235 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Struktur Perkerasan Jalan Trans Sulawesi Segmen Mohungo ( Pada Ruas Jalan Sta 0.00 – Sta 0.600 )

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      Jalan Mohungo merupakan jalan Trans yang juga merupakan transportasi yang sangat bermanfaat dalam masyarakat serta jalan menuju kota Marisa. Dalam peningkatan jalan memerlukan kajian yang memadai demi mencapai manfaat yang optimal. Tinjauan struktur perkerasan jalan menggunakan metode SNI 1993. Survey pencacahan lalu lintas dilakukan pada ruas jalan yang berada dikawasan studi. Penelitian tanah dasar untuk mencari nilai CBR yang mewakili. Dalam tinjauan ini, data-data yang diperhatikan adalah data LHR yang didapatkan dari survey LHR. Hasil penelitian diperoleh tebal masing – masing lapisan perkerasan yaitu : lapis permukaan (D1) 21,5 cm ; terdiridari AC-WC 5, AC-BC 7, dan AC-Base 9,5, Kemudian (D2) 21,5 cm dan (D3) 30,5 cm. Kata-kata kunci : Tinjauan Struktur Perkerasan Jalan, metode SNI 199

    Analisis Kemampuan Dan Kemauan Membayar Tarif Angkutan Umum Mini Bus (Superben) Di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah tarif yang berlaku telah sesuai dengan pendapatan penggunajasa dan apakah pendapatan penyedia jasa telah sesuai dengan biaya operasional kendaraan yang dikeluarkan.Menganalisa keterjangkaun daya beli masyarakat dalam membayar tarif angkutan umum (superben) yang difokuskan kepada analisa ATP (kemampuan untuk membayar) dan WTP (kemauan untuk membayar)

    Framing the ultimatum game: the contribution of simulation

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    It has now become widely accepted that economic decisions are influenced by cognitive and emotional processes. In the present study, we aimed at disentangling the neural mechanisms associated with the way in which the information is formulated, i.e., framing effect, in terms of gain or loss, which influences people\u2019s decisions. Participants played a fMRI version of the Ultimatum Game (UG) where we manipulated bids through two different frames: the expression \u201cI give you\u201d (gain) focusing on money the respondent would receive if she/he agreed with the proponent, and the expression \u201cI take\u201d (loss) focusing on the money that would be removed from the respondent in the event that she/he accepted the offer. Neuroimaging data revealed a frame by response interaction, showing an increase of neural activity in the right rolandic operculum/insular cortex, the anterior cingulate, among other regions, for accepting the frame \u201cI take\u201d vs. rejecting, as compared to accepting the frame \u201cI give you\u201d vs. rejecting. In addition, the left occipito-temporal junction was activated for \u201cI take\u201d vs. \u201cI give you\u201d for offer 5, corresponding to the equal offer made unpleasant by the presence of the frame \u201cI take,\u201d where is the proposer that takes the money. Our data extend the current understanding of the neural substrates of social decision making, by disentangling the structures sensitive to the way in which the information is formulated (i.e., framing effect), in terms of gain or loss

    At the mercy of strategies: the role of motor representations in language understanding

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    Classical cognitive theories hold that word representations in the brain are abstract and amodal, and are independent of the objects\u2019 sensorimotor properties they refer to. An alternative hypothesis emphasizes the importance of bodily processes in cognition: the representation of a concept appears to be crucially dependent upon perceptual-motor processes that relate to it. Thus, understanding action-related words would rely upon the same motor structures that also support the execution of the same actions. In this context, motor simulation represents a key component. Our approach is to draw parallels between the literature on mental rotation and the literature on action verb/sentence processing. Here we will discuss recent studies on mental imagery, mental rotation, and language that clearly demonstrate how motor simulation is neither automatic nor necessary to language understanding. These studies have shown that motor representations can or cannot be activated depending on the type of strategy the participants adopt to perform tasks involv- ing motor phrases. On the one hand, participants may imagine the movement with the body parts used to carry out the actions described by the verbs (i.e., motor strategy); on the other, individuals may solve the task without simulating the corresponding movements (i.e., visual strategy). While it is not surprising that the motor strategy is at work when par- ticipants process action-related verbs, it is however striking that sensorimotor activation has been reported also for imageable concrete words with no motor content, for \u201cnon- words\u201d with regular phonology, for pseudo-verb stimuli, and also for negations. Based on the extant literature, we will argue that implicit motor imagery is not uniquely used when a body-related stimulus is encountered, and that it is not the type of stimulus that automat- ically triggers the motor simulation but the type of strategy. Finally, we will also comment on the view that sensorimotor activations are subjected to a top-down modulation

    Open Access Of Research: Which Role In The Processes Of Evaluation? Experience By The Agenzia Nazionale Di Valutazione Del Sistema Universitario E Della Ricerca (Anvur)

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    This article focuses on Open Access and Research Evaluation, and the experience by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). It is an updated version of the work presented at the Workshop "Open Science: new models of scientific communication and research evaluation", organized by Virginia Valzano at the University of Salento, on January 30, 2019

    Karakter Rumah Produktif Dari Keturunan Etnis Cina di Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah

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    ndonesia is an archipelago rich of natutural resources and cultures. The resources are of interest to foreign traders, suchh as the Chinese, Europeans, and Arabics who made Indonesia as the trading ddestination. In addition to trading activities carried out by these merchants; they aalso socialized and lived for some time in Indonesia before going back to their resespective countries. That activities continued with the inter-ethnic marriages betweenn these migrants and the indigenous people, which made Indonesia as a melting-poot of ethnic Chinese, Arabic, and European descents. A good example of this is PePekalongan, a city in the North Coast of Java which has a port as good destination f ofor trading purposes since the 13 th century. Settlement areas formed in Pekalonganan are divided into areas according to ethnic inhabitants, which are known as the ChChinatown (Sampangan) and Kampung Arab (Sugihwaras). Pekalongan is also kno wown as the place of qualified and superior batik production. Batik productions ara ere part of community efforts to fullfil their financial needs which can be done in ththeir houses. Therefore, the households can be functioned as a place for living as wwell as a place for earning. The kind of this double-function house is called a prodo ductive house. This is a qualitative study in nature in which data gathered byy visual observations, visual recordings, interviews, as well as literature study. TThe result shows that the productive houses have depicted the character of ethnic c Chinese descentdents. It ishoped that the findings can be used as a reference in a analyzing the similar phenomenon


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    The rapid growingurban demographic influences the housing problem, especially for the healthy and humanize houses.Apartment as one of the vertical housing type become a solution.On the other hand, apartment as a building must fulfilled the administrative criteria and technical criteria which is find in building regulations.Through indepth observation, everybody can see that the building regulations for built up the apartment had not in the appropriate condition. Those situation emerged different interpretation of form and massing apartment’s building.Therefore the aim of this research is to have knowledge abaout the influence of building regulations in buiding process of apartment.This research had choosen an apartment building named Dagobutik, which is located in north Bandung as the case study. Investegated and identified through the building regulations which are positive using in Bandung as local government building laws

    Psychological Impact in Healthcare Workers During Emergencies: The Italian Experience With COVID-19 First Wave

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    Background: The COVID-19 outbreak imposed an overwhelming workload as well as emotional burdens on Healthcare workers (HCWs). In May 2020, an online survey was administered to HCWs in Italy to assess the pandemic's psychological impact and to investigate possible predictive factors that led to individual differences. Methods: The psychological experience was measured based on the prevalence of self-reported feelings during the pandemic, including negative and positive emotional states. We analyzed the relationship between factors of gender, age, geographic region, professional role, and operational unit, and the four-point scale used to rate the frequency of each emotional state experienced by performing several multinomial logistic regressions, one for each emotion. Results: Our findings suggest that more than half of HCWs experienced psychological distress during the first COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Female and younger respondents, especially those operating in northern Italy experienced more frequently negative emotional states such as irritability, anxiety, loneliness, and insecurity. However, positive feelings, first of all solidarity, were also reported especially by female and older workers. The majority of the negative as well as positive emotional states were experienced almost equally by both doctors and nurses, and independently of the operational unit in which they operated. Conclusions: This study can be very useful as a contribution to the current literature on the psychological effects of this pandemic on health workers. Moreover, our findings can provide useful information in planning more tailored psychological interventions to support this category of workers in the ongoing and future emergencies

    No fruits without color: Cross-modal priming and EEG reveal different roles for different features across semantic categories

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    Category-specific impairments witnessed in patients with semantic deficits have broadly dissociated into natural and artificial kinds. However, how the category of food (more specifically, fruits and vegetables) fits into this distinction has been difficult to interpret, given a pattern of deficit that has inconsistently mapped onto either kind, despite its intuitive membership to the natural domain. The present study explores the effects of a manipulation of a visual sensory (i.e., color) or functional (i.e., orientation) feature on the consequential semantic processing of fruits and vegetables (and tools, by comparison), first at the behavioral and then at the neural level. The categorization of natural (i.e., fruits/vegetables) and artificial (i.e., utensils) entities was investigated via cross-modal priming. Reaction time analysis indicated a reduction in priming for color-modified natural entities and orientationmodified artificial entities. Standard event-related potentials (ERP) analysis was performed, in addition to linear classification. For natural entities, a N400 effect at central channel sites was observed for the color-modified condition compared relative to normal and orientation conditions, with this difference confirmed by classification analysis. Conversely, there was no significant difference between conditions for the artificial category in either analysis. These findings provide strong evidence that color is an integral property to the categorization of fruits/vegetables, thus substantiating the claim that feature-based processing guides as a function of semantic category