3,323 research outputs found

    Equally protected? A review of the evidence on the physical punishment of children

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    Drunkenness and heavy drinking among 11 year olds - findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study

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    Heavy drinking among young people is linked to negative consequences including other risky behaviours, educational failure and premature mortality. There is a lack of research examining factors that influence heavy and binge drinking in early adolescence as prior work has focused on older teenagers. The objective of this paper was to identify individual and family factors associated with drunkenness and episodes of heavy drinking in early adolescence. We analysed data on 11,046 11year olds from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios for associations. 1.2% of participants reported having been drunk, and 0.6% reported having had 5 or more drinks in a single episode. Participants who reported drunkenness were more likely to be boys (1.6% vs 0.7%, p<0.01), to have socioemotional difficulties (2.6% vs 1.0%, p<0.001), to report antisocial behaviours (none=0.6%, 1=2.0%, 2 or more=7.0%, p<0.001), report truancy (6.0% vs 1.0%, p<0.001), smoke cigarettes (12.0% vs 0.8%, p<0.001). Parental drinking did not appear to be associated with the odds of drunkenness. Associated with higher odds of drunkenness were: having friends who drank (OR=5.17); having positive expectancies towards alcohol (OR 2+=2.02); ever having smoked cigarettes (OR=5.32); the mother-child relationship not being close (OR=2.17). Associated with a reduced odds of drunkenness was having a heightened perception of harm from drinking 1-2 drinks daily (OR - some risk=0.48, great risk=0.40). Our findings support policies aimed at multiple levels, starting in the preadolescent years, which incorporate individual, family, and peer factors

    Boring bivalve traces in modern reef and deeper-water macroid and rhodolith beds

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    Macroids and rhodoliths, made by encrusting acervulinid foraminifera and coralline algae, are widely recognized as bioengineers providing relatively stable microhabitats and increasing biodiversity for other species. Macroid and rhodolith beds occur in different depositional settings at various localities and bathymetries worldwide. Six case studies of macroid/rhodolith beds from 0 to 117m water depth in the Pacific Ocean (northern Central Ryukyu Islands, French Polynesia), eastern Australia (Fraser Island, One Tree Reef, Lizard Island), and the Mediterranean Sea (southeastern Spain) show that nodules in the beds are perforated by small-sized boring bivalve traces (Gastrochanolites). On average, boring bivalve shells (gastrochaenids and mytilids) are more slender and smaller than those living inside shallow-water rocky substrates. In the Pacific, Gastrochaena cuneiformis, Gastrochaena sp., Leiosolenus malaccanus, L. mucronatus, L. spp., and Lithophaga/Leiosolenus sp., for the first time identified below 20m water depth, occur as juvenile forms along with rare small-sized adults. In deep-water macroids and rhodoliths the boring bivalves are larger than the shallower counterparts in which growth of juveniles is probably restrained by higher overturn rates of host nodules. In general, most boring bivalves are juveniles that grew faster than the acervulinid foraminiferal and coralline red algal hosts and rarely reached the adult stage. As a consequence of phenotypic plasticity, small-sized adults with slow growth rates coexist with juveniles. Below wave base macroids and rhodoliths had the highest amounts of bioerosion, mainly produced by sponges and polychaete worms. These modern observations provide bases for paleobiological inferences in fossil occurrences.Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) 25247083Erasmus+FAR2012-2017FIR2016FIR2018PRIN "Biotic resilience to global change: biomineralization of planktonic and benthic calcifiers in the past, present and future" 2017RX9XXXYBioMed Central-Prepay Membership at the University of FerraraJunta de Andalucía RNM 190Committee on ResearchMuseum of PaleontologyDepartment of Integrative Biology, UC BerkeleyUC Pacific Rim Projec

