315 research outputs found

    Analysis of holographic interferogram of microelectromechanical system with non harmonic cycles excitation

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    Recent technological trends based on miniaturization of mechanical, electromechanical and photonic devices to the microscopic scale have led to the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Effective development of MEMS components requires the synergy of advanced design, analysis, and fabrication methodologies as well as application of quantitative metrology techniques for characterizing their performance, reliability and integrity during design stage. In this paper, we describe analysis of holographic interferograms of MEMS links which includes interferometric fringes related to deformation appearing because of the non-harmonic excitation of MEMS link

    The Effects of a Prayer Intervention on the Process of Forgiveness

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    A vast amount of research examining forgiveness has now been reported, as has a sizable amount of research on prayer, but these two constructs have rarely been examined together. This experimental intervention study investigated potential benefits of prayer among Christians seeking to forgive an interpersonal offense. Participants consisted of 411 undergraduate students from private Christian colleges across the United States, randomly assigned to a prayer group, a devotional attention group, or a no-contact control group. The prayer group participated in a 16-day devotional reading and prayer intervention focused on forgiveness, whereas those in the devotional attention group meditated on devotional readings not related to forgiveness. Those in the prayer and devotional attention groups showed significant changes in state forgiveness. Also, participants in the prayer intervention group showed significant changes in empathy toward their offender. Implications are considered

    Holographic interferometry methods for analysis & design of rotary converter

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    A rotary converter used in mechanisms that require high precision displacement has proved that accuracy depends both on design and technological factors. An important feature of mechatronic systems containing links made of active sandwich beam is the performance of various functions by the same transducer thereby enabling the development of improved design methods. The analysis of various parameters and constructions of mechatronic systems has made it possible to introduce the mechanism containing a rotary converter which can turn any top around or turn a screw. A holographic interferometry method has been applied in the experimental work [1, 2

    Analysis holographic interferogram of links of vibrating systems

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    A procedure for calculating the amplitudes of the normal components of the displacement vector in case of threedimensional vibrations of any point on the surface of mechanical vibrating system is proposed on the basis of experimental holographic interfrometry data and the theory of vibrations of mechanical systems. The analysis of fringe in holographic interferogram is based on several holographic interferogram of the vibrating links of wave mechanical system which are obtained using Time-Average holographic interferometry metho

    Vaikų darbinio auklėjimo šaknys Lietuvos pedagogikos istorijoje

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    In the documents of the Party, in the works of scientific communism much place is devoted to labour training. Communist morality has formed out of folk’s moral norms. That’s why in the family of the Lithuanian peasant the child's labour upbringing is very relevant nowadays as an important part of spiritual culture of Lithuanian folk. The peasant family has old traditions of labour training. They are testified by various sources such as folklore, ethnography, belles-lettres (works by Žemaitė, G. Petkevičaitė-Bitė, M. Valančius), memoirs of M. Katkus, S. Matulaitis, etc. The child’s labour education is considered folk pedagogics. In the second half of the nineteenth century folk pedagogics played quite an important role in education. Labour was one of the most important factors of education. As shown in the article, children’s labour training was conditioned both by pedagogical and social factors. Neither research work was carried out on folk pedagogics nor methodological problems discussed. So in the article different points of view of Soviet and foreign scientists on folk pedagogics are given. The aim of this research work is to show the role of labour training in the peasant family, to define the essence of upbringing, its features and methods, and to make some conclusions about progressive traditions of those times. Peasants’ reminiscences are one of the most important sources. For that purpose research methods such as questionnaires and interviews are used. At the end of the article some conclusions about the results of representative research are given.Darbo ir darbinio auklėjimo reikšmė visuomenei, asmenybės vystymuisi pagrįsta mokslinio komunizmo pradininkų darbuose, partiniuose dokumentuose. Komunistinė moralė radosi iš liaudies bendražmogiškųjų moralės normų. Liaudies darbo tradicijos, kaip lietuvių liaudies nacionalinės kultūros svarbi sudėtinė dalis, aktualios ir svarbios ir šiandien. Darbinio auklėjimo tradicijos lietuvių valstiečių šeimoje gilios, apie tai liudija įvairūs šaltiniai: folkloras, etnografija, grožinė (Žemaitė, G. Petkevičaitė - Bitė, M. Valančius) ir memuarinė literatūra (M. Katkus, S. Matulaitis ir kt.). Vaikų darbinis auklėjimas lietuvių valstiečių šeimoje šiame darbe analizuojamas kaip liaudies pedagogikos dalis. Poreforminiu periodu lietuvių liaudies pedagogika dar vaidino svarbų auklėjamąjį vaidmenį, o darbas buvo viena iš auklėjimo priemonių. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad vaikų darbinis auklėjimas buvo sąlygotas ne tik pedagoginių, bet ir socialinių veiksnių. Lietuvių liaudies pedagogika iki šiol niekieno netyrinėta; jos sąvokų ribos nenužymėtos. Straipsnyje pateikiamos tarybinių ir užsienio mokslininkų mintys apie pačią liaudies pedagogikos sąvoką. Tyrimo tikslas – parodyti lietuvių valstiečių šeimos vaidmenį vaikų darbiniame auklėjime; išryškinti darbinio auklėjimo turinį, organizaciją, metodus ir motyvus, nustatyti vaikų amžiaus grupes; apibendrinti progresyvias darbinio auklėjimo tradicijas. Pateikiami tyrimo šaltiniai ir metodai, svarbiausi iš jų – anketa, interviu. Daromos tam tikros išvados iš reprezentatyvios apklausos

    Prognostics of vibration induced risk to operators of agricultural machinery

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    Frequent use of vibrating hand-held tools and operation of machinery can result in various chronic diseases. Operators of machinery are often afflicted with peripheral and systematic disorders. The statistical data collected over several decades clearly indicate the lack of operator’s safety from exposure to vibrations. The causes and impacts of vibration effects on humans are reviewed in annual reports by health and safety experts in many countries. One of the most common occupational diseases that has been frequently reported is the musculoskeletal disorder due to extended exposure to mechanical vibrations. The influence of vibrations during time period τ can be described by vibro-energy load aτ2·τ. If this load value over a specified time period does not exceed the permissible level a2·T0, it will not induce negative effects on human health. This approach was used in the present study for the prediction of hands and whole body vibration effects on operators of various vibration inducing machinery. Agricultural operators were selected as test subjects, since agricultural tractors and other mobile machinery emit high levels of vibration. Vibration data were obtained from statistical reports developed in the time period from 1988 to 2008. It was found that majority of agricultural machinery does not guarantee proper vibration safety. Thus organizational prevention methods should be developed and implemented. Reduction of vibrations by various technical methods and/or reduction of vibration exposure could be costly, but they are needed in order to provide effective solutions in reducing vibration risk to operators

    Application of laser methods for identification of authenticity of documents fabricated from thermoplastic composite material

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    Processes of globalization and integration are pervasive all over the world, and rapid innovation of advanced transportation systems resulted in enormous increase in number of persons travelling cross-border. Normally, persons crossing the border are checked at the first control line. Therefore, application of innovative methods that allow identification of partial alterations in a document or a fully counterfeit document, for initial checking of documents remains a relevant issue. The holographic interferometry represents one of the non-destructive control methods applicable for document check that enables assessment of defects in the entire area of a document being checked. This paper presents validation of the real-time method of holographic interferometry used for document check as well as parameters of a holographic setup, description of document investigation and analysis of the obtained finding

    3D holographic visualization of vibrations of cylindrical piezoceramic transducers

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    The piezoelectric material used in cylindrical transducers requiring high-precision displacements indicates that accuracy depends on design and technological factors. The analyzed criteria have enabled selection of piezoelectric material for optimal mechatronic systems having maximum displacement. Experimental investigation of precision dynamic systems by means of 3D holographic visualization enabled to collect appreciably more information about the vibrating surface in comparison with traditional methods. The developed methodology of analysis of experimental data derived from 3D holographic visualization using holographic measurement stand allowed to obtain results that are indispensable for optimization of design of mechatronic systems or its constituent elements

    Analysis of holographic interferogram of microelectromechanical system with non harmonic cycles excitation

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    Recent technological trends based on miniaturization of mechanical, electromechanical and photonic devices to the microscopic scale have led to the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Effective development of MEMS components requires the synergy of advanced design, analysis, and fabrication methodologies as well as application of quantitative metrology techniques for characterizing their performance, reliability and integrity during design stage. In this paper, we describe analysis of holographic interferograms of MEMS links which includes interferometric fringes related to deformation appearing because of the non-harmonic excitation of MEMS link

    Holographic interferometry methods for analysis & design of rotary converter

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    A rotary converter used in mechanisms that require high precision displacement has proved that accuracy depends both on design and technological factors. An important feature of mechatronic systems containing links made of active sandwich beam is the performance of various functions by the same transducer thereby enabling the development of improved design methods. The analysis of various parameters and constructions of mechatronic systems has made it possible to introduce the mechanism containing a rotary converter which can turn any top around or turn a screw. A holographic interferometry method has been applied in the experimental work [1, 2