13 research outputs found

    Imaging of Flow Patterns with Fluorescent Molecular Rotors

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    Molecular rotors are a group of fluorescent molecules that form twisted intramolecular charge transfer states (TICT) upon photoexcitation. Some classes of molecular rotors, among them those that are built on the benzylidene malononitrile motif, return to the ground state either by nonradiative intramolecular rotation or by fluorescence emission. In low-viscosity solvents, intramolecular rotation dominates, and the fluorescence quantum yield is low. Higher solvent viscosities reduce the intramolecular rotation rate, thus increasing the quantum yield. We recently described a different mechanism whereby the fluorescence quantum yield of the molecular rotor also depends on the shear stress of the solvent. In this study, we examined a possible application for shear-sensitive molecular rotors for imaging flow patterns in fluidic chambers. Flow chambers with different geometries were constructed from polycarbonate or acrylic. Solutions of molecular rotors in ethylene glycol were injected into the chamber under controlled flow rates. LED-induced fluorescence (LIF) images of the flow chambers were taken with a digital camera, and the intensity difference between flow and no-flow images was visualized and compared to computed fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. Intensity differences were detectable with average flow rates as low as 0.1 mm/s, and an exponential association between flow rate and intensity increase was found. Furthermore, a good qualitative match to computed fluid dynamics simulations was seen. On the other hand, prolonged exposure to light reduced the emission intensity. With its high sensitivity and high spatial and temporal resolution, imaging of flow patterns with molecular rotors may become a useful tool in microfluidics, flow measurement, and control

    Electrorefining of copper from a cuprous ion complexing electrolyte. II. Experimental comparison of possible alternative electrolytes and preliminary cost engineering analysis

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    The energy saving potential and refining capability of three copper(I)/electrolyte systems for the electrorefining of copper were compared experimentally. The alternative electrolyte systems studied were copper(I)/acid chloride, copper(I)/acetonitrile and sulfuric acid, and copper(I)/ammonia solutions. These were compared to the conventional copper(II)/sulfuric acid electrolyte. All of the alternative electrolyte systems demonstrated at least some potential for saving energy when run at an equal deposition rate to the conventional process; the chloride electrolyte showed the greatest energy saving potential, about 70%, and the ammonia electrolyte showed the least, about 25%. All of the alternative electrolyte systems, however, exhibited performance problems, primarily with regard to inadequate separation of impurities. A preliminary capital cost estimate was made for the copper(I)/chloride system. This estimate showed that, for the alternative electrolyte system to be cost competitive (that is, a reduction of capital cost of about 15 to 20%) with the conventional electrorefining process, the refining cells would have to be operated at a current density of about 25 to 30 mA-cm/sup -2/. At this current density, the estimated energy saving potential for the copper(I)/chloride system was still about 50%

    Procedures for safe handling of off-gases from electric vehicle lead-acid batteries during overcharge

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    The potential for generation of toxic gases from lead-acid batteries has long been recognized. Prior to the current interest in electric vehicles, there were no studies specificaly oriented to toxic gas release from traction batteries, however. As the Department of Energy Demonstration Project (in the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program) progresses, available data from past studies and parallel health effects programs must be digested into guidance to the drivers and maintenance personnel, tailored to their contact with electric vehicles. The basic aspects of lead-acid battery operation, vehicle use, and health effects of stibine and arsine to provide electric vehicle users with the information behind the judgment that vehicle operation and testing may proceed are presented. Specifically, it is concluded that stibine generation or arsine generation at rapid enough rates to induce acute toxic response is not at all likely. Procedures to guard against low-level exposure until more definitive data on ambient concentrations of the gases are collected are presented for both charging the batteries and driving the vehicles. A research plan to collect additional quantitative data from electric traction batteries is presented