    The IL-33:ST2 axis is unlikely to play a central fibrogenic role in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating interstitial lung disease (ILD) with limited treatment options. Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is proposed to play a role in the development of IPF however the exclusive use of prophylactic dosing regimens means that the therapeutic benefit of targeting this cytokine in IPF is unclear. METHODS: IL-33 expression was assessed in ILD lung sections and human lung fibroblasts (HLFs) by immunohistochemistry and gene/protein expression and responses of HLFs to IL-33 stimulation measured by qPCR. In vivo, the fibrotic potential of IL-33:ST2 signalling was assessed using a murine model of bleomycin (BLM)-induced pulmonary fibrosis and therapeutic dosing with an ST2-Fc fusion protein. Lung and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were collected for measurement of inflammatory and fibrotic endpoints. Human precision-cut lung slices (PCLS) were stimulated with transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) or IL-33 and fibrotic readouts assessed. RESULTS: IL-33 was expressed by fibrotic fibroblasts in situ and was increased by TGFβ treatment in vitro. IL-33 treatment of HLFs did not induce IL6, CXCL8, ACTA2 and COL1A1 mRNA expression with these cells found to lack the IL-33 receptor ST2. Similarly, IL-33 stimulation had no effect on ACTA2, COL1A1, FN1 and fibronectin expression by PCLS. Despite having effects on inflammation suggestive of target engagement, therapeutic dosing with the ST2-Fc fusion protein failed to reduce BLM-induced fibrosis measured by hydroxyproline content or Ashcroft score. CONCLUSIONS: Together these findings suggest the IL-33:ST2 axis does not play a central fibrogenic role in the lungs with therapeutic blockade of this pathway unlikely to surpass the current standard of care for IPF

    Obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England: a cross-sectional study using the Health Survey for England

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    Objective: To estimate obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England and compare prevalence to those working outside of the health services.Design: Cross-sectional study based on data from five years (2008-2012) of the nationally representative Health Survey for England.Setting: England.Participants: 20,103 adults aged 17-65 indicating they were economically active at the time of survey classified into four occupational groups: nurses (n=422), other healthcare professionals (n=412), unregistered care workers (n=736) and individuals employed in non-health related occupations (n=18,533). Outcome measure: Prevalence of obesity defined as Body Mass Index 30.0 with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and weighted to reflect the population.Results: Obesity prevalence was high across all occupational groups including: among nurses (25.1% 95% CI 20.9, 29.4); other healthcare professionals (14.4% CI 11.0, 17.8); non-health related occupations (23.5% CI 22.9, 24.1); and unregistered care workers, who had the highest prevalence of obesity (31.9%, CI 28.4, 35.3). A logistic regression model adjusted for socio-demographic composition and survey year indicated that, compared to nurses, the odds of being obese were significantly lower for other health care professionals (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR] 0.52, CI 0.37, 0.75) and higher for unregistered care workers (aOR 1.46 CI 1.11, 1.93). There was no significant difference in obesity prevalence between nurses and people working in non-health related occupations (aOR 0.94 CI 0.74, 1.18).Conclusions: High obesity prevalence among nurses and unregistered care workers is concerning as it increases the risks of musculoskeletal conditions and mental health conditions which are the main causes of sickness-absence in health services. Further research is required to better understand the reasons for high obesity prevalence among healthcare professionals in England to inform interventions to support individuals to achieve and maintain a healthy weight

    Risk of Cerebrovascular Events in 178 962 Five-Year Survivors of Cancer Diagnosed at 15 to 39 Years of Age: The TYACSS (Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Survivor Study)

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    Background: Survivors of teenage and young adult (TYA) cancer are at risk of cerebrovascular events, but the magnitude of and extent to which this risk varies by cancer type, decade of diagnosis, age at diagnosis and attained age remains uncertain. This is the largest ever cohort study to evaluate the risks of hospitalisation for a cerebrovascular event among long-term survivors of TYA cancer. Methods:The population-based Teenage and Young Adult Cancer Survivor Study (N=178,962) was linked to Hospital Episode Statistics data for England to investigate the risks of hospitalisation for a cerebrovascular event among 5-year survivors of cancer diagnosed when aged 15-39 years. Observed numbers of first hospitalisations for cerebrovascular events were compared to that expected from the general population using standardised hospitalisation ratios (SHR) and absolute excess risks (AER) per 10,000 person-years. Cumulative incidence was calculated with death considered a competing risk. Results: Overall, 2,782 cancer survivors were hospitalised for a cerebrovascular event—40% higher than expected (SHR=1.4, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.3-1.4). Survivors of central nervous system (CNS) tumours (SHR=4.6, CI=4.3-5.0), head & neck tumours (SHR=2.6, CI=2.2-3.1) and leukaemia (SHR=2.5, CI=1.9-3.1) were at greatest risk. Males had a significantly higher AER than females (AER=7 versus 3), especially among head & neck tumour survivors (AER=30 versus 11). By age 60, 9%, 6% and 5% of CNS tumour, head & neck tumour, and leukaemia survivors, respectively, had been hospitalised for a cerebrovascular event. Beyond age 60, every year 0.4% of CNS tumour survivors were hospitalised for a cerebral infarction (versus 0.1% expected. Whereas at any age, every year 0.2% of head & neck tumour survivors were hospitalised for a cerebral infarction 7 (versus 0.06% expected). Conclusions: Survivors of a CNS tumour, head & neck tumour, and leukaemia are particularly at risk of hospitalisation for a cerebrovascular event. The excess risk of cerebral infarction among CNS tumour survivors increases with attained age. For head & neck tumour survivors this excess risk remains high across all ages. These groups of survivors, and in particular males, should be considered for surveillance of cerebrovascular risk factors and potential pharmacological interventions for cerebral infarction prevention

    Pattern-Sensitive Epilepsy. I: A Demonstration of a Spatial Frequency Selective Epileptic Response to Gratings

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    Rare individuals suffer epileptic seizures when they view certain images, particularly stripes. Contrast-threshold functions (the ability to see faint stripes of various widths) were determined for two pattern-sensitive brothers, and the epileptogenicity of various patterns was assessed for one of them. Sine wave grating contrast-detection thresholds for the two subjects were essentially normal, with lowest thresholds at approximately 2 cycles/ degree (c/deg). Epileptiform discharges occurred maximally at 5 c/deg with a 1-octave 50% bandwidth. Pattern epileptogenicity was increased by the addition of a third harmonic sine wave grating to its fundamental, but was unaffected by the phase relation of the two gratings. The frequency selectivity of epileptic responsiveness was quantitatively similar to a “spatial frequency channel.” Inhibitory interactions were not present. The findings suggest relations between the phenomena of pattern-sensitive epilepsy and hypothesized spatial frequency channels which merit further exploration. RESUMEN De manera excepcional, hay personas que pueden tener ataques epilÉpticos cuando ven ciertas imÁgenes, particularmente rayas. Se determinaron los umbrales para contrastes (la capacidad de ver rayas de diversas anchuras y muy tenues) en dos hermanos sensibles a patrones y se estableciÓ la epileptogeneidad de di versos patrones en uno de ellos. Los umbrales para contrastes fueron esencialmente normales en los dos sujetos cuando se utilizeÓ una rejilla hecha con ondas sinusoidales, siendo el umbral inferior unos 2 ciclos/ grado (c/deg). Descargas epileptiformes tuvieron lugar de modo mÁximo a 5 c/deg con una amplitud de banda del 50% de una octava. la capacidad epileptogÉnica del partÓn aumentÓ cuando se aÑadiÓ una tercera sinusoide armÓnica a la rejilla base pero esa capacidad no se viÓ alterada por la relaciÓn de fase entre las dos rejillas. La selectividad de la frecuencia de la respuesta epileptogÉnica fue cuantitativamente similar al “canal de frecuencia espacial”. No se observaron interacciones inhibitorias. Los hallazgos sugieren que hay relaciones entre la epilepsyÍa secundaria a patrones visuales y los hipotÉticos canales de frecuencia espacial, lo cual merece mÁs investigaciÓn.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65270/1/j.1528-1157.1980.tb04075.x.pd