1,220 research outputs found

    Genetics of Atrial Fibrillation in 2020 GWAS, Genome Sequencing, Polygenic Risk, and Beyond

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    Atrial fibrillation is a common heart rhythm disorder that leads to an increased risk for stroke and heart failure. Atrial fibrillation is a complex disease with both environmental and genetic risk factors that contribute to the arrhythmia. Over the last decade, rapid progress has been made in identifying the genetic basis for this common condition. In this review, we provide an overview of the primary types of genetic analyses performed for atrial fibrillation, including linkage studies, genome-wide association studies, and studies of rare coding variation. With these results in mind, we aim to highlighting the existing knowledge gaps and future directions for atrial fibrillation genetics research

    Crustal and Upper Mantle Three-Dimensional Stratification and Anisotropy from Receiver Functions (Northern Apennines-Italy)

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    The Northern Apennines (NA) were predominantly formed by a Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary sequence thrust northeast and stacked over the Adriatic foreland during Late Miocene-Pleistocene. Extension on the Tyrrhenian margin is synchronous with thrust emplacements along the external Apenninic chain and is associated by crustal thinning, normal faulting, ductile deformation, volcanic activity and high heat flow. Both, the extensional and the compressional fronts migrated towards the Adriatic foreland during the Plio-Pleistocene. Crustal extension everywere disrupted structural architectures formed during the preceding compressional phase leading to the development of thinned, uplifted and extended crust in the Tuscany mainland. Several models have been proposed to explain the evolution of the NA that are acknowledged to be tectonically complex. We present results from a Receiver Functions (RFs) analysis of teleseismic events recorded at Arezzo seismic station (Tuscany). A broad-band station (ARZ) is installed on the north-east margin of the “Val di Chiana” extensional syntectonic basin. We selected and grouped in “bins” high signal/noise teleseismic events of four years of recording to compute a data-set of RFs. We applied a classical inversion scheme (a Neighbourhood Algorithm) and we carried out a three-dimensional modelling. As a criterion to identify and to distinguish the effects of azimuthal anisotropy from those of lateral heterogeneity, we included the harmonic angular analysis performed by stacking Radial (R) and Transverse (T) components with weights depending on the backazimuth. The results of these analysis provide a detailed three-dimensional image of the S-velocity lithosphere structure

    Analisi strutturale di crosta e mantello in prossimità dell’alta Val di Chiana (Toscana orientale)

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    L’Appennino Settentrionale è una catena montuosa NE-vergente ed è il risultato dell’affioramento del prisma di accrezione originato in seguito alla subduzione della litosfera adriatica sotto il mar Tirreno ed ancora in atto (Faccenna et al., 2001). Dall’Oligocene ad oggi, l’Appennino Settentrionale è stato interessato da due fasi deformative: inizialmente compressiva con la formazione di thrusts e più recentemente distensiva (Elter et al., 1975). Attualmente è caratterizzato da un regime crostale distensivo con una velocità stimata circa 2.5 mm/anno (Hunstad et al., 2003). Gli effetti e le conseguenze di questi episodi deformativi sono ben visibili attraverso un’analisi geologica e geofisica. L’area in studio è posta in corrispondenza della transizione tra la successione Toscana ed il settore Tirrenico del dominio Umbro-Marchigiano, quindi, una zona particolarmente dibattuta da un punto di vista geodinamico, a causa della presenza di diverse tipologie crostali, flusso di calore e anomalie gravimetriche

    Il Monitoraggio sismici della Valtiberina: l'attivita' svolta dall'INGV nell'ambito della convenzione con la Regione Toscana

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    Nel corso degli ultimi tre anni la Valtiberina Toscana è stata oggetto di una convenzione fra Regione Toscana e INGV riguardante il monitoraggio sismico e la valutazione di pericolosità dei centri urbani maggiormente significativi dell’area. L’attività, svolta principalmente dall’Osservatorio sismologico di Arezzo, si è sviluppata su diverse tematiche: • Ricerca dei siti per l’installazione di tre stazioni sismiche permanenti facenti parte della Rete Sismica Nazionale; • Individuazione del sito e installazione di una stazione sismica in pozzo nell’area urbana di Sansepolcro; • Installazione di una rete sismica urbana per lo studio delle amplificazioni locali nella città di Sansepolcro • Esperimento di caratterizzazione della risposta sismica locale della Valle Verranno presentate le attività svolte e i risultati ottenuti dagli esperimenti realizzati. Le attività descritte sono state realizzate nell’ambito della Convenzione fra Regione Toscana e INGV denominata: “Monitoraggio sismico e valutazione della pericolosità sismica in centri urbani significativi dei comuni della Valtiberina

    A snapshot of the Northern Apennines (Italy) seismicity, merging catalogue and new seismic data

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    In this paper we present the seismicity analysis of a small sector of the Northern Apennines in 27 terms of spatio-temporal distribution, merging data from the Italian seismic bulletin with new 28 data collected by temporal seismic networks. Our attention is focused on the region enclosed 29 between Toscana, Umbria, Marche and Emilia-Romagna. This area is mainly characterized by a 30 diffuse seismicity, partly clustered in small sequences (Mw < 4.7). Improved seismicity locations, 31 together with stress field analysis allows to characterize the manner of seismogenic stress release 32 in the area. Two regions of significantly different seismic release behavior could be 33 distinguished: (i) the inner/western part (Tuscan side) of the study area, where seismicity is 34 clustered at shallow depths (<18 km) and where strong earthquakes occurred in the past, (ii) the 35 outer(eastern) part (Marche side), where the seismicity is diffuse across all of the crustal volume, 36 reaching depths of down to 30 km. 37 Along the Apenninic chain, seismicity is nearly absent inside well defined zones. In our opinion, 38 these peculiarities of seismicity release could be related to the heterogeneity of crustal volume 39 and to the transition between Tyrrhenian and Adriatic domains

    ELISA - Experimental Large Italian Seismic Array

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    The Italian Seismic Network (ISN) operated by the INGV consists of more than 200 seismic stations and has recently been upgraded by some dozen broadband seismic stations (Nanometrics Trident 24 bit digitizers, Trillium seismometers). Real time data acquisition at Central Data Analysis Centre at the INGV-Rome is realized by satellite data transmission (Libra VSAT)

    Biostimulants promoting growth of Vicia faba L. seedlings: inulin coated ZnO nanoparticles

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    In the present contribution, inulin coated ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO@inu NPs) were investigated for their potential application on crop production systems, by appraisal of their biostimulating effects on Vicia faba L (faba bean). Naked and coated ZnO NPs were synthesized according to purposely implemented eco-friendly protocols and characterized with multiple techniques to determine their crystallographic phase, average particle size, and degree of coating. Faba beans were grown in culture medium supplemented with NPs at 50 or 100&nbsp;mg&nbsp;kg−1, using ZnO NPs alone, inulin alone, a mixture of the two, or ZnO@inu NPs. Seed germination rate and biometric evaluations&nbsp;on seedlings were carried out, together with Zn localization in the plant tissues. cellular and molecular effects were ascertained by analyses of photosynthetic pigments, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, viability, induction of oxidative stress and tissue damage, antioxidant response, and modulation of gene expression. these combined studies indicated a potential role of ZnO@inu NPs in promoting growth and development of V. faba seedlings, acting at a post-germinative phase, probably by stimulating the stem cell mitosis. Finally, inulin as a coating agent for the ZnO NPs favored the bioavailability&nbsp;and adsorption of the nanomaterials into the plant tissues, without altering their bioactivity but mitigating any adverse side effect. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Testing consumers’ acceptance for an extra-virgin olive oil with a naturally increased content in polyphenols: The case of ultrasounds extraction

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    Innovation is fundamental for all agri-food companies to increase competitiveness. Being extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) a traditional food product (TFP), the main obstacle to innovation is its traditional nature. This study evaluated consumers’ acceptance for an EVOO with a naturally increased content of poliphenols, as it has been extracted through ultrasounds. This product has been compared with a set of emerging innovations that may be introduced in the next future. To this end, a choice experiment was carried out bent on the estimation of a Latent Class Model (LCM). A nationally-representative sample of EVOO consumers were involved in a web-based interview. The LCM analysis highlighted three segments of consumers: (1) innovative; (2) traditionalist; (3) cautious. Results showed that there is cluster of consumers willing to accept this innovation, therefore its introduction on the market appears to be possibly successful
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