path integral calculations.Comment: 4 LaTeX pages including 3 figure

    The survival and function of IL-10-producing regulatory B cells are negatively controlled by SLAMF5

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    B cells have essential functions in multiple sclerosis and in its mouse model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, both as drivers and suppressors of the disease. The suppressive effects are driven by a regulatory B cell (Breg) population that functions, primarily but not exclusively, via the production of IL-10. However, the mechanisms modulating IL-10-producing Breg abundance are poorly understood. Here we identify SLAMF5 for controlling IL-10+ Breg maintenance and function. In EAE, the deficiency of SLAMF5 in B cells causes accumulation of IL10+ Bregs in the central nervous system and periphery. Blocking SLAMF5 in vitro induces both human and mouse IL-10-producing Breg cells and increases their survival with a concomitant increase of a transcription factor, c-Maf. Finally, in vivo SLAMF5 blocking in EAE elevates IL-10+ Breg levels and ameliorates disease severity. Our results suggest that SLAMF5 is a negative moderator of IL-10+ Breg cells, and may serve as a therapeutic target in MS and other autoimmune diseases